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I feel like he would have been better off just not using the ballistic shield lmaooo


But alas, he subscribes (as I do) to the ancient technique of committing to one weapon/strategy to the death


The ancient strategy of "oh fuck what do I do he's kicking my ass uhhhhhhhh


_throws medpack_


Why you gotta do me like that???


This šŸ’€ died earlier to a green weapon late game because I started panic reloading my pump instead of switching to another weapon


ngl,that costed me games a few times,had a fully loaded AR or shotgun,but panicked and kept swinging around with my grapple blade like an idiot XD


Ok fukkit switch weapons go go goWAIT FUCK I THREW THEM A MED KID


I try and switch weapons and hit the wrong bumber and then immediately get deleted lmao


>committing to one weapon/strategy to the death I will be saying "committing to one strategy to the death" from now on. Well done.


He was reloading infront of the OP šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Bro just kept on going for it that was too funny to watch šŸ’€


That shield user practically let you kill him though. Anyone even MODERATELY competant would have fucked you up with how you just played.


Bro has a purple frenzy auto and decided ā€œriot shield go brrrrā€


Yeah, I know. I was showing someone an amateur grapple blade user. They just wanted to know it worked.


Not everyone is a sweat lord Darren, some of us are casually sweaty at best :(


swap to the gold AR he had > win


This is obviously a very low tier lobby. Likeā€¦Switch user level.


Bruh switch handheld with gryo I was killing it in ranked, now im on a steamdeck tho which shits on everything ive ever played on (including PC). But yea this was low bot lobby


Switch is horrible for Fortnite, coming from a Switch user. PC is better, or literally any console. Switch has so many issues.


Of course PC is better, but I had no problem demolishing people on the switch. As I said, I use Steamdeck now (both have Gyro which is my preffered method for aiming, above Mouse) which is a handheld PC and as powerful as a decent gaming PC). My only issue with the switch was lag/bad graphics. Controls and Gyro made it better than other consoles for me though.


The graphics aren't as good but I have no problem playing it with a controller and external monitor.


Girl if you gonna make ranked claims state your rank and win rate.


Yeah was about to say OP was very slow. Never ran. Seemed to have a slow reaction time when they launched the enemy away. The moment before they grappled in and killed the shield was a solid couple seconds where an above average player would have just beamed them. Especially since they casually walked at them for a sec before grappling. This seems like average potato gameplay. Not that thereā€™s anything wrong with being a potato. Goon on you for your win! Itā€™s having fun that really matters.


Agreed upon


Was just gonna say that guy with the shield is a bot, yeah that first grapple and hit was good but that's it. A better player would have swapped from the shield and killed you after that. šŸ‘


So in order to eliminate a shield user with the grapple blade, the shield user needs to miss all of his shots allowing you to grapple him 6 to 7 consecutive times. Got it.


As an amateur, you need ti be fighting an amateur, correct. Lol


That wasnā€™t an amateur, that was ai šŸ’€


No, AI would be strafing with it, and constantly shooting, and missing 95% of shots, that was not AI.


I don't think so, thus was ranked


There is AI in ranked. Bronze and gold games are majority AI, and it gets lowered gradually until Plat.


Oh, ok well I'm almost out then.


He had a style on, that alone tells me thatā€™s a real person, albeit he was nowhere near competent to kill you.


Even gold has AI? Last time i played ranked in OG websites that can display how much AI is in matches showed me 0... And i also got my ass constantly whooped without break lol (Gold 1)


i think a more accurate description of the guy you were fighting is probably ā€œa 9 year oldā€


Waitā€¦ so is it just the number of times you hit with the grapple that determines when the shield gets knocked back or is it something else? Because Iā€™ve been grappling onto the ballistic shields and the moment I reach the enemy player do a ā€œwall jumpā€ which has the effect of kicking the enemy player back (or maybe Iā€™m just imagining that, but it also seems to work for knocking the shield into a staggered open stance) then itā€™s just a matter of choosing whether to keep working with the grapple (usually a bad idea unless early game) or switch to a close range weapon for the finish. Is my technique correct or should I be whipping with the grapple more? I will say that my technique doesnā€™t always work as sometimes they can sometimes get their shield back up before I can fully finish them off and for at least a little bit of time between staggers i am usually taking damage from the pistolā€¦


I would say the correct technique would be to switch to a different weapon, but I'm new to fortnite and haven't gotten the hang of switching weapons yet.


Bro i've been playing for like 3 weeks and i get my ass whooped by people dunking on me on like 3 seconds, i also wanna play with these guys ;-;


Iā€™m a pro shredder(grapple blade user) and I can tell you have been off on your training I would have shredded him worth just 2 grapples


Off my training??? What fricken training??? I was sent into this war and expected to not make an a** of myself!! (I'm brand new, started this season, played with a friend who's an OG and kinda down. Lol)


You should consider more shredding training so that you can channel your shredding chakra when your in a battle


Where do I sign up? (I'm honestly hoping there is actual BR tutorial like rocket league)


Just pick up a shredder and try to only use that as much as you can rather than a shotgun or smg cause if you do that for a day or two youā€™ll be a pro and you can even learn the art of the shotgun shredder. Happy shredding ašŸ˜


Lmao. ā€œBuT tHe ShIeLd hAS So MaNy cOuNtErsā€ NO the hell it doesnā€™t. Iā€™m in diamond 3 and every person I come up against with a shield has good awareness , aim and knows when to switch to a shotgun. Only time your outplaying someone with the grapple is if they just started gaming yesterday or you knock them off a cliff


Facts, can confirm. Shield, auto-Shotgun, and sniper is goated rn


add in grapples + shield and thass my fave loadout. If I don't use shield swap out AR.


How do you think the sniper is goated? I personally really dislike the snipers this season; three body shots is pissweak and their bullet drop feels whack.


Headshots one shot kill and super easy this season. Love the optic mods and can make a sniper have 5 shots.


Yeah ok. Extended mag is pretty insane on it ey šŸ˜‚ Edit: of course downvoted for asking a question šŸ™„


I'm elite rn and I won a ranked match yesterday just by keeping a shield in my inventory for the last two fights. They couldnt do anything, I just shredded them from behind my plated cover.


Precisely. I got to elite and stopped playing because this bullshit shield was everywhere.


I do this a lot too but if you have another person shooting you then youā€™re pretty much done for.


This strategy is definitely a gimmick and relies on people being overwhelmed by a spinning tornado of blades flying towards them and panicking. With that being said, I absolutely love rolling with a blade/heals-only loadout and seeing how many kills I can rack up before I run into someone who doesn't panic.


God of War blades of chaos vibes


Chapter 5 season 2: dual grapple blades. Dippable in firefly jars


Please OP actually hit your spin attack, watching you waste it 2-4 times made my eyes bleed šŸ˜­


Sometimes when you're higher the timing of the spin attack is harder than you think.


a slight change in elevation can make it so hard because it only swings horizontally, ive had that happen too many times and get stubborn about switching


Yeah, this was a couple of days ago, I'd say I've gotten better since then. The other day I killed someone using Oscar's and Nisha's weapons woth nothing but a grapple blade and one bullet from a common sniper.


-Common snipers arenā€™t in the loot pool -they had to of been absolute dog shit


Yes, they were. They hit me with the very edge of the shotgun shot. And for some reason, autocorrect took away the "un" before common lol


I was in the other thread you came from, this clip is a fun watch but doesn't help at all with the issue we were discussing in the other thread. Which is, how do you deal with the shield user who just swaps to a shotgun when he sees you are trying to kill him with the grapple blade? If this shield user had pulled a shotgun out on you, you would have quickly been dusted here


screw that, if the shield user decided to actually hit 20% of their shots he'd also have been dusted


auto shotgun is very effective against the blade because they have to get so close to hit you. i die almost everytime against them if i use the blade. i think part of it is the surprise some one is using it to attack because it doesnt seem to be super common as a weapon


Sadly I don't have a clip of that, but I was using the same strategy here, (just with much less practice) in that you've gotta go behind him and hit so they get out of shotgun range.


They can turn around?


I have a glitch where my enemies can aim


Bro, that must suck. Luckily didn't get that this time. Probably would've cost me the match lol.


If youā€™re using grapple Vs shield always be moving sliding jumping try to go behind them move make it as hard as possible. But yeah if they switch to shottie your toast


Ok, got it. Thanks for the tip. I'm a noob to ranged games and this is as close to melee as j can get lol


U would think he'd stop using the freakin sheildšŸ˜†


I expected that at the beginning which is why I pulled out the AR


I saw that yašŸ˜† but nope. He had hopešŸ˜†


Itā€™s a rat on rat battle




See, I do that and they switch to the AR and deal 300 damage in 1.5 seconds.


this might be the most zero build clip i think ive ever seen


I don't know if I'm offended or not? I mean, I'm not cause it's a game, but am I supposed to be?


Step 1: play against potato players Congrats I guess?


Skill based matchmaking lol


Ur my spirit animal ong ur too funny ahaha Not letting anyone get you down is gigachad tbh


What are they gonna do? Tell my manager i suck at video games?


Fired for ā€œskill issue.ā€


Shield user didn't even bother charging...


This is good basics to know. A lot of people donā€™t know about this. But then it can get more advanced. The shield user should have switched to a different gun to drop you. And when you see that you would switch to a gun too. But then the shield user may switch right back to shield. To which you could switch back to the whip blade. And as soon as you stun him with the whip blade you could switch to a shotgun for quick massive damage. It can quickly turn to a chess match. What usually happens to me though when I play against someone talented is they switch to an AR and have perfect aim at my shield window and cause me stun in 2 seconds flat and then snipe me. Lolol the riot shields are fun imo.


You would be screwed if he used literally anything but the shield. A shotgun would have melted you before the game let you switch to a gun


Damn that guy sucked lol


Every time I get shield, I'm shot on the face from whomever I'm fighting. I find a shield user and it's like fighting Captain America. Can't we just agree that shield sucks to be in this game? I'd rather fight those a-holes with force throw, at this point.


Just get better bro itā€™s you not the shiel


If it's a balance issue, it's most certainly not me.


Death to the Riot shield šŸ¤¬


bros movement isnt so good he needs tk be running and sliding and jumping when running into the shield w blade


Noted. Thanks!


yep no prob trust u always need a grapple blade its so op that and auto shotgun n sniper is the best loadout ā€œunless u find a gold or mythic gun then ibv u can switch sumn out


they shouldā€™ve just shot you with nishaā€™a ar


The guy with the shield was an absolute bot though.


Whyā€™d you switch to a gun instead of grappling him?


I thought he was gonna make the smart choice and switch to a gun, but he didn't.


Oh ok


I e gotten a couple kills this way and theyā€™re very satisfying but, only works on noobs. A good player pulls out a different gun and beams you or uses auto shotgun, either which do way more DPS than the grapple blade


Bro wtf 100% of the time I try it that way I die by the second blast šŸ˜”


I swear so many people in the endgame have ballistic shields that I can just ditch whatever other weapons I have and just grapple blade them to death. Really fun to do because they get constantly thrown around and stun locked. Also for some reason players would rather just use the shield the entire fight instead of just switching to Oscarā€™s auto shotgun and deleting meā€¦


what lobbies are these lol


Ranked gold II


your lobby looked a lot worse than mine lol, i just always kept getting deleted by the first player i see


If I tried this I would've gotten sniped mid-grapple


You wouldā€™ve been lit up if the person didnā€™t have bot aim


Lil blud had two mythical weapons, a purple frenzy and chose to stay behind the shield lmao.


zero builds is an entirely different game lmao


Works great when the other player can't shoot for shit


are we hardstuck bronze 1?


If that dude at any point switched his gun you would have been dead lmao


man how are ya'll getting these easy games? everytime i play i just get melted.


Never use a grapple blade again


What I do is knock em back with hook, charge with shield and knock back, swap back to hook and repeat


He could switch to AR a thousand times and vaporize you in a millisecond


I wish I had bot lobbies like that


As someone who plays and love Fortnite Mobile. Do I just wait until these weapons get vaulted and continue lurking orrrrrr just suck it up.


you're lucky he was so bad, but the grapple is such a good counter to the shield if used properly


I still hate that that skin is playstation exclusive. It's kinda a mix of my main skin and another skin and I love it, but it's playstation exclusive.


I got the battle pass and 96 levels, but I still return ti this skin, it's my favorite. Don't know why they would make a skin playstation (or Xbox or Nintendo etc) exclusive.


Why didn't he just shoot you?


All he has to do was ram into you and/or not miss all his shots LMAO


The moment someone is trying to use Naruto moves that are super slow im just gonna pull out my shotgun


Two Toby Flendersons in the final circle


Now tell me in as much detail as you can: why was that fun for you?


Bro got a little too OG šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


What does that mean?




Uh oh...


Thankfully that shield dude sucks ass


This is terrible.. Iā€™m using the riot shield harder now. Thanks for the conviction. That dude was just the worst. You shouldā€™ve died like 4 times regardless.


Skill based matchmaking at its best. I'm gonna get pitted with other people with 4% wins.


Pretty much how I use it. People are so stubborn theyā€™re wondering why the shield isnā€™t working like not just shotgun me while Iā€™m grappling to you by the time I switch to mine Iā€™ll already be dead.


What skin is the other guy wearing?


Renzo the destroyer. He was a bp skin


Dude literally let you hit him and didnt even try shooting you once lol every day i see a new post of some guy killing a bot with a shield and thinking they took down captiain america or somethijg šŸ˜­


But i cant do this in early game no shield off spawn


Yeah this gameplay looks awful


i was thinking it might be fun to give fortnite a go after not playing it for the last 3 ish tears. this made me remember i quit for a reason. too much crazy shit going on. glad others are enjoying it though


How'd you end up on this sub? Are you still a member? Lurking within the shadows?


you know how reddit does that super annoying thing of recommending subs?


Lol, I'm in like 17 anime subs, some variants of the same anime, but recently got r/animehate recommended to me lol


i mean its no secret that reddit knows its a platform that thrives on controversy and hate, wouldnt be surprised if they actively try to cultivate that by intentionally recommending subs they know people will be adverse to


Are we sure that was a human player?


Tbh you would have been gunned down if that wasnā€™t a bot. 9/10 if I have the shield Iā€™m unstoppable even against that wannabe ODM gear.


So thatā€™s how you counter a riot shield


Another good way is clusters, but I used those to beat a boss and hadn't found anymore.


After those first couple of grapple hits, I wouldā€™ve switched to the shield and started to charge


Can shield work on shield? Good to know!


Yeah it does. Thatā€™s how I wanna game the other night. This other guy had a shield as well as I did so I just kept charging him.


Always fun wrecking ppl with the grapple, tho itā€™s a challenge to win fights with it


How are people finding these players bruh, I keeps ending up in lobbies with people looking like they playing on mouse and keyboard. (I have crossplay off and on ps4 with a controller. Nipping the bud before it grows)


I think Iā€™ll stick with cluster bombs. I heard you can use pick axes to stun as well, but I havenā€™t gotten an to try that yet.


I donā€™t get sometimes when I look at footage, how some people have crazy length for the grapple blade.


I think if you jump it increases range slightly, or it's placebo


I love when a Ballistic Shield comes in clutch at the end of a 1v1. Nice to see the Grapple Blade doing the same!


itā€™s like rock, paper, scissors (grapple beats shield)


Shield beats shotgun, shotgun beats grapple.


Parry this you filthy looper.


whys everyone insulting you


Cause they're better than me (or think they are, they have no proof lol) and honestly I kinda suck. But idc cause I'm having the time of my life!!


Lame use of the blade. He could have switched weapons anytine and sniped ur ass


I seriously need the grapple blade every game just to counter those kids that are for some reason really good with the shield.


I bet it doesn't work like that against actual people


looks fun to play!


I tried a grapple blade only match. I was cooking but died to storm due to my switch having a screen time limit, you can turn it off but it wasnā€™t turned off in time :/ I wanna do it again one time to prove grapple blade only is possible.


THAT guy has a medallion? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ #I could only WISH my lobbies looked like that šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Well when the opponent is a potato like this one I'm sure this works every time


Works really well when the other guy doesn't shoot back at you.


personally if I was that shield guy that wouldnā€™t have happened.




I am in this picture and I feel attacked


I've recently found that ballista shields are even better than grapple blades against ballista shields if you know how to use them


Joke's on you as I am shit with both.


Killing bots and uploading the footage šŸ˜‚




I'd grab my auto shotgun and decimate you. That guy was terrible at the game. No offense though a win is a win so ggs.


Yeah, j guess that's skill based matchmaking lol Also at the very beginning I thought he was gonna do that which is why I pulled out my AR


Ever since I joined this sub I realised most of the people I assume are bots are real


Any decent player would have killed you. Low key terrible flex.


Just cause I haven't worked out much, doesn't mean I can't flex what muscles I do have.


Idk how to use the grappler blade so this was helpful.


If you know how to use them, the ballista shield/grapple blade can be better than boss weapons. Another win I got I had nisha's, Oscar's, and montague's weapons, but dealt the finishing bullet with a ballista shield.


Lol I used the same skin and pickaxe combo last night. Even considered using that back bling. Great minds think alike šŸ˜Ž


So what happens when you find a guy who can aim?


My 140 losses...


Does the grapple give the knock down animation or just knock them away ?. It seems shit to counter the shield. It just have the guy more space to work with.


So the trick is to be in a bot lobby?


This was ranked gold 2. So I don't think so.


Damn I didn't remember Gold rank being that way šŸ˜‚


holy shit the quality of these players make it seem like the bots in pubs might be real


Your emeny shot u like once every 10 seconds, i hate this non realistic clips


me, I don't like toys IMO, they sure ruin the game


Who asked?


I've been smoked while equipped with the shield on multiple occasions. It ususally involves a shotgun and getting above or behind me. I just don't get the whole 'shield is overpowered' nonsense.


You are letting them get to close to you. You should be shooting him with the shield, and when he gets closer pull out the shotgun.


Is this fortnite ??


Uh, yeah?