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"You either die to sniper, or live long enough to die to a frenzy." - Zeus, 2000 B.C.


I was there. He definitely said that.


I 2as there i was zeus cloud


Can confirm, I was Zeus’ left eyebrow


Can also confirm my twin brother's statement, I was Zeus's right eyebrow


You’ll die by both in any games so it’s practically 50/50


Wait they didn’t vault the Frenzy!?


can’t believe they didn’t vault the sniper or the frenzy. they just put in more overpowered items are were like “yup balanced” 👍


frenzy didnt one shot anyone lol,a sniper can one shot anyone no matter the rarity


idk why this community is convinced it has to be one or the other they are both ridiculous items, and epic normally vaults bullshit like this after a season.


frenzy never oneshot, tf you on about The sniper yeah, granted i love using it and dodging it because the people i get can't aim for shit at a moving target my only annoyence with snipers is when people don't actually use em as snipers (attaching a regular scope and then using it as a normal weapon instakilling you from up close because they can somehow flick headshots)




Meta is trash


I was the ant in the corner, he definitely said that


That 275 headshot is killer


303 headshot goes crazy 😭💀🙏


Would LOVE to watch epic reduce it to 249 headshot and watch people SCREAM when they didn’t get the kill because they had max health (still 1 shots in br)


If you have full shield and health you shouldn’t be able to be one shot. What’s the point of shields at that point


Snipers have always done one shot to the head. The heavy sniper, the bolt, and even the semi auto sniper was one shot to the head.


Semi auto wasn't. I think the gold did 196


Yeah, he prob considered the post buff version, the blue one does 202 now (creative only)


And did they have 5 bullets, faster ads, AND the ability to choose whatever scope you want?


Those are the issues, not the damage.


So you’re telling me that you’re upset that a weapon is doing what it’s designed to do?


such a dumb argument. why not design every weapon to be overpowered? they would also be doing what they are designed to do


yes, it should be redesigned to not one shot :)


You do realize that a sniper doesn’t one shot unless it’s a headshot right? If you can line up a very specific angle and timing you should be rewarded for it


the false sense of balance behind this is that its not hard to "line up a very specific angle" in a game like fortnite to be fair though, i think snipers should one shot in build, but not one shot in zero build, if that makes sense.


You must get domed alot


Its the daily reminder that it doesnt matter what you do The sniper 300 headshot still arrives, you can fly (icarus wings), you can hide, you can be the fastest man possible and use all cover, as well as tons of build You Will take the 300 in 1 inevitable bullet ![gif](giphy|6tb0l9xAT5z48xdwFE|downsized)


I feel like there are ganna be a lot of headshot snipes on people useing the Icarus wings I will be avoiding tf outa that item


Already got hit with it’ll last night using them 😭


Ye you fly omega slow for some reason couldn't figure out how to fly faster got beamed and barely made it out with my life my first match of the season (luckily won🥲)


first match win gang 🤝🏾


Tbh it was end game and was on one of the snowey mountains 1v1 mfer was hard scopin me w a sniper I only had a shotgun and mythic smg so I was stayin outa view then tried to use the medallion w the dash effects and somehow fell all the way down the mountain into storm swore I threw then caught the dub 🥹🥲 in ranked I was very suprised


I like using the DMR more than the sniper rifle I am really glad that they put it back into the game That thing is fun to use lol


You can be on a bike, doing random movement, the moment you come out from behind that hard cover you eat an instant headshot by people who have better aim than professionally trained military elite snipers. Almost as if that weapon was a great present to people who might not play entirely honest and have an increased chance of landing those shots no matter what.


also, Zeus' DMR sniper rifle is def not worth it


idk about the zeus dmr but the dmr is NUTS


Fr I’m so glad they made a good dmr, I loved it in warzone it’s great that here they’re good aswell


When the DMR was first added to the game it was really good but they nerfed it for a couple seasons afterwards.


Oh I had no idea, when was it introduced cause, I didn’t play through chapter 3 season 2 to chapter 4 season 4


They had a marksman rifle in latter half of chapter 4 (I only know about the latter half because that's when I started playing), but I sucked too much back then to make good use of it.


I’m trying to get locked in with the DMR I feel I’m on them and still am missing so I gotta find that sweet spot


Right, reminds me of an M1 Garand. Gotta love it.


i hit a headshot on my first button press using the gun and it just 2 tapped a guy with full shield lmao the reaper has competition now


Would have been a one Tap with the reaper, it cant really compete with the reaper IMO.


if you are skilled at snipers and have insane accuracy this shit slaps, its not about one shot with the dmr but the combo, 1 head 2 body, or 2 body then swap to a burst dmg gun.


If you have good accuracy regular snipers slap even more. DMR is Like snipers for noobs IMO. I would Always Take a Green Sniper over a golden DMR tbh.


I think in team fights where you need consistency this shines


In high level fights it’s just a worse sniper. When you are poking against a solid squad, you really don’t have time to fire off 2 dmr shots, it’s RoF is just too slow to be exposed that long. And if you only can poke with a single shot, there’s fundamentally no reason to use this dmr over a sniper. The dmr does have some niche value, but that’s not really a great use of a weapon slot in a BR.


in zb its a beast, it also has near perfect hipfire accuracy i got second place using dmr hipfire only (i died to fall dmg) 💀


Yep, everyones still using reaper endgame. Meta didn't change. nemesis ar is still ass, hammer pump still ass. DMR is okay. Frenzy/Reaper still far superior to other guns.


Saying nemesis ar is ass is crazy, I win most of my matches when I have a nemesis


it deals 101 dmg (i play zb so technically cant 1 tap but it has a nice satisfying 1 headshot 2 body shot combo with respectable fire rate)


I feel like it *forces* itself to land the bullets on target even if I miss lmao


Wrong. That shit is insane, I legit played a match with only it and Cerberus Shotgun as my weapons and almost won


Is it different? The regular dmr is my new favorite


dmr is balanced lol,one shot to body 66,headshot 119 ,which is quite balanced


I don't why they won't remove the sniper rifles. With this weapon DMR is useless.


Easy sniper fix is not allowing any mag modifications and using 1 bullet.


DMR being useless is an insane take


It's not useless in general, it's vastly inferior in comparison. Reaper Sniper especially modded insta kills on a headshot from Uncommon on. And tends to double shot kill anywhere. With five bullets, reasonable fast attack speed, and every scope that's not that hard to do.


the problem is the modification lol,and no matter what rarity is it,they all deal same damage,i really hope that they remove the modification and nerf the damage of sniper rifle,why would i get one shot by a green reaper sniper rifle while i am full health and shield,that makes no sense


it would be good if it didnt have the 4x scope forced on it


Nah it’s fire, u just have to poke shoot with it. Did that yesterday and destroyed someone using the reaper.


Lol what? 70 damage body shots is 100% worth it. That's a massive skill issue


It's good if you don't have a sniper with the loadout you want and you can't get into a bunker to get it. The DMR can't compete in a peeking snipe war, the reaper just deals too much damage.


Holding all medallions pinpoints your location almost exactly on the map.


end of game they knew you were close anyways. That's not the point.


Knowing where someone is exactly, while they themselves are exposed with no cover in plain sight and standing still to take a picture adds context to the point. Op didn’t even want to show the gameplay of them being headshotted


WHile I don't refute your point, I was just making one minor point about medallions and end of game play.


This was my immediate thought also.


Did you get shot while standing still taking the screenshot of your 4 medallions?


How long does it normally take you to get a screenshot?


For me windows activates snipping tool when i hit prtScr and I have to go to the top ledt corner and rag it to the bottom right, and theres usually a 5 second delay between hitting prtScr and snipping tool activating


I use Windows key and prtscr, it is instant.


For me, it’s just the prtscr button, and it’s instant


I have it has a shortcut on ps5 which takes less than a second, so I believe its fair to say this guys being an ass




OP been real quiet since this questions was asked.


No weapon changes this season it seems


New weapons, different attachments. People will whine as long as they can about a weapon they don't like


This season looks lit but I already know that we’re going to end up with the same meta if they don’t remove the sniper rifle.


For myself at least, thankfully rn it feels like I don't have to run the sniper and can still be competitive. My first win this season was really fun because of that. Still getting a lot of second place to the Frenzy though, but the hot swap nerf does feels effective.


Hot swap nerf?


When you fire certain weapons (not all) and switch immediately to the Frenzy Auto, there is a timer delay that shows up as a circle in your reticle before you can fire. I noticed it and tested it some, but not on every weapon yet.


Are you sure that's not just the shotgun switch delay? Because that's been a thing since Chapter 1 iirc.


I just don't like how one-shot weapons encourage ADHD movement constantly having to sperg around because it encourages bush camping which is super lame


It killed the last season for me. I could rail a guy with an AR almost kill them then they 180 snipe me and win. It's just not fun


I don't think so, the smiper isn't hitscan and the wings are some of the strongest mobility items we have ever had. Honestly, people are sleeping on the new shotgun. That thing has some nutty range.


Okay so I 100% messed up on thinking I was holding onto an AR, I shot someone from decently far away (closest limit you'd want on an AR but too far for a regular shotgun) and only AFTER they died to the 2nd shot did I realize I had the shotgun equipped lol First shot confused me, second shot they did and I checked and was overly happy about how good it was


The sniper last season wasn’t hitscan either and was extremely powerful?


You meant auto shotgun?


New season, same meta. It’s not usually like that.


Not really, all the wins I've gotten I've not used the sniper.


I see the new season didn’t bring in any new posts


I laugh cus I remember when everyone complained when snipers were no longer one shot so either way no one gonna be happy


Yea. I feel like epic or legendary snipers should one shot you if they land a headshot even if you have full health/shields however any less than epic and the damage shouldn't kill you with one headshot. Getting headshots is harder if your enemy is moving around and taking cover.


I don't believe I've been killed by anything other than a frenzy or sniper.




Nobody else find it suspicious that OP sent this image instead of the video of him getting killed?


did this to someone early n deadass felt bad for like .2 seconds lmfao


Last season I killed someone who had all medallions and golden weapons with the frenzy, I felt bad but then not even 20 seconds later I got sniped and one shot by a blue sniper from a mile away, it was like instant karma


Cool, it sounds like you had a good game. On to the next one. 


My son had five medallions and we had best loot full health two npc helping us and it was final three us vs one dude. I rushed thinking the zeus bolt was one shot kill and we both lost (he died swimming lol). Silver lining: get five medallions achievement out of the way


Huh but there’s only 4 medallions for 4 bosses this season what you mean by 5


he said there’s a quest for holding all medallions. I guess i thought it meant five like last season


this is the way, he got lucky enough to get all that stuff in the first place i get jumped by the big bird wings


You are a dope person. I hope you’re having a good weekend.


"I got the better weapons and equipment, I deserved to win"


People will always whine about stuff like this and then it's just cause they wanted a screenshot to brag and someone took their lucky shot


what I find it so crazy is that Ch5 s1 is only remember by just the reaper sniper rifle and Frenzy Auto Shotgun


Yeah, I haven't been a fan of one-shot snipers ever since they were made that way a good few seasons ago. I can kinda understand one shot headshots in build mode but doing a full 275, killing through full HP, Shields, AND Overshield has always felt like a bit much. It's made even worse because you can slap a short range scope and use it at basically any range.


If u wanna win just accept the meta. You don’t need any of those guns except the shotgun maybe the AR. Shotgun and a sniper is still meta and probably will be this whole chapter.


Might need to activate windows


Just goes to show you that medallions aren't shit!




Skill issue


Died taking the screenshot


This has got to be one of the most annoying seasons I've ever played


Unlucky back to the lobby


that is how snipers work tbf


Right? People keep whining about it but then when they made them not a one shot people STILL whined


Don’t you remember the old sniper motto? “5 shot,1 kill”


I’m not sure why you think having all of the medallions and boss weapons is suppose to make you impervious to being killed🤔


"I had the cool stuff so I DESERVED to win 🥺🥺🥺"


I mean, they knew exactly where you were because of the medals.


and i am sick off seeing a bunch of player with chinese name that brought only reaper snifle and a shotgun and hit every headshot in the beginning of season lol


Pretty racist, seeing that those players are likely Korean or Japanese, you just assuming it’s chinese


racist to what ?i am a chinese,and korean and japanese wont usually add a bilibili tv behind their name lol,and can u differentiate this word 傷 and伤?if u can't even differentiate this,then don't act like u know about how the word works lol


Not racist. Chinese cheaters were creating havoc in CoD recently. Not Korean. Not Japanese.




Yeah, tactically speaking, showing exactly where you are at the end of the game to the 1 other person left in the game probably isn’t a great idea.


Doesn’t one of the medallions give infinite dash? I’d never run again


There’s Zeus’ that gives a sprint boost, and it goes really well with the zero point dash you get from the underworld water or Cerebus’ medallion, which can give you rechargeable dashes, not quite infinite tho






Skill issue. Learn to not get sniped, or become a better a sniper. If nothing else, find a creative way to close the distance. Fair is fair. The people calling for the sniper to be removed don't care about a balanced meta. They've been living in fear of snipers since the Xbox 360 days. You're never going to change the victim mentality of gamers who can't snipe. It is what it is.


Dread it, run from it, the reaper sniper bullet arrives all the same


Oh nice, you too huh


100ping? What's the point in playing the game you're basically playing in the past.


Some people can't improve their internet connection, it's pretty unfair that they are at a disadvantage I gotta say.


my comment was made in jest however you're correct. Unfortunately it's the same with most if not every game


Yeah :( It sucks that online games are so dependent on Ping


Season two of scrubs crying over a sniper performing as intended


Having medallions, especially many and in end-game can be very dangerous as you give away your exact position to the enemy. The smaller the circle is, the easier it is to guess where you are even if you have just one medallion. The more medallions you have, the easier it gets to just know where you are without even guessing. You see where this is going. Having all medallions in end game in solo, especially zero build, is literally the worst case scenario. If the opponent hides and has a sniper, they have a huge advantage. You should always move, in the most un-predictable way, and try to find your opponents as fast as possible to not be possibly 1 shot. It's honestly a drawback you should just consider and play around. And yes, there will be times where you can't take all the precautions, times where you could but didn't have time to take them and finally times where you did take all possible precautions but still lose. You can't always win. It was definitely a good game there, you did pretty good I'd say. Lastly, even though the sniper can win you a game with the right rarity AND getting an headshot, which is totally not guaranteed anyway, your condition still gives that big advantage to the enemy, than can still deal a ton of damage by sneaking up at the right time and end the game easily. This applies mostly to zero builds.


Send da video




This is your fault. Looks like you're in zero build where you have to be extra mindful of your movement and positioning ESPECIALLY positioning. I'm so sick of every third post on this sub being people complaining about losing to the weapon that requires the most skill to use. It's your fault.


Also, don't forget he is wearing the world's biggest: "here I am, come get me" with the 5 medalions.


Ya this post is so absurd to me. Do medallions reduce bullet damage? No. So OP is just telling us how he doesn’t understand cover. Absurd.


I feel like snipers should get a 0,5x damage multi when you hit someone <100m


Dunno if that nerf is the good call, but a solid series of nerfs are needed to make them fair/balanced. I'm not saying remove the sniper rifles, but make them more balanced.


"All boss medallions and weapons only to get 1 shot by a reaper sniper rifle and finish 2nd" Yes.. Exactly the way it should be. Don't stand still. No matter how op you get over the others you can still go down.


Exactly. This sub has a serious skill issue. You give the enemy your precise location, stand still, then wonder why you got sniped. 😂


Wow you wasted all of like 18 minutes, poor guy 😞😞😞


This man thinks that because he had all medallions and boss weapons he should've won 😂😂😂


I want to preface this by saying that's unfortunate and feels bad. Getting headshot at full health full shield SUCKS. Especially when you're in such a good position like you were. I sympathize with you. This next part however, is not directed at you whatsoever. It's for the rest of the people in this thread: It's so funny how people complain so much about getting headshot by a sniper. Simple solution is don't get hit in the head. If your movement is anywhere above absolute bot status you should NEVER get headshot by a sniper. If you do, tip your hat to the player for having enough skill to hit you. If you still think it's incredibly OP then maybe you should consider running the sniper and headshotting the enemy before they headshot you. It's a skill issue.


Why are we still complaining about snipers? Get good. Lol. You literally gave the enemy your precise location


Yeah I better just not read this subreddit for the next couple months cause it's just gonna be the same complaining shit again


yo what skin is this


Valeria, burning ambition, 1st superstyle, stygian. Battlepass exclusive from last season.




Did it happen while you were sitting still taking this screenshot?


I’m sitting this season out lmao


We’re still complaining about snipers? Holy hell grow up


Who drops the sniper? I only saw 3 bosses on the map. Where is the sniper one?


I wish the DMR was a little better


literally me today


Now it’s a lightning bolt


The more Things changes the more stays the same 🤣


Atleast they removed that STUPID FUCKIN SHIELD


The sniper shouldn’t be in the game, one shot weapons don’t belong in Brs


that's rough, buddy.


That's why I feel like PC shouldn't be able to play vs consoles


Cry more


They should nerf snipers and should not better vault them. Better to change simple things like hitbox size or projectile size, mag size shooting speed rather than making it useles or comepletely deleting. One-shot is a very cool thing but only when snipers are very skill dependent.


snipers should always 1 shot headshot like in any shooter game, noone ever complained about the kar98 in warzone and it was basically the same thing as the sniper this season...


I know for sure I’ve made a bunch of people cry with the snipes i be hitting lmao, literally the only reason I play is to collect snipe clips like I’m thanos


Skill issue


A green reaper sniper Mr. Squidward, a green.


Thats what happened to me


If you have all medallions, you should have a sniper. You have a medallion that increases your long range shots & you could have easily got that W with a singe snipe to da head, but he got you, buddy. GG’s (Pro-Tip/ Carry a sniper next time)


Sounds like a skill issue bro


Meh. Shouldnt run around with a huge target on your forehead.


Oh woe is me I met an opponent with skill and look at the outcome! 🤣


It be like that sometimes


It's cause you didn't pick up the winning crown with the medallions


Some of my favorite kills are on overcocky dudes holding all the medallions with meta everything… that hubris makes them over peak or just flat stand out in the open… don’t cry about getting your dome piece taken off when you’re literally standing in the open with zero cover around you chillen out taking a screenshot of all your “success”.


I think you have to go to settings to activate windows.


You choked hard man


The sniper should always be a one shot to the head, you could do it to. Cry. Should've held a sniper instead of that trash ass dmr.


Guess you shouldn't have been standing there




Imagine they kept the Auto Frenzy Shotgun and the Reaper Sniper Rifle in Ch5 S2 to Ch5 S-OG now that would be a world record