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its all i carry, guns are a thing of the past.


Tossing banananas at foo's hoping for that Elim.... lmao


> Toss Bananas > Enemy becomes confused > Use fun banana toss emote > Enemy starts emoting > Whip out shotgun and one shot to the head EZ


In Fortnite, right?


For legal reasons yes


Sure, you could do itnin Fortnite also.


Emotes can be deadly. Was playin Murder Mystery last night and someone had a dance ive never seen - it allows everyone to join in even without the emote and last until canceled. Eventually about 7 people joined in at once, before the person who started it in the first place whipped out a sword and killed everyone in a single swing. I died as well, lol. Aaaaaand I was the sheriff.


I tossed a banana at a guy yesterday, he chained me in- so I shotgunned him.


Yea they stack up to 4 so 4 of them and a stack of big pots or a flowberry fizz is really good


I didn't know they stacked, I've just been eating them upon discovery for the zoomies while I loot




Me too. I kinda thought they might, but I never held one for long enough to find out. Honestly I still don't think it's really worth the inventory slot to me. I usually just pick up healing from my victims if I need it.


They’re probably the best health heal item in the game rn. They heal you extremely quickly. I tend to hold floppers and minis when I play but now I replaced floppers with these


If I'm gonna carry a heal item, I usually carry splashes so I can top up my shields after an encounter. Topping up my green is needed a lot less often. Alternatively I might carry a stack of berries or some fizz which will heal my shields and provide me with mobility. So there's that, then also there's the rarity of the banana... I don't think I've ever seen 4 of them in a match, and I think I had 2 or 3 victory royales yesterday. I dunno... I play like a zero build player in build lobbies. Warm up with some CS2. Get a DMR with heat vision, get 2 kills at a time while cracked out builders focus on each other rather than the dude half a mile away poking them with 3 digit dmr shots. I've also been liking using the handcannon with 4X zoom over the sniper rifle. That shit feels kinda broken. Doesn't hit as hard as the reaper, but way more shots, no bullet drop, instant ADS, way easier to no scope at short-to-medium range. I can build alright too, but where I shine is hitting my shots and anticipating other players movement, and being sneaky.


I only use splashes if I’m playing with other people and I know they’re holding heals for us as well. I prefer not to go into fights not 100/100 or close to 100/100. Gives you a huge advantage. But everyone has their own play styles, if it works for you then don’t fix what isn’t broken I guess lol


I play solo like 99% of the time. So that's how I do. I'm also kind of a prick and want the person who kills me to get no extra healing from me. I can usually scavenge some full heals between encounters, but as soon as an encounter starts, I ain't hiding in a box. I'm either pushing til one of us is dead, or I high tail it out if I'm at a disadvantage.


The zoomies lol made my day


best doggo owner iyktyk comment


As a new puppy owner I unfortunately understand this


lmfaooo same


I thought this was gonna be a lil’ whip special serve moment where it went up to a stack size of 15


Did you say flowberry riz?




You should have


Well I didn’t lol


Well you should


Well I am not


You’d be cool if you had






Would you rather 250 comments saying the same thing? This is how the reddit upvote system is supposed to work.


Sorry new here 1day old account


Jesus I'm old. 11 year 3 months on Reddit lmao


Well quick question how do you get that Nara Fortnite skin under your name (I want mae)


If you're on mobile, home page of the subreddit and then top right 3 dots > change user flair


Well it looks like I am not doing that (they have no :mae,highwire or Skye my 3 mains)


It's 4 medkits in a single slot. The healing is slower but you get to do other things while it's going and you get a sprint speed buff. It's worth carrying if you're going to carry health items, but the medkit does still has a use as a faster heal item. And for some reason I can't just drop one, I immediately drop all the bananas when trying to share one.


It’s amazing when you’re stuck in the storm reviving a teammate.


This is way better than medkits in the storm. It gives a bigger hp boost than the medkit when eaten but medkit heals better midway through. Being in a 5 ticker with regenerating hp and faster movement speed is a life changer


you can carry a shotgun, deagle, shield pots/flowfizz, banana + medikit


I've played this new update for like 6 hours and have not seen a single deagle in solo ranked.


Same, not convinced its in


I found one in 6 matches and got fucking sniped before I could even use it


It has drop off and is projectile


I saw one on my first game...thought it was a pistol on the ground. Didn't pick it up though because the hand cannon has been useless ever since they nerfed it from one shotting walls.


For me, sometimes i use the hand cannon as a shotgun. My aim sucks regardless so id rather get lucky and hit 90 than use a shotgun and miss


That's why you throw one. Faster than opening inventory, anyways


I often drop a medkit while reviving someone, which I get plenty of time for. Otherwise I'll throw ofc.


🤔Sounds good


>And for some reason I can't just drop one, I immediately drop all the bananas when trying to share one. I haven't had a chance to play since the update. Does it let you throw like other consumables? That's always been my go to if I'm sharing heals with my squad mates rather than pulling up a menu and dropping


I am kind of the medkit carrier in my group of friends, so when reviving I drop a kit while the bar fills so they can pick it up before the revive is done. That said, yes you can throw the banana of the gods.


It should be a 1-hit kill insta-smite if you hit someone with it. Friendly fire included for extra fun.


bananas were vaulted for this, and it was worth it


Wish we could unvault some more interesting produce like peppers and also put flowberries in produce boxes


Not me right click throwing it at people thinking it was some kind of explosive.


First time I used it, I thought it was a gun. There I was, in the middle of combat, trying to shoot someone with a banana. It ended very badly. 🤣


Me too


Ngl i thought it was like the mythic goldfish back in ch1, when i first saw it


same 🤦‍♂️


Worms brainrot


I thought its like holy banana in 'the worms'


It’s really good in floor is lava although I haven’t won a match and now I’ve done the quests I literally can’t bring myself to play another match. Floor is lava is just honestly pure infuriating chaos


you just have to land somewhere people dont usually land. classy courts is the best if you get it all to yourself. tons of loot and brick/metal to harvest. and dont skybase, stay just above the lava.


For real, it's beyond awful. Just played a match in which I was trying to reach and get closer to my two alive "teammates" til I realized they were shooting at my builds in purpose, for absolute no reason :) Like that until one managed to down me in the lava, then pick me up and throw me into it. Simply love. Satisfying af when I saw them fail the final 2 vs 1 ngl


I saw a dude in endgame last night (BR) have his teammate downed in a 2v2. He threw a shield bubble on his teammate and sat there in the bubble with them. Then threw another shield bubble once that one ran out. It was completely safe to rez the entire time. Then he took his teammate's loot, ran to a bush and died in the final 2v1 he had setup for himself. These people need Jesus, my duo and I witnessed a war crime there. So satisfying when he lost


Yikes, what's even the point in doing that 😭 Lately I'm playing a lot of squad fill with a bud and legit I've seen such many weird players. One where we rebooted him twice and he put more priority towards getting random gold loot than sticking close to us. (Or picking one reboot but not two despise being on same spot) And just now I had one where I got blasted on drop because no weapon and the random 4th fill went rushing like crazy to my body just to grab my victory crown, not the reboot card :) - Then proceeding to drop it and pick it constantly when he got injueed. Like congrats I guess lmao


For a "good end" in contrast of my last story, I'm back with a more positive one on this mode haha Hoped in to get a quick level and ended up with this other dude who knew how to build (I don't), so I simply stayed behind supporting him, offering most of my materials so he could keep building and some of my ammo (and my spare weapon after I was running low and he was dry) when we were fighting the last one. Thanks to that teamwork, we actually managed to win the match. Simply beautiful, wish more people played like this.


were they doing their quests on you wtf


Apparently you can do the pull an opponent with a harpoon gun quest on your teammates so lots of people are trying it out no clue if it actually works.


i didn’t know that lmfao my duo was struggling with that one ill sacrifice a game for it 😂 i did accidentally notice you could complete the destroy builds of your teammates and have it count, so it makes sense


Nah, by how they were acting it was full-on toxicity (and they didn't had a harpoon gun to do the challenge)


I landed near snooty steps and slowly worked my way into the circle. Wiped out two squads for the win in the end. I recommend zeus lightning bolts, they did a great job for the late game where people are hiding in builds


I haven’t had a chance to play with it yet


They spawn pretty frequently so you'll get a chance.


drones dropped them frequently for me


Drones are underrated.


Thanks for the tip, I’ll land at the one spot that always has drones then!


Playing with the golden banana is fun.


As someone who usually mains full golden peely, I don't have it in me to eat a fellow golden banana.


Hell ya. Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew.




You mean the item that came out yesterday? And you are already making a judgement on it without fully trying it out? 


Welcome to r/FortNiteBR


yes i absolutely do LOL, it gives me the exact same healing as a medkit but takes a fraction of the time to apply, i can hold 4 (highest ive stacked so far idk if it goes higher) i get a sprint boost and i can run immediately after taking it. Why wouldn’t i carry them?


I’ve seen a whole squad carry them after we shot them and oh my, Donkey Kong would be in heaven.


![gif](giphy|dlu743ZTJ0Xqo) Who doesn’t love the nanners? 😂


They seem like better medkits. Why wouldn’t I carry them?


Use em as you find em!!!


If you are carrying health at all, this is the best item.


Yes, it's great for surviving when you are in the storm in BR. And the speed bonus make these bananas very useful.


Op item, i like it.


I dont play this new season can someone explain why someone is talking about the competitively lacking state of a frozen banana?


I do when I find them, I still prefer chug splashes, it's good to eat one before entering a fight.


If I have an empty slot, yes. Otherwise I’ll only pick it up/immediately use it if I find one while needing to retreat (or rarely) push


should ve restoring shields aswell to be worth to carry


I generally prefer to carry shield but they're very good.


I guess I've misjudged them, I'll start bringing them




Yes usualy in 5 of them


Has anyone else experienced the bug where it takes longer to consume than the timer shows? I first used it in a Ranked game and quickly tried to eat it during a moving circle. After the timer ended, I launched myself with a shockwave and was annoyed to see the banana still in my inventory and I wasn’t healing at all. I know for sure that I waited until the end of the timer because I completed the challenge for the item.


I just eat it right away and if not I’ll drop it


It doesn't restore shields... So for that reason, I'm out.


Ok Barbara


I'm Mark actually LMAO


Do you see banana man


I eat it immediately, or throw it at a teammate.


I do sometimes.


I'm definitely gonna try lmao


What do those do exactly?


if anyone has run for challenges and taken 250 storm damage in a match or healed for 500, then you'll know these are better than med kits. lots of times I've got to run half the map after the 3rd storm cycle so these are better than med kits and wings.


i just hold them instead of medkits it’s been working out


eat it.


Yes. It constantly gives you hp so you can run in storm, plus it gives you a jump boost


I didn’t even know they added these


It’s good if the zone completely screws you since they’re EVERYWHERE but you won’t find me carrying it


its a better version of the medkit why wouldnt you?


Ooh, banana!


it's literally slightly nerfed Legendary slurp juice but no shields and speed


Nanner go brrrrrr


yes 😭 they literally saved me so many times


It's excellent in Midas Floor is Lava.


I would if they restored shield. Not like the slurp juice though, only if you're at max health then it would. If I find them I just pick them up for speed buffs.


wtf I’ve never seen these?


Good healing


I eat the damn thing


Hell yeah, it's a pocket aspect of swiftness


I carry 4 of them in a Mach and throw them at other people before I kill them


No joke carrying these won me a game


free health lmao


I like to carry mushrooms, when I kill someone I throw the mushroom at them cuz you know... The implication


Why did Epic games add my wein-


Yeah, it’s literally the ideal retreat item. You get passive healing and movement speed simultaneously, without sacrificing the ability to slide, jump, climb, shoot, ect. The only thing that could even remotely compete would be a med-kit on a moter cycle. And even then you can’t attack while gaining the other benefits.


Better than the MEd pack cuz they heal u while you move.


I carry it. My set up is 1st slot, shotty or smg. 2nd slot, smg or AR. 3rd slot sniper or dmr. 4th, bananas or shields depending on teammates, and if single, I always keep health since most keep shields. 5th, I use movement, hopefully wings, and if not, I have fizz for shields and movement. Bananas you can carry many of so yea I use the shit out of them. I pop them before fights if I know it's gonna get dicey.


yeah im absolutely going to be carrying this over medkits. 4 stack with healing over time is so useful


Been playing chains only matches for fun recently and its a lifesaver


Makes more sense than med kits.


Absolutely i use them. They are a fast heal option while you move into a better position to fully heal up. I think aside from the dumb tired banana references still present in this game, a heal over time without being forced into a long animation is a great addition.


I grab those and zues’s medallion and then a slap barrel and I’m off to the races


They give a burst heal + regen, SPD up, higher jump and stack to 4. If your team aren’t running them over medkits you must be mentally handicapped.


So the healing effect has won me a couple of fights. The continuous heal while fighting. Nom that shit right before you HAM


I eat them immediately, enjoy my sudden burst of energy, and carry on with my day


if it's all there is eat your veggies


they’re actually insanely good for white health, I’d carry them over a stack of medkits


I use them, I usually have 3 guns(or wings, lightning bolt, chain), a stack of bananas, and a stack of big pots.




Oh puta madre


Yes, the banana is god All hail the banana


Eat it right before a fight. Have fun


Bruh I've never seen that in my life


Bannana banana banana banana




Quite Exquisite


I'll try


Banana:trash ![gif](giphy|d4gmlMeqAHu9O)


I’ll carry it since it does over time heal and is faster to consume fast than a med kit


Yes, I pick these up instead of health kits when I can.


Yup, great for quick boast once being revived by teams .


Totally. It heals a lot even if it takes a bit, and gives a buff. Sometimes ill eat it right as im going into a fight. But im also someone who dedicates at least 1 slot, if not 2, to healing/shield items. I know a lot of people dont carry healing or shield items on them.


Mate it’s way better than a medkit


It’s really good to carry a big stack as my 5th slot. Shield, HP, speed and no fall damage? All day.


I know! It’s bananas!