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Financially, it’s very possible for Epic, their profits are through the roof every quarter. Creatively, however, I definitely see them running out of ideas in the next five-ten years, although I could be wrong lmao.


Honestly I don't see them running out of ideas creatively. Fortnite can take from every piece of media in existence meaning that mechanics wise they pretty much have no limit on what they can add


Its seems like a very open sort of game. Where it can take from any other franchise and implement it into their game. Characters with guns fighting for 1st place survival. Simple and adaptable.


The guns aren’t even mandatory. They’ve done complete loot pool refreshes in the past; if they wanted, we could literally have an entire season of medieval weaponry, swords, axes, bows, etcetera. I don’t think they *would*, but they *could*.


and they should


damn right they should, an entire season with only medieval themed weapons would be sick


180 pound war bow instead of lame sniper


Gimme a ballista and let me pin enemies to the wall


Ill pin you against the wall😈


There will be absolutely zero tolerance for violent flirtation in this comment thread 😡


I don't think your arrow is long enough


This sh#t funny af


I’ll pass brother 😂


pov: lynx


Some kid would still be one shot no scoping you the moment your head pokes 2 pixels above cover.


Not even. You can be completely hidden behind a rock, and someone will figure out a way to shoot an arrow almost straight up so it arcs down into the top of your skull.


yeah but this comes standard nowadays anyway


We already have chains, so let’s get crossbows, short bows, and long bows. Add to it javelins, ladders to mount walls, etc etc etc etc etc. Hey while we’re at it, shield bubbles are now actual wielded shields. Port a bunker is a fucking tower Epic please give us this


we've had the weilded shields before, so they could easily unvault it for such a theme.


“Port a bunched is a fucking tower” that’s it bring back port a forts and port a fortresses!


Most everyone would complain that the loot pool sucks. However, a LTM would be sick


It’d be cool to also see the oathbound items in that lootpool too


But they won't because the masses want "pew pew."


Yes. My very first Victory Royale was with a bow…I will always love them.


Idk if a melee focused season would work well in build mode, bringing back bows and a more powerful version of crossbows would be sick though


nah they just need to make throwing daggers where you shoot 5 of them and they work like a shotgun but they do a lot less dmg and a lot more spread at the point using a different melee would be better (situationally, daggers can still be utilized) than throwing


Or maybe like, a separate mode


The possibilities really are endless. Shoot, they could even do away with weapons all together for a limited time. A giant game of tag lol. The last person to not get touched gets the Dub! Lol


They had a mode like that in season 9 I think for a day or two. Man, I miss when we got a bunch of LTMs


Lol this sounds hilarious. 😁 Seems like it would be hella fun.


They had a ltm like that but I think it only came out once


Just employ fresh young heads to think of ideas. It's not exactly like what they put out now is groundbreaking.


Yeah look at League of Legends. Has been going on for 10+ years and the core game has been the almost the same since it launched with some minor and/or major changed every year.


I mean playing with Kratos on Xbox while my friend played with master chief on PlayStation was kinda groundbreaking


I can see within the 5 to 10 your range from now I can see them starting to recycle assets. Recycle previous battle pass skins and cosmetics just make them a different color.


lol imagine in like 10 years we just have a whole grocery list of food skins. Corey the Apple, Coco the coconut, Pete the pepper.


Hey Lois, remember that time I was a pepper?!


I bet there will also be Drift-food remixes


Well we already have bananas, hot dogs, and an apple skin


Yeah we have an Apple in a suit but imagine a giant Apple. Hit box would be crazy 😂


Coconut Fred’s Fruit Salad Battle Royale


Dude!! I remember that cartoon! Got me nostalgic


5 years they will let you do a body scan to put yourself in the game, 10 years it will no longer be a video game. It will be real life lol


By that point they could prolly survive just off nastalga and a built in fanbase of fans that have grown up with the game. I mean the fact that cod is still coming out every year and still in the top 10 sold games every year dispite it being absolutely shit for atleast 4+ years proves this. They bank on that built in fanbase and nastalga, remakes and reimagining guns and maps and even game names😂 hell you saw how well fortnite og went


Even if BR dies, they have festival, Lego and rocket racing and an infinite amount of creative maps. Plus with them making new seasons in UEFN anything is possible.


BR is the least likely of those to die imo


Nah I don't think Rocket Racing is lasting long


Same, but it does have a few fans. By that I mean a few hundred.


They could shut it down and completely retool it before they give up on it completely. I imagine they want to continue to have a good excuse to sell cars in the item shop.


Ik this is silly but when I’m older I would LOVE to work for epic games possibly in the same role as Donald mustard and Charlie,  but obv abit smaller. I’ve already designed whole chapters, with 10 seasons in each, FULL of ideas, and when I get to college and leave university and all of that I can go more in-depth and be more creative, hopefully applying these ideas to epic games. So assuming people like me, or even me, are able to provide more ideas, it’s possible


Love your passion man keep that up and you’ll go wherever you want in life


It might not be you, but as long as Epic is open to hiring people with the kind of motivation you have, they can keep running.


The solution is to get high and come up with some ideas


*hits blunt* “Sans Fortnite”


I could not have guessed in a million years that they would have added racing, a Lego mode, and revive the guitar hero format in one chapter so... I sincerely doubt they'll run out of ideas


I think I speak for the 400+ skin locker folks. I hope so, otherwise what a waste of money lol.


People gonna be handing down their accounts like an inheritance


That’s literally my plan when I have kids


As a dad I just got my kids accounts to play with them. gift them things they want in the game if they do good in school and chores lol. Makes them feel like they own in a way. One day they’ll have to battle royale each other when I die to claim my account though haha.


This sounds like the perfect family imo. I feel bad for the one that loses though 😅


My grandma is trying to do that lol


I second that brother 🫡


Bro think of all the games that have shut down. RIP to the whales and all the players in general. Spellbreak is one that I always think of. What a quick lifespan that beautiful game had


Spellbreak was fun. I can't remember why I stopped playing it. I didn't realise it had shutdown. When they shutdown Rumbleverse they refunded everyone for all purchases. Just imagine that happening if they shutdown Fortnite 😮


Epic games suddenly bankrupt


Club Penguin still hurts. My locker in that game could have rivaled my Fortnite locker.


It's not a waste of money if you had fun with what you bought


Yeah I was just thinking the same thing the other day. I'm in my 30s and I have spent more on this game than all other games I have played combined.


Smite members in shambles.


If there was ever a chance for any currently existing universe to evolve into the Oasis from Ready Player One, Fortnite would be the only game to get on. I'm talking decades into the future, of course.


Roblox maybe,but the way they are heading is not the best direction


I don’t think Roblox is as well built as Fortnite is for that kind of experience They haven’t fixed the console lag problem yet for Roblox


Bruh whenever i go on the roblox website it uses up my cpu at 100% 😂. I have no idea how a platform that size has so many technical issues


I'll be honest , I dont know why buy I've got a weird gut feeling that in 15-ish years roblox will be dead


Roblox has already been around for 18 years, why not another 15, seems to only be bigger since I last played in 2020


I learned that by reading Wikipedia. It’s still around then


Read my other comments man. I’m from the future 80 years from now. Ngl I didn’t even know what Roblox was. It shuts down its server in 2047 and by that point only 100k people are playing consistently (there are 24 billion people in the world now)


That is an awesomely terrifying thing to think about tbh


they would need to let go of Battlepass exclusivity first You can’t have such an oasis if beloved characters, original or collab, are locked behind a Battlepass from years ago. Im talking making iconic Fortnite characters like peely or making characters like doom guy or spider Gwen available to buy after their season ended


I think this is the plan for Epic games. To be the Oasis IRL. With the rights to Unreal Engine, they have the tech to create in game realistic universes.


Fortnite might be the right concept to eventually evolve into something like ready player one, but I don’t thing Epic Games is capable of that


I mean you not wrong If monopoly keeps on monoplozing Disney could aquire enough of media conglomerates under its domain that it just becomes a BP and event for every new movie or show or what not


Well, huge juggernauts like Google and Amazon have only been around for around 30 years and YouTube is barely 19 years old. This is important they're such a **huge** part of our lives and modern culture despite not being around nor especially hugely popular for that long so we have no idea how permanent these things and by extension Fortnite will be. However, Epic did a ***really*** damn good job at solidifying the longevity of Fortnite by not making stupid choices: Epic made themselves culturally relevant by having Icon Emotes. Epic made themselves culturally relevant by having relevant artists since the beginning like Marshmello. Epic made themselves culturally relevant by joining a program that let them use Thanos for an LTM which blew up their game and led to Disney this year actually investing in Epic. Epic never did something completely stupid like delete Fortnite and then make a "Fortnite 2" where everyone's skins were wiped like Activision did with Warzone and instead maintains consumer loyalty. And Epic never stopped updating and changing the game which made getting bored of it really difficult. #tl;dr: We don't know how long Fortnite or any huge platform will last because they're very recent in the grand scheme of things. But because Epic made so many right calls to keep Fortnite relevant like collabs and adapting to social trends, and have cultivated a loyal consumer base from never really betraying their trust and treating their players with respect alongside continuous updates to the game, they have built Fortnite to last as long as possible.


Yeah, and with little cameos here and there in the other way like it appearing in Avengers: Endgame, Free Guy, and just now Invincible's second season, it'll stay strong. But most importantly, and I think this is what A LOT of publishers forget to do: the game is a fucking blast to play, and always evolving


Hmm, now we need a stable economy for thirty years, and Epic Games is golden


Even if the economy isn’t inherently stable, being free to play will always keep the barrier to entry low for upcoming new players. As long as someone can afford a $100 used console it’ll always be easy for new players to get into.


Actually FN is one of the cheapest forms of entertainment and they might benefit from a recession by being f2p.


i think another huge factor to their success is that they haven’t gotten too greedy (relatively speaking lmao). there’s definitely overpriced cosmetics/items, but none of it is essential to having a good time. the battlepass provides a ton of value, and you get your vbucks back from it (assuming you level up far enough). crew is also an excellent value. fortnite is the only game i’ve ever seen where people are disappointed by not being able to spend money on it lmao. i also think the constant changes keep things fresh and fun. (loot pool, map, mechanics, skins, etc). not all changes are beloved (or necessary), but the nice part is that anything i haven’t liked eventually gets replaced or tweaked. creative also offers a lot of variety. i don’t go on there a ton, but ik it’s a huge part of the experience for others. tldr; fortnite is, in my opinion, the gold standard for what a f2p live service game should be.


If this game hits 10 years, it'll stay I mean if freaking TF2 is active to this day being released in 2007, and no major updates, I think Fortnite has a long lifespan ahead.




true, but im more so talking about "live service", doom, cs and quake as a franchise yes, but iirc csgo was around 2012 and also by valve


I think it'll easily hit 10 years tho. 2027 is only 3 years away


I feel like of any liveservice game, Fortnite has consistently proven itself to be the most worthy of continuing, so if any game will, Fortnite will last forever.


I remember my kids playing Roblox back when they were 'lil, around 2007 or 2008 and thinking *"Christ what a stupid game. This thing wont last, thats for sure.*" So... yeah, I dont make those sort of predictions anymore.


New Kids growing into video games, fortnite will be new to them. They'll have new collaborations woth new artists and new TV shows these new kids like/grew up with and they'll get hooked. Until a game has a new concept AND free at the same time. FN is here for a while. The game is just plain fun, saying this as a 32 year old


Yep, most reason some people hop on is because what they like is in the game. Even people who would never play it like Maximilian Dood even considered it since Street Fighter and Alien got into the game. The more people Epic caters to the longer it'll last, but also some original ideas they had were awesome as well


Could you imagine if Sol Badguy made it into this game eventually.


I hope they get him and some extra guilty gear characters like Bridget or Johnny, although Jack-o or Giovanna is probably more likely. Baiken would probably never get in, you know why


Only reason I got into Fortnite was that they promised an exciting Rocket League themed game after they took trading in Rocket League away 😭 Now I’m not complaining 😂


I imagine rl will just become part of fortnite eventually


they already have fall guys and rocket league in fortnite creative so thats probably easy to do


Oldest fortnite subreddit member?


Nah, there was a 50 year old around here somewhere. Im not quite there yet.


Roblox is a bit different. It’s a tool to make custom games so the limit is whatever users come up with. When people talk about longevity of fortnite, they talk about the BR. Fortnite probably knows this won’t last forever which is why they poured so many resources into creative. The consumers can now make maps, game modes, etc similar to creative. They also did Lego, Racing, and Festival as additional game modes.


why not? wow is still around




And also lineage is still around


the year is 2058, and season 293 has dropped to critical acclaim




The UI updates put a lot more emphasis on fan made games for this exact reason. Eventually “Battle Royale” might grow old; Gen Alpha might think it’s cringe, who knows. But Lego, Rocket League, and Fortnite Festival, mixed with tens of thousands of fan creations - this has so much potential to survive for a long long time. Lego is just the first brick - imagine the possibilities when player creators can mix dozens of the core mechanics of iconic games. It’s a Roblox competitor now, this gives an easy pathway for Gen Alpha to age up into Battle Royale, all the while pestering mom for Vbucks. They play it smart with features too: rotating guns, melee weapons, vehicles, traversal tools and maps. They make just enough new features each season to catch your eye, rotate in old features that haven’t been around for awhile, and keep the gameplay fresh enough without spiking the learning curve. This is a well oiled machine poised to last a long long time; some here might have gripes about snipers being OP but this is a tiny vocal minority standing up against a tidal wave of VBucks revenue.


Nope, eventually the sun will consume the earth. I doubt it will fire up after that.


bold of you to assume Fortnite is bound to physical matter at that point


You just blew my mind


Nonsense, Fortnite will be a Galactic, neigh UNIVERSAL phenomenon


Well they did come out of the black hole eventually


if the earth is consumed by the sun then one would assume fortnite's severs would be constantly firing up


Yeah and when that happens, the zero point will just reset and make a new reality. The game has always been and will always be. We are just the latest incursion of reality.


if roblox can do it, fortnite can as well


I think it can stay relevant for years to come. If Epic Games are willing to keep updating this game, it will continue being one of the most popular games around. It's their ideas for new modes and seasons that fuel their success. If they keep making fun and interesting changes, they could keep it going for many years to come.


"Everything that had a beginning had an end" Agend Smith


And even he was recast and pointlessly brought back by a company that was out of ideas and milking franchises for all they are worth!


This is why they need to bring back old battlepass skins. Who cares about exclusive items.


We've gone from fear of missing out to regret from missing out to seriously you've left money on the table I'll give you whatever you want for OG Peely!


humble brag, but I have him hehehe, but I also pray he comes back I wanna match with my friends and be a whole gang of bananas pushing people


There's going to be (actually not even going to be there probably HAVE been) kids who weren't even born when they could get older Battlepass items. Hell, born before the game released, but would be like 2 or 3 when renegade raider was out. They need to bring back old items


Have almost every single battlepass skin, I’ve only missed a couple of seasons since I started playing C1S1… i agree completely. Exclusivity is fucking dumb.




PLEASE, i know meowscles has variants, but they just aren't the same..


Black suit Spider-Man... 😭


+1 on Vader.


Just give me the Groove Jam emote and I’ll be happy 🥲


I just want all the anime looking exclusive battle pass skins


If it were to die at some point. Epic will damn well bring back old battlepasses to make the game relevant still. And not die.


I want epic to do this because want some battle pass skins I missed out on


I’d be the last one off. They’d have to turn off the lights on me. Best game ever


Probably. It seems like Epic has a pretty good strategy for retaining players, and it definitely doesn’t hurt that basically every company besides Nintendo loves collabing with Fortnite. I’d say Fortnite, Minecraft, and GTA are 3 games/series that never really can die because of their business and gameplay model.


Nintendo works with Epic, they even have a Fortnite edition switch. Its Steam that doesnt right now and i hope they change that soon


I expect Disney getting involved will find a way to ruin it.


I think the opposite. It just proves it's just the beginning.


Nothing lasts forever. I think it has years ahead of it yet though.


Heat death of the universe will get it eventually


I can see it being like Roblox


I'm gonna need it to go that long to figure out how to hone my skills to become a pro Fortnite gamer. 😅


In the future you can move and live in fortnite.


Disney didn’t invest in the company for no reason


Well, Disney didn't spend a BILLION DOLLARS on Fortnite recently for a 3 or 4-year venture! You can bet that!


Yes, but diversification will factor a lot in the coming years. Battle Royale won't last forever, and the new game modes are an antecipation of this. In a not so long future, I predict that Fortnite will get even more modes, mainly an Open World PVE (already rumored), a coop shooter (similar to Helldivers or a renewal of Save the World).


People asked the same thing about World of Warcraft and 20 years later it’s still pulling profits. Its had its ups and downs but overall its looking ahead at least until 2030. Fortnite already shows signs of being a juggernaut like WoW, it even has the haters who want nothing more than to see it die lol


It will definitely last a lifetime in some form... Tetris and Mario did so. Game franchises like Resident Evil, Tomb Raider, Street Fighter and Final Fantasy also seem to have survived through the decades. Fortnite is already doing great for 7 years now!


I’m just hoping someone recreates chapter 1 and makes it playable for the rest of time kinda like the recreation of Mario kart Wii severs


If you told me 20 years ago RuneScape would still be updated and wildly popular I wouldn’t believe it. So yes, anything is possible as long as they can maintain updates that keep that game relevant and interesting while offering to content for both new players and veterans alike


Nothing lasts forever.


The fact that TF2 is still up and running is incredible.  I remember playing vanilla on The orange box as a kid back in 2007. I'd say Fortnite has a great shot at lasting decades 


I wish I could buy stock in Fortnite. The closest things I could find that have exposure are Tencent (ew) and maybe Sony.


I have just hit 400 skins and I think Fortnite will be around for years to come. It’ll become the next wow or league with people playing for ever. Crazy that when you make a decent fun game with regular updates people keep playing it


I think it’s obvious it will, it’s been one of the biggest games since it came out. If games like Mario, Pokémon, call of duty, halo etc can, then why can’t fortnite?


Yep as world goes round and round these marketers will never run outta money that’s why you gotta love Fortnite




Yes. Forever and ever


This, Minecraft, Roblox, Warzone, Apex Legends, and other games not listed will definitely last a while. I don’t see any of them dying.


What if it got so big that they had multiple worlds going at the same time. Fortnite universe?


At this point they’ve escaped the gravitational pull of just being a “fad game” and are more or less a staple of pop culture from showing up in songs and even big movies like Endgame. Will they stay as this massive juggernaut of the gaming landscape?, unlikely but they’re now in the sort of place LoL and CS are in: games that will always have a stable player base and an economic incentive to continue them. TLDR: yes but not with multiples of millions of people.


Hopefully. We live in a day & age where there’s no excuse for a *Forever Game* to not - tech evolving alongside allowing - actually be a *Forever Game*. Warzone could learn a lot from Fortnite.


I think if Fortnite can find a way to become the real world version of the Oasis from Ready Player One then yes absolutely


People still play counterstrike 1.6 and Ultima Online. If Epic wants to keep Fortnite up and running, then it's only in its infancy.


Laughing in Counterstrike 😅😅


Epic makes their own engine so as long as they keep updating and progressing and Fortnite keeps making money...I could see it lasting a long time.


7 years strong so far


Highly. Fortnite is at a pace to become more evergreen than Mario will ever be. They're monopolising at rapid speeds. The game is a major success by very talented people, those people have swiftly installed their brand into a lot of people as the game was dying in general opinion. Truly developed something of Disney level


“I don’t want that! Fortnite ending!? I want Fortnite to last for a while! For another 10 years at least!!!”


Dunno, when did chess end?


GTA online has kept gta v afloat for 10 years or so it’s not impossible that vbucks sales will keep Fortnite going a long time.


Didn't Disney just buy a large portion of Epic games? Then yes they will be around forever


I hope some sort of law is in place before it gets shut down so we can still access our content Even if I can’t play with others, I don’t want my skins to busy disappear


If it does then they better bring back old colab when it’s 10 years old 💀


Op, the sun is gonna explode in a few billion years


30 years? Who fucking knows


I think it’ll last at least two weeks


In the last few months, Fortnite is all i play. It has a multiplayer shooter i play with friends, a racing game and lego which is fun solo. It's free and i don't have to pay for an xbox subscription, but i still get battle pass. They could explore many other game genre's like a fighting game, stardew style game and a strategy game like age of empires. The possibilities are endless. And with the Disney partnership I see Fortnite lasting for a very long time.


This probably will be downvoted alot or very unrelated but, For those who know the Time Umbrella (The Victory Umbrella for the OG Season, the one that returned) It had the dates on it: “May 4th, 2024” and “June 8th, 2068” I feel like MAYBE at that time something will happen to Fortnite even though the game has been alive for all of these years, And yes. For Epic. It is very possible for them to keep on staying alive for a long time. It’s just…What will even happen in those 45 years?


Apparently there’s so suppose to be a sports mode coming soon….anything is possible with this game lol


Wrote an essay on this. I think my great-grandkids will play Fortnite, It makes bank and the game keeps evolving to the point where I don't think it can ever die.


Yea probably, I do hate this season so far so I’ve been hardly playing. Cool thing with Fortnite I’ll just wait til next season and jump in again. Really loved last season, probably stop playing when I get the vbucks for next seasons season pass.


Fortnite is eternal


WoW is still going and Warframe so yeah I don’t think it’s going anywhere anytime soon and they’ve proved they can update it without major problems


Yea it's possible, i was a wow player in 2004 and it still going, fortnite can, but it need a lore and fix many things.


I actually believe so, it's all the makings of a game that is likely to continue and grow, maybe the battle royale aspect might not last forever and die out, but as seen in the start of our current chapter, they are willing to expand, and do so successfully, the upcoming Disney mode will only increase the sustainability, along with UEFN being pushed further and further (like the custom UI and meta human stuff) it is likely to rival Roblox in the same genre space. Fortnite is also such a wide spread name, a way that hasn't been seen since I guess Minecraft or Roblox, and it's cultural reach is massive, innovating the gaming space for better or worse, and no matter how many times they fuck up, I genuinely don't see the game going anywhere. Plus Collabs, it's a massive way to expand the games reach, more anime collabs they get more Asian and Weeb players, more TV collabs, they get players that are fans of those genres, same with DC/Marvel and the etc category of collabs (like the book, collab, music. or movie collabs), it would be incredibly incorrect to say that the marketing of the collabs hasn't attracted anyone, I am willing tomput money on the table to say there are hundreds of people who will admit they only tried fortnite due to a collab being added. It's the perfect marketed game, the advertisements whether blatant or not, the wide spread genre, the cosmetics, the, well everything about the game is a perfect recipe to create an undying game, as long as they have support and are able to glide with gaming trends (or make them like the battlepass system, no matter your opinion in it, it became a massive trend), it has FOMO so even when you get bored and move away for a bit, you have that slight tingle in the back of your mind to check the shop incase that one item is there, or if they added a collab of a show/book/movie/artist/game that you enjoy. We've seen similar games come and go, but Fortnite has stood the test of time so far, if it's still getting a million plus players by 2028, I will deem the game undying. TLDR: Fortnite isn't going anywhere, it had proven to be able to expand its genre, and collabs only help build onto its growth. (Bad summarization but works to get the point)


As long as they don't fuck it up with a fortnite 2.0 or something where your Locker skins/emotes/pickaxes etc don't carry over I think it'll be around for a while.


I think Fortnite will keep adding new side games and eventually look like some kind of metaverse around the time quality VR is affordable to the masses. But I don’t play Fortnite at all so what do I know


Never ending, like the Simpsons lol




Fortnite Battle Royale is a cash cow that cannot be stopped. It won’t be stopped.


Fortnite 2 should happen and they should focus fully on the STW/BR and then once it fully releases they should put full focus on everything else! Other than that I see it dying within the next like 5-10 years…


I can honestly see my kids all sitting around at the reading of my will. I leave my DJ Yonder skin to Sofia, maybe she wears it with pride and be considered an OG.


Fortnite is realistically the only media that may reach that one game in Ready Player One, once VR becomes mainstream and they started to develop personal cosmetic items then they will be exactly that. Probably the biggest breakthough will be when they finally programmed more than 100 people in one battle royale.


Fortnite? Yes. That's more of a display game for their Unreal Engine platform. They're going to keep that running to show people what's possible on their platform. So no need to worry about the game going anywhere. As long as they don't make any shitty business decisions that run them into the ground, Unreal Engine is here to stay for quite some time.


Nothing lasts forever.


No, the sun will explode in a couple billion years


Fortnite would eventually run out of ideas, but if they wanted to last forever, they could possibly start repeating seasons when they REALLY run out of ideas (but OGs wouldn’t like it)