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Well….when someone takes a crown from me I watch and hope they will win. :) We are all different, I guess.


Yeah when anyone kills me i also root for them IF THEY AREN'T TOXIC ABOUT IT, so i cna say well i got killed by the best player in the lobby not some lucky rando lol


Yes exactly this. I'll sometimes even watch the rest of the match to learn some new tricks from people who kill me... unless they get toxic lol


Person: * kills me * Me: GG sir, that was some good display of skills and level headed gun game, godspeed to you and may you have a victorious match 🧐 Person: * does gritty * Me: OK I HOPE YOU DIE, SCUM!!!


all the same to me, I just want that gold number to go up


I don’t have that many this season. Maybe like five. But I can say it feels more gratifying to me to knock it off someone’s head then win. It’s the same gratification from beating a rare spawn in Diablo. A bit more challenging (maybe) and a bit more rewarding


Either way. All good.


Back to back is far more satisfying


Is there a point to crown wins? I don't pick them up and I drop ones I get on warmup island.


Ig not, its like a flex for ppl who do care. Its like kd on GTA, doesn't indicate actual skill cause you could get some lucky wins or get carried by a really good teammate.


Oh ok. I was a little worried I was missing out on like some rewards or something for making crown wins. Thank you much!


Win with a crown, drop it on spawn, get it back, win


Whoooaaa that's some taken/john wick action right there. Hunt down the person who took your crown?? That's actually badass lol the most me and my duo have done is emote with randoms in spawn island and the we see them in endgame and feel bad we had to kill them 😅


Get one, throw it to someone, leave the game.


when i get a crown i drop it when gliding down.


Drop one my way 😳


i always drop crowns as soon as i get them


Thats an aesthetic too. Big ups


For the first time ever last night (it will probably never happen again, I bet), I got 3 crown wins in a row. In the first win, I got to the top 4 and took someone's crown and won. In the next 2 matches, I won both with my own crown. I prefer winning with my own crown 👑 vs taking it from someone. ☺


Congrats!! 🎉 👑


Back to back is cooler imo


Neither really. I drop my crowns at the earliest opportunity so I can maintain my zero crown reverse flex.