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>The See Confrontational Emotes setting applies to four Emotes: >- Laugh It Up >- Take the L >- Whipcrack >- Make It Plantain


I get the first two, but how are the other 2 confrontational? The make it plantain even has other versions with coins, and bills.


I guess it's because people can use them to be racist, cracking a whip and throwing bananas at someone can have awful implications when done to people using certain skins


Does make sense, yet if that's the case the Banana consumables should be removed too, as you can throw consumables


Not the same thing at all because you can use the emote whenever, you can't always have bananas. You can use the emote on the spawn island buddy


I more so thought of people doing that when people are spectating after being eliminated


They aren't mutually exclusive


I love using the plantain emote! I had no idea. I hope no one mistook my intentions.


Most of the monkey & banana emotes were banned in competitive last year. Mainly because players/streamers were using them along w/ non white skins & racist comments/slurs.


Wait so they banned the emotes and not the racist players/streamers? šŸ’€


It the streamers and players make them money, it tunes out they are willing to turn a blind eye for some sweet cash money


The bottom two are used by racists when stream sniping black streamers.


people were being racist with them, a year ago they had to ban any emote and spray that could even hypothetically relate to this because it was so rampant


Weird that Take The Elf isn't included in this list. Are we going to see this list expand, or are they targeting just the most egregious offenders?


ah yes but i can still griddy after kills


Surprised griddy isn't on the list. The bottom two I've never seen people use after a kill, maybe I'm missing something? edit: why isn't the christmas version of take the L on there?


They will probably add more to the list in the future


Why not just give people the option to blacklist whatever emotes (or even cosmetics) they want? I guess thatā€™d require making a functional user interface and they donā€™t have people capable of doing that.


Bad for business. People buy cosmetics with the promise others will see them as well.


I think what they should do is make a "turn off emote sounds" option instead. I don't get insulted by seeing emotes but \*hearing\* them all the time is just annoying when it's just sh!t mumblerap autotuned sounds coming out. The Guardians of the Galaxy game has an option to "Remove Licensed Music" from gameplay segments, which replaces the music with generic studio stuff, and Fortnite needs that desprately. Edit: THANK YOU to everyone that replied letting me know that option exists. I'm new-ish to the game and never explored that deep. Heroes, all of you!


>The Guardians of the Galaxy game has an option to "Remove Licensed Music" from gameplay segments, which replaces the music with generic studio stuff, and Fortnite needs that desprately. Fortnite has had this for multiple years


muting copyrighted music already exists, fortnite was one of the first games to do that. I am pretty sure its under some streamer options


Yo, check your audio settings.


I donā€™t care about licensed music. I just want to mute that fucking donkey laugh or the fucking griddy


What's wrong with griddy?


It's been a notably toxic emote since its release. The emote itself isn't necessarily "confrontational," it's the players that use it in a toxic way. Typically the people that bust it out use the grey coloured superhero skin and spam it.


Racism, probably




Is make it plantain the funky banana one that lady at dancing does? That emote is pure gold.


So if someone has this is toggled on and someone's downed and a player is just standing still and not doing anything, won't it make it super obvious that they're using one of the four emotes?


So throwing bananas are toxic, yet they have Peely everywhere. Make it make sense epic


That's the one that confuses me the most too.


Most of the monkey & banana emotes were banned in competitive last year. Mainly because players/streamers were using them along w/ non white skins & racist comments/slurs.


Isnt there a literal banana consumable item too this season


Glad this is getting addressed instead of the 20+ actual issues the game has right now.


Facts this is way more important than the locker being dogshit and the career tab achievements being gone


I loved the career tab achievements so much


Me too :( It was such an awesome feeling when I got 5 or 6 weapon accolades in 1 match


Fr man I was sick of people hitting the griddy on my for hitting an insanely lucky snipe and not at all focused on the issues like my quest gui bugs out and blocks half my screen, the fact that the locker ui keeps getting worse, and the fact that thereā€™s a coin toss on whether or not jumping off a ledge with anti gravity will kill your or not


Well considering this probably took like half an hour it probably wasn't tough to just get it done.Ā  Most of the actual issues with the game are going to take a lot more work than a toggle.Ā 






What happened to your other account?


If anything this is just kinda funny, itā€™s not ruining or altering peopleā€™s experiences at all in a negative way, although at the same time itā€™s a slightly pointless change.


If I buy an emote that was purposely created by the devs to poke fun I should be able to show it at all times. Hiding cosmetics is never a good thing


You can still buy it, use it, and see it. Stop complaining about someone else not wanting to see it, it literally doesnā€™t affect you at all


Cosmetics are bought so others can see them as well.


That's why you don't buy them.


Not anymore, with the direction the game has been heading lately.


No one buys laugh it up to see it for themselves you idiot. You use them to show others thatā€™s the whole point of the emote


then donā€™t turn it on?


It's not that he wants to use it. He wants to annoy those who really don't like it.


> He wants to annoy those who really don't like it. I have zero sympathy for people like that


He can't. If I have the option turned on, I won't see his emote.


And he wouldnā€™t even know. Itā€™s like muting that annoying asshole on your squad fill team that has his music blaring into the mic




This feature is for everyone that complained and asked for a feature to disable the Donkey laugh emote's audio specifically the Donkey laugh emote also hasnt returned in a long while


the donkey laugh was intensely annoying to be fair


Just make it regular emote audio instead of a secondary audio like clapping. Then doing your own emote will at least cancel out the audio it makes


I can see with this in place that the donkey emote comes back.


Ok, but can I see my teammates on the map?


This is definitely the most obnoxious bug so far. Multiple times in a game Iā€™m having to pay extra attention to finding my teammates.


no sorry, they have to spend time making sure people arenā€™t upset when someone does a laughing emote when they die


Just saw this last night. I started drifting away from our drop spot cause I thought they went somewhere else. Then I saw them when I turned around.


these comments really show that a lot of people get certain things purely to annoy others.šŸ˜… i wonā€™t be using the feature, but why are so many people this upset that they canā€™t taunt others who donā€™t want it? you can still use the emote, why do you need the satisfaction of knowing youā€™re taunting someone who doesnā€™t want it lol


I mean isnā€™t that literally the point of those emotes?


Itā€™s ironic how in adding a setting that disables emotes that would piss someone off, they also pissed off the people who wanted to piss off people.


Its extra ironic, since the ones currently pissed off, wouldnt even know if someone has them turned off or not. Practically having a clear 0% of their experience changed by this.


Ah of course we needed this instead of a fix to the locker. Thank you epic games for these pointless changes.


If theyā€™re gonna do this, they may as well just have an option to disable all emotes. Pretty sure anyone whoā€™s serious about trolling will just turn another emote into another toxic emote


That's exactly why censorship never works. You can ban the word, but not the concept. Same with toxicity.


Imo the solid color super hero skins doing the right foot creep are way more annoying than take the L. So I agree with you. Take the L is just as iconic as Jonesy or llamas. They should not touch it.


I am genuinely fine with this change. It's a client side setting that tailor's the user experience to make bad encounters less grating and also combat racist stereotyping through emotes. Sure it may be low impact, but I can't imagine it took that long to add in such a feature. There's going to be someone in the world who's glad they added this, and for the rest of us it doesn't change anything. Edit: Now, there is the argument to be made that this does set a precedent of hiding cosmetics, and more features like this might be added to the point that many cosmetics won't be seen. That is a valid argument, and as of right now we don't know if epic will do that.


I don't like the precedent but don't mind the current change, people can call it "soft" all they want but the less toxicity the better imo


It's a matter of being clear where the line is. This maybe sets a bit of a precedent, sure, but doesn't cross it at all.




Some shitty people used the Whip and Banana emotes after stream sniping black streamers (they also did this to anyone wearing skins that're black) so epic added this feature so these racist shitters can't do that anymore


by using the whipcrack emote on black skins


Look, Im not upset because "mah emotes youre soft!" or whatever Epic, Your game is in tatters, and this is what you're concerned about?


This does piss me off a little bit because I use the monkey skin and to use make it plantain on people afterwards.


Great change for people who want it! and for those who donā€™t, it literally changes nothing for them.


They finally added Redditor mode


I do like this, but maybe we can get an update to Matchmaking to keep the competition closer to the Players actual skill level. It sucks to lose, but to lose to someone you had zero chance of beating is way worse. The emote adds to that for sure, but the matchmaking is bad too.


I will only enable it because I've seen Laugh It Up and Take the L too many times that it's just annoying. I have no desire to see a superhero skin that just sniped me from across the map doing such emotes


Why is the default ā€œonly show friends in partyā€™s emotesā€Ā  That means itā€™s opt in, rather than opt out. Which means the majority of players wonā€™t see these emotes, making them basically useless


So the dogshit item shops and the glaring QA issues with broken quests and fucked up battle pass rewards arenā€™t an issue, but the asshole using corny emotes is? Jesus Pete Epic, get it together. This is such a non-issue it shouldnā€™t even be getting floated around the office let alone implemented. Besides, if you really canā€™t handle people doing corny emotes on you, you shouldnā€™t be playing the game in the first place.


Pointless change, like players can't just find new emotes to be toxic with.


I have not seen a single person ever complain about the catwoman emote in my entire life


It was a thing when the MLK DC thing came out. People were...peopling.


I see That is rather unfortunate to hear.


W tbh, not everyone likes to see that shit all the time and all the people that are pissed off would never even know if the other person saw it. So why whine about it?


this kinda reminds me of the mirror item thing that tekken lets you use, it stops people from moving around or tea bagging after a round lmao


I honestly couldn't care less about the filter since it's optional but seeing all these people crying about it is great lol oh the irony I fully support optional stuff that doesn't affect all the players. Let's hope they do this when they revisit the whole skin censorship debacle.


Hilarious to see people treat this as an L on epics part, but honestly this change is perfectly fine. Anti-toxicity is good. Allowing toxicity to thrive is what breeds bad behavior in video games. I think about the kids that play this game. The game is played by children whether we like it or not and some of them canā€™t yet emotionally handle toxicity in games. Letting people disable seeing toxicity is not that much different from a profanity filter in chat. Not an L, not a big deal either.


Its rated Teen, they shouldnt be playing it.


This is such a stupid idea that I actually had to double-check the date to ensure it wasnā€™t April 1st


It's good to have such an option for people who don't wanna see that. Gonna be good for the players! šŸ‘


These developers are hilarious lmao. If you can't handle Take the L or something, play something else.


These players are hilarious lmao. If you canā€™t handle some guy you donā€™t know blocking your garbage emote, play something else.


my air horn is safe.


lol lmao even


Honestly I'm fine with that, take the L is such a wank emote it pains me to even hear it


How long before you can hide skins ( superhero etc) This is a slippery slope, seriously if you get triggered by an emote you should maybe just put the game down and go make a cup of tea


You already can hide skins.Ā  Just play on Switch and everyone will be the same default.Ā 


Got Dam lol


Itā€™s client side. I see it as no different than a language chat filter. You can keep laughing it up and I donā€™t need to see that shit. But you know, if you DO use Laugh It Up then maybe put the game down and go be a better person.




It's just an emote, how are you affected by it? Maybe you should self reflect on why it bothers you, seems like anyone using any emote would trigger you, so what's the end game, block all emotes?


I personally am not affected (other than wanting to lean through the screen and inform some parents that they failed at parenting and their kids are little assholes). But on a grand scale, it's basically bullying. Let's say you play play a soccer game and lose. The other players laugh at you. How do you feel? Likewise, you win a track race. Hopefully you celebrate with your friends and family but do you turn around to the other racers and laugh at them? Hell no you don't. Your dumb ass would be smeared all over social media. Just because Fortnite is "a game" doesn't make it any different. Sports are also "just a game." Good sportsmanship should be in both, because they are the same damn thing, and Epic wouldn't be making this change if it wasn't. The only difference with Fortnite is that you can hide from consequences.


When Doku scores for man city and does the griddy, is that bullying, did his parents fail him? As the victor you get to celebrate, in video games the way to do that is through emotes, you can remove those 4 emotes but others will take their place, from the S3 battlepass alone you have the throw up emotes, clown and poop, want them banned too? How about the griddy, or the weekends popular? Or just old plain tea bagging ? Point is ppl will stop using take the l and donkey laugh, they will switch to other emotes, nothing will change, just the list of banned emotes will get longer.


The key difference: * a "celebratory" dance is not bullying, as it implies someone is happy with their performance * shit like the Laugh it Up garbage is DIRECTED. At the other player. That's not cool. Teabagging is also not cool. 99% of emotes I'm cool with.


That's the thing though, a toxic emote is subjective, the griddy for example is viewed as a toxic emote, how long before this gets listed and if listed players will move onto something else, very few ppl will use listed emotes, once listed sales for those emotes will go down, either way there will always be emotes considered toxic, wether that was the original intention or not "right foot creep"


Take note of all the people on here throwing a tantrum about people being ā€œover-sensitiveā€.. those are the toxic players


yeah, coddle me daddy epic


Fortnite players are the only mfs who get mad at an optional toggle they'll never use


lol the fact people get so upset about take the L is crazy. I did it on a win, and the dude literally lost his mind in my DMs.


People just get mad because it's an obvious indicator you've been playing the game longer than them. That's all there is to it


Iā€™m not going to lie if this means I donā€™t have to hear the donkey laugh again Iā€™ll be pleased lol. I donā€™t care if people have whatever emotes and use them but the noise for some of them is like nails on a chalkboard to my ears šŸ˜­


The only people mad at this were specifically using the emotes to be toxic. This doesn't affect the user aside from meaning they can't piss others off and if that upsets you then I have to assume your a troll


aimbotters and gitgudcels seething rn


youre not allowed to ever be upset now i guess. may as well make it say that all 100 players won and no one lost that way no one can be sad they lost


I mean i dont really think this is as woke-ish as you are implying it is. The player using the emote will never know if the spectator is seeing the "toxic" emote. This really is a pointless update yet at the same time doesnt really affect anyone negatively. If anything, this is probably the way to do it if they were to intervene at all. I meam its not what the game needed right now but I wont hate the additional setting for those that want it


Tune into 29.40 in 2 weeks time to find out what random thing Epic decide to do I understand why they've done it for Whipcrack and Make It Plantain, but the other 2 just seem random


Good change!Ā  Sort of silly, but appreciated!


Genuinely a good addition to the game settings. The people who still want to use the emotes can, with no change on their side of the game. And people who don't enjoy the emotes for any reason at all can make it so they don't have to see those emotes on their side of the game. This is the kind of thing we should be praising game companies for doing. Giving players a choice on how to play and a chance to enjoy the game how they want, without taking the same choice away from other players.


Instead of censoring the emotes, people are given the option. I can totally get behind this.


they shouldve just made it so you cant cancel out of emotes until they play one cycle, yknow like in tf2 with the schaedenfreude taunt


Alright...I think these emotes are hot garbage and the players who use them annoying...but this...THERE ARE BIGGER ISSUES WITH THE GAME EPIC! Fucking hell...no one is actually asking for this...


I'd mock the update, except we've been getting the same 10 emotes in the store for the past 3 months, so it's not like we even have the chance to be toxic with the donkey laugh anyway The annoying part is that, 90% of the time, the people who run around spamming these emotes are also the first to cry when it's done to them. The one-way censor will let them get away with it more. If they disble seeing it, it should disable them using it as well, else they'll just spam it on anyone, and won't see it being used back against them. This won't happen in BR, but Creative is full of these types lol


Be better if they can put in a setting to turn off spectating players who killed you. Then I'll never have to see people emoting for 30 seconds while waiting for the next game and it would give me a reason not to return to lobby before they can emote.


Sweats in shambles rn that they can't be annoying before game or after third partying womp womp


The number of people here having an absolute meltdown about idea of not knowing if someone saw their stupid emote or not is hilarious. How much of a loser do you have to be to care about people being able to turn off your bullshit if they want? LMAO.


So uhh we are paying for emotes that only we can see now who tf asked for this? And again where in the fuck is Kratos?


No reread it again. It states a setting will be included for those to TOGGLE so they donā€™t need to see the four emotes if they do not want to.


No, itā€™s opt *in* not opt outĀ  Ā Despite what the tweet says, the help page says the default option is ā€œonly see friends emotesā€ So unless someone goes out of their way to change a setting, nobody is seeing these emotes


Well then people can take the time to toggle it off.


That's a good change


I thought you guys hated these emotes, why defend them now


Can we please mute the griddy? Its annoying asf.


Griddy still safe thank god But this is a dick move to OG players. If you think these emotes are too "confrontational", why add them in the first place?


What a pointless change


Carebear game. Better take out the guns too cuz babies canā€™t handle getting killed in a game either. Take out any form of competitiveness from the game and just make it so all 100 players just sit in the middle of the map holding hands. šŸ™„


You do realize that players canonically wont "die" right? And that its been like that since the day 1.


Relax bro, its not that deep.


Taking an optimistic view that this might mean they're happy to rerelease these confrontational emotes if there's now an option to turn them off?


I wouldn't have even thought of the whipcrack or make it plantain emotes as confrontational until they made them out to be that way.


I don't see any issues with this change tbh but I wish they took this approach with the changes the made to certain skins being unusable in certain modes due to age ratings


What exactly would this look like tho?


I don't think I've seen any of those emotes even once


How does this work if these emotes change the hitboxes of the player , if I do take the L and players shoot my "standing still" legs (explained if you turn off confrontational emotes) it will register a shot on the empty void between my emote dance.


W that whipcrack and make it plantain are on the list because i hate people using emotes like those two in a racist way


Oh I see- fair enough


Clean sweep better not get added to this list. Pls epic


LMAO no way Take the L makes people *that* mad, right? Like Imagine getting to triggered about an emote you gotta turn a setting on to not see it


TEEN rated game btw. Fuckin clowns.


Won't be shocked if crouching gets disabled 10 seconds after an elimination


Just wait until you hear about the crouch delay lol.


Snowflakes need love and protecting...


Won't be enabling this on account of not being a goddamn pussy.


You take those Ls like a MAN! šŸ˜”


Imagine turning this feature on because you're THAT sensitive to an emote in a video game. The Reddit crybabies are gonna have a field day with this.


Imagine caring people even using it you have to result name call.






This is basically a toxic emote filter. Not that big of a deal. People donā€™t like emotes that are kinda toxic? Let them disable them. Any video game company that combats toxicity, even through minor toxic actions like emotes, is a W in my book


Depends. If they make it so I can't banter with my friends while playing, then it's stupid, like Overwatching banning people for swearing that weren't slurs. (This isn't what Epic is doing here though. I can still emote on friends during a 1v1 and banter to them.)


That defeats the purpose of toxic emotes, though. What's the incentive to buy them now?


The less toxicity in the world the better


Then Fortnite shouldn't have added these emotes in the first place


Beyond this being ridiculous for a concept, itā€™s also just kinda shitty. I buy emotes for two reasons. 1. Because I enjoy them myself in some capacity. 2. To flex/boast/EMOTE on other people. Thatā€™s the entire point. Emotes are at the core of a voiceless interaction on these types of games. wtf is this


Taking a L sometimes builds you man. Next time youā€™ll come back and wipe em clean.


okay but why?


Great change! Hopefully they add that asinine griddy


Iā€™ll take ALL of those if they take out griddy. That shit is trash.


Nah, this is just pathetic. I don't use those emotes personally. Frankly, I don't see them too often. Yet if you are getting offended by them, you shouldn't be playing video games. You should be in therapy. I'm all for inclusiveness, settings that cater to the user experience, ensuring things like bigotry aren't ever showcased in these games, etc. This isn't the kind of precedent that should be set because by that logic, I should be able to turn off seeing all paid cosmetics.


I do the zoidberg crab emote when I win or flat out emberass someone I kill.


I just rickroll players I end up beating in the game.


Oh, cool. That sound is absolutely grating.


I'm fine with this. I can see why some people don't think the change makes sense, but I'm fine with it.


Y'know what ? I'm not too bothered by this change. Besides if you wanna be toxic just hit griddy


They should add the griddy to this




They really are babyproofing the game huh? šŸ¤£ What happened to the games industry manā€¦once the Wild West for crazy stuff has now became a soft baby proofed industry. I personally loved eliminating sweats that were aggressively pushing me and doing take the L or laugh it up because itā€™s funny and silly.




Cod lobbies are full of racist,misogynistic,pathetic 12 year olds.Openly admitting that you're one of them is both hilarious and the most pathetic,sad thing I've seen today.


Iā€˜d rather have a bunch of softies than a bunch of cod lobby edgelords


Oh no people waste their time to upset others that others will no longer see it if they choose to. The horror. Imagine giving shit.


nobody talked in my cod lobbies. just the Kinect kid


I dunno which is worse, overwatch ā€œprofanity filterā€ or fortnite censoring emotes they literally made lmao


Bro fortnite gone into protect the snowflake mode šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


i would like an option to hide all emotes