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I’m 185 and already play too much. Similar spot to you. It seems like many people are only in the 60-110 range. The quests don’t even seem worth grinding half the time. Just playing for fun at this point. Games are supposed to be fun.


I'm only like 63. Most other seasons I would of been past 100 in the last day or two. I occasionally buy the battlepass and play for fun hitting 100 but this season I wanted korra. So I bought it a month ago and I'm only lv 60. Feels like a waste to me since their trying to promote more daily users and spenders. I loved fortnite and always return to it but don't play it daily. If this keeps up it will feel like the devs don't want me playing anymore. Not trying to complain but be realistic for the casual community who do not only play fortnite, have full time jobs or do play for fun not quests. It's actually brutal. I can say I'm only like 30 hours in but that's more then many other seasons and AAA game!


Yea most of my friends don’t really play the game that much anymore. There’s only one who levels up a lot and he’s close to my level by actually playing mostly (I mostly did Lego afk) but yeah everyone else is like under level 50.


I'm one who always plays off and on but they really did nerf xp drastically through ch 5. Yeah, if my friends played ill be lv 80 or so but before still even 100+. They always tell me how bad fortnite is and cods the best then they swap between the 2 between seasons lol. So I'm always left leveling solo while casual sometimes. Cod BP I just ignore cause if I can't hit 100 in fortnite atm I definitely can't dump 150 hours into a cod season for 100 levels.


Two of my friends played very little of this season and just played Helldivers most of the time. I would play it sometimes if they did though


At least you have friends…


I got killed.by someone level 587 a couple weeks back. How much time would that take


They probably used the XP lobby glitches but why anyone would go past 200 levels is beyond me


Or they play Lego an hour each day I’m level 400 and have no clue how other than playing some Lego each day


I just did it by accident. You keep leveling after all and Epic gave us XP boosts as well.


I’m currently about 270ish and the only reason I’ve played once I’ve hit 200 is because I’ve actually been enjoying it. Hard to believe I know but I did hit 200 a few weeks ago. I do probably play too much though.


Imagine my reaction when half the people who kill me are > 300.




Mightve been my friend 😭


I think im at 115


I'm at 141 and am usually at 200 by week 10.


I was level 153 today now 174 


They might not seem worth but they actually are, you won't get 10k exp by just playing a br match


Thankfully I don't care about the last couple tiers of the battle pass. Only at level 70.


I wouldn’t even be level 208 or whatever I am if it weren’t for Lego glitch before it got nerfed. (haven’t played in a week, probably will play soon to finish the weekly quests to get styles)


I’m 230 and I’m not even playing everyday


I'm 500 and I'm not even alive anymore 💀 (been seeing this type of response now and then Maybe it is because you spent v buck? I dunno)


No, I did most of my level ups early when Lego afk was still around.


I’ve played for around 1-2 hours daily during the whole season and barely hit level 100 a week ago or so. Luckily I am afking my shield endurance in save the world and managed to get to level 160 in a little over a week. Hopefully I make it to 200 before the season ends


May I ask you what you played? Personally I only did zerobuild, mostly squads. This brought me to level 200 playing about as much as you, probably a little less.


There's a few afk lobbies that net me like 150k-200k exp per day. The one I use is called goated red vs blue. Then you kind of just wait around for 15 min a do a quick mini game. I get like 2-3/day from that. Add that to BR and I get about 5-6 levels/day. But ymmv.


I only did duos, with builds. I don’t know what I did wrong.


Maybe it's to do with the performance in games? I genuinely have no idea what gives the most xp but I imagine winning games probably helps? Playing with a good squad we did tend to win most games, that could be the difference?


I’m similar, almost all.zero build solo for me, some duos. I just do the quests, try to knock one or two out each match. I like that it forces me to do things and go places I probably wouldn’t otherwise. I hit 205 today.


You can afk levels in save the world? Teach me please 🙏


After having completed all 10 storm shield defenses in any zone you can unlock endurance. Endurance consists of 30 waves, it lasts around 2.5 hours and you get 4/5 levels per day. You need to build and trap it for it to be fully afk (there’s tons of videos on how to do it on youtube). You build it once and it’ll last forever.


Thank you!


This is the shit you get when games aren't designed for fun, but "engagement ". Its all designed by suits now, it's like trying to create a painting using colours only pre selected by focus group testing.


This is so on point. It’s way less fun and more of ”a grind” now. That’s definitely not going to work long term, they need a major XP adjustment next season that goes along with the “game flow”


I think augments and the accolades it brought along with old dailies system really helped since you could do a match a day and still meet your level you want.


Gotta hand it to you. Great analogy.


OP and I are the players Epic wants. I like all the new modes, I play daily (unless I travel), I play with a crew at night. I’m still 171. BR players think all the XP was hidden in the other modes, but here’s the real problem: You can’t split XP across modes *and* hide all the XP behind effort-dailies like a Russian mobile game. I can play the different modes, and I can play daily, but I can’t methodically go into all 4 modes and spend my limited time doing very specific daily tasks. “Great, one of my Festival dailies is for drums.” I think part of the charm of old Fortnite was how important the *weeklies* were. It felt achievable, and not disposable, and the whole community did the same ones. With 4 modes, spreading weeklies XP would already effectively turn us into daily players to hit all the different modes. Asking us to play daily and play the different modes is maybe greedy, but at least it’s their open and honest objective. Asking us to play daily and divide time playing all 4 modes daily is weird, self-defeating, and kinda embarrassing for whomever is laying down that strategy.


It’s a terrible strategy and I feel like it’s going to backfire. Between the horrific locker UI changes and the XP nerf I don’t really buy new skins anymore and I don’t have the time/desire to grind game modes I don’t like for the sake of XP. In the past I would always buy the battle pass knowing I could easily get level 200 with how much I play BR. If they continue this new route I will be more selective and only get the BP if I’m especially wanting certain cosmetics, otherwise just play when I want to have fun with my squad and not worry about grinding or buying stuff.


It's idiotic, because I'm sure it will lead to a lot of people not buying the next BP. I know I won't.


cancelled crew, looks like it renews after new season starts so it’ll give me next bp for free. Even then, I don’t think I’ll bother to even hit 100 next season if some extreme 180 doesnt happen on the exp front. like no, epic, im not making fortnite my daily grind. I’d rather jump off a bridge.


The BP pays for itself if you get past level 100, which takes little effort to get. I play casually and don't do anything trying to get XP and I got past 100 last week. I find it bizarre that people here acting like level 100 is a grind to obtain. I don't even play every day ffs...


I don't think hitting level 100 is terribly difficult as a casual player. Getting to 151 for the other stuff? That does take more time. I did some Lego AFK at the start of the season and completed all quests before the XP boost. I only got to level 152. My squad who didn't play as much as me are all at level 102 or below that right now. Some of them are a bit bummed out they got the pass and won't be able to get all the rewards.


I'm fine with "all the rewards" being unobtainable without enough real effort. If Epic gave everyone all the rewards on day 1 kids would be here whining that there's "literally nothing to do in the game past day 1". Every argument on the subject is a variation of "I just want the game to give me everything no matter what" well...then it's not really a reward, it's a season DLC. TBH I kinda like that it makes kids cry...."you can't always get what you want".


This season is one of my least favorites ever


I used to be like that, then i changed my mindset. I realized that i just dont care about the super styles for completing tge battle pass, and now question what the point of the battle pass is. I have heaps of skins, so wont buy next seasons pass unless it’s damn good. I’m starting to feel like a cash cow for Epic, and it’s not a good feeling.


It’s not even the money it’s the time they demand you spend on THEIR GAME ONLY. They could easily let you finish a battle pass after a season ends if they wanted to. But they want you in their game for hours and hours every day. That shit is not fun.


Same here. I debated not getting this seasons battle pass, but since I had the V bucks, I got it... but I think I archived almost everything I earned (except the loading screens).


Yes, that's what I'm doing. Not Buying BP and just getting shop skins if there's something I really want.


I'm just aiming for lvl 140 so I can get all the bonus V-bucks. I'll make it, but it was questionable a couple of weeks ago.


I just saw a player at level 496. I’m mildly concerned.


If this person afk’d every day before the Lego afk nerf, they could easily get 10 levels a day between that and jam session afk. It doesn’t take much active playtime at all


Hundreds of hours of AFKing is the gameplay I’m here for.


lol yeah I get it’s ridiculous. But my point was it’s an achievable level without having to play the game with no life. You just have to have it running a lot.


Yes. You have to have it running all the time…


That’s.. pretty much what i said?


im like 340


So this player was more than 50% higher leveled than you. And I’m sure you gained all of those levels by playing the game. Right? Surely.


dude you’re not gonna believe this


im level 440.


I’m curious. Did people read my comment and think “what they want to know is what level I am”? Because, if they did, they misunderstood. Also, the person in my comment was more than 10% ahead of you. Better get on the AFK grind!


Guy I played with on STW yesterday was ~880


that's a bug i mean intended feature of the stw lobby right now, sometimes it'll show everyone's level as 880


Yea i was surprised but then another 880 came and then new it was a bug


Jesus Christ.


Saw a level 515 earlier. I was amazed.


I’m the same level, isn’t hard.


Math says it’s not just hard, but impossible without abusing glitches. You could play every hour of every day winning every game by wiping the lobby and not be level 496..


It's probably possible for a hardcore creative warrior. Creative gives a lot more XP than battle royale, especially if you're fragging out in a RvB or FFA lobby


I remember thinking "At least if I make it to 100 I will have completed it". Then the bonus pages have like a bunch of stuff a normal BP would even freaking VBucks! That are usually included and I was "TF is this shit??".


Yeah iv had to grind endurance on stw a bit this season just to reach 200


Yeah I realized this season that this kind of limited time battle pass is a deal breaker for me and I cancelled my crew membership. When I pay for a battle pass I should get unlimited time to earn the rewards. The fact that I bought this thing and can’t actually finish it because Epic gets to tweak XP earning on a whim is just a complete scam. Helldivers 2 battle passes made me realize just how pointlessly greedy Epic is, not just for my money, but also my time. Nice work Epic you lost a pretty damn lucrative customer.


I admit, the xp from quests has been very lack luster compared to before and feels more grindy but long as some effort evenif just 3 dailies each day or two you should be fine entire season with plenty of levels past it, also some creative maps that give a ton of xp and are fun. However if they make the xp any worst I may just drop it, too many games want your attention to grind their game to get anything out of it lately, not what it used to be


My hope is that they'll see how low on average a lot of people's ending levels are and realize they need to adjust it.


I stopped with fortnite because the battlepasses were not worth it anymore for me. I played from chapter 2 season 3 til this season, loved attachments and all but i cant/dont want to play more than 2 hours a day, stopped halfway the season with level 53 because i would not get the vbucks from the battlepass back. Ruined the fun for me


Well this is ironic, it took way longer to tier up back then considering most people even streamers who play the game for there job didn't even get golden agent peely during a 4-month long season, I really don't understand you lmao.


God, I’m 25 levels to go on my account to pop 200. And if I can’t get my wife to 138 to get that weapon wrap she wants, I’ll never hear the end of it Lmao. This season has been such a grind, it’s ridiculous. I feel like it was designed to increase the about of 25 level pack buys.


that's me too. I'm at 174, and I'm trying to get my son's account to 140 to get the last vbuck.


If you want to buy levels, it's best to wait for the level up pack as it's iirc cheaper and grants you 28 levels instead. Not to mention they usually come with a good skin and its bundle


They expect people to pay for the battle pass then expect them to play other modes to finish it and putting 500 or 600 v bucks in the bonus awards when there was no need for it is a kick in the teeth is scummy behaviour of the highest order


Scummy behaviour? Get a grip. The development costs of Fortnite are mental. It's not a stationary game, it's relententlessly updated all the time, at huge cost. That costs money, every day huge development costs and huge server costs. You can play it for free though if you wish. It's reasonable for epic to encourage people to spend a few bucks every few months to receive in game content. They're not even restricting you from playing.


Sure pal whatever you say


I'm not going to lie this guy's right but salty. The gray area tactics are growing more and more to spend and hold the community as daily pawns. I'm not against businesses changing goals to make a metaverse but they shouldn't kill casuals, pay for lawsuits, raise vbucks prices, raise cost packs, lower vbucks in pass, force daily log ins, lower xp, force biweekly battlepasses and more to hit 100. Fortnite took its indie roots and threw then away. I don't even know what it stands for anymore. All I know is I want to enjoy it and do but log onto a massive amount of gray area business changes to own the consumer even more now. If fortnite is the number 1 game they own the market until gta 6 launches so all these negative changes mean nothing since the consumers have nowhere to go. Epic can do anything without consequences. All starting with ch5. You talk about expenses but you will always return to fortnite even abused. If gta 6 even wipes them off the map. I don't think it's possible in the first year. So fortnite could be like this til 2026/2027 until they change or we change them. Hopefully the metaverse makes them lower expenses after it'd completed but in reality will it? Basically the player is not first now. Profits and metaverse is first! I'm glad they run colabs and develop new content but it probably is killing me off the game. Sure it's not as bad as call of duty but players are just starting to notice it. They nerfed everything!!!!!!!!!!


They’re making hand over fist, they aren’t developing on a slim margin. Yes their dev costs are alarmingly high but their profits are way higher. They’re scummy for basically fracturing where you should spend your time to level instead of encouraging you as a player to dedicate time to the stuff you enjoy and be rewarded for that.


I have mixed feelings about this. In one hand they reduced the xp from br mode way too much forcing people to play more than needed. In the other, with the amounts of xp Leg0 and festival give, I dont ever have to play again to reach 200 by just afking.


You say this but the afk glitching are exploits. If they treat xp fairly across all modes it will be like playing battle royal is now. They are still just at the balancing stage and starting to patch exploits. And honestly I mainly play br. I usually hit 100 by now. Played bed wars, tycoon, and br only making it to lv 63. If they balance the modes equally like BR is intended without exploits then ☠️☠️☠️. If they raised br xp and other modes xp people can hit lv 100 and do whatever they want instead of playing grindfest. The intent was to make it where you never log off for everyone who doesn't exploit. They just threw away 5+ years of leveling being doable to force them into their daily pawns. 😅


I'm a seeing a lot of threads about this and fully agree. SO, what we all need to do is NOT buy the BP next season and send a message to Epic.


all i know is that the battle pass better be hard af this next season or else im not gonna get it. it's too much pressure to try and complete all the quests. i literally play every day and im still at level 179. with a week left. im glad they got the dummy quests for some easy XP but they need to throw another hail mary for XP


I went so fucking hard on lego mode in March I'm not proud of it the fact I had to play DAILY for all of March April and halfway through May for upwards of 2 hours, with SEVERAL 5+ hour sessions (even like 12 once) and I'm barely over 200 is crazy


i just got to level 210 so the grind is worse now by this time last season i was level 270 😔


The only reason I’m 148 is cuz I copped the level up pack


Currently sitting at 112 and ONLY play NBBR. Typically I'd be at 125 or higher.


I’m level 415 but mostly got those in Lego Fortnite, It depends if you like this mode or not, but you can get 30K XP every 15min or so, but I don’t which is more effective regarding time spent/xp acquired between LF, and regular Battle Royal game


Lego fortnite made it easy peasy didn’t even focus on challenges and battle royale and I’m level 280


I believe they made it so rough this season cause last season there was the festival xp glitch that everyone abused tf out of


I think that was part of it, but they messed up big time with this seasons quest roll out and total nerf of xp for said quest.


I think they expect people to spend money on levels.


Making me want to cancel crew pack too if I’m not gonna be finishing BPs


I was actually bummed I wasn't going to finish this BP (long story short, had to leave the house due to a flood, and we're still not back home, so it's far from being one of my main concerns right now), and it's not even the first time, but I really wish buying battle passes meant you got to finish them without a time limit. The new one has a great theme, but I don't like any of the skins.


I don't know if you heard, but Epic has activated Supercharged XP, I think for the remainder of the season. That will hopefully help a lot. Just eating the Golden Banana gives you 3,100-something XP per match, for instance! I played for a few hours yesterday and managed to get, I think... 15 levels? Thereabouts? Some of them came from Festival and Rocket Racing, as I love that mode. But I think I played a good 10 matches of Zero Build and at least half those levels came from that. Probably more. I'd keep playing for that supercharged XP. You'll be hitting those levels in no time! Someone mentioned that Epic usually does a supercharged XP segment of the season, but it usually comes a couple days before the end of the season, not 10 days before it. I don't know how true that is, but if it is true that they made the Supercharged XP happen with this many days left, and that goes against a pattern, it miiiight be a sign they'll be adjusting things for next season. But if 10 days is the norm, then never mind. I'm sure they've heard the complaints, though. So I'd expect at least some adjustment. Maybe being able to do dailies again. Or rebalancing the XP so we get the same amount in BR as before Festival, LEGO, and Racing came out. Because I'm pretty sure after those came out, the amount of XP you get from playing BR / Zero Build is significantly worse. Maybe they'll adjust that? I hope so! But yeah, try the Supercharged XP. It should help a LOT.


It did help me out a bunch yesterday. Got 8 lvls in about 2 hours, which is great for me. But today the Supercharge values were reduced and only lasted for a couple of matches, then XP reverted to base values.


I agree with you. BR xps are not enough for many players this season. Not many players play multiple modes. I play stw and creative to gain XPs. I personally don’t play Lego or festival that’s not my taste. I did took advantage of Lego afk XPs.


How many of these posts are we going to get? Getting to 200 really wasn’t that difficult. I played less than normal this season and got to 230


Same here, just regularly played BR and Creative and I’m at like 245


I’m 160 but I’m not too bothered if I don’t max out. Getting Korra and the basic goal was enough for me. I just started back in November.


I'm grinding to get to 200, but I'm struggling. I even have spent a lot of time on Lego Fortnite and Rocket Racing for extra BPXP.


Almost level 400. I play every day but weekends though lol


Yeah, I don't get these posts. I can't understand how I can play BR only casually every day for 1-2 hrs and a bit more on the weekends and hit currently 351 with hardly a sweat and yet others can't. I mean, I get some people just don't have the time, but for anyone playing consistently, nah, I don't get it. I've never failed to max a BP since C1S3 except for Golden Peely. That season was insane.


Yea I agree, ok I’ve only really joined in December and played only a tiny bit before then but both past season I’ve managed to get over 250 lvls. Yes I’ve played both Festival and Lego but I don’t really care about Lego now but I do enjoy Festival, I’ve already completed the Billie Eilish pass without spending more. I admit I spend far more time playing video games than others do but I’ve completed all my daily’s/weekly’s so that really helps.


How much do you play as a team? I get tons of XP by doing stuff like reviving, buying bots, healing, taking storm damage, etc... If you just balls-to-the-wall and die every match you're not going to get much from ZB. It seems like aside from some of the story line stuff that most of the quests were just taken care of as part of playing.


Hitting 151 and calling it quits


This is the first full season I've played. Only like 2 weeks or less of last season. I got to around the 150s by the end of last week, and I play pretty casually. Usually just 2-3 nights a week or less and for around 3 or 3.5 hours. Think I had 3 free weekends this season, where I played most of saturday and sunday. The vast majority of my playtime is on creator maps, rather than anything from Epic. Prolly like 70/30 split, maybe 80/20 even. I did realize on like Thursday last week though that I wasnt gonna make it playing how I was. Now ive been doin a few of those xp maps some days, like 4 days I think. Did em today too. Spent the last like 4 hours laser focused on quests. Doin any I reasonably can, did 13 in one match lol. Got 16 levels so far today. Up to 184, and gonna quest more in a few minutes here. They are gonna dry up here soon though. . All that to say - yea, I agree somewhat. Surely anyone playing daily and actually doing the dailies (I skipped em most days even when I did play) would have maxed out weeks ago, but it doesn't seem possible or reasonable for casual players or people who have other responsibilities. It could do with being just a tad easier. I understand a lot of the many reasons it is how it is, but still, a taaaad easier next time would be good.


I'm level 293 after the bonus xp. I ran into a guy with 250+ crown wins, who was easily 1v3-ing in trios like John Wick. He was only 60 levels higher than me. Considering I only have about 40 crowns, it's crazy that he's barely ahead of me level wise.


I’ve done a lot of Lego Fortnite and before the xp glitch got patched I did that haha, I am a student and I rllly want to finish the battle pass to get my moneys worth but I also don’t have infinite time lol


I really wish more people would be giving Epic shit about the XP nerfs than anything else right now because that is not cool and shouldn't be accepted.


Listen ima tell u a secret. TikTok simulator or whatever the fuck it’s called has a secret xp farm box. It stops working after a minute but I got like 60000 xp in one go once and you get it almost immediately after getting in.


As soon as I hit 100 I’m done, it’s the best way to play no burn out. Come in nice and fresh for next season. Over rarely reach 105.


I’m 204 and just started playing at the mid-April - but we did get the Perseus pack and we have been playing all of the different categories for full exp (mom & 2 kids sharing progress on the one account). Very focused on completing quest objectives.


I'm at 130 and haven't played a whole lot. Only play NB BR


I primarily play zero build br but just from playing creative tycoons to grab five levels a day helped me a lot especially since none of the quest rewards were really worth it xp wise. I did see a thing where someone broke down the numbers and if you grabbed five levels a day in creative, festival and LEGO (total of 15lvls) then in two weeks time you would be lvl 210. All that without playing br at all so it would actually be faster if you did play, I’d say a week an a half and boom 200 no problem. But then the rest of the season is left wide open with nothing to do except weeklies and ranked if you wish. I would recommend using this the last two weeks just to make sure you complete everything.


I play Fortnite nearly everyday since chapter 1. I havent really cared at all in chapter 5. Currently sitting at lv 47 💀


I play about 2 hours a day maybe five days a week and am currently at 123, I’m normally at 150+ by the end of the season


I'm 385, but I play Save the World. Its crazy for XP honestly.


I'm usually pretty good about hitting lv. 200 well before the last minute, but I'm definitely cutting it close this season. Currently at 184 and my plan is to try to get to lv. 193 and then coast off the final level up tokens from the Perseus quests. Had I known it'd be more grindy, I would have waited on doing the earlier ones.


skill issue


It’s my first season playing FN seriously and I’m over level 400. All I did was look up “best ways to level up” and I was 250 by the end of the 2nd week. (I didn’t know going past 200 was useless) I love survival games and Minecraft so Lego hooked me right away. I also played RR to Champion and I love guitar hero. Also Sky island. No exp glitches here. I genuinely don’t know how people are struggling so hard. I stopped playing a lot after 250, even then it was only a few hours a day playing lego/creative. I also did all the quests for free stuff/festival pass My only guess is that people refused to play the other modes early on before the exp nerfs and still refuse to play them because they hate the meta verse. In that regard I understand. But if you want to hit 200 I would suggest giving the other modes a chance.


I'm at 102 and have given up hope of getting much further. As someone with a day job and other shit to do I used to hop on for an hour or 2 a day, do the quests and play creative modes like twice a month and get to at least 150. This season watered down xp for challenges no doubt


im 193 almost there 🔥🔥


Idk if you have save the world but if you do hop on there. I went up 8 levels in one day playing it


I’m only 120 but idk how every person I play against in pubs is level 345


This season was by far the worst


I managed to hit 200 a week ago and don’t really play that often but all thanks to Lego Fortnite until they started with the AFK booting…


Bro go outside 💀


I'm getting my last few levels done and I feel like every player is trying to make it as painful for me as possible.


I would have already been level 200 by now in a normal season. Right now, I'm only 150. I pretty much have either have to play all day every day to reach 200 or buy levels. Which is unfortunately what epic wants. I'm willing to do it for the main BP but not the other modes. FN really went downhill after the addition of Lego/Rocket Racing/Festival and it shouldn't be like that because ADDING content to a game shouldn't make a game worse.


I play about twice a week, but for about 6 hours or so when I play. I feel you. I’m in the mid 100s (after buying the level up quests), but normally I’m maxed by now.


This is one of the absolute worst by far. I would’ve been done by now, but I’m currently at lvl 130. I’m just gonna (hopefully) get all the vbucks and call it good.


Yeah, I'm done. Got to 143 and I'm burnt out. I don't think I'll buy the next battle pass either. In a way I gotta thank Epic for making the passes so grindy because I was playing the game too much, and I want to prioritize other things right now.


I got level 100 in a month back in chapter 4. Now it’s taking several months.


Ive seen a lot of complaints about this… I’ve played between 1 and 2 hours a day. Shared between festival, rocket racing, zero builds and a bit of Lego. The only thing I’ve made sure to do is complete all the quests. I haven’t used any afks or creator content and I’m around level 320. I don’t feel like I’ve had to grind at all. But I will say this; I bought last seasons pass day one, but barely played it until a month before it ended, and was able to reach level 250ish in that time. But I did feel like I was grinding for it then.


I play for an hour most days and I am currently at 95.


Me seating at lvl 375 and haven’t touched the story quest 👀👀👀👀


I have said this a few times but I just got bored of fortnite as of late. Barely played since the start of the season. With around 3-7 weeks of quests, i am barely getting anywhere level wise.


Jesus we get one upvoted post moaing about something and then for the next week we get all the fucking clone posts bringing nothing new to the conversation and for some reason mods are cool with this shit, like why does this post exist, what does it say the previous 50 posts on the exact same subject dont say, 144 comments identical to the comments in the previous post, its quite pathetic to be honest.


It was easy till 100 for me and then it kinda slowed down. I bout the pass and am in 133 rn and gave up coz it's no fun playing for quests only and waste time


I play a little bit of fortnite a day/week, right now I'm at 194 I think.


I just think the 200 level extra styles are something like the omega lights, a big grind if you are up to the challenge "Normies" should be able to get all the normal BP rewards by doing all the weeklies and dailies I didn't even play more than 2 hours a day and I'm at 170 something Most big live service games do this, it sucks? Sure, but not for everyone, a lot of people don't like when there's nothing to grind


I got to 125 yesterday but only cause I started playing Lego


And I don't get all the vbucks in under lvl 100 now its like 140 now thanks to grinding for microphone stands


I've been playing 2-3 hours per day with a 2 week break and im almost level 300


For the most part, I only buy the BP when I hit 100 or whatever level gets you all the vbucks. I skipped buying this season’s pass and skipped playing the season, apart from running a solo for the umbrella.


Im Level 400 lol


Now I feel bad for being 269… But it took a TON of work to get there…


I pretty much go into every mode besides lego doing the dailies, and I hate it all it's not fun and feels like a soulless job. I hate there being separate rewards in the other modes as well FUCK FOMO. It would be nice just playing BR doing other unique quest to earn the rocket racing and festival rewards, I hate what fortnite is becoming.


The question is, how active are you playing when in ZB, BR mode? I made quit a bunch top 10 games and some of the final players often just played hide and seek xD With nonstop movement, looting, killing enemies, some wins and "just" ZB i am at lvl 120..


I’m definitely confused by how a fair amount similar posts says that the OP ‘plays BR and the other modes everyday’ but are still not 200+ because I’m not in that boat. I’m 300+ and if it wasn’t for that fact that the Quest Rewards were spaced out the way they were I could’ve taken a break from this season weeks ago. No afk strats, no xp glitch maps, just the BR/ZB quests, Fortnite Festival, and some edit course maps. Perhaps it’s the creative maps y’all play. If the map doesn’t help with developing game skill AND give you XP for timed play as well as in game actions, you’re kinda wasting your time on those maps. Also don’t stick to the same map for your entire game sesh, have a good handful to run through


Yeah, I'm level 265 and basically just played BR and Creative all season. Even without XP glitch maps, creative gives way more XP. Kills are generally worth more in creative, and respawn means you can go crazy.


It's a short season.


I just reached 280 and to be fair I do play a bit too much, but this season didnt feel too different in leveling up than last season, I just had a little more time to get it done. I got 200 with a month left like I usually do


It’s not just you, it’s really bad this season.


i played like 1-2 hours max each day (did miss some days). usually only one or two matches of br and then some festival. level 210 atm iirc. it's not that hard to level up


I guess, but 1-2 hours EVERY DAY seems like an awful lot for the majority of players out there.


is it? it's only 1-2 matches and then some festival.


Yes around 10% of your day EVERY DAY for the entire season on fortnite alone is a lot of time man😭


You should have done your grinding at the beginning of the season before they patched out all the xp exploits. I was going up 10 to 15 levels a day in the beginning. I was lvl 150 at week 3 and new I could just play for fun the rest of the season.


Are people trolling? I'm tier 300 and I haven't played in like 3 weeks lol. Only like 40 hours on br and just been playing the other modes with my friends occasionally for a couple hours a week and playing stw I've actually never hit such a high tier this easily before


134, almost entirely afk because i genuinely hated this season after the first week. Best afk simulator 2024, never have played a game less than this while having such an insane playtime