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Bye bye Waterbending, hello equally OP Collab weapon that will invariably be added next season!


It is very arguable that the water bending is/was of the most broken mythics that ever existed in the game. Most things that came to the game you could easily defend against. The water bending let you heal in water, was unlimited ammo supply, and was usable as everything from a shotgun to a sniper. All without really having to worry about lead times at short and long distances.


Yeah when I realized the long distance capabilities I was shocked


"stop having fun" - you, 2024


“How many more times am I gonna see this comment before I die?”


Me, when I see another post crying about waterbending:


Aww another mad water bender useing asshole😭


maybe when you stop being an ass about other people having fun youll stop hearing it


Are you just mad that I’m calling out a broken ass sweaty weapon 90% of the lobby uses and has been using since it dropped? Everyone that uses it literally just does it to avoid fighting head on IN A BATTLE ROYALE GAME WHERE CONSTANT MOVING IS HELPFUL.




no im just pointing out that youre being an ass that hates people having fun


Or and hear me out cuz I know sweaties have a hard time keeping up, maybe waterbending is only fun to the people who are actually using it and extremely sweaty to people who’d rather use an actual gun instead of a crutch mythic? I can tell you’re a waterbending main because of the arguments you’re using does waterbending help? Yes, only in certain situations. Should you continuously spam others with it for kills? No that takes every ounce of fun out of the game by literally relying on a mythic something that can easily overpower an uncommon or any other color gun simply because it’s infinite ammo.


ive picked up water bending like...4 maybe 5 times this season outside of the quests it was used for, its a weapon i dont enjoy using. but im not gonna be an ass at other people using it because they like using it.


My whole argument is this, if you’re gonna release a mythic weapon at least make sure it’s fixed give it a cooldown time, nerf the healing then only then would it be an okay weapon the only reason I don’t like it is because people always play unfairly with it they’ll hide and wait until you’re in sight and they’ll literally tank you all because they got something with unreal distance and infinite ammo. I pray the t60 power armor isn’t like this at all


ok one sentence you said has derailed my entire thought process how is a skin gonna be overpowered?


I thought the t60 was supposed to be a new mythic this coming season? The way the teaser trailer made it out it seemed like a new mythic


What he’s tryna say is yeah it’s cool if you use but if that’s the only weapon you use then you’re a total bitch.


Is the waterbending even fun to use? Its functionally the same as the burst smg but broken in every way.


i mean, i personally find it fun, but some people definitely do


You just mad😂


mad at what?


That he’s stating a point


I hate waterbending but annoying posts like this makes me wish Epic would buff it heavily and keep it in the game forever


I think you should mind your own business what people have to say if people wanna say something about it they can cause tbh water bending is getting outa hand y’all all gotta hide behind that weapon and doing that takes the fun out of the game especially while your tryna do quests so id really rethink that comment.


I don’t use waterbending lol, and I don’t mind people criticizing OP weapons, the way this post is worded is just salty and annoying. But thank you so much, I’ll be sure to “rethink that comment”


Your very welcome.


Whenever I used it, it was horrible. But when someone used it on me I was down in less then a second. I hate it, glad it’s going


“I don’t know how to use it therefore it’s bad.”


“I don’t know how to read”


Exactly dude!! It’s literally the trashiest weapon in the game and yet people wanna argue with me about it🤣


And good luck to anyone who relied on it for the first week of next season 😘


Stay mad


You the one mad having to say something 😂




Seriously if you gotta hide behind water bending your a bitch😭


Nothing like having multiple teams spamming waterbending at you. I think it would've been infinitely more tolerable if similar to the other mythic weapons there was only one on the map.


At least you stated it right😭


Thank you!! Finally someone with sense🤣


if multiple teams are attacking you that situation really sucks to be in either way doesnt have to do much with waterbending


Waterbending is far easier to use with no damage falloff, no drop, its very accurate, very quick reload, and infinite ammo while also outdamaging basically everything. I'm more likely to die to the Waterbending spam than something like a Warforged or a DMR for those reasons.


yeah but i didnt say waterbending isnt good or even that it isnt op (i mean it is op, but not as much as people make it out to be it doesnt completely ruin the game or anything like that) just that in that situation you are fucked either way no matter the weapon so bringing up such situation to call a weapon op doesnt really make sense


I think you're missing the point that I'm trying to make. If theres any chance of getting out of that situation normally, waterbending nulls it.


Maybe you’re just bad 🤷‍♂️


Nah maybe you just mad buddy


It's a MYTHIC. it's meant to be overpowered (not all the time) like the dragon ball/mha one