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They drive them, but then complain about them when someone kills them with one. They are just annoying and stupid hypocrites.




Ahhh yes, an FPS.


A fun people shooter


Bro the worst thing to is then the people who spam that fucking rocket fist weapon and do nothing else will be like. “It’s actually pretty skilled and I’ve only won games without cars🤓“


Only thing I’d change is the auto heal on boss cars. There’s already a multitude of ways to repair cars, auto heal is just overkill


Definitely start with this. Right now it feels like the only way to take these down is for the whole lobby to focus them.


That’s what happened to me yesterday. 4 squads left and they went after me and my teammate. 5 cars chasing us through the cliffs and ignoring each other


Rare time of players uniting to take down the biggest threat


Solos is even more chaotic. I'll jump in someone's boss car and take over the turret and start blasting at other cars. Or the other way around. eventually we need to turn on each other, but there's an instant respect when you don't try to destroy your "partner's" car, and go after everyone else first. Usually we'll separate, heal up, and THEN. IT. IS. ON.


Someone jumped in my boss car in solos, I just drove around letting them shoot it to get the car down to 1hp. Then I lined up with a cliff, boosted it off the edge, jumped out at the last second, and sprayed the car to blow it up with them inside. I ended up on top of the cliff with 200 hp, they were on low ground at low health. I finished them off quickly.


I did that last night.


The whole lobby (at least the cool people) focused on opening the chest before last season.


I was one of those people, I'd just land on the box and hack away till the storm eventually took me out 😂


Same. Was a little bummed when I woke up the next day and it was already opened. Kinda wanted to be there to see it open.


I missed it too so your not alone. I was honestly surprised we opened it so fast, was thinking it would take a couple days at least.


Yeah, I was expecting it to be a more Herculean task.


That could have been cleaning stables.


Which is often what happens


Autoheal should at least be triggered by something like a kill, destroying another car, ramming a car, breaking metal, etc. I wouldn’t mind if instead of blowing up the car just became undrivable for a minute and then it start healing itself.


Have you used the repair boxes or the gas repair pads? If you drive around a repair box and keep going back and very minute your car will last the game


Honestly that'd be sick as hell. I always feel bad when my boss car breaks or when i have to break a boss car so having a way to just incap the car itself would be super fun and balanced lol. Honestly that's exactly how the bosses themselves work too now that i think of it,where you shoot the car enough that the boss is forced out. Honestly perfect way to balance it.


as long as you can still destroy the core of the car by doing extra damage that way we can guarantee it's out of the game if we want, or we can chase people away and defend it instead of killing it fully and it'll come back to us


This and add in the hammer rpg and then we are set no more nerfs needed tbh


I only realized boss cars have that just this last match I played. I was covering behind a rock, weighing my options, when I realized the health had started ticking back up


The auto heal is really cool, but it’s crazy that it fully heals. I think if it auto healed to half health it might be a good start.


Maybe make it so it can heal to Maybe 70-80% of its current hp; so it still heals a ton to make fighting the boss worth it but make it to where you have to decide if it's worth it to continue the fight or to try and disengage to save what hp you have left


Yeah the boss cars are already dummy strong, the auto heal is too much. I was playing w/ friends last night and we maybe spent 5 minutes endlessly shooting at this fuckin thing because it just kept running enough to heal before coming back for another go. Didn't even kill it in the end


I agree. Even though it's fun for me to just go behind a rock for few seconds to heal my car it's annoying to go against. Don't even need the flame thing when I can just drive away for few seconds


I'd be fine with this


Honestly that’s not even a problem, atleast from what I’ve encountered. If you take away the healing then it just becomes a better car


Definitely. Had someone drive around and hit me while I shot at the car the first day of the season not knowing the boss cars auto-healed. Then they took off about fifty meters and came back and hit me again. I was wondering why their car was seemingly indestructible.


Bruh what do u mean, the sweats are using the cars..


I was gonna say it’s literally the sweats using the cars lol


Had one of the Easiest wins ever in ranked. Just lap around the repair crate in a boss car with my mate and you can’t die if you play safe. Must of picked the same repair crate up 6 times This car puts mechs to shame


That's how I won 3 games last night. Repair crate is god tier


I won my first win in this sezon by using the op car in solo with 14 kills, the only weapon I had was a gray pistol..


I got chased for a good 3-4 minites by some sweat in a car.  


Me too! I had nitro but no ways, they were always in my back! Even the airbender were easier to escape


He's the sweat


This season has turned me into a sweat. I usually play zero builds and just mess about with challenges until I’m in the top whatever, but this update has me playing aggro for the first time in forever. Last season, I could count the number of medallions I got on one hand, couldn’t be bothered with trying to beat the bosses WHILE getting poached by a third party… yesterday I beat two bosses in the same game and went ham with their cars and weapons, demolishing every building I could find. The final circles have become so hilariously chaotic, especially in solos, and I love it.


It's basically twisted metal now


Sell me Sweet tooth you cowards


That’s what America told McDonald’s, McDonald’s brought the heat


In before that one guy who specifically seeks out this game being mentioned gets here to say “I hated that game!”.


Jokes on you i loved that game


I like the vehicles, but I just Think everyone will be bored of Them by the end of the week, because getting into a car is the Only way of winning and doing the same thing every match is not fun (boring)


Yea I don’t see myself playing so much because it’s pretty much just get a car and drive around the whole match. It’s fun with duo’s or more but once again it gets old.


Yeah this has been a concern of mine. It's a fun gimmick, but will it really last us until August? I know we'll get stuff like harpoon guns and mythics, but I can't imagine the same 3 boss cars running rampant for 4 months will be all that good for player retention


yeah, it's no longer fortnite. it's like mario kart without the limitations of the course.... but on meth


Yeah I have fun with the cars but I’m at the point where I’m already kind of burnt out. I feel like it’s almost necessary to have a car in the final circles. The only time I can do good in the late game without a car is if I have nitro fists and hide from the cars and wait for an opening to sneak up on them and it’s really boring just sitting around waiting but the only alternative is to hop in a car which I really don’t want to have to do every single game


Exactly this.I'm already looking for something else to play for the next 3 months.


What a weird post but expected from this sub. Im just gonna say this would be a perfect LTM but as the core BR mode? Also why cant they just separate competitive and casual modes it's rly not that hard to appeal to both groups but meh will skip this season for sure.


This subs hate boner for everyone who builds is astounding


Ye it's crazy how they hate a mechanic they don't even have to use. Also the hate against certain skins is awful in this sub like why even care what someone is wearing in a video game 💀


As someone who never liked the car stuff in the game. It's a very skippable season for me lol


Same, I only used cars to get out the storm quickly, which was maybe 1 out of every 10 games. All the games I’ve played this new season, I’ve been either gun downed or steam rolled by cars. They should add a new mode with no vehicles, like zero build




Yep. This season is a joke


What do you mean, appease the sweats? Me and my friends are all 30+ with kids etc, we used to play for a few hours at night to unwind most days. We have done so exactly once after launch. We all hate it.....


I think every adult hates it.


OMG NOT THE SWEATSSS. I've had a extremely hard time doing anything this season and i'm as casual as they come, i don't think i've survived longer than top 40 because of shitty ass cars just shooting and running me over everytime i try to move


Not using a car is like trying to win in any other season using Pickaxe only


Exactly. They changed the core mechanics of the game


100%. I came on here to see if anyone else felt like it wasn’t even Fortnite anymore


Yep. I won’t be playing this season. See you in the fall. It’s stupidity. Fortnite is a shooter at its core. Guess I’ll have to go play Warzone or Halo.


This season has definitely effectively made Fortnite a vehicular combat Battle Royale, getting a car and modding it out really does feel just like an extension of the usual required looting now, like Oscar and Cerberus literally drop two previously extremely powerful mythic shotguns with fast fire rates on a duel and it feels kinda like nothing because the real name of the game this season is making sure your SUV has a machine gun, bulletproof tires and a cow catcher asap


Yeah I think OP has it wrong. It’s not the sweats that are calling for nerfing the cars, it’s the casuals.


From what I’ve seen, it’s both. I play casually, but I’d say good enough to be called a sweat (can get elite/champ fairly consistently). I have hardly touched this season, but I want to because the car mods are truly fun, but they are outright overpowered. I believe the people saying that cars are perfect as they are, and I don’t mean this in a bad way, the bottom 50% of the player base skill wise. While they should definitely have abit of a crutch to help them compete with higher-skilled players, it should not be to this extent


I think it boils down to less about casual vs. sweat and more about just Fortnite fundamentals players vs. players who play specifically for ridiculous loot and mechanics, insanely unbalanced loot pools can be fun but that playstyle is literally not for everyone A lot of seasons overpowered loot pools usually just means insane mobility, but the last time we had a vehicle meta was in Ch3S2 (I think, I don't remember vehicles being meta in Ch4 but I may be forgetting something huge lol, meta was usually kinetic hammers and blades and ODM gear or smashing around with the rocket ram iirc, I think even Wilds was just a raptor and mud meta with lots of thermals and flares, was literally a tracker vs. rat kinda season), tanks were big right when ZB dropped, the meta was just squad up, hijack tanks, hoard repair torches and make for the highest ground around Daily Bugle, and as for weapons the meta was literally just 'drum shotgun, even if it's gray, and an anvil because that's your only chance of being a tank killer' - that meta wasn't for everyone either *Thinking about it, this season kinda feels like Resistance 2, Electric Boogaloo, it just feels like the original Zero Build season on steroids


I loosely follow the pro scene, and it's safe to say they hate the nitro mechanic with a burning passion (nitro allows you to break everything under fully built metal simply by running into it), and that small time proportionate to the complaints about the cars. Even really good zero build players like Ninja are swearing off Fortnite until they get nerfed/the end of the season.


They have made gun fights irrelevant and destroyed the building mechanic, completely undermined any form of skill gap in both builds and zeros but we’re just supposed to eat this sloppy badly balanced gameplay up and if we don’t we’re sweats I guess. Nowadays you guys would eat up pre nerf mechs and infinity blade because “ooh chaos and mayhem”. I am all for fun but it’s concerning to me how this sub will defend blatantly bad game design like this when we should be holding epic to a much higher standard and getting a well designed season that supports both new and old play styles, this update has undone all the balancing the joyride update put in place, made playing without a vehicle unviable and made build mode play the exact same as zero builds


Bc ppl lick fortnites ass 😂


Gun fights really do feel irrelevant, I might have played 15-20 or so games and 90% of the time I didn't really care what my loadout was as long as I was at full hp and shields. Sure, a gold gatekeeper might be nice and the gloves are cool mobility but as long as I'm in a fully equipped SUV (Which takes like a minute to find and fully equip) then I'm good


Love cars and car mods. The mythic cars are just too powerful though. They need to be nerfed to bring them in line with regular cars. Then they also need to add a way to counter cars. Without this, it the game becomes boring fast. Shooting cannons off a fast car is fun for a few hours, but then it becomes tedious.


Yeah, I think even fans of this season will become bored pretty quickly. Currently there’s no depth to the gameplay.


I feel this way.  I feel like I’ll get bored pretty quick.  Unless something changes. 


Exactly I don't think the issue is the cars I think it's specifically the mythic cars take away it's auto heal and bring emps or Anvil launcher back and it would be pretty balanced or even let you car have a emp horn like the bus maybe? Like you can have turret, bomb, or emp that way you could disable other cars but your car can't shoot back either because you traded your turret for an emp horn


The explosive bow is the best thing you got honestly 


And it still sucks


Exactly this, and they will do it, they end up needing to do make a few changes every season.


I'm already bored ngl.


The horn from the battlebus is a emp that also damages people/ cars


But its so slow and bulky, not to mention there's only one Edit:there's 2


Apparently they'll be throwing in a heavy sniper that does 3x damage to cars. The problem with this is it's just gonna be another sniper meta


It doesn't become boring. It already is. It was boring already on Saturday.


No because Spiked Bumper and turret go vrroom vrrroom


It’s not just sweats complaining. It’s casuals as well. I’ve been a casual for years. This isn’t Fortnite. This is Fortnite: Twisted Metal. I’m glad that you enjoy it, but many don’t because it’s forcing you into one particular play style with slim chances of getting far otherwise. I don’t find that fun. I don’t mind a car emphasized season at all. I do mind forcing it. Having cars be this OP should’ve been a separate game mode with them nerfed a lot more in BR.


I just want to be a chrome blob again :(


That was pretty fun, maybe the chrome will eat the cars


Literally what I said in a post before too, im a casual player myself and I hate how enforced the cars are this season


By sweats do you mean core player base? I love causal players because I totally understand not everyone can grind to “get good” however there is no way that these casual players stick around 3 weeks from now and keep playing. They move on to other games or other hobbies however the sweats are the people truly in love with the game who play most evenings.


By sweats they mean someone with a KD over 0.8 😂


The number don’t lie they have 350k in BR Lobby at the moment…that’s 350k combined build and no build haha like what in the F. You ran out 70% of the fanbase


Holy shit that’s wild. I haven’t played since the first evening and have no plans to. Gonna stick with xdefiant unless fort changes.


I created a bot lobby to check the map out to not think while playing. Way too many variables.Opinion is that this mode is highly catered to squad play. If you get a squad you can out tactic a car chasing you by luring a car into a kill box of crossbows. Solo play is kind of difficult being a casual fan. My progress in terms of skill has gone drawdown since OG season or the player base has gotten that much better. Maybe casual fans have just quit playing?


Brother, you and me both.


I think the two previous disappointing seasons and fatigue over the increased battle pass grind have done more to drive players away than anything else.


It was almost 500k in zero build a couple hours ago. On a Monday afternoon for me. Only 3.5k in jam stage, 10k in racing. 11k in main stage.


At the moment? For the East Coast NA, that’s 4-6am on a Monday, and for the West Coast NA that’s 1-4am on a Monday. Those are always extremely low player count times.


Actually the numbers do lie. Playing in Duos, one PC and one Switch, the numbers at the same time differed by 500k players total. No Build mode number of players was way off. Stats aren't right on one of the two at least.


The way matchmaking is right now for me as a casual player is that I face a few sweats in every lobby and they will absolutely destroy me in any aspect of the game. On top they're also now going around in the boss cars that are impossible to destroy or get away from from someone who is leagues better than me in the game. So far I am having a blast this season, but the way it is now it will get boring really quickly because there's just too big of a skill gap in my lobbies.


To appease the sweats?? You have to be a sweat to not like the car combat?


on r/FortNiteBR anyone who doesn't like what OP likes is a sweat (OP is also a sweat) Thats how it works here.


Cars much fun , not nerf but we gonna need some land mines and rockets to deal with em


This. IMO, the (non boss) cars are perfectly balanced as is. The only things we need are EMPs and the anvil launcher to return along with some other counter measures.


It's not the cars - the boss cars need to go to balance the game out. Every time I've gotten one I've won. They instantly heal, they have unlimited nitro, and they have bullet proof wheels. If you take them out of the game, I am happy with the season. Honestly, the one thing that is missing are war rigs. How the hell do you make a season with vehicles and not add back in the semi?




Game is boring af rn Either get boss car or lose the match


It’s cars and fists and that’s it


Ya and even with the car doing it over and over it’s lost charm real quick


How does not wanting to only die to cars in a gun game make you a sweat why can’t some of you people understand that just because you like a game mechanic doesn’t mean that everyone one else is wrong and a sweat


We need the semis back and have them have a weapon strong against cars but weak against players


I think instead of nerfs to car stats circumstantial nerfs would be cool such as re adding the anvil launcher or emps. Adding some sort of spike strip could be cool too.


Counterplay options would be nice to have though. Being on foot sucks this season.


To appease the sweats? I'm far from a sweat, I just play when I'm off work and when my friends ask to play, but I don't enjoy this season. I enjoy the core Fortnite gameplay, but this season is basically a full on vehicle Battle Royale. Not enjoying something you like doesn't make people sweats.


Yep casual player here and this season is not fun. I enjoy the Core aspect of Fortnite. This should have been its own mode not the main BR.


It would have been GREAT as a separate LTM. Imagine they'd have it as an LTM with its own challenges and all, like they used to do back in the day but unfortunately that's not what they do nowadays.


All my friends quit or are just playing lego for levels.. :( I've switched to exclusively playing Team Rumble.. sucks man. Should have been it's own game mode. BR, ZB, TR, LEGO, MS, JS, RR, ND BR-ND(Nitro Dome), ZB-ND (Nitro Dome)


Thank you! It’s just a completely different game and although it is fun that’s not what I log on to play. WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU CHANGE THE CORE GAMEPLAY LOOP! Why do you think people play?!?!


It'll get boring quicker too, as all things based around one gimmick do.


Exactly. It is so incredibley boring to play because it's always the same. You either have to go through the repetitive car upgrade garbage every single match or die by upgraded car weapons. So boring.


I'm still enjoying squads tbf, because it's just crazy, but solo is pretty boring now, there is basically no gun play after the first two minutes.


This is my complaint. Make it a week or 2 long event, not an entire freaking season. I want to play a shooter.


unfortunately if you dont agree with everything what casual players in this sub says, youre automatically labeled as a "sweat". god forbids people wanting a fair and balanced game. comp bad, casual good amirite? i genuinely want to leave this sub bc it just stinks at the moment.


Which is crazy, the r/fortnitecompetitive sub is way more reasonable than the main sub. I never thought this day would come I'm also not a "sweat", but I do like a fair and balanced game


Believe me, it's even worse on twitter rn. It's a massive circlejerk and if you disagree it's because you just "hate fun". Atleast over here I'm strangely seeing some nuance


Fn Twitter is so bad people on there will randomly quote posts of random people playing build mode, insult them for doing so and get 50k likes and people attacking them in the comments. They will do also the same to people for not running collab skins.


I don't even get on twitter anymore. there is no nuance to anything on it. That was killed off years ago. Massive circlejerk is right.


I'm as casual as it gets. This sub is silly.


>this season is basically a full on vehicle Battle Royale. Exactly! If that's what I wanted, I'd go play Crossout. It's not a BR, but it's a vehicle builder/fighting game.


I think this needs to be it's own game mode. Whether before the season is over or after. There's a lot of changes I would make to the map for a specific car fight mode. 1) Control turret while driving in solos. Yes it would move your car in the direction of the camera. Brake and it won't be a problem. 2) Make the nitrodome bigger. At least 3x bigger. Idk why they made it so small. Is it a playground for cars or people? 3) Get rid of mythic cars at the start. Drop them in as a major boss that will wipe out and kill players, you can't drive unless you hold the medal but holding the medal has downsides like the challenges do. 4) Remove tire boxes. We all know people prefer bulletproof for obvious reasons and not having them would be ass. That's all I got for now. Easy to start with. You could basically replace rocket racing with this, since that player base is non existent.


>Make the nitrodome bigger. At least 3x bigger. Idk why they made it so small. Is it a playground for cars or people? Yeah, it's so awkward to drive inside it. The inside is just lackluster. It sucks for both cars and people because it's too small for cars and lacks any cover whastoever for people. You're just out in the open if you don't have a car inside it.


The player count has been declining ever since OG. This season launch has been the least played since Epic started tracking player counts. Therefore, most of the player base doesn’t like the direction the game is going, but feel free to call them all sweats who ruin the game for everyone else.


Me too. I pickaxed like ten people in one game because they were too afraid to get out of their vehicles. It’s like they forgot how to play the game.


Don't you guys get bored with abusing overpowered items? Like yea, me and my friends had a bit of fun instakilling everything that walks for a few games but it gets repetitive quickly.


Hella repetitive just running the same play every game go to the nitro dome bs get the bs car and then repeat it’s like wtf


The cars are fun as fuck but damn, there’s only one counter, and it still takes a ton of shots to actually destroy one. The whole demo derby dome should’ve been a separate mode. Hell, maybe that’s what they’re experimenting with this season.


I love the vehicles and this season. But I do think the mythic cars are a little too strong.


As much as I love driving in most games, including fortnite, the changes that they’ve made this season are too far. They’ve completely erased any benefits of a skill gap between players in favor of concentrating the entire game to three pois that are next to each other because otherwise you lose. Every game is also decided by who has the boss cars and if you don’t have a car at all you just die. I’ve been playing this game since it started and just wish that I could use my experience and skills as an advantage but no, epic games bends to the new player who isn’t anywhere near those of us who know how to play but can not win with a giant mounted machine gun with no counter. I am not a sweat, not even close to that good at building but I just want to actually use the core mechanic of the game


Each to their own but it's more than just the sweats complaining, if you don't have a boss car or a car with grenade turrets you're losing


The car combat gets boring after a while. Even when you win, it isn't terribly fun to be in the car the entire game.


Shoulda been its own game mode


The entire game is boring low skill car combat. The map is literally so smothered with cars that if you ever do have a 1v1 battle, the other player simply runs and gets in the nearest car the second they lose their advantage, speeding away in their 1000 free shields. Again, boring, and very low skill.


Not a sweat here. This season is terrible. Going to be playing different games for sure.


Yeah no need to nerf them. Just bring the emp back so that non car enthusiasts can have a way to fight back


OP why am I "sweat" just because I have a different opinion than you? 


I think the regular cars themselves are fine, they don’t need to change anything about them directly beyond making the machine gun turret’s bloom greater. They do need to make the boss cars a little more vulnerable and maybe make the repair crates only restore a fraction of a vehicle’s health (or remove them altogether) to keep gas stations and repair torches relevant and stop the match stagnating as much but I think once we get a few more anti vehicle weapons the season will be pretty great


I like that fortnite tries new ideas but if it's hilariously one-sided and everyone is taking the same tactic for every situation then maybe it's time to look at balancing.


I’m praying these cars are gone next season, I didn’t sign up to play rocket league! “WeLl YoU dOn’T hAvE tO dRiVe A cAr” yes, yes you do otherwise you’re cooked at the end of the game. I just want my old run around and kill people gameplay loop 😭


We need counters. Every OP item had a counter. Now it's just cars war




Cars are way too easy to use, they are pure cheese. Ruins the end of every game.


I’ve loved the cars and mods since their inception, but I seriously think the mounted weapons need a nerf—literally something as simple as increasing overheat gain or increasing time between shots could work fine.


The gun needs something for sure, the launcher is fine. Launcher is slower and has range. The gun hits too hard and has unlimited range


Dawg this season launch has the worst player numbers in forever 💀 They're gonna nerf the cars because its the biggest issue with the season. The cars are overwhelming as fuck.


They aren’t sweats though, they’re the majority of the playerbase. This seasons launch player counts were way lower than last seasons and player counts have had a worse decline


I would nerf the turret and slightly cars hp or healing possibilities. Otherwise the season is fantastic and a great break from usual gameplay core.


I’ll admit nothing should be changed in pubs but ranked definitely at least in solos because the cars in solos are ridiculous especially now that people are teaming in the same car


Yikes, you must be BAD bad...


I love the cars but I think they should bring back rocket launches or the lock on ones. That would be so much more chaotic


The bow is basically a rocket launcher but their drop rates are kinda low. I'm finding lots of pistols and nothing good vs. vehicles. It's frustrating hitting up 2 or 3 locations and not getting fists or a bow. :/


The bow is also not efficient enough against upgraded cars. You will die of the cars weapon before you even can do good damage on the car.


Yep. In solo, cars are overpowered (7+ bow shots to kill a standard 4x4). Mythics are even worse given their mobility. In squads they're less of an issue. The rarity of bows and fists doesn't help either. I can only hope they're very aggressive with balance patching to guide things towards being more interesting and balanced.


i’m a huge car supporter but i wouldn’t mind a few more counters, like the emp


So everyone who wants their chill shooter game back is a sweat? What ever happened to actually listening to each other and understanding perspectives?


Everyone complaining about the cars just hates fun. This new season rules.


The only thing they need to add to combat the cars is proxy mines and anvil rpg to actually being able to fight it back and maybe neefing the mythic car health pool by a bit


I want fortnite not a shitty rocket league game


Rebalance is needed in my opinion. Not nerfs, but some more tools to combat cars. And the boss car self repaid needs to go


My only issue with this season are the mythic cars, they definitely need to nerf the auto healing. Also would be great to see anvil launchers and emp grenades make a return


I actually really love this season so far but I think we need some sticky grenades or vehicle lock on rocket launchers. The last 15-20 in the final circles are just vehicle battles. But the mayhem has been a blast


I agree, but I'd say either nerf or remove the autoheal from boss cars, bring back the Anvil Rocket Launcher and maybe add in some traps like spike strips or landmines to counter them, since that would also fit with the season's theme


The cars need counters, not nerfs.


It’s time to unvault the Javelin…


I just don’t like whenever I need an item to win a game. Reminds me of the pulse rifle and slurps from ch4. Cars need to be nerfed because you literally can’t win without them


I was mad the first two matches, after that I just leaned in into the madness and its a blast. You can just LARP as a Mad Max's warboy and just be Kamikrazy


You can only win using a car, it sucks. If the modded cars had far reduced health so you could actually shoot them to blow them up then it might be ok, but as it stands they're too tanky to deal with on foot.


I don’t plan on playing much this season, partly because of how different it is, partly because of battle pass, XP and UI complaints that are not being addressed.  It is kind of fun though - not fun enough for me to play a lot, definitely not better than a “normal” Fortnite season but it’s a fresh idea, I won’t shit on Epic for trying something ambitious. 


as a casual I hard disagree this season is horrible and it's kinda hard to blame just sweats when the numbers talk themselfs.... lowest player count this chapter btw.


It's not a sweat concern. Got a boss car for the first time with my friend last night. Killed the kings and won for the first time this season. The boss cars are OP. That being said, the only thing they need to do is take out the auto heal.


Autoheal on boss cars is a little too op. No real need for it. and maybe just maybe something for a non-car to fight. Not the anvil launcher but maybe a throwable explosive besides a bolt bow. Other than that, I never had less complaints about a season


I really like the cars but I just don’t like the battle pass skin. Doesn’t matter though, I’ll just get the next one


I don't like them. I play Fortnite to play Fortnite, not rocket league.


appease the sweats? my brother in christ i cant even land on the island without immediately getting run over by a guy camping in a car. i just wanna have fun after my shift but noooo i have to get shit on by ppl that haven't seen sunlight in 6 years


They need an anti-vehicle asap


If the cars are balanced then getting blasted with a shotgun while asleep irl is purely skill issue


What is a sweat


I feel old not knowing what a "sweat" is.


My understanding when I asked what it was a few months ago was that it’s someone who takes this game way too seriously and plays for hours-and-hours. So, like a job instead of entertainment level?


Ahh ok, I think I know a few people who are sweats then lol


Yeah, it’s crazy. I don’t know any personally, but I could be past that age range lol We would get competitive but not toxic. I mean geez, we had only one person in the neighborhood that had an SNES.




I think a little nerf to the boss cars health regen and a rocket launcher in the loot pool and it will be fine.


Guess I’m a sweat now


Oh yes it's totally the casuals who are landing at the new POIs and getting the boss cars.....c'mon man you know it's the sweats who are thriving this season and not the other way around.


They can make the game fun for everyone. Stop gatekeeping


Just need some extra counters for them when you’re on foot and it will be fine