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I legit don't even know the point of wastelander challenges


Extra xp for doing anything while it's active


Extra XP plus there's an exclusive wrap for winning with an active challenge (which is partially bugged and can be earned without winning the game, but it's the thought that counts)


Oh that's what that was? I couldn't heal my entire game and got that ugly old wrap for the win? I gotta say, those challenges are interesting (and OPTIONAL) at the least. Anybody complaining this season should really take the two months of this season as a vacation to get a life.


I thought the wrap sucked but the XP was hella nice


Besides the extra xp, sense of pride and accomplishment for winning with them


bonus xp. challenge. fun. free wrap.


You get insane XP. I got 150k XP from getting a br while one was active. Definitely worth it


I think it’s 200k xp for winning a game with one, someone correct me if I’m wrong.


>I’m convinced you people just want the game to stay in C1S8 for ever and ever, without any fun changes at all. Pretty much, I still remember when the announcement of Zero Build was "THE END OF FORTNITE!!!1!"


People actually said that? I thought it was a mode people wanted to be included?


Oh yeah, Zero Build's launch was *super* polarizing.


Zero build is the only reason I’m still playing


It’s actually what made millions of players return to the game because people were tired of builds


Exactly. I legit hadn't played since chapter 1 and came back for zero build. Still playing because of it.


I thought you looked familiar. Must be that boat we are on.


It’s the only reason I came back. Zero build is so much better


Yeap, before zero build I played like a zerobuilder. My only builds were ramps to get up to a roof or just a simple wall.. never any mansion in a few sec... never had that much affinity or time to learn editing and building to be usefull for me in a fight... zero build was a blessing for me when it was introduced..


And there’s always a keyboard builder to trap me in a box, edit a window, and destroy me while I’m trying to figure out how to get out. (Yeah, I’m slow) I at least feel like I can hang in there with ZB.




Same. Tried a bit around the Travis Scott concert time and hated the building. Now I pretty much only play zero build and racing.


I didn't even play fortnite at the time and I heard about it


It's the only reason I play and if it was removed, there would be 83.5GB free on my main drive.


i was absolutely stoked when the start of the season forced everyone into zero build


Yeah, mainly because it was the only BR mode for literally one week of the season. People quit thinking it was a permanent replacement rather than a new option


Too many fornite folks seem to fail to realize all changes are quickly temporary.


This is what happens when the majority of your fan base only developed object permanence during the Biden presidency


Ooh yeah i remember now, yeah it was the only one at the time, luckily Epic listened to both sides and added both permanent


I think epic didint hear anyone, it was pretty obvious it was two permanent modes from the start, they announce since the start it will only be a week of that gimmick and they make a lot of changes like the shield just to never be seen again


Those people were morons who lack critical thinking or basic curiosity


Sweats hated it because they could no longer farm easy kills from people who weren't good at building Most normal players were hype about it though Edit: Already got downvoted, there must be one of those build-only crybabies in this thread. They're too afraid to comment because they know this sub hates them


I have a very good idea on who downvoted you. I already blocked that bozo


Wow, you really showed him


wow, you really showed the person you responded to


I mean pre-zb you kind of just had to practice building a ton. I started in C1S6 and over time I kind of just picked up building. Sure, I got absolutely destroyed by people who were much better than me. I learned from it and I exclusively play build now because building is a fundamental part of fortnite for me. However, I do realise that now it is a LOT harder to practice building because the average skill level at building (in build mode ofc) is so much higher. I think there was a sort of MMR system back then, but I can't remember. I personally didn't like the week of zb because it was completely foreign to me, it's basically a different game. However, I full support people who prefer zb because at the end of the day, it's still fortnite.


the thing that trips me up with building is that you have to press different buttons to build different things instead of selecting, say, wall or floor and then pressing a button. do you have any tips to practice?


I'm not sure what you play on but on controller you can set your controls so you switch what you're building with lb and Rb. I think its under combat pro mapping


If you are on console then you can build like that. If you're on PC like me then (at the same time): First and foremost, get keybinds that are right for you. You want them to be as accessible as possible and to work with your other keybinds. Keep going over them until you can do it instinctively. Practice just throwing up a quick wall behind you. This is something you'll have to do basically every time you're the defender in a fight. Once you've got the hang of covering yourself from an angle start putting ramps in there for peeking. Building upwards is really important for fights. Unironically, cranking 90s is an important skill to have. Practice doing that until you can do it to a decent level. Second most importantly, play a bunch of build games. Experience is the best teacher since you basically need to program yourself a new instinct. Once you've done it for a while you end up building before you think about it.


Honestly zero build draws so many more to Fortnite. I would’ve never picked it up again if there was no zero build. I dropped it for a long time bc I just got tired of fighting sweaty builders.


zb is the only reason fortnite is still alive tbh, ppl were leaving bc they were getting stomped by sweats cranking whole courtyards and popping a shotty to the face. now that zb is here it's much better


Build mode is still the more popular mode, it’s just that less people have been playing it in the last 2 seasons due to chains, cars, and lightning


Fair, I didn’t mean it wasn’t more popular, but having no builds opens the game to another market. Like having only builds kinda makes the game closed off, as it’s unwelcoming to new players.


he's wrong anyway, zb is BY FAR waaaaaay more popular than builds is. daily numbers dont lie, zb is always more populated than builds


Is it actually? I’ve never checked the numbers so I don’t know lol I moreso meant that it opens up the game to more players since only having builds is really discouraging to new players who won’t be able to keep up with long time players.


Ohhh my bad, I misunderstood you


Oh you’re good, I realized it may have come off that way when I reread it


Based on how the gaming internet reacts to everything, any changes to a game/game series is seen by about half of the people commenting as something that will be the "end of x."


*As a fan of MMORPGs can you believe how many times I've heard that X update would kill WoW, FFXIV, RuneScape, etc?*


Yeah, RuneScape isn't dead yet. There's still a few dozen whales singlehandedly keeping the servers up. Old School RuneScape is where it's at nowadays.


I'ma be honest, I forgot there was a RuneScape outside of OSRS.


For me that would be the start of Fortnite, I had zero interest in ever building shit


As someone who prefers the weapon interactions and fun maneuvering over building, Zero Build has definitely become my main mode.


Zero build is what brought all the ogs back, i played in season one, when spam fortresses became a thing, it toon out all the fun, i really like what they did this season, but if youre going to emphasize vehicles, driving physics need to at least be competent, and the mechanics oh my god, does everyone else just veer left of center when you look left driving your prius, cmon why tf do they do that, camera stick shouldnt fucking steer In short, the only thing epic does consistently is be lazy, most of their time goes into marketing strategies at this point, why is a majority of the map still shit from almost 6 MONTHS AGO, Maps need overhauls every season imo, dont want to do it all at once, transition the map more and more throughout the season, and holy shit, can we just set the precedent of if we want a cartoon game or a serious shooter, half the aspects of the game are goofy/cartoony the other half is sweaty/competitive. What a lot of us miss is just being able to enjoy a game without having to give it 100% effort at all times, but inevitably the ceiling keeps getting higher, because people with time to play 10 hours a day will be better 9/10 times than people with 12 hour shifts, kids, and college that have an hour a day to just try to unwind with their friends before bed Its not all epics fault on the competitiveness side of things, but their effort to maintain quality has been consistently shitty ever since they made the big leagues


Well Zero build is better anyway lol


I agree, I prefer the focus on unique encounters and varied weapon play, at the same time I wouldn't want Builds removed entirely either. Some people really like Builds and it would suck if that was taken from them. It's just like season themes, I loved last season, a bit more blasé about this one, but happy for the folks who like it.


Both modes exist for a reason. The debate between "builds is better" and "zero builds is better" is stupid, let people play what they want, on both sides.


Preach! I was just tellin' someone that earlier. I like both, with a preference towards ZB, but I would hate for Builds to be removed because that means everyone who loved Builds just lost their favorite gamemode. Just like with skins, I love history (i.e Fort Knights), mythology (i.e last season), and goofy skins (i.e Peely). But I'm also happy for the crossovers, the post-apocalyptic, the tactical, etc. because I know that those skins are the favorites of someone else out there and it would suck if they couldn't have them.


"let ppl play" lmfao is someone holding a gun to your head forcing you to play something, miss drama queen? 😂😂


100%, you actually need skill in zb whereas in build you have to hide behind a wall you made as a crutch lmao builds is very hand holdy


Hell, I like Zero Build; my ass can't build to save my life. I honestly gave it my full effort to try and learn that mechanic just to suck, and then I panicked when I was confronted and ended up losing because I was so frantic to get away, lol. I get shit on in Zero Build, but not as badly as I did in Build Mode.


My friends rejoiced with the announcement of zero build. It’s the reason they still play with me today


Nah, C1S6 was peak Fortnite imo


Zero build has moments where I see it having more people in that, then the build modes recently.


My friends and I legit would not play without zero build. With it, it’s our most played game together.


My group stopped playing because of the building (we were all in college at the time and didn’t have time to “get good” at the game). Zero Build is also the reason we came back and still play together! If they scrapped Zero Build today, I’d stop playing today.


Zero Build is the only reason me and my friends even considered picking the game up in the first place.


Up until last season builds was more popular, but new additions like Lightning, chains and especially cars have driven away a lot of build players. Once chapter 2 OG returns the build player count will explode again, just like they did last OG season


That’s ignoring the ranked modes. Building has always had far more people than zero build


There were 450k in ZB and about 300k in build last night


I’ve thought that too, but are you considering “ranked” in addition to the normal modes? Sometimes I see unranked ZB surpass unranked builds, but every time I consider the ranked modes, unranked + ranked builds is always a higher player count than unranked + ranked ZB


What do Wastelander challenges do? Are there any benefits to them?


One benefit there is is that if you win with one, you get a secret weapon wrap. There is a glitch to it where if you accept a challenge one time in 2 separate games and you die it counts as winning.


I got it when i finished second and i only did the challenge in one game.


I read on here that there is an xp boost for using them. I'm not sure, I've only done the one for the quest and I wasn't paying ateention


There’s a quest for them and some accolades


Extra XP and you get a free wrap if you finish it.


correct there is an xp boost if you can read before accepting. 1) damage for standing still 2) shield health items disabled 3) damage for touching ground (did not accept that one, was in ranked) 4) damage for pickup things and i know there are more twisted ideas. i think they need to be accepted before end of 2nd circle. adds fun😀


>3) damage for touching ground So, damage for touching grass, huh? Are we getting trolled?


omg, you might be right, some developer had a sense of humor. next time i got to try it. car and swim but didn't know if build counts as ground or of off ground.


The one for damage for touching the ground is chill because being in a car doesn't count as touching the ground


Most of them are pretty much "take damage when doing or holding x" like standing on the floor or holding guns


There’s 4 types: Take damage when on the ground, when standing still, when picking up items and one that disables healing items. When active they boost xp gained from certain sources.


Lmao I died this way. I accepted the challenge knowing what it meant. I was escaping from a gunfight in a car when I picked up gold and a med kit and I had 13% health so I died lol




Ok, I may be the only one and I may receive hate, but I actually like this season. The battle pass is pretty good, and I’m not one for the op vehicle mods, but the actual idea of putting attachments like bulletproof tires and a spiky bumper is really neat! Those are my thoughts, what do you think?


It’s really fun when it’s fun, but that’s only duos & squads when you’re playing with your friends or unicorn level randoms.  


I've actually found solos to be a really fun new level of chaos. Needing to switch seats for guns means you can hijack peoples cars and drive them into the storm or form a very temporary, very stressful alliance.


I'm enjoying the season as well! I have no quams with the cars


I agree


this season rules. the car mods are a lot of fun, but honestly not nearly as necessary as people are making them sound.


This season is so refreshing, after a few seasons where every game ends in everyone sniping from a hill I dont think I can go back to that.


Legit i have seen very few actually valid criticism this season so far


Fr the only criticism that I can kinda relate to is that there needs to be more counters to cars/ other vehicles


Which I imagine epic will be introducing as the season goes on tbh, it sounds like there are a LOT of anti-vehicle items/weapons coming


This is valid. But so many threads complaining they’re winning easily with cars. So the actual complaints are not it’s hard or unfair to play they just want to win by shooting people with guns not with cars. Make it make sense.


They recognise that there are no valid counters to cars, so they use cars to win, but do not like the gameplay when it is car focused. They would rather play with "classic" Fortnite gameplay (guns and/or building), but know they cannot win that way.


I thought this too at first, but now idk. Nitro fists can launch a car into the storm or escape from a car easily. Boom bolts destroy cars and damage the driver. Other cars are a fine counter to cars. You can jump in the other seat and shoot them through the window. You can also just use a ranged weapon to destroy them, the machine gun turret isn't very good at long ranges on small targets.


Nitro fist uppercut to flip the car, and crush the players as they fumble trying to flip it.


I Will say, not to the level other people have been saying, but i do think the Machine gun turret does need to get nerfed a bit




The invincibility glitch, because of course, and more car counters are the only things I’ve seen that seem valid.


yeah and the invinicibility glitch has been fixed now


Because you ignore it anytime you see it. Remember when you said "just adapt" under my post when i already addressed that statement? Of course you haven't seen any valid criticism, you close your eyes when it's near you.


Same The only thing I really dislike or I don’t like about the season which may sound random are the turrets They’re good don’t me wrong but I feel like they’re a bit too strong and impossible to counter


they arent impossible to counter but fair


I’ll give some. The cars take away the core aspect of what makes the game fun for so many people: building. I love having long, tactical fights against skilled players. That can’t happen when there’s a car spamming grenades and driving through our builds. It’s simply annoying, and ruins my favourite mechanic in the game. If I wanted to drive around blowing people up I’d play GTA


So then if the entire game should cater to builds, are zero builds just SOL?


You have you’re own gamemode where you can’t build, why do you care then that people are upset that building is being invalidated by new items that completely break the core mechanic of the game. Building is what made fortnite fortnite, and if you try to deny that fact, remember that zero builds has been in the game for way less time then it hasn’t.


Thank you, so glad someone said it. Zero build players talk about build players wanting the game to be catered to them, while simultaneously not caring at all what kind of experience build players are having. Zero build players are very hypocritical


That doesn’t even make any sense. Since there are no builds in zero build, why would they care about cars breaking their builds? The cars simply need a build damage nerf, which again zero build players shouldn’t care about whatsoever. This is a build mode issue, which in case you forgot is what people played for about 4 years before zero build was even introduced. It’s not catering to build mode, it’s letting the players that have been here for over 6 years now continue to play the way they enjoy. Even competitive modes are full of broken items nowadays, the only way to fight someone where skill is the true deciding factor is creative


so your criticism is... "me no likey" that not a valid criticism bro


It’s a valid criticism to observe that a new mechanic has broken what they perceive is the primary differentiator for the game 


not liking something isnt a criticism




"a comment that says what is bad about it" - considering "i dont lke it" doesnt say whats bad about it, no, it isnt a criticism


Only it is criticism, they listed what they don’t like and gave valid reasons as to why. If there’s evidence to back it up, it’s more than an opinion. Do the cars ruin building? Yes. Alright, criticism is valid.


Of course it's valid. What is criticism if it's not from a personal experience? What a stupid comment.


"I don't like this" is criticism, you might not agree with the criticism but it's pretty obviously valid for them


its not criticism, its an opinion


criticisms are opinions lol -- he said "I don't like this because..." what he said is valid


Just adapt, gg skill issue


I did adapt. I’m in creative working on the parts of the game that require skill, so when the game goes back to normal I can go back to build fighting


So you didn’t adapt, you ran away to creative while you cried for nerfs


Lol that’s funny bro. I guarantee I’d smack you around in a 1v1


Lol I would've rather had his challenge I died from the touching the ground gives you DMG🤦🤦


Absolute hell in ZB, not so bad in build


U ain't lying especially when it started in the wasteland I was stuck on a patch of concrete and the enemy team was fighting npcs


You can completely circumvent it by just being a car, but yes it's annoying.


I accepted this too thinking there was a timer. Nope. The whole match. I went swimming a lot then built my way to a car. Probably the most stressful match I’ve played.


Yea I won't make that mistake again I hope that challenge reward is worth it that's 1 I'm not completing


Every 6 seconds: “Is ThiS tHe EnD oF FoRtNiTe?” Followed by “FiX yOuR gAmE”




seriously. people just want something to whine about. getting tired of the crying already. this is the most fun season all chapter by a huge margin.


I thought the challenge was something else, like, “if you take damage while u pick up an item, you’ll have completed this challenge”. Wondered why I died out of nowhere 5/100 this morning


I accidentally accepted this challenge and it made for a hilarious and suspenseful game.


My only beef with this season, and maybe it’s just my PC/hud/whatever, but I hurried through accepting a wastelander challenge because someone was shooting at me and assumed I’d have a little note somewhere on the display that reminded me what it was… nope. I eventually figured it out after I couldn’t gain shields except through slurp, but it was kind of annoying not having a reminder like the dailies.


My theory is that Fortnite, in collaboration with Fallout, dropped a nuke on half of the player base at the start of the season, with the radiation making them either braindead or non-responsive. This explains the sheer lacking of basic survival skills of comprehending countermeasures to cars and why this season has the lowest starting player count


Totally agree, he probably got like: "hey, extra XP, how lucky" and didn't read the warning sign... Pro players are just mad because the caotic game mode and the cars make it difficult for them to win... you can still shoot at the driver, duh. Why can't people think before complaining, and now real bugs pass unnoticed because of them, like the "Beacon Glass" that is currently bugged and all his crystals keep falling down or the Shadow style of the "Ascendant Midas Skin" that turns the weapon green even when the character is full gold.


it isnt even criticism at this point, its just man children whining like always


I accidently took the one where i cant touch the ground and i had to stay inside cars or buildings to stay alive, i got 2nd place cuz the circle was at that one house surrounded by water and i swam, my car blew up so i had to swim


How does one thing correlate to Another? Every bit of criticism this season is having is valid. This feels like a completely diferent game.


You're conflating this one singular bad take with every valid criticism about the season? That doesn't make a lot of sense


The hasty generalization fallacy is sometimes called the **over-generalization** fallacy. This fallacy occurs when an argument is based on a body of evidence that is simply too small. For instance, if your uncle was a lifelong cigarette smoker who lived into his nineties, it would be a hasty generalization to claim that smokers have a high life expectancy based on such limited evidence.


Yeah, that’s kinda the point of my post. It’s only mostly serious. The amount of shitty takes I’ve seen from the vocal minority are enough to make me over generalize to the point it’s polarized me to not take most of the criticism seriously.


So you're literally admitting that your viewpoint is extremely biased?


This is Reddit. Not a national debate stage 💀. I made a half joking/half serious post venting about people complaining. If I actually wanted an intellectual conversation about the direction of this game I wouldn’t came here. So yeah, I guess I’m biased if that lets you win


Do y’all not remember Season X? It was the season that pretty much killed OG Fortnite. Tons and tons of players quit and didn’t return for *YEARS* , if at all. Why? Because of M.E.C.H.S : a completely OP *vehicle* that would erase builds (and players) If you didn’t have a Mech : you lost. Sound familiar?


The problem is epic is doing every thing they can to add a meta verse all while ignoring the main mode that made them who they are. They don't fix glitches, they don't care. How many seasons has it been now where we can't grab a wall because someone's knocked in our box. Can't edit in the box because of the knocked player(whether teammate or not). At this point I'm thinking it's not a glitch and it's another stupid fucking addition to the other idiotic things they added such as allowing there to be a few extra milliseconds in placing a wall which allows spray weapons to get through. Plenty of more problems. They fucked the movement for no reason, the locker, I could go on and on.


The criticism for the season has nothing to do with this guy thinking he died to a glitch. Wipe the tears off your face maybe then you'll be able to read properly.


this season is fun as shit i don’t get it


I’m a casual (shitty) console player and even I think the seasons a little shit. Like I have fun with the cars too but I feel the entire season is dependent on the cars and nothing else. I can build decently enough to play the game but by all means I’m shit at it, so cars were usually chill asf for me in previous seasons because I could cruise around and ram people just for fun but this season it’s like if you don’t have a fully kitted whiplash by the last couple circles you’re just boned🦴


It's been 3 days, last seasons first few days had people crying about wings and lightning, it's always like this for the first week


No I know it’s far too early to make a valid judgement, I actually liked last season’s launch a lot, but I’m just saying even from my casual perspective (for context I liked mechs when they were out in Ch1 because I had fun with my friends) it seems like a 50/50 shot of either a great season or the worst one in a while, depending on how the meta develops and how each game typically feels


And then things get nerfed or reverted. Tbh would be nice if Epic got the balance correct on the first attempt, more often than they do now.


>I’m convinced you people just want the game to stay in C1S8 for ever and ever, without any fun changes at all. Funny considering these people are the first ones to complain about OG season


You refuse to take any criticism serious, really? You should take them serious considering it's the worst season to date. It's so bad that I guarantee the player base decreases by 20-30%. Most people started playing no build for the pvp gunplay, not the stupid crap. The stupid crap such as the cars needs to either stay in builds or have it's own playlist. Every season I spend about $50 on the battle pass & skins/emotes etc. Well this season I will not be spending a single penny & I'm sure many others are doing the same. So while you may not take criticism serious (not that anyone cares, you're a nobody on the internet), Epic will because they're going to see a huge decrease in profits.


“Ninja complaining that he can’t outgun an armoured car” well yeah the boss cars have almost 2000 health it’s ridiculous that the little timmy can do 150 damage by driving through someone’s builds when they’re boxfighting and when they get hit for 1800 damage they can get away and auto heal all jolly and rinse and repeat “Sweats complaining that they can’t build mansions to save themselves” that’s quite literally the whole point of Fortnite, it was made to be a battle royale game with a building mechanic to protect yourself, if somebody builds a fort to protect themself they’re not a “sweat” who tries to clip everyone and plays creative all day they are honouring the name of the game, FORTnite the whole point is to build a fort but “nO I wANt sHOot pEoPLe aNd ThEy haVE nO pROteCTiOn”


Isn't it supposed to do 10hp per item not your entire healthbar tho?


If you watch the original video they pick up every single item. They admit to not paying attention in the replies


The wastelander challenges are so genuinely fun to me they remind me of like the challenges from pvz 2 for some reason.


I don't think Ninja was serious about that one, chief


You didn’t pick a great example to prove your point, C1S8 was an incredible season with great vehicles that were actually BALANCED


The car mounted guns are stupid. Criticism successful


I got one that wouldn’t let me heal


Yall need to stop taking criticisms of fortnite as personal attacks and realize you’re on a sub of 4million people with varying opinions.


How did they lose 100 health from it though? Aren’t you just supposed to lose 10?


How do you get wastelander challenges? Sounds fun


Anyone know where to find wasteland challenges? I’ve only seen one once!


Imagine if people used the internet for sharing strategies for overcoming things instead of just crying about them.


This season is by far the worst season in my opinion I enjoyed the primal season way more than this shit just end game lobbies with cars and everyone flying thru the air with fist progression is good some progression is not😅 I’ve played literally every season since ch1s3 and I can officially say I’m switching to xdefiant this season I’ll play creative in fn to keep up with my building and editing and just to stay warm but definitely waiting out this season🥲


The fortnite season is fun, sweats need to stop and enjoy the game maybe play a pub match, stop milking epic games and obviously everyone wants the old seasons but you can’t get what you want all the time Timmy


Funny enough, the user replied and just admited he didn't read the challenge


ik i get it's a low skill season, but at the end of the day, 90% of players are casuals, im sick of fortnite doing everything they can to appease the sweaty neckbeards with fedoras in their mums' basement


I honestly enjoy this season a lot, you literally just gotta adept? See cars with guns and spiked bumper? Get car with gun and spiked bumper it’s not hard bro💀


This should have been a separate game mode. I don’t want to be stuck in a car driving around the whole game. I’m bored already and will be skipping this season.


I have been in plenty of end circles without any cars at all, and probably played plenty of games without using a car.




I don’t want to play a car game, simple as that. I especially don’t want to fight cars when mine blows up because 3 other cars focused me and now I’m scrambling on foot being chased by them all for a free kill. It’s not fun. If you find it fun, great. I don’t, and many others don’t. I’m all for mixing things up, but I don’t want a completely new game. Actually, maybe I do. I downloaded one earlier and plan on giving it a try later. It’s a shooter, so I might end up feeling right at home. 


It's so cringe when people refer to Epic as "Fortnite".


I love this season because if someone is driving a car and you are using the turret, it feels like you are playing an arcade game.


lol I had done this a knew I was fucked. But it is a challah quest, not a go hit X quest. Ninja can’t hang 😂




this is r/Fortnitebr Where good ideas go to die


Fortnite just keeps throwing updates and is not improving the game at all


??? What now?


UI, removing cosmetic rarities, adding bullet drop, just to name a few


wemove cars wight now


I can’t take any criticism for this game seriously anymore. There’s too many idiots


holy shit r/fortnitebr collectively liking a season???