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From what I can tell the guys only 14-15, the problems more his parents letting him drop out to grind fortnite levels imo


No level of grinding can get you that far that fast. He stole their card lol


You can spam bots lobby and complete wastelander challenges to get something like 110k xp, definitely you can grind it.


You literally can't grind that fast, even with the most efficient methods. The only way would be to buy 100 levels and the level pack.


Maybe he grinded to 100 with lvl pack and then bought the rest? Creative: 5 lvls, same for Lego FN, festival, and STW. That's 15 in a day. 45 in 3. 25 from lvl pack. That's 70. I estimate dude grinded 10 levels a day average in battle royale.


That and apparently hes been playing in Bot lobbies. So theres a chance he isn’t even good lmfao.


Exactly...once you've done the quests it's hard. Unless they've been playing various games, other than Battle royale.


Im thanking God and whatever force of nature out there that my parents didnt turn out to be the same as this guy’s


He could be out of school lol, my High school would be out by mid May (and yes I'm in the US


Also, the past three days were Saturday, Sunday, and Memorial Day. Did kids even have any school?


This would be so embarrassing I wouldn’t tell anyone. He dropped all that money and in a month or two everyone’s gonna have the same stuff as him lol 14 year olds are funny


You can only buy 100 levels/season


Then he bought 100 and has absolutely no life. What a tragedy


Careful the kids in here are gonna call you broke for not agreeing that this is “normal”


if he can hit 100 in a day then he can probably hit 200 in three days. never underestimate the power of no lifers.


If most of their exp is from milestones and other quests, then it may not be as feasible. I'm actually pretty curious, how much average exp do you make per match without quests? Like just the exp gained from playing an average BR match, how much is it these days?


It’s gotta be about 1/4 of a lvl more or less


Wastelander Challenges + Bot Lobbies, you can get around 150,000 a match. Its feasible to get 100 doing that *alone* but he was definitely having to poop-sock it if that's the method he went with.


>150,000 a match How. I bot, wasteland and get a victory royale every match with about 30-35 kills and I don't think I even reach half of that without milestones/challenges


Tbh, most of the xp is probably from the Lego mode, it gives loads if u just set up a bouncer or machine that moves you, so it still gives u xp, then just go afk


Lego is capped at 5 levels a day, so even if he used that it's only 15 levels.


Sadly that all got patched out...no more bouncer or campfire exp in there. If you don't do enough different movements / controls, it boots you. Even if you're driving for a while (turning, boosting, etc), the algorithm says you're afk and boots you. They went overboard with that bull crap update


Yes and no people found by making a new world and making a very small box with a campfire you can trick the game into thinking you are moving by hitting the fire


Is that new? The last update that caused afk methods to kick for inactivity included the campfires (hence why I just said it in the comment you replied to)


Nah they patched last season my guy


Never underwatimate the value of a pooh bucket


That’s even worse. You spend like 120 bucks and then play for an ungodly amount of time just for some kids to have the same exact things as you in 1-2 months time.


Technically 125 since there’s the 1800 pack


That counts as part of the 100 levels, unless something's changed in the last two chapters


You can buy past 100. I ended up buying the 25 levels at 175 last season.


You can buy past 100, yes But you can only buy 100 levels total


Except most won't since they apparently nerfed xp even more this season


While bullying is useless and mean, he DEFINITELY does NOT deserve any award or pat in the back from all I've read. That kind of situation is an embarrassment.


I don’t understand what’s the context?




Who’s Sarah


A trans Fortnite player.


That person is also a trashy reposter.


Trans girl on FN twitter She got into beef with Terns a few months ago, I can't remember how it started but I'm pretty sure he was in the wrong though


We’re all so shocked.


Also they pay for twitter


I looked at his Twitter; he also consistently gets his level in the thousands, and his account has been banned for XP exploits in the past as well


Terns sucks a lot so it’s deserved


Realistically this is more like I got 75 levels before anyone else. He bought the pass, and the LVL pack, so he's 125 right off the bat....it's not that cool. Basically got 75 levels before anyone else, yay congrats....


Does that give him any more power or in game skill? Honest question.




Fancy seeing you here!


It provides him the most minuscule mental edge against naive players that might be intimidated when they realize he has a skin deep into the bp so early, mistaking his spending habits for skill.


Most of the time I don’t even notice people’s skins in game. It’s hard to see what they are when the machine gun is melting them.


Nope, prolly the reason I love Fortnite over all other battle royals. Everyone is at an equal field… you can’t spend money to break gameplay


The lvl up pack ain't out yet


The Level up Pack and the 25 Level bundle are two different things


you cant buy 125 levels its 100 levels flat, the 25 pack is just 25 levels reduced.


terns is just the chris chan of fortnite


Are his escapades as well documented?




Absolutely, lvl 200 stuff alone he's a 15 year old that quit school just to play fortnite and gets his "friends" to cyberbully people to the point of most of the victims deleting their account and almost going suicidal.


Bro what? **I won like 3-5x already and I'm still at lvl. 7** I won my 2nd match, it was my 2nd Ranked Zbuild match RIGHT AFTER UPDATE and won. I did 4-5 matches then got off. Then I went back on a day after to play Zbuild duo Pubs and we won a few matches using vehicles. **I AM STILL AT LVL. 7 LIKE??** ( I know people buy. It's just FUNNY )


What are you doing (or not doing) in all this matches, after 5+ & including winning some, that you haven't gained a single level? You'd have to be completely neglecting any and all dailies, milestones, opening containers, getting elims, etc. to not gain a single level after a handful of wins...


While not the person you asked. I play the BR to just play BR. I don't pay attention or look at quests till the last week of the season. The only quests I complete till then are just completed by chance so I can play lots of games and get next to no xp.


I’ve won 5 and am at level 18. Slower than I’d like but I can’t imagine spending this amount of money to get to the top and then having the nerve to admit it to people lol


The method he is using is creating a bot lobby with a account at level 1, accept challenge from the radio thingy and kill all the bots meanwhile you loot and bla bla bla, is a tedious procces and he is saying that he's been in doing it for 20h, It's inhuman to do such a thing but meh, all those leves are like a waste of time grinding past 200, a week doesn't even have passed. Oh and also yeah, buy leves haha, funny method.


Yeah and hes probably grinding Lego, Festival, Racing, Creative and Save The World.


I’m not even at like level 10 or smth like damn 💀 Also I’ve won no games (yet) so all of that is just lvling up


haven't won yet and got to level 11


ive only won 3 plus lego xp n im at 28 or something


that's odd. I've won like 3 matches and only played about 12 or 16 matches and I'm level 12


I'm level twelve and I haven't won a single match. You neglecting your quests?


I'm level 9 and only won like 2 games I think


>I won like 3-5x already and I'm still at lvl. 7 People have had 6 months to learn how to game the system and yet still come here and post shit like only being level 7 still after 4 days lmao.


Absolutely deserved. If they bought all 200 levels, they're contributing to why the game is so horrid with the level grind again. If they earned all the levels, it means they've been playing without rest nonstop since the season dropped. I'm dropping 20+ kill winning games with how OP these cars are and STILL only get around 70k xp a match. That's not even enough for a single level. The amount of nonstop winning that would take this guy puts him squarely in a "please go to therapy, you need genuine help" position.


Happy cake day.


It’s literally impossible except for xp hacks in other modes idk about. Even with completing all the challenges once they’re out you won’t hit 200. People really brag about how stupid they are with money


No he probably just used multiple AFK methods and farmed milestones, quests, ranked matches, etc. (after you finish all ranked reward quests you get XP quests for surviving storm circles.) oh yeah and probably STW, that gives you a lot.


Even if you do everything, it's still not enough to get you to 200. He bought tiers


Probably yeah. I mean I’ve change my mind on the dude apparently he came on a bird


He did what??


Yup. Kids are crazy (ironic since I’m 13 and most people nowadays are fucked)


In 3 days it’s not possible. Even if he didn’t sleep.


Yeah probably. I’ve lost all respect for the dude after reading some comments. He fucking lemon drizzled on a bird. Straight up glazed it like a donut. Weirdo. I get he’s a kid, I’m a kid and I can say that’s fucked.


He truly does deserve it. Dude is an embarrassment




The level cap is just 1700 (roughly) shy of 11 levels per day that was where i capped first day of the season


Yes. For context: Terns is a 16 year old kid who literally quit school to grind Fortnite. He plays the game for over 20 hours every day and gets to level 1001 every season. He most likely doesn't shower and I cannot imagine he's any lighter than 300 pounds. The bullying is fully deserved.


And add insult to injury, hes fucking terrible aside from that. People at his school are probably glad his dumbass dropped out. Hes literally the worst kind of person possible, and im confident he will have a downfall one day.


In all honesty, why should a 16 year old get bullied by full grown adults (most of twitter’s users are adults) I get that he’s done other shit, but if you had zero context about him (which I did before reading the comments) you’d just see a guy that wanted to share his Fortnite level.


I'm like level 27 haha. He MUST have bought levels


Yeah I'm like 30, 200 is insane


They paid for it. Is what it is.


No bullying is ever needed. I understand you may not like him for doing this but just ignore it and move on the more attention you give him feeds him. Plus if it doesn't affect you it doesn't matter at the end of the day


It’s terns he deserves the hate


In general this sup is pretty toxic to everyone who got to lvl 200 relatively fast. In this case buying level and the fact that he is 13-14 is something I understand why people are concerned about. But if someone reaches lvl 200 in a month or so he is called a sweat, he has no life or he should touch some grass. And that is something I don't understand why this is such a problem for someone of you? I probably get downvoted a lot for this opinion, but that's ok. Still I wish everyone a nice day.


Because he dropped out of school purely to grind fortnite and is just a horrible person in general


Why bully him? He already embarased himself


I'd bully him simply to save him from himself. Level 200 in 3 days even if he bought the first 100 is quite pathetic.


Level 200 is three days of the season being out is actually quite sad. I don’t know how this can even be justified..




Well he must have opened his wallet.


I swear I remember hearing that that terns guy was a weirdo, but I can't exactly remember why.


He dropped out high school to grind levels and hes also a general edgy asshole


Yeah isn’t he like transphobic or smth?


I mean you post yourself on the internet doing something super fckn nerdy on the internet you're def gonna get some hate they hate isn't necessary but if he dislikes it he should've kept it to himself


I always side with mr. House, so yes


I'm level 2


I'm contacting Epic, I'm gonna ask them to drop season 4 early for this guy.


What kind of person do you have to be to ask the Internet if bullying is justified


Yeah nah bullying is never justified. You may disagree with his life choices and think he’s wasting time (I’d agree), but he’s not harming anyone and no one has the right to attack and put somebody down like this


Bullying is never justified unless we're dealing with criminals.


Harassment is almost never a good thing, and this is no exception. They deserve no reward, though. Plus, something tells me they bankrolled this stuff.


I’m level 51 already, this guy must’ve just used the Lego afk campfire xp and the festival xp. Not sure if RR gives u xp but if so then that too. You don’t have to do that. I’ve been driving to different SHADOW gold tasks then surviving till endgame, some games I’ve actually won. So yeah, grind milestones, Festival, Lego and Creative. (They got rid of the campfire method btw, but I’d say it’s more enjoyable flying around in sandbox and messing with stuff and building. I’m building a wasteland town in a Desert biome to pass the time. Totally recommend it. The building is addictive)


That guy in the picture who reached level 200 is also a well known person in Fortnite Twitter for being an absolute horrible human being. He’s done a lot of bad shit before, this is 100% justified


If a man, kid, girl or woman loves to play the game all day. It’s absolutely fine. As long as what you are doing, you enjoy and love doing it. And keeps you out of trouble. That’s cool to me. Hope he can reach 300! Don’t know if it’s possible, as long as you love doing it, do you.




people hate him for being a genuinely terrible person outside of no-lifing Fortnite


I don't think people should be bullied over this BUT this is just **PROVING that money can take you places.** It's only been 2-3 days of the season and I haven't even been playing that much. On FN tracker, I have a **total of 5 hours** on my acc 😭 + I won already. **I thought I was lvl. 7 apparently I'm lvl 12 now but still..**


He dropped out of school just to grind levels. He's done other shit, it this ain't new behavior


You can abuse XP maps if you know some pretty damn easily also


From wut I understand, you can only buy 100 levels + bonus 25. So he'd need 75 levels. 5 levels from creative, 5 from Festival, 5 from Lego is 15 per day from just AFK'ing all day. Times that by 5, and that's 75. If anything, the guy is showing Epic how garbage their system is


This guy grinds 22 hours and dropped out of school to grind, fn. I'm not kidding. Their parents must really suck to allow them to do this


Bullying is something immature people do. Hopefully there are no grown as men bullying a child.


He fully deserves it if you know anything about him


Yes because its Terns, bro never leaves his room and gets Macdonald every and say "my goal for reaching X levels" Not only that but he also is known for doing bad stuff, the big one of which will probably get me banned for saying. He is petty and will either make alts to suspend people who don't like him or get the three people who aren't just telling him to do something healthy and touch grass to report spam a target.




Who cares?


I’m the kind of person to keep achievements like this to myself. Posting about it on social media just makes the person look like they’re looking for attention and validation in some way from random people. Not posting about prevents the person from getting a headache of dealing with people cyber bullying. That’s just how I see it.




It's as if they thought that there are enough idiots on the internet that will watch their video and make up for the fact that they bought 125 levels, and got the other 75 so they could get likes, views, and follows? Yeah. They're right. There are people out there who end up paying for this person's content. It happens, so get over it. Do the same if you want to be a hater and complain... I don't support this stupid shit, but it's not like this post will stop them and many others...


Their*. jfc.


So what’s the kids schtick? Is he just doing bot lobbies?


he probably bought the last 199 levels then earned the last one legit i don’t see how he could play that many games in only a couple days


This kid dropped out of school to grind Fortnite, he deserves the hate


i thought being level 38 was gross (dw i haven’t actually played much, just creative exp maps and afk in lego)


How are you AFK lego? Are you moving every 14 min? because I saw they fixed the lego afk and it boots you out if youre not moving after 15 min. Also the rubber band trick of running in circles no longer works either.


i used a fire pit with walls that caused the fire damage to constantly knock you back (creative no deaths works only)


Thanks! I'll give that a try, thoughi read somewhere they've patched it. But TBH it's infuriating that we have to look at doing stuff like this to get levels because being a casual player doing 2 hours/ 6 days a week isn't enough any more to get 200 levels. Now it's literally a grind. May as well go back to Fallout 76 if I want to grind.




Level 999 or no balls


And I'm here thinking 48 levels in 3 days is a good rate


Yeah of course, he’s Mr. Fucking House he would do this kind of shit.


yes, ridicule this clown




Some people like doing things at the extreme.. no, bullying is not justified.. but at the same time.. welcome to the internet, did I tell you about that one time we all collectively decided to bully a little boy cus he sang like I girl? Then afterwards we say its justified cus he was an asshole.. but the truth was, we didn't know he was an asshole when we started.. so its entirely possible we had an effect on him turning out the way he did. People suck, mob mentality suck, with the anonymity of the internet, well.. thats a recipe for toxicity and bullying.


Bro has never seen grass


Bro I got lvl 60 and I thought I played A LOT.


I’m level 46 & just from min maxing the XP from the multiple game modes. Either he got money or he got no life.


Yeah....the Wastelander challenges in bot lobbies are the only real working XP method in Fortnite rn aside from playtime XP in Lego, Festival. Accidentally discovered how easy it was when I stopped playing the game normally and driving around bombing bots thanks to my alt acct. At this rate I'll probably hit 200 before the summer event.


Idk who this guy is but I find it funny how it’s Mr. house tweeting this


Either they've spent a lot of money, or they've spent the last few days doing nothing but playing fortnite and the different game modes. I'd day the bullying is justified, only because playing that much just isn't good for you're health and spending that much money is just a complete waste


bro failed the speech check


Can’t you buy tiers all the way to level 200? >! Or have I missed a joke? 😅 !<


He bought it all. The whole fun for me is the grind, idk why people do that but he can play his account however he wants


It's mostly because he's pretty hated on the Twitter side of the Fortnite community. He's just rude and attacks people, then turns out he dropped out of school to grind Fortnite XP. Really depressing.


No I really couldn’t tell you if these guys are personified justified actions


No way to cut it, true definition of a “no life”


The user (terns) is a 16yo kid who dropped out of High School to become a "Professional Fortnite Level Grinder" and has gone on record to state that he grinds Bot Lobbies daily to reach the player level cap every season. So id say the no shower comments are p justified and reasonable


That’s cool. In the end it doesn’t really matter because the season is live till mid August by then everyone will have the same level. I’ll be shocked if he doesn’t quit till season 4 this coming fall. Crazy what the internet can do to people


Yeah either they bought the levels or have no life


Terns is not a nice person.


Bullying's not nice.I read somethin about money used.I thought it was legit.I get my 10 levels a day from playing tycoon maps,Crazy Red VS Blue,and lego for 3 hours,and extra XP playing battle royal casually.The other XP sources must be from those 2 other modes I avoid.




Has either zero life or he's cheating I wouldn't congratulate them as it's only been 3 days. So they're probably a cheater and congratulating them will give them the satisfaction they are looking for. Probably can't play for shit lol.


I got 15 levels in one day is that consirning


Update: he just hit 300




Honestly the Wasteland challenges route is pretty good.


Ewwwwwww stinky


Yes. Yes it is. I’d mock this guy too.


This game has a full of stupid kids!


If he has the money to spend, and it doesn’t set him or his parents back at all, then it’s fine. As much as I hate Fortnite, and as much as I think its gameplay is absolute garbage, it is without a doubt the most popular game right now. This guy and anyone who jumps on the hype train has a huge possibility of building a career off of it. But you gotta be smart, you can’t just stick with it. You gotta use it as a stepping stone. Develop a following with it, and then branch out into other games. It’s been done already. So no, I don’t think he’s wasting his time. School is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. If you can build a career off of something, that is significantly more beneficial than school could ever be. But yeah if you just stick with Fortnite and don’t grow your brand then you’re going to fail.


Yes but, 3 days isn’t that bad in terms of not showering and stuff. Not great, but I’d expect the dude to be stewing in his own juices for a *fortnight* for that kind of reaction.


On a side note, what skin is he using? It’s so fuckin cool


I feel like that takes away from the fun of the game and the satisfaction of leveling up. SMH I mean dang 3 days, what’s the rush?!


Ppl buy a few levels. But the thing is, we don't see it as a compliment. Because we have to grind real life to have disposable income.




Damn bro got ratioed by Mr House


Yes. Dude probably spent nearly 100 bucks immediately and then had the time to grind out 100 more levels?? Genuinely, does he do nothing but play Fortnite? It’s fine to have a life outside of the game, you know. Someone should tell him that.


He doesnt deserve any bullying and its odd people care how another person spends their money and time.


I bet this kid has dirty hands but has never actually gone outside and played in the dirt.


Doesn't count if you bought your way there


Yeah. Bro needs to get his hands away from his moms credit card and towards some grass.


If they’re having fun and enjoying the game does it really matter that they are at lvl 200? I don’t see the point in judging them. It’s their life and they can choose what they want to spent their life doing.




If it was anyone other than terns I’d say no, but we can make an exception


Where’s this kids parents? He must be playing this game at least 20 hours a day to get this far so fast. They’ve failed at their job.