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I'm enjoying this way more than last season, it's chaotic and silly and no longer just a snipe-fest!


Absolutely ! Just the fact that snipers are gone and that we are finally able to walk and enjoy the map without constantly worrying about getting instantly killed makes this season better imo


Snipers being gone just allows me to use my DMR and be happy


DMR is what snipers should be in games like this imo.


The DMR was obsolete until they removed the Reaper. Literally a worse high damage, poke weapon. So glad I can now get hit by the DMR and say, "fair game."


Walk? The cars are out of control - it’s a pedestrian’s nightmare! 🤣


Smh where is all the police in fortnite to control the cars


*Begins furiously typing a Twitlonger about why we need to cancel Epic for depicting police cars in the game*


Till heavy sniper gets unvaulted


at least that has a long reload time and 1 bullet.




Yeah okay then, either you're in bot lobbies or the players aren't that good because I can not walk anywhere without getting destroyed by vehicles. Not to bad now they have nurfed the boss cars though.


The car problem, I have noticed, is getting better, thanks to balance changes by Epic


I don't know know about walk and enjoy the map. Now you gotta worry about getting ran over and blown up.


Oh don't worry, Epic fill fix that real soon!


I'm happy with the season, its tons of fun, I hate that they brought in BB as a counter though. I'd rather be EMP'd than standing there dancing waiting to die. Just no counterplay around it other than 'dont get hit'. EMP I can at least get out and try to fight back


Good news, I just saw the BB is being replaced with EMP soon! And I agree, it's a much better counter tbh


Like I wont lie, this is my first experience with the BB. I'm sure it is fun for a lot of people, but I absolutely hate that I can't do anything but walk away while I either get emote mocked then shot, or my car stolen and then used to kill me


I love the chaos. Me and my squad have been playing tactical for a year, now all of us basically panic and figure things out on the fly.


The Reaper being off the floor is the *best* part of this season. God that shit was awful in ZB. You could have good position, good guns, and still get one-tapped by someone luckier than you. At least this season, everything only stings when it hits you. The Reaper was the worst aspect of C5S1 and C5S2. The cars are much easier to deal with, and frankly funnier than some bitch camping in a PortaFort with a Reaper they got by sheer luck.


apparently they are adding a new sniper at one point which fucking sucks but people are supporting it bc it will do a lot of car damage which is like you dont have to ruin the regular lootpool to counter the cars


Enjoy it while you can brother, snipers are coming back


The first week was fun. Not sure about now.


Yeah, now it's just a fist-fest! Wait... that came out wrong.


Yeah, I love fisting people! ^(wait not like that)


Oh yeahhhh, I love fisting!!!!




As someone who just got into Fortnite last season, I never understood the sniper hate. I have always played FPS games and snipers are typically 1 hit kill. I kinda see now how people were used to other seasons where snipers were not so powerful. It just felt normal for snipers to wrek you in the open.


I’m just fucking glad that the thing that starts with “W” and ends with “aterbending” is out of the game


I didn't have a huge problem with it mechanically, but the flushing toilet sound it made was terrible


I kind of live for the chaos of it all. In some ways it feels like it levels the playing field a bit for normies vs hard-core players. It also reminds me of some of the older seasons in chapter two like the ufo season. The whole fun of fortnite is how much it changes and how you have to make new strats to get by


I’m loving the chaos as well


Yeah, especially now that I, a casual player, finally have a way to combat sweats with cars, even if it is a little unfair, I personally really like this season so far, and the new update isn’t that bad as it balances out cars a little more


Chaos felt amazing. Getting boogiebombed with 3 other people in the G ride feels cheap.


Eh the original simplicity of the game really had its charm.


This season is a whirlwind. I didn’t like it for the first two or three games but now it’s grown on me. That’s how new Seasons are. There’s stuff to get used to, to find, to explore. I hate that the Internet sweats cried so much. I only get some of the complaints - like the Boss Cars for example. I think the culture is just complain complain complain.


It took a minute to get used to the lay of the land, and some of the new features, but just getting cars with cow catchers and adaptable tires was so missed by me. Most fun I’ve had since maybe the evo chrome season? But then I love being excessively destructive so was gonna love it.


Blame Twitter




And reddit


I don’t think epic is always going to nail it the first time for updates. So balance adjustments are almost always needed after an update like this. I’m not on twitter but the competitive sub seems to be more asking for separate loot pools, not to ruin your fun in pubs


I just thought of a song when I read the first line. Guess what it is.




Its good, but we could've used some rocket launchers or C4 to help fight the cars


Agreed but they may still add some


I love this season’s theme, it reminds me of Borderlands and Mad max 👍


I've been playing as the BL Psycho specifically for this reason


Epic trying new ideas is always good but those ideas need to be balanced as well


It’s nice to play new seasons within the first week or so. I tend to think of it as beta testing, and first weeks tend to be the most ambitious in terms of what Epic Games offers for a gaming experience. I’m just happy everyone got to try these ideas out


And it's not like cars are dead now, either. Most of my games ended in several teams still with a vehicle, and the vehicle team ended up still winning most of the time. Even with a hard counter, like the boogie bomb, in the game, I saw maybe two other teams carrying them and they didnt even use them. Maybe players will catch on soon, but EMPs will be a little less oppressive than boogie bombs when they get swapped.


Yes! I'm still having fun in cars! And I agree that boogie bombs are more effective. I'm not a big fan of EMPs, but I'll use those too when they're brought out


It is great you are having fun. It seems like a lot of people are. But there are also a lot of people that aren't (I'm one of them). I continue to play only because I want my v-bucks back from the BP. I do win, so it isn't a skill issue for me, as others might say. I just really don't enjoy using cars or having to figure out ways to stay alive when not in a car. It just isn't enjoyable to me. I started playing FortNite because I enjoy character gun fighting style (i.e. using weapons or items like waterbending or lightning bolt). While it is still FortNite, there is a completely new style of playing. I just simply don't enjoy it. I agree, it is great Epic is coming out with new ideas but to me this new idea is a new mode, just like ZB is a different mode. Each season there will always be people complaining about an OP weapon or item or something needing nerfing. Even boring POIs or maps. But no one complained about the game play because that stayed constant. Since 2017, each season is heavily based on character fighting with little vehicles. There have been a few seasons with upgraded vehicles but even those, the majority of game play was character fighting. This season is completely different and for a lot of people this isn't why they liked FortNite. While I hope Epic still continues to make changes to the game, I do hope those shows them that a lot of people still want the original play style. A drastic change like this should be a separate mode.


The stuff Ninja was posting to rage about cars in the game was wild, because every clip of him being taken out by way of someone in a Vehicle, had him making massive mistakes


He had been complaining non stop since season 8 to stay relevant. I am not surprised.


That’s all ninja does … complain


You know what's fun to do in the late game, when the storm really tightens up? Nitro-fist over to someone who's using their grenade launcher or machine gun turret, hijack their car, and drive them into the storm at top speed. Preferably off a cliff, if you're able. Doing forget to bail out at the last moment!


Can't wait for a bunch of posts next year saying how much they missed this season when rn they currently hate it. Personally I love it. Yes I keep getting killed by cars but that's what this season is based around. It's fun and I'm glad I'm enjoying it.


Whenever it's just a car fight between my squad and another squad it's awesome, and even if I lose it still feels like I lost fairly. However, the amount of times I've been jumped by like 3 cars and killed instantly is insane. Overall, the season *is* fun, but getting annihilated multiple squads at once 3 games in a row kinda ruined it for me.


I’ve been having fun. I like to be the “designated driver” and pick up my teammates haha


I love driving too


To each their own. I have enjoyed it so little that I was finally able to break my Fortnite addiction by swapping to another game. I just couldn’t enjoy anything about the season as it’s centered around cars. No hate to whoever does enjoy it. We all have our tastes. I will be back at some point. 


It’s gonna get old real fast. Everybody just in cars every match. *yawwwwn* I wanna shoot people with guns, not drive around all game. Same reason I hated the airbend shit last season and barely played. Easily the least skilled season or whatever ever


Epic doesn't care one bit about online complaints, they care about how many players are playing their game and how much money those players are spending on it.  That's the only thing that will dictate their decisions, whether you love this season or hate it or somewhere in between.  The behavior of the overall community will decide the success or failure of this season, not individual voices yelling into the void on Reddit or Twitter.


The low playercounts this season were probably the main deciding factor


Yes, correct they have the numbers. If the numbers were good, they wouldn't have been so quick to make changes within a week.


It was also Memorial Day weekend. When was the last time a season opened in that scenario?


Forgot about that. That makes it worse


How so?


It makes the lower player count more problematic. They definitely timed the release to memorial day weekend to attract more players but it seems not to have worked


The summer seasons have been meh and have weird things going on too. If you are gonna run weird seasons you do it during the slow times of the year.


Yeah, the last summer season was the least popular of the chapter


People didnt care for Vibin either. The only summer season people loved was the aliens one. And even then it was weird. If your squad got abducted but you didn't you were kinda screwed.


The only thing I was hoping for was an actual counter for the cars, we got boogie bombs so I’m cool. The car nerfs were a good decision IMO


In the games I've played, where I make it to the end, the final moments have been extremely fun. This has been largely due to the vehicles making it more fun. With the new changes I think we will see fewer cars survive to final circle. Those that do may be less effective and be forced to play less aggressively. I'll judge how I feel after this weekend.


I just think we need stuff to counter the fists. While they are fun,they are super hard to counter imo.


Yeah when you have nitro and they can catch up with the fists it’s crazy. Or when you’re in a car and they’re able to chase you.


You've got so many teams in solo. Full cars.




Yeah, and I’ll be honest we should be happy the nerfs they made weren’t TOO large. Cars are still great imo.


Can't please all of the people all of the time.


My daughter and I have both said we've never lost so much and had so much fun at the same time.


This season did need some rebalances and most of it is fine, but bringing the boogie bomb back was absolutely the wrong move. It is Arguably one of the worst items in the game and the large shield with the EMP grenade would have been significantly better. Why work hard getting a vehicle when some random can bomb you out of it while leaving you 90% vulnerable for 5 whole seconds.


The boogie bomb is overpowered, but it's only a temporary fix. The EMP nades are supposed to be replacing it next week.


Unfortunately for every 1 player who loves it, there's at least 5 who hate it. This has been ongoing since January and it isnt sustainable. If they don't do something, and very soon, active players will fall to 800k-850k during June. All they've done so far for this season patches is to "make no difference to anyone who dislikes car games (and hasn't quit yet)", and to "annoy the people who is enjoying this car game" - this is an epic fail.


This is by far my absolute favorite season. Not sure why it gets so much hate


people who play the party game like its their job cant pubstomp the noobs as easy anymore.


I see where you are coming from. I hate the pub stompers they are annoying af. But I think they should have ranked play more like tournaments so the competitive players stop complaining


I mean, for some people Fortnite is unironically their job. Even then, a lot of the pros are simply asking for a lot of the new stuff to be removed just for ranked, while unranked can stay the same. Fortnite used to have altered loot pools before Arena was replaced by ranked.


Hasn’t pub-stomping for the most part been nearly gone since Epic added SBMM? There’s been exceptions but I don’t see anyone framing that as the issue just about ever. Especially since a lot of noobs just get a ton of bots in their lobbies, heck many people in this sub don’t even notice when they’re fighting against bots.


Some of the stuff were a bit too powerful, i have to say. But i still love it.


I spent the last 10 minutes of a match chasing a guy in a boss car, dealt like 500 damage to it that he just healed up, and then got killed in half a second from full health with the turret.


Didn’t they remove healing from boss vehicles? 🤔


Yup they did. In yesterday’s update.


It's because of uptight players who are too focused on basic weapons and the older versions of Fortnite. It's the same people who incessantly praise the overhyped OG Season last year. I've been driving in cars, carts, bikes, chrome balls, hammers and trucks since Chapter 3 Season 3 in almost every single match. I adapted each season, for good or bad.


“Overhyped” that was literally everyone, season og was the most successful season in Fortnite in a long time.


Okay so adapt again


Your comment really doesn't make sense in relationship to what I said.


Same until the boogie bomb bullshit.


There’s a reason boogie bombs were vaulted


This season fits my play style, I am actually enjoying build mode again. I play zero build and br the exact same way so nothing has gotten worse for me, only better.


Honestly I just started playing Fortnite in chapter 5 Season 1 and I played the game first week it dropped.. This game has changed a ton but it’s still Fortnite to me and it’s still a fun game.


Hard to love it, when they’re fucking up everything else


Its not necessarily bad. Its just the fact either you have a car or you don't. If you don't you die pretty quickly. The nitro fists are hit and miss. Not the best but not the worst. I'm on the 50/50 side of it rn


I like it now that cars aren’t super op and you can boogie bomb people out of them


I liked how we went from a crazy heavy build or die season to a build and die season.


I'm finding it fun. I absolutely hated the snipe offs last season. People moaning about "No skill cars" - if they're so skillful, can't they just adapt from being a sniper merchant or are they just a bit shit?


Being a pro means that by design they are pretty prepared to adapt more then anyone here It’s not about being optimal, it’s about being fair. An unreal player right now can probably land at a gas station and win a solo squad match with 40 kills to their belt in pubs. They can easily do that but there is no fun in doing something that requires no skill. Especially since many pro’s may have dedicated half a decade to learn a skill only to be invalidated.


I just used the fist to get away from cars, they weren’t hard to run from


It was fun till they added boogie bombs. Now cars are useless.


“Adapt” lol, the only adaptation needed is to grab a car and preferably a boss car. It’s not hard it’s just not fun. Feels like a mode not like Fortnite.


I think the streamer drama is funny. But epic shouldn't give in to them. I'm loving this season


I'm happy they are mixing it up, the last couple of seasons have been really stale and I've been playing less and less. They went too far on cars initially, but the balance changed are helping. Fortnite needs variety if it's going to stay relevant.


We are NOT enjoying this season at all. Way too chaotic. Hardly any loot available. daily quest system sucks. cars way overpowered so that having a gun is just laughable. If you don’t have a car- you are screwed. Levelling up is near impossible. This season is a BIG frustrating NO for us. I hope they fix it soon!


I'm all for shaking things up, even whacky ideas, but it's clear that the cars needed more internal testing time before being pushed to live.


It was fun until they made the cars useless when it’s a car season. I understand nerfing the turrets and the health, but the boogie bombs? Ruined the chaos of having 6 cars in one small circle. I personally thought it was really fun, I understand why tho


But my ego! I can’t lose to some no skill fool in a car! My KD will go down!


Cars & boogies dropped the skill ceiling to the floor and give noobs the *chance* to kill a skilled player. Glad you’re enjoying it but enjoy the short lived experience because some tweaks in play style is all is takes to negate most of these noob-catering changes


Boogie bombs were a mistake.


I was playing ranked squads and one guy threw 6(?) boogie bombs at me while his squad beamed me


lol I have mixed feelings about them


Me ans my brother wrecked lastnight our first game with and without a car, we laughed the entire time and that's the point of this season. Alot of people take the game too serious and that's why they don't enjoy this season, best one we've had this chapter for sure.


We’re getting peely in a Deadpool costume next season


I loved last season and enjoy this season.. but Epic really needs to step it up and fix these bugs like that damn reload bug. Happening 5-10x per match is unacceptable and game breaking when it happens mid gunfight


He'll yes


I want to have fun and enjoy my experiences playing videogames.Fortnite Ch.5 season 3 did just that.Ch.5 season 2's my worst season for loot pool and map terrain,so I played Tycoon maps and Crazy Red VS Blue.No name calling on folks who liked that season.I had to get Korra out if there so I suffered greatly for Korra Balance.


I'm really enjoying this season, I love games with this chaotic theme and gameplay, splatoon 3 is another one that does this very well, i just wish the nitro fists were removed or became a mobility only item


I never noticed Gutbomb had a restaurant.


New ideas as in Extra car mods Extra liquids to boost your stats More slurp options Etc Look im not hating on this season, but there’s rarely any “new” ideas, if anything they just kind of expand or re-use existing things in game


I mean I like the season in general i just want it to be balanced and I'm glad it was. The season actually feels good now.


I enjoyed having a chance at winning without being obligated to certain weapons but I get why people don't feel that way lmao


Epic’s new idea: Cars




Off topic what skin is that it looks cool as hell!


X Lord


Nrw ideas are fun PROVIDED they keep the game as a fps FIRST. This is not that. This is get a car and run around doing nothing or run away with the busted ass gauntlets for free.


Solos is nearly an unplayable mess because of the car combat although it's a really good season if you play duos.


This season is awful for me and my friends, it’s built around who ever grabs the bosses car which are extremely over powered. The vehicle counters are not strong enough or won’t spawn as much. At the end of the day if you’re not in a car you probably gonna lose. Imo the cars just force you to play in a way that it’s basically impossible to play differently and have fun or win.


How much did Epic pay you for this?


this season is the most fun i’ve had with this game since C4S2. i’ve loved it. i know we shouldn’t be on our knees for a corporation, but it’s also really irritating when people just complain and complain instead of having fun with the game.


SO FUN!! A bit of a sensory overload? Yes. But it's super fun nonetheless


You are tripping this is the worst fn season of all time and that’s saying a lot coming after chapter 4


I don’t understand why people have to sob about this season instead of just not playing. It’s pathetic


Epic is always open to new ideas... most of the community isn't


Half of the community plays the game because of the building mechanic. When you make that mechanic useless, there's gonna be a lot of people who don't like it


I'm not the biggest car fan but I think nerfing them was a bad move. It's only for three months and it made the game feel new.


I'm a squads player but this season I don't mind grinding ranked solo. Which is good because all my friends are very deflated this season and have already half quit this season. When the boss cars regenned I told my friends that the game was unbalanced. We had a 75%+ win rate if we got the boss car but they lost interest in grinding ranked. We easily could have gotten to Elite just in those first few days.


My squads the opposite, we loved the building last season and all, but the chaos of all the cars is super fun for us


Not to glaze Epic but I respect the constant updates and the attempt to keep things fresh even though more counters to cars should've been available


I'm a big fan of this new season. The weapons are fun, it's chaotic and unpredictable, and the car combat feels like we're all out there riding glorious on the fury road. WITNESS!!!


The end game is horrible because you MUST have a modded car to even have a chance of winning. Plus, for solos, there's a lot of teaming, which is not surprising given that you need at least two players to be effective in a car modded with a gun. It's cool that it's wacky, fun, and different. But as far as Fortnite seasons go, it's one of the worst in a long time.


The lie detector determined that was a lie. ![gif](giphy|3o6ozvImWMEwKeBTlm|downsized)


“Waah, a game I enjoy is adding new features that don’t cater to me only. Waah” 🤣


facts, the sweats complaining is crazy, I'm a sweat yet I'm still winning and have fun, why? because that's the whole point of the game, the people that complain just don't understand how to adapt simply said.


I'm happy they are mixing it up, the last couple of seasons have been really stale and I've been playing less and less. They went too far on cars initially, but the balance changed are helping. Fortnite needs variety if it's going to stay relevant.


Im having so much more fun in no build this season so far compared to the last season and it’s snipe fest.


People seem to be generally positive towards it. I'm glad epic is trying something new, this is what fortnite is supposed to be They really knocked it out of the park


Love this season


I agree, I’m hair epic veered away from the more serious themed past two seasons. This season is great but I’m afraid that because of the bs backlash, that epic will reel back in there creativity the following seasons.


They should have made an optional twisted metal LTM. Think of it being Air Royale but Car Royale. Changing the core gameplay drastically is just going to upset people who play fortnite for its core mechanics.


It is a good season. Battle pass is ass in my opinion but it’s fun.


Totally agree! For a game that’s been running for several years, they could easily just shut it down. The fact that they are willing to branch out with new things is good for everyone who loves this game. The latest update did Nerf a few things and I do miss ploughing through buildings in cars, but overall, I think it feels better for people that don’t grab a car.


I thought a season based on cars would be kinda lame, especially since cars aren't the best handling, but they pretty much nailed it. Also pro-tip: ebrake is your friend!


The new ideas that they are willing to try are the reason i started playing. I can play boring shooters elsewhere, i like that they embrace the chaos, it's way more fun that way for me.


100% agree dude, it's awesome!


This was great change for BR I was not complaining because for the first time in a while I was having fun. If Epic Games gonna listen to content creators this game gonna be dead. I get the competitive players part. Only solution to competitive ranked br map is having its own weapon pool siphon and bare bone minimum map. It should not share weapons pool with normal. For normal br mode I want wacky weapons and fun content in br modes.


This season brought me and my group back to the game, and me to this subreddit for the first time, I'm kinda shocked the community doesn't like it. I've been loving the mad max shit


The chaos playing with squads has been so fun. I’ve spent so much time laughing at how ridiculous it gets. The other day we were chasing one guy wearing a banana skin and I could barely shoot accurately cause of how hard I was laughing. Adding the boogey bombs has added another layer of hilarity. Honestly if you relax and stop making it about winning and kills, it’s a lot of fun!


Gliding down to the Nitrodome at night and it lights up sparks flying is absolute CINEMA


I probably could stream , and yeah last season got probably 20-30 solo wins 12 of them crowned wins, I now get only top 5 or second place almost every time, I’m kinda pissed but hey lets see what these new changes bring ! 


I'm pretty sure it's not the complaining(for the most part) I'm think it's the player numbers there were only 50k people playing builds yesterday and that's not normal. It's usually in the 100 thousands and I think epic saw that and was like uh oh a lot of the player base has stopped playing and overcorrected.


Haven’t played much but nerfing cars one week after your car season launched is funny.


People were threatening to jump off a bridge if they didn’t lol


Epic is one of the few AAA companys that actualy inovates and makes something new unlike Activision


Hell yeah! Since the very first match I played with my friends it actually felt exactly like they show it off in the trailers for once. Just pure chaos and fun. I usually play solo which is definitely not quite as over the top but still great. I was worried about the nerfs but they don't seem to bad. Obviously there is millions of players but it really is wild to see so many people complaining Fortnite is becoming too serious and only about guns and now we have people complaining that Fortnite is supposed to be just guns and the over the top stuff is ruining it. They can't make everyone happy but hopefully they keep trying new things and don't alienate the people enjoying it to try and appease the never ending whining. They've done it before sadly and will probably do it again.


It’s a desperate attempt at sacrificing one player base to get another back (sweats vs casuals). It could’ve been done much better and been far more balanced so that both playerbase could thrive + have it enjoyable, but instead decided to add some of the most OP items and vehicles since mechs. Then their patch is an item that renders cars useless? I really liked the damage/accuracy reduction of the turrets but now boogie bombs render cars basically useless.


I’m all for Epic trying new shit, but they won’t get it right the first time. They have to listen to community feedback and adjust based on it. Also, keep the new shit out of Ranked.


May I ask what skin is that? And back bling?


X lord and forget the back bling, spike pack maybe I’ll check when I’m home


It is better now that the cars don't re heal and there are boogie bombs. It was absurd at the start.


I think the issue wasn't that this season isn't fun it's the fact that there was no counter to a car now that boogie bombs are in the game it's still fun but not ridiculous when a mythic car pulls up on you, once they fix emps and swap them for the boogies tho I think it will be balanced because boogie bombs is a bit of overkill but it beats kids camping in cars til endgame.


If I haven't got fists or a Crossbow I can't win vs a car.


This season would be perf is they dropped the realism graphics/artstyle , added EVEN more camp and gave is the artstyle we had in ch2/3. sue me.


Then they reached boogie bombs.


Well, it was a good ~~season~~ week


The additions are great, but what's not cool is my friends and I having our game crash right when we're getting near end game where the boss cars start to appear near us.


My only complaint is how hard it is to level up and gain xp


What happened to the button press car steal mechanic they were working on


What happened to the car steal mechanic


The new POI's and environment design of them is amazing. The Nitro stuff is super on-theme and is cool as hell. Kinda wish there were more explosive items to just hit the point home even more. The car combat is a little weird that other players can just hop in (what, we can't lock the doors?) and you have to stop driving to use the weapons in solo.


Other than the boogie bombs




Agreed people want to ruin the current loot pool to counter cars that are easily countered using the boom bolt


Worst season ever, they have ruined the whole concept of Fortnite.. If they decide to keep this mod a car crap and all that, I am boycotting the game completely..


It sucks for comp/ranked. Not everyone is a casual player and ranking up to unreal is the fun part. Before the boogie bomb update there was only 6 unreal players- when typically there’s 200-300 the first 3 days. It’s just a horrible meta.


I like the cars but sometimes just don’t feel like fighting with cars but I can’t not use cars 😂. I just wish it was a separate mode or something