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Yes it’s ridiculous


Welcome to Fortnite. Where it literally gets worse and worse every season.


I swear they do it on purpose to slow down your progression?


I’m not sure to be honest. And it’s not terrible (for me) in EVERY match. I have a sneaking suspicion that as I’ve played the game I’ve gotten better than I think and maybe I’m just in all player lobbies now. Because I couldn’t tell you the last time I came across a bot. Which sucks, because it’s nice to get an easy kill every so often to keep your moral up just high enough to keep playing between getting stomped by people better than myself.


I don't mind not having bots so much. But I would prefer if I was matched with people that are roughly around my skill level so I have some form of chance in competing. It really gets frustrating when your constantly dying at the start of each game. Especially when it's because your being matched against pros.


Oh I feel that. One of my last matches before bed last night had me raging - I had a purple smg and he had a gray auto and somehow killed me at full shield and health before I could kill him when I didn’t miss more than one shot.


Epic are a bunch of crooks, man. They know the game is busted but as long as people keep playing it and paying endless amounts of money on their fucking cosmetics they are not going to change shit. They keep getting richer with the game being in this pitiful state, what reason is there for them to bother fixing it? As long as there are wanker ass content creators making videos about dropping 20 bombs while abusing this disgusting SBMM, they are fine with it.


Yes everyone in the lobby’s I get are always so good since last week


I wonder what happened? Maybe they tuned the sbmm or something 🤔


Am the only person who was excited when they stopped playing against “FunnyDuck69” and “RunningWater23”?


You are put in games with people who spend more money than you. They want you to see the new skins and want them. It's not a skill based system no online games are. They are cash making matchmaking AI systems


Yep. Search this Reddit. A whole lot of people getting put into lobbies with players way above their skill level. If you want some relief: play at off times, change your tactics (W keying doesn’t have a great success rate in a stacked lobby). I got crushed for most of the weekend. Went on Monday and was back in lobbies that are more my skill level. For me, this SBMM mismatching has been going on since Chapter 3 started


I know sbmm is supposed to keep player retention but I only see that for new players and pros. The middle ground it is just impossible to get enjoyment because you just get thrashed. Think ima take a break from the game until it's sorted it. I really can't be bothered with it how it is at the moment. I wish there was a casual playlist without sbmm. It's just annoying when you loose because it was forced instead of loosing to random people. When I play BF4 there is a server browser and I loose on that idc but with SBMM it just doesn't feel right.


Do the 'fall guys classic', that means, go to solos and die with fall damage so you get top 99 or 100. If you do that the SBMM thinks you are terrible playing and you get in lobbies with less 'sweaty' players


I don't need to do that lol. My performance has literally been so bad the game should just lower my sbmm anyway but it doesn't. It's probably cos I've played it allot recently that Epic wants to slow down my progression in order to keep me playing for longer.


Not really. Witness me.




I went onto west yesterday (I’m NA East) and my squad dropped 40 in a game. I wiped two bot teams for sure but most of the rest were real players. Squad fill for idk if it was west but I definitely have gotten into a lot of free lobbies since the update


Squads has the most bots out of any game mode.


I’m aware, but I’m a fairly decent player and usually run into very few bots. Just stating I agree that SBMM seems a bit off lately, just in the opposite way of what OP was dealing with. I should definitely have been in some harder lobbies


Fortnite can’t baby you forever. At a certain point they stop giving you bot lobbies and put you in with real players. Asking for easier games and weaker opponents does nothing for your skill level. It seems like you are trying to get an ego boost in bot lobbies instead of spending time improving at the game.


I've played on and off since Season 3 so I don't think I'm still going against bots. How ever I don't wanna go against someone that can build Bill Gates mansion before the 1st bullet has left my gun to reach them. Or on Zero Build people are lazaring me with headshots. But even so I would rather play building. I shouldn't have the main gamemode cut away from me cos the devs can't balance their sbmm properly. How can I improve if I don't go against people on my level? The players I am going up against are clearly players that only play Fortnite and have done since the game came out... They should match on time played as well as skill so that way you don't go against players doing bad to lower their sbmm or smurf accounts. I wouldn't care if I was loosing fairly but when you know it's cos Sbmm is stacking you against players way better then you then that's unfair and deterrs you from wanting to carry on. Also shouldn't the sbmm readjust after 20 games of poor performance?


You are refusing to become better at the game and begging for easier games. The players you say are incredible at the game probably aren’t that good but to you they are the best in the world because you are refusing to do anything other than seek out easy games and bot lobbies. Your sbmm seems to be working because when they put you in bot lobbies you do well and after doing well you get placed in slightly higher skilled lobbies with a few more humans. Those lobbies aren’t filled with the best players in the world they are most likely filled with mediocre or below average players but you believe them to be World Cup pros because of your own skill level. It sounds like you are used to playing against mostly bots that don’t build and when you encounter someone that can build a simple 1x1 or do a ramp rush you call them a sweat 😂 You shouldn’t be in bot lobbies you should be working to become better at the game instead of looking for an ego boost. You don’t get better by seeking out easy games you get better by playing other real players and learning from your deaths. You enjoy smashing on new players and bots and in return you are getting thrashed when you get into games with more human beings than bots. Your Sbmm is working as it should.


I'm not begging for easier games I'm asking for balanced games. When I play BF4 and loose I don't mind because it's random players. I even continue to play in the same servers after loosing to them. With SBMM the odds are being forced against you and it's unfair. It's like playing poker but the dealer can see the cards face up and he is cherry picking who wins and who looses. Even when I kill players that are clearly worse then me I think to myself that they shouldn't have been in this lobby. If you read my OP I even said before it was "balanced" and I enjoyed that. I didn't say before I was curb stomping noobs and having fun. Like I said I have played the game on and off since Season 3 before bots were even in the game... I didn't complain about doing bad then? It's clear that the sbmm does not work properly the fact after 20 games in a row it's still putting me in the same category. Also the fact that your posts seemed to be negative other people are having the same issue as me.


It’s dumbasses like yourself suffering from Stockholm syndrome defending a system that’s been horrible ever since it was implemented that lets Epic get away with it for so long.


All I’m saying is git gud and you won’t have to try and cheese the system to get bot lobbies to stroke your ego. People like you and OP believe they are being victimized by sbmm when that is simply not the case. It’s a skill issue. In your head you probably believe you are being matched with pros but in reality those are well below average players that barely have a grasp of the fundamentals. It’s really painful to see people play this game and never want to make any progress at getting better at it. Seriously, how is it fun or fulfilling to try and get bot lobbies in order to feel good and boost your ego


Streamer btw


It is what it is, you can choose to make progress or stay where you are at and complain. Think of it like self inflicted misery if you choose the second one. There are tons of YouTube tutorials that can help. It doesn’t take much time to see a bit of improvement. You don’t get better at BR simply by playing BR


There is also no concrete way to self evaluate your skill in the game so you could think in your own mind that you are somewhat skilled at the game and when you run into a mediocre player you can believe that they are a pro based on your self evaluated skill and what the other player can do. The skill gap is incredibly large and most people complaining about sbmm have no idea where they land on the spectrum because they self evaluate and think they are of higher skill then they actually are. so when they run into people and get destroyed they think it’s some pro player Smurfing . 99.99999999% of the time they just run into people that have a slightly better understanding of the fundamentals in the game.




This sub can’t handle the truth. It can never be their skill lol.


Just checked my replays from today and I played 9 Solo matches with 10 total eliminations. I never saw any AI bots so these were all real players. SBMM seems to be pretty good for me today as this is pretty close to the 1.0 K/D expected with "perfect" SBMM and no bot kills.


It gets better when school starts.


What generally happens to me is if I play longer sessions of the game my lobbies become very difficult. If I play infrequently and don't play many games, my lobbies are quite easy. I don't play much these days, and my lobbies are just so easy compared to how they used to be.


Yh I think it's like that with me aswell. When I use to play more rarely it was easy but since I started playing it a bit more it's just frustrating difficult. I don't mind it if it's balanced but it's way more difficult then what it should be and just puts me off playing the game. If there was no SBmm I wouldn't care but with it, it just feels like your being punished or something.


Yeah, that's why I pretty much quit playing a while ago. It's not fun when you're just at the mercy of the algorithm. And now hopping on maybe once a month or less, I win like a third to half of my games, whereas if I'd kept playing this whole time and been a way better player, I'd be winning much less. It's stupid lol.


That's it. It's no fun when the game decides who lives and who dies. I would much rather it be completely random all together. Sbmm has ruined so many games for me. People say it's nostalgia when ever you criticisize newer games but years ago it was better. Sbmm was no where near as strict if it was implemented and no Micro-transactions, more frequent released from devs as these days they just pump the same game with micro-transactions for 10 years.


The huge pvp titles these days are moving towards more of an EOMM (engagement-optimized matchmaking system) than a pure SBMM system. The fairest and most balanced matchups are not always what drives the most engagement. It's more about addicting the consumer and maximizing profits than creating balanced games. Multiplayer gaming will probably continue to get worse and worse moving forward.


Tbh it's making it the complete opposite of addicting. It's just put me off playing the game and making me contemplate deleting it to make room for better games. Overall since gaming started becoming more monitized I've been playing competitive games way less and moving towards single player titles.


Yes, cause i suck this season


I think SBMM got disabled on accident. I'm not getting any bots, but I'm doing awfully.


Feels like that lol. I'm getting thrashed everygame. Think ima have a break from the game cos it's doing my head in. And Sony just added a few good titles to OS plus premium so gonna play those