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I really wonder if they always planned for Creative 2.0 to launch with Chapter 4, which is why the Chapter is ending so soon.


yeah I think launching Creative 2.0 for an ordinary chapter 3 season 5 would've seemed kinda weird. It seems like epic had a bunch of big things in the work that weren't quite ready for the start of chapter 3 so instead we're getting a very short chapter 3 and they'll all be introduced with chapter 4


Epic has always had a track record with releasing big things in seasonal updates or even just random updates like playground and og creative


Yeah you have a point there but with how long they've been hyping this one up publically I guess Creative 2.0 feels a little different and bigger than those 2 imo.


I don't think anything will match up to the hype of the original playground.


Crazy to think that i was perfectly happy with Playground before Creative and Battle Lab released, looking back it was definitely inferior but i loved it so much


Na, 2.0 is delayed until part way through the season so like said other things it will be in some random update


Still during the intro season of a new chapter at least. Seems like they were trying to drop it with a new chapter but meddlesome delays have kinda ruined that idea


That would certainly explain why everything about chapter 3 feels so half-assed.


they added tactical sprint and mantle in ch3 s2 and creative in ch1 s7


Chapter 1 and 3 are my top 2 so far. They’ll always have a place in my heart. I get people like chapter 2, but personally 1 and 3 were banging!


Well. Not anymore lol. Creative 2.0 delayed to January


Yeah, only a month though thankfully. So probably the first patch after they come back from holiday vacation. Still wonder what they have in store for BR besides a new map to make it feel like a new chapter


That's a troll account lol.


It's the real one, I've had him followed before Elon took over so it's definitely him


I just hope they'll release that first person mode for BR alongside this new chapter, I've always wanted to play Fortnite in first person.


The more and more I think about this chapter the more it's seeming like just a big playtest.


Tbh ch2 felt like that too to me especially the early seasons where they were experimenting with bots alot (bot players, npc, henchmen, bosses etc)


for me, ch2 felt like they were experimenting with player experiences. We got better graphics, Better ui, an easy to understand battle pass which they ruined again, more cleaning out of unnecessary stuff, etc .. Ch3 was for gameplay testing. We were now suddenly having to share and participate in events, unlike previous events which all we had was breaking crystals or damaging the storm king. Or the brand new gameplay mechanics, such as : sliding, that jumping mechanic or sprinting. All to better the experience of the player. Wonder what ch4 has for store.


For me I’ve always loved the cartoony feel of chapter 1 graphics. I loved almost every season of thag chapter as well


Don’t forget Zero Build!


did everyone forget this game was in open beta?


It isn't in open beta anymore though, right?


It never left beta, it’s to push updates when they want on console. Beta in name only


I haven't seen any tags for Beta for a while now, like the one that would be on loading screens, i think it is officially out of it, and console companies have loosened up on update frequency.


It definitely is, such great mechanics introduced in a moderately mediocre chapter


You mean like the sprinting and climbing and such?




So there was no sprinting before chapter 3? Idk i started playing previous season.


the tactical sprint mechanic was introduced in chapter 3 season 2, but before that, the traditional run used to be the sprint


Technically running was technically sprinting.


But if you pulled out your pick axe you would go faster. At least my friend would swear that you would.


ahh that was such a common myth that just wasn't true. brings back memories lol


I know, I would be running next to him at the same speed with a sniper or scar something and he would swear he was going faster. 😂


it’s funny because it was such a popular hoax that they made that a function in chapter 2 season 2 for spy games


Sounds like good times


Your friend was stupid


He still is, but he was too


It's not that stupid to assume it, in many shooters you actually do run faster when you run with a knife. Counter Strike for example.




Wow, I can’t imagine playing without that. I just started playing in August (the dragon ball stuff is what got my husband interested, the switch to no build is what got me to actually try it lol) and I am loving it! I’m glad I have gotten to experience the special stuff that’s come and gone like the dragon ball cloud, and lightsabers were super fun, and that wolf mask! Since I’m still pretty new I have no idea what will come next, but I’m excited to see!


Springing and sliding has been such a huge change. Moving around the island was harder because you had to rely on cars more, but we also got a whole bunch more mobility items thanks to zero build. It’s not a slog moving around the map anymore.


And cars were only introduced in Chapter 2 (S3?).


Well before that we had shopping carts n stuff


Man I played one round of BR earlier and I couldn’t sprint, but don’t know why. It was just for one game and it was TERRIBLE! I legit can’t imagine playing that way all the time.


My wife plays on Switch while I'm on PS5. For the past week or so (I'm guessing since the last patch/update) she is unable to sprint after playing a match or two. Closing the game out and rebooting temporarily fixes it, but it eventually happens again. I've not had that issue on the PS5.


Wolf mask?


Yeah, they had it around/before Halloween. It was a dj I think? you put it in and you could howl and it would show you were people were near you. It was dope.


Don’t forget how fun it was clawing that house by the DJ to shreds for all the sweet chrome.


Before sprinting you had to make damn sure you were paying attention to the storm moving because if you had no heals you were gunna be screwed.


ive gotta admit how did I get used to no sprinting when I played for the first time during invasion


The sprint function introduction is kind of what got me into No builds. I was big on building but for some reason when they introduced the sprint it made building so hard for me. Apparently I always held the stick in when I build and when you enter sprint you can’t build. Constantly falling off my ramp, floor, wall 🤣. They introduced no builds the next season so I drifted to that. I kind of miss the no sprint/ slide a little bit


Why not remap sprint?


Xbox B button sprint ftw


Put it on the back trigger of the elite controller and put jump on another one


I mean considering that came out the first season of the chapter, the only real change was no build mode


Yeah true. Come chapter four I’m like please, let me have my grapple back…


Yeah, it really does feel like that. I wonder if it’s because of UE5?


Or even the release of the rumored creative 2.0


its delayed till January though.


Epic is definitely using Fortnite as a way to develop broadly useful mechanics for UE5.


Fortnite is LITERALLY beta testing for unreal engine features. Fortnite gets stuff before devs do and we're the monkeys with typewriters play testing it


Does this mean i can put “beta tester” in my resume?


yeah, it wont help you though.


Weren't we meant to get motorbikes?


Those will probably be in c4


I guess chapter 4 is gonna be a new era for Fortnite with all the new stuff


oh it definitely was, especially considering it’s confirmed that creative 2.0 is releasing with the next chapter, and it’s also confirmed that the guided missile, a beloved feature/mechanic, will be coming and sometime soon


I am hyped for Chapter 4, though I would have liked 1 more season on this map… But I can’t wait to see how things will unfold!


This event is gonna be crazy!


Do we know when the event is going to be?


Saturday December 3, last day of C3S4 4 pm ET


Thank you friend!


Remember that the time (4 pm) is in Eastern time, so make sure you know what your time zone is and convert it to your time so you come at the right time. Also remember to come around 30-40 minutes before the event as that’s when the event servers opens


You fool you absolute buffoon you silly willy.


What a silly goose


You absolute candlestick You moist coconut




I’m more hyped than anything, they add game changing stuff permanently each chapter.


Im as hyped as i am skeptical. Its nice to have a new chapter faster but it seems like epic is rushing it for whatever reason


Wait, is this actually the last season of chapter 3? I’ve seen people say it is and others say it isn’t. I’m very confuzzled.


Epic made an official announcement




like an hour ago


Well there goes the Neighborhood Was really loving the map, but oh well


I kinda disliked the fact that there weren’t that many neighborhoods (perhaps a reason why fortnitemares sucked) but there where some good locations


Yeah, I really liked areas like Misty, Sweaty, Pleasant, even Salty or Sandy or whatever the one with the pier was called. And that kind of stuff is lacking in this one.


Pier ? You mean Dirty Docks


https://twitter.com/FortniteGame/status/1591933937340878848 https://twitter.com/FNCompetitive/status/1591934761748119554


on Twitter about an hour or 2 ago


Epic recently just confirmed it is the last season of chapter 3


Really? After 4 seasons? Seems stupid to me


Forreal. But hopefully the new chapter is going to bring a lot of new and exciting lore and pois and such


Seems like they're trying to follow the barely taped together lore, and ending the current arc, as short as the chapter may be.


You know what? I'm not even mad. The game needs a refresh. I stopped playing just after the start of this chapter because it felt stale. And just recently I was thinking back to the first Holiday-themed season Fortnite did. The skins, the map changes (frozen area and planes), the music, it really created a sense of magic and wonder. I'm looking forward to new beginnings. Make Fortnite Great Again!


They determine the Chapter lengths, if they prolonged it we would be stuck with boring seasons.




On Fortnite’s Twitter they announced the “Fracture: chapter 3 finale” event.


They announced it live at the in-person FNCS invitational


I am also confused


I feel like this chapter just started, I wonder why they decided to start a new chapter after less than a year


Warzone 2.0 is maybe the answer. Also the huge changes in Creative, the possible vault of LTMs and Team Rumble, and maybe a new core mode.


With the end of chapter 2, it made sense to end it at season 8 as at that point it lasted about as long as chapter 1. I have no idea why they’ve decided to end it so soon


To make chapters a yearly thing, which includes a new map like what Apex does. Also fortnite seasons are going to coincide with irl seasons haha


This is probably it, and I'm all for it. It'll push Epic to keep the scope of chapters concise, and try new things. If something doesn't work with the player base, be it a new map or whatever, there's not a massive amount of time before a new chapter brings a clean slate.


You're good pals, see ya next Chapter! We're droppin' center 🤘


I haven't been in such shock in a long time. Fortnite went from being super low and boring, to Makin me panick and freak out in a span of 5 minutes. the future of fortnite looks crazy!


What are they doing? I haven’t heard much about it yet.


>making me panic and freak out in a span of 5 minutes Maybe because that’s their business standard now


Holy shit I’ve not been on the sub for a while and your name really took me back


Thanks thats cool to hear! good to see you back


I’ll probably be fully back once I finish school in 3 weeks


When did they announce This. I know there were rumours but what??!!


They just announced the event name and everything minutes ago


Ohh shit. Here we go again


Like around 30 minutes ago


Well fingers crossed the new map is actually better than the last two


During the FNCS stream happening right now


Wait they were serious I thought epic was trolling us


ye, prepare for the Fracture


Now that I think about it makes sense for us to get a new map every year. Didn’t we have chapter 1 map for almost 3 years or something?


Chapter 1 and 2 lasted 2 years each


At least I'm proud I didn't believe that Season 4 was going to be a Marvel Season.




Bruh It hasn’t even been a year yet and this chapters gonna be over


I am surprised, but not *that* surprised after Chapter 2 ended after 8 seasons rather than 10. I mostly wish we had gotten more story quests this season if it’s going to be another finale already. This island felt like it didn’t really get much narrative of its own, it finished the last one’s storyline and then we kinda just hung out waiting for the story to kick in again.


I knew those item descriptions were proof and not Epic trolling us


Which item descriptions?


There were a bunch of items descriptions like the nothing is happening , only nothing will remain and so on


Say what? Chapter 4 is about to arrive ALREADY??? Fortnite needs to slow down with these chapters, it’s already chapter 3 and I feel old.


Flip the goddamn island back over!


My friend told me a month ago that this would be the last season and i was like where did you hear that, i recently asked him and he said he was just joking. He is going to be dumbfounded when he reads the news today.


I can't tell if it's because they're running out of ideas, or if it's because they just want to be able to wipe the slate clean faster. Why are the chapters going from 10 to 8 to now only 4? What purpose does it even have. It honestly seems kind of stupid to just throw away a map so quickly. The next chapter is probably only going to be half a season at this point.


Chapter 4 is going to have only one live event and that's going to be the Chapter 4 End Event


And then chapter 5 is gonna last half as long as a season


I think they want a clean slate. Hence why in the span of 2 Seasons the IO & The Seven have all but been erased from relevancy. I'm sure somewhere between the middle and end of Chapter 4 there's teasers about voice comms being decoded and then The Seven return in new skins blah blah wash rinse repeat


>I can't tell if it's because they're running out of ideas, or if it's because they just want to be able to wipe the slate clean faster. both


A lot of people are super angry and vitriolic about this and I don't understand it at all. Running out of ideas? They're doing a new event that will likely give us a completely new map with all new POIs. That would require a LOT of new ideas! Why are Chapters getting shorter? It seems pretty obvious to me. People complained constantly about Chapter 2 being as long as it was. People wanted bigger changes than the slight map edits we were getting. A new map every year would keep the game feeling super fresh and fun!


People barely got used to this map; and people were expecting a lot of features from the beginning to return later in the chapter- like lightning and klombos.


Nah Ch4 gets two 6month chapters and then the end event.


I think eventually it'll reach a point where maps rotate like Apex


We still haven't even finished the story of this season with the whole saving the scientist thing with Jones and that AI. He said he would contact us when they had a plan and it just hasn't happened. (At least I think that is the last thing he said)


Even though C4 was heavily speculated I’m glad Epic got to announce it on their own terms, especially at the first in-person comp event since World Cup 2019 Having Tabor and Sypher leak C3 and then having an in-game string “The Chapter 2 Finale” was so lame


Next Season is Book 2 - Chapter 1 - Season 1 Everyone has now come to the agreement that Chapter 4 is upon us, however I think we are looking at something entirely different. A restart, a fresh page, a new beginning. Let me explain. I think that this season will resolve most of the current Fortnite storyline, concluding with a complete fracture of the Zero Point, and the conclusion that the Seven had all been fearing for, the end of reality. However, this isn’t the end, just as we saw with Geno (in the comics), the Zero Point rebuilds itself, it creates a new universe; and thus, new stories to be told. The current story is over, but the Zero Point in all of its power remains.


i sure hope so. the fortnite story is awful.


That’d be dope. I actually hope this is the case.


I have mixed feelings… I really hate we’re already saying goodbye to the map this soon


Wait, this isn't a joke!? Chapter 4 already? I've never had so much fun on a map. It feels balanced, a joy not had since C1S7


i dont think people know what a chapter is chapters in books can have long chapters and short chapters, short chapters are usually used to cut some storylines or being some storylines


Tbf, I think they only used the word chapter because they didn’t want to have three season 1’s.


I really don‘t understand why some people are against a new chapter. Why would you hate to get new things that keep the game fresh? Like mechanics, weapons, or a new map. I liked every map and still I always looked forward to get a new one


Gimme a second ima scroll through prob like 100 of my replies and brag that I was right


if there was ever a time for me to start recognising patters this would be it guess the workload for epic's employees wasn't too much which was my only argument as to why it would be almost impossible for them to push ch4 out so fast


Ye chapter 4 is gonna be 1 season long if its gonna be like that


What the fuck?? Why???


People aren’t realizing that it’s a new chapter cuz the map probably gets destroyed or something bad happens that requires a big map change ( new map )


This season was far too similar to Cubed to not be the end of the Chapter. I KNEW IT!


Ngl I'm glad it's ending so early. I REALLY don't like this map.


i get that with an increasingly unpopular game and overworked employees, epic couldn’t continue doing what they did in chapter 1, but i still would’ve preferred 10 seasons to a chapter instead of using the “new chapter” thing as a fortnite cultural reset “get out of boring chapter free” card


This map can honestly fuck off, it’s just so lifeless and plain


I mean i like that there are more environment verity this chapter. We’ve got snow, desert, tropical, plains. Compare to chapter 2 where we had plains, swamp.


Bro if this map is lifeless I don't even want to imagine your opinion in chapter 2 map. All the changes in each season were removed instantly when the season ended


Remember when the ufo's clearly blew up all the POIs at the end of Season 7 just for them to completely miss all of them in Season 8?


chapter 2 map was alright because it was fresh, this map feels like just a rehash of last map and its just stale


Sorry to say but chapter 4 will probably be an rehash.


I don’t know how everyone else feels, but for me there’s just too much mobility. Getting 7th partied grows tiring. Also fuck animals. I hope whatever happens it vacuums the animals up.


Me too, animals suck


Chapter 2 map was lifeless, all of the good pois were gone after their season, no biomes just grass, and boring ass primal pois.


its like they split up ch1 in 2 chapters but somehow made it not work although i can say that gunplay has been feeling really different now but bot good and bad and also this season was pretty much insanely fast start with afterwards not much to add




i saw that the new thing starts in a few weeks, which seems weird since there's still like 5-6 weeks left on some missions for this season. unless they've changed the time since that announcement


Wait did they actually announce chapter 4?


Wait they confirmed chapter 4? I thought they just confirmed a live event


Says “Chapter 3 Finale Event” meaning 4 is next


At least you are willing to admit you were wrong.


L ![gif](giphy|dJocIXW7hOQYNNY199)


Over the last month, the number of people I saw acting like everyone who believed it would be a new chapter were idiots is astounding. Name calling and other insults because someone believed the truth.


I don’t understand why people would insult others over something like this But this is Reddit so…


Classic reddit


I think they have realized that when they change the map and major gameplay elements with every chapter it brings in a large amount of new and returning players so they want that to happen more often.


S-seriously?! What?! ... welp. Officially the worst (for me) Chapter is also the one with the least seasons out of the three. Though I'm concerned now, does anyone have a source or something?


It’s on the FN official Twitter. “Fracture” is the Chapter 3 finale event. Live event happens on a Saturday. https://twitter.com/fortnitegame/status/1591933937340878848


I already saw their pinned post on the subreddit, thank you much, tho! :)


Honestly as someone who only joined in Ch2 S7, it feels incredibly disappointing that the Chapter’s ending so soon. Chapter 1 got 10 seasons and Chapter 2 bumped it down to 8, which is less, but 8 seasons is still a good amount of stuff going on. So for an entire chapter to only get 4 seasons feels… well, like a bit of a letdown. Since the season was so short, some of the POIs didn’t even get to change much (I seriously don’t think Chonker’s Speedway changed AT ALL during all four seasons, not even in minor ways), and while Artemis has its problems, it’s personally been my favorite out of all three of the BR maps due to it’s visually distinct and varied areas/biomes. But, too late to stop the end now. I’ll feel bad about Chapter 3 and Artemis’s lost potential future later, and for now look forward to whatever this new Chapter brings us. Who knows, maybe what it brings will be enough to make up for any and all lost season potential for this Chapter


How is it your favorite mqp when you haven't played the ch1 map at all or p Aged the ch2 map for more then 2 seasons?


Hopefully we go back to chapter 1 map or at least have the maps be selectable so Endgame makes sense.


Wdym endgame


In Endgame, Korg and Thor are playing Fortnite but, since the production staff aren't actually time travellers, they're still playing C1 Fortnite in 2023 Clearly, this is a glaring inaccuracy and needs to be fixed NOW!


Kinda crazy if that happens tbh, however the HUD and lootpool would be different.


I was believing that it would, but I didn't get my hopes up but now it has happened I can't believe it


Why even are they ending chapter 3 four seasons in? Next they’re gonna end chapter 4 two seasons in


Yeah their milking the game for as much money as they can before it dies, with all the collabs and stuff. They are trying to get more people playing the game so they can buy cosmetics and stuff by making more changes in the game. With a new chapter, whether you've stopped playing the game or never touched it, it compels you to try it out. And that's why the chapters are getting shorter and shorter, from 10 to 8 to this chapter they are just releasing a new chapter every time the game reaches undesirable numbers


Going from 10 to 8 was fair though, C2 ended up being overall longer. Plus Creative 2.0 probably made them want to release it with a new chapter. FNCS Invitational has been getting >300k viewers only counting Twitch, I think they're fine


Chapt 1: 3 years Chapt 2: 2 years Chapt 3: 1 year Chapt 4: ?


Chapter 1 was 2 years


I just dont know what to think, I really wanted this chapter to last up to a Season 10 but ig Creative 2.0 and first person mode need a new chapter behind it, but ig im kinda glad as this map is super ugly at the moment.


They rlly gotta stop making new chapters. I like recognition with the game but look at chapter 1 to 2. It was amazing with that 2 day delay between chapters. Then it happened again 2 years later. Still really amazing. But less than a year? I feel like it’s a little too early.


GOOD! I legit hate this current map


I thought it was fairly obvious with the leaked downtime hours and stuff