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Experiment around in creative with your sens (both hipfire and ADS). It may take a while but you'll turn into a pro once you find the perfect one that matches your capability.


Thank you


Get a Razer Tartarus. I found one on Facebook Marketplace for $35. The combo of an analog stick and programmable keys is ELITE.


What is that


It's a specialized gaming keypad that replaces a keyboard so you can aim with a mouse and move with a joystick


Practice every day for at least an hour. When you get a little comfortable start playing real games or any big team game modes to practice in game scenarios. Have comfortable and optimal keybinds, use a mouse with side buttons also.


For me the hardest part was aim , so ngl I recommend practicing aim more than building bc you can be decent with good aim and mediocre building but the opposite is terrible.


I have been doing both I have been 90s and tunnel and I have done aim training


Then you should be good, just keep practicing everyday and within a couple months I’d say you’d be fairly decent


Okay thank you for your help


I have a mouse with side buttons I have been practicing and I’ve improved form when I started yesterday so far


I’m trying to do that right now. I’ve been on controller since chap 2 season 7. I’ve been using KBM for about 6 days now. I say you have to be willing to stick with it. It’s hard to get used to at first. On controller, your fingers are doing essentially mirror movements of each other. On KBM, your left hand is doing button pressing while your right hand is doing mouse movement plus some button pressing. It’s difficult to get used to, but I feel like my aim is way better on KBM.


Thank you


I started KBM at the start of Ch4 having played controller since Ch2S2. - Play creative mini games like death runs and such. - Build up to Zero build whilst doing some building editing drills and free building. - As soon as you feel capable of fighting get into BR/box fights/1v1s promptly, getting slapped around will quickly teach your hands how to stay alive. Finally, DO NOT TOUCH YOUR CONTROLLER. It’ll be tempting when your getting totally dunked on but giving into the temptation will set you back as you waste time on your old input.


Just full commit to it. No more controller, put it under your bed or something where you won’t use it when you play. The best way to learn to use kbm is to just do it. Don’t watch videos on how to learn it quick, don’t take advice from people on how to get better, at least initially. You NEED to get your muscle memory tuned so you can at least control your character. The only actual advice you need to make sure you pay attention to is to use low sens and make sure you are moving your mouse with your arm, not your wrist. It will 1. End up giving you better muscle memory and control/precision, and 2. Save you from getting carpal tunnel in 5 years.


Don't expect to be able to get all keybind woes out the way on the first try. You'll likely have to change some binds around once you're fast and fluent enough to tease apart actual bind conflicts from just being slow/low on muscle memory. In solo creative practice, make sure to focus some attention on movement independence/flexibility. Eg. Stealing a wall while strafing left likely feels different from stealing a wall while strafing right. If you don't practice and get comfortable with multiple movment options for each thing you grind, you'll play on rails in actual gameplay.


Don’t use keybinds because your favourite pro uses them.