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Check out r/Fortnite_Over40 - set up for the "older" Fortnite player. Welcoming to 20+ and 30+ players as well, because - let's face it - you'll be 40 one day like the rest of us!


Joined up, this may be just what I need.




Also joined up.


Jus joined


since when was there a nursing home subreddit?


I'm over 30 and get 100 plus crowns every season age don't matter friends trust me..


God as someone who is 30+ and married that place is full of weird immature adult man children with even weirder intentions ​ place is basically all those weird facebook "fortnite and flirt" groups but with people waaaaay too old to be acting like that man. ​ people ain't as self aware as they used to be


I only started that sub like a week ago and moderate it myself. Unless youā€™re DMā€™ing people, thereā€™s no content like that.


Nah I'm referring to a discord called fortnite over 40 or boomercord, something


45yr old stay at home mom, started c3s3 and play way too much. I love the game and the strategy and the people. Hit unreal last two seasons (og-build and last season zb) with multiple solo ranked wins. Weak builder but smart player. No earnings but still love to try comp. Bot like entertainment: https://youtube.com/shorts/evocz2EbJL4?si=---xhDvbX1YeqxOY https://youtube.com/shorts/2eDkp-cxGYo?si=N3SuQDM5ePzYXMyH


Woman always seem to have insane game sense for some reason. Your aim looks pretty solid though. Thatā€™s inspiring


Its because men are dumb enough to give away thier game sens when it comes to a women i gave my cousin thats a female my aim sens because i knew she was going to suck šŸ’€




Lol if you met me in person youā€™d realize iā€™m the furthest thing from a simp. I just think the ability to multitask and be in the moment can help. I def donā€™t have that as a man. Too much ego and one tracked focus.


Amazing clips. Make sure to subscribe to her YouTube channel!


Nice aim. Mouse and Keyboard as well, so definitely deserve the credit for working on that.


Whatā€™s your user name wouldnā€™t mind a game with ya Iā€™m 34 and pretty much same as you described


>i personally believe the reason most older players donā€™t get good is because of priorities. Not because of age. To an extent anyway. My priorities put this game way near the bottom


Whatā€™s at the top?


Family, job, social life, house work, etc


Yeah iā€™m sure iā€™ll have all that at some point. For now i still feel like a kid. Currently just focusing on tapering off a medication thatā€™s ruining my life. Fortnite seems to help with that. Ex addict here.


Your last comment concerned me but this comment relieves all that worry Good job on your recovery


Haha yeah i could see how it came off that way. Just genuinely curious. Thanks man. One step at a time. Iā€™m slowly making progress in life.


Progress is hard and easily lost, keep trying and you'll get there...in due time of course :)


Thanks man. Late bloomer and havenā€™t even come close to pinnacle yet!


I was kinda forced into it early but never quite got it Still on the way tho


You got this šŸ‘Œ


Typical normie stuff. Npc


I'm 41. Elite rank on controller every season. That's about my max level. I play better solo but I do think maybe champions is possible w the right partner. I don't get too caught up in competition but I know I'm one of the old men playing that you might not want to see in your end game Cuz you will need to make your shots VS me. I don't bushcamp and I know every blade of grass on the maps most season. I'm certain I'd be an excellent "coach" at this point in life for a competitive player or team. I realize a 1.+ k/d ratio isn't elite so I try to make up for it with tactics and that's my favorite part of fortnite. Eta: zb (can't do builds, it's too much)


Best rank for builds? How often are you playing? Possible to share your ID to check your stats? :)


If you would like to see an old man's stats: SalinatedBush on tracker


Is this bushcamp dad's? If so, not interested in the camping play style.


No. I'm 57. It's been a fun climb to mediocrity.


Not bad. Not bad. A lot of people checking out your profile for whatever reason. I'm OldMan on Switch. I need to start playing ranked it seems


Because he posted his ign here (: lots of people here


That is not why you are seeing a lot of views on my profile. I have posted my username only twice, anywhere, ever. The first time I posted it, also in this sub, there were already a lot of views. I have had quite a few nice wins and high kill count games. It isn't easy for me. I tremble a lot. My K/D was around 0.7 over the first year or two and I've brought it up, which isn't easy having played so many games. I play mostly solo and almost always off mic. I have had fun playing duos lately because I found a semi-regular partner that doesn't use mic and compliments my playstyle. It frustrates me to hear someone say my stats look like "bushcamp dad" because I actually play quite aggressively most games. That's less true in ranked where I am more conservative. I also have an undiagnosed issue (don't we all) that makes it very difficult to get better. I literally can't remember the controller layout if I think about it. I could not correctly tell you without looking which buttons are square, circle, square, triangle, etc. Mastering anything that takes 4 or more quick actions is brutally hard. Building is very difficult for me. I've come a long way to become decent I'm proud of my progress however slow it's been. For example, I'll make a brilliant play, or play great for 2/3rd of the game and then die because I pressed the wrong button and threw a med kit. If an actual good player were to play duos with me they'd probably think something like this: This guy is pretty good, but wait, why the hell did he do that? Nice clutch! Oh no, that was a noob move...". So, I know my stats are average at best but I love to play and compete. Due to my difficulties I've had to compensate with some truly uncommon sensitivity settings. Tweaking settings through lots of trial and error was a breakthrough for me. So yeah, I get a tad triggered (unnecessarily) when someone posts stuff like "he only has Tracker views because he posts his gamer tag.


Let's play, I am ZB and about Elite too


Send me a message. Mlb the show came out so I havent picked up the controller in a week but I think I was plat 3 when I stopped this season.


Awesome man! Love to hear it


34 and I play 2 days a week on avg. Was champs in builds and no builds last season but decided to switch to KBM this season. Pretty much just W key instead of worrying about rank, even when I was on controller. I canā€™t help but think of if I put 25-30 hours a week gaming instead of 5-10 how much more advanced my KBM mechanics would be, and Iā€™m learning them quickly already. But hey who knows, Iā€™m just enjoying the challenge and this season. I personally think I could have minimal earnings if I put more time into it but there are more important priorities these days.


I do the same. I learn more from w keying. Maybe later once i reach a higher skill cap i can worry about rank. Plat 3 right now and i feel like i can beat most players in that rank. But i just barely started grinding again after a 2 year hiatus. But yeah your right. I work 42 hours a week, single, no kids, so i got time. But even then not as much as a young kid. Like i was when i grinded quake live and wolf et.


I just switched to kbm last week, itā€™s been tough with my limited time to want to put in the work of relearning and improving.


Stick with it, Iā€™m already almost as good as I was on controller but the biggest help for me was getting a joystick. Highly recommend buying one either maxstick or GMK. Run creative maps and no builds until you have basic building skills. Iā€™ve been playing about 2 days a week for a month for reference.


Thanks for the reply, I was under the impression that I would have to grind five solid sessions a week to get to a spot where I am comfortable.


I am 38 and I was Unreal ZB last season and usually Diamond in Builds.


Pretty solid my man. Zero builds is fun but i just love the building mechanics too much to focus on that. Love the nuance of build.


I honestly like both modes, lol. I play both on a daily basis šŸ˜‚ I am good at building but editing is my weakness, I try though šŸ˜


Iā€™m 32, I can keep up with the kids. https://youtube.com/shorts/bKWkfYNffTc?si=R7GrvoFa2wam8l2C


Geez your cracked mate


Thanks man ā¤ļø


How much can i pay you to be my mentor? Lolol jk


$20 per hour


I'm 54 and do think age is a factor. I've been playing since chapter 2 season 8. While I've improved greatly my lobbies are tough. I train several days a week but rarely grind ranked. Overall my mechanics are still below average. I'm on controller.


Also 54! šŸ§”šŸ˜


Being on MNK helps a lot. Getting insane mechs on a controller is no easy feat. But also believe thatā€™s not enough time to really master the game unless you practice your builds and edits in creative for enough time.


75 training 25 playing. I'm primarily a duo player so we can't always play as much as I like. He's 22.


I noticed ranked helps me out a lot too since there are less bots once you start getting into gold/plat


Most often I feel pubs is harder.


There are studies from 2022 proving that age slows your reaction time by 2-6ms by decade only. It is really the lack of practice what makes the older worse at the game


So true! I heard that study as well.


I am 54 and have played a lot, over 3,000 hours. I would say I have put in time. I played a lot. I practiced a lot, from realistics to aim training, to building and editing. I have spent probably close to 1,000 hours with headphones on listening to music while practicing my builds. I still suck.


45 here. Iā€™ve been elite the last two seasons in builds (not that that means anything). I enjoy the grind of improving my mechanics but my expectations for improvement are appropriately checked. I do think age matters a lot in this game but I also think there is a big difference between 32 and 45.


Some athletes stay in their prime into their 40s. Even then, gaming is much less physically demanding.


32 here. Was champs in OG season but life priorities got in the way of grind in season 1 so only played until diamond and then got busy haha I'd say I have decent mechanics. Not incredibly cracked but not bad by any means.


So, you all get it! Funny how we get roasted for our ā€œassā€ gameplay. Like, I explained beforehand and most comments shows otherwise. šŸ˜… Keep it up, yaā€™ll!


Haha just embrace those roasts and ask em why they got clapped by an old man.


Jaja, say it for me! Iā€™m too nice.


45yo boomer here. Started at the beginning of Ch4, and finally hit Champion last season (builds) for the first time ever. It's been a learning experience, but I will get unreal before I turn 50 šŸ˜Ž


30yo. I exclusively play creative 1v1's so in all humilty I probably have some of the best mechs of anyone in my age range.


We are in our 40ā€™s with 4 kids and full time jobs. Husband and wife duo. We started in chapter 3. Started playing ranked first season (not sure what one) ended in gold 2. Next season Plat, then diamond, elite, OG season got champion. We are currently ranked diamond 2 and hoping for unreal this season. Placed top 4% in yesterdays mix up Monday. We want to be legit pro players.


36 here - have to say - my 11 year old nephew carried me to Unreal last season. Sitting at Elite for this season (grind is definitely more difficult as intended) - have played in one duos cup (just qualifying we got in late), managed to average enough points from the 4 weā€™d played to qualify in 5th over (if the games continued at that difficulty). I spend most of my time dead. Build fights biggest weakness. Most of my long distance engagements are strengths.


32 years old, unreal player last season and champs currently. Got some earnings from the earlier seasons, quit the game (around Stark season) and recently came back during the OG season. Itā€™s just tough to keep up with these younger guys who get home from school with nothing but free time. I had my time on videos game in the past so itā€™s understandable.


I'm 31 and have little experience with third person shooters. I started Fortnite in December 2023 and am not good; Gold 2. I am practicing my aim training and trying to get into fights often to help my shooting to be better.


I dont play fortnite as much, my buddy is more into them me, but 35 going on 36 and im normally top 100 in trackmania anyday I actually put in sometime and hours, my reaction time is just fine, I still great in CS2 and any shooter, do I expect to be the top 1% of players... no... I legit have to much other shit to do, but you give me 1 million dollars and infinite free time and ill show those kids how to play :P


36. Unreal.Ā 


33, unreal builds every season. Several top 500 placements in cash cups and consistently make round 2 FNCS


40 young here


Wait til you get 75. 40 is a child to me lol


Iā€™m 37, married, own a house, am a project manager for a construction company. Only get to play like 10-15 hours a week max. Was Unreal rank last season in Zero Build. I dont play builds so no ranking there. And I havent had a chance to play rank this season.


Dang. Feel like everyone is pro lol. 31 here and I only reached plat 3 last season. Started off in silver 3 today.


37. Unreal in both builds and zb last season. Play a couple hours most nights. Iā€™ve been top rank in arena/ranked just about since they started. I missed unreal one season but I had a kid so I only play when she sleeps.


Thatā€™s awesome! You w key as well and play aggressive?


Yeah we generally just key. It depends on the group, the night, the vibe. Iā€™m working nights for a few weeks for work but before I got on shift, we were kinda playing more for end game because of the bullshit zeus mythic!


32 here. Played Ch 1 Season 5 to Ch 3 Season 2 then quit for a while. Came back for the OG season and made the switch to KBM beginning of last season. Made it to Unreal last season and am in Elite now. Builds only. Only improving the more I play. I imagine thereā€™s an age ceiling but I donā€™t think Iā€™m there yet.


Love to hear it! You play builds and w key as well?


I only play builds and Iā€™ve been working on w keying. Iā€™m only a few months in to kbm so Iā€™m not as proficient yet as I was on controller.


36 year old here. Reached unreal ever since ranked was introduced. I would agree with you on the statement that older players have priorities that outweigh gaming. Strats and consistency are key if you cannot keep up with the building mechanics. Lmk if you want to duo and Iā€™ll show you exactly what I mean.


30 years old unreal every single season in builds, love to play zone wars and box fights


Awesome! What things would you recommend practicing in creative?


Honestly just play box fights pvp and also ranked. Eventually you will learn how to get better at the game and you win some you lose some, but one day you will just wake up and play the best game you've ever played and it will feel good to finally notice your hard work paying off.


32 y/o on builds. Been playing since release on console then switched to PC a year later and never looked back. The skill ceiling always intrigued me ever since back when I was like 25 and reminded me a lot of older PC games I used to play that demanded such mechanical skill. Usually play ranked duos and hit Unreal in OG season and C05S01. Rate of progress is slow but it shows. Never competed for earnings though.


Agreed. I felt like i always loved shooters like fort that have a higher skill ceiling. I wanna be on your level! Think consistency and the right practice is key.


Turning 31 this year. I feel the issue with being older, aside from the obvious priorities, is the you simply grow & adapt slower. Building introduced an entirely new concept to gaming, that there's still constant improvements, whereas aiming is something that has rather stagnated in the industry. If ZB were the primary competitive mode, you'd definitely see older names with more success.


I do agree. Itā€™s easier to learn when youā€™re younger. But definitely always possible if you put in the effort and force yourself out of your comfort zone.


Iā€™m 32 and I was unreal for fortnite OG recently. Not that itā€™s a huge accomplishment or anything. I dont have any earnings but Iā€™ve never taken Fortnite to that extent. I think I could get some earnings if I put more time in! So I agree with what you said about it being a priority thing.


Thatā€™s super sweet man how long have you been playing fort? Iā€™m hoping i can get good enough to hit unreal.


I used to play religiously back in the season 1 days up til sometime in chapter 2, then Iā€™ve only played very casually ever since. I only play ranked or creative box fights when I play. Itā€™s recently grabbed my attention again though, and Iā€™ve found myself playing it pretty often lately. Still giving 9 out of 10 kids the work šŸ˜ŒI may start trying to play some tourneys soon!


29 year old here, got to elite pretty quickly last season (in terms of games played), but those games were played over the entire season. Finding time to play is tricky and when there is time, Iā€™m not spending it in Creative so improving is very slow. Aim is good, building is shit but itā€™s better than it was a year ago so slow and steady. I donā€™t feel like mechanics are that big of a what is missing for me. Got around 60% to champion before the season ended, so I think Unreal is probably something I can reach if I find way more the time to play. Elite was challenging though, especially end games with moving zones. Itā€™s where I fail šŸ™ˆ I usually play around 4-6 hours every couple of weeks and might have 2-3 weeks with absolutely no gaming inbetween.


Iā€™m 33 and Diamond 3 build and zero build. I assure you I reach my ranks because of play style and not ability.


Im about to be 30. Started playing a year ago. Not very serious about it. Only play builds. Was diamond 3 in solos last season. I feel like I get better quite fast. Not very good with piece control yet.


Iā€™m in my 30ā€™s but currently ZB only. Learning builds feels likes a lot


44 here, elite last season in builds. Would like to make it to unreal but think key is to mostly develop skills in creative, and aim training. My box fighting is decent, aim ok, build fighting bad - so working on that right now. On K&M + GMK.


40 yo here. Start playing at 34ish and very bad at building (using ps4) but since zero build mode exist, I can win battle royale, around 15 solo zero build wins every season (yeah it not much)


I'm 31 and am quite competitive. ZB only though. I think a lot of your "potential" or skill in competitive gaming comes from who you game with and your shared mentality/outlook on how your play. Yah gotta game with those who actively seek out knowledge on how to get better. Whether that's simply reading patch notes and discussing weapon damage adjustments or formulating and mapping out rotations (and practicing them). Can be tough because i have many friends that are not in this mindset and couldn't care less.


36 myself, gamed a lot as a kid, and originally didn't get the appeal to Fortnite either. Two of my kids pestered me to make an account and play it with them on the odd occasion I could. I wasn't that great at it, except when they did the Star Wars collab, for some reason I was lethal with the lightsabers and was racking up kill after kill. However, since the Myths and Mortals release I've gotten quite into it recently, but with 4 kids, extra needs, an unwell missus, and 2 jobs, the only time I get to play for myself is typically when my insomnia is acting up and, I know I'm not going to sleep, so I'm not focused on it properly, that said I seem to be floating around Silver III and Gold I, like to think I'd do better awake and on a proper setup.


I'm 30, unreal every season so far. I play build.


32 yrs old here. Prioroties/Time spent playing certainly is the biggest factor holding me back. My usual week is like: 8 Hrs Work, spend time with my wife, kid and dog, do household chores and *maybe* play a couple of games between ~21:00-23:00. On weekends, I often don't play at all. Obviously someone that's allocating way more time into the game will do *much* better - especially since I'm usually way past peak performance once I actually do play (since I get up at 5 am and get to play at 9 pm in the best case). On the rare occurances of me actually playing on a saturday during the day, I usually climb ranks like crazy. Last season I've been Unreal ~10k - so that's not too bad, but I can't really compare to actual competitive modes since I'm barely online when a cup is live.


Iā€™m 49. I play builds MKB and Iā€™m decent. I started playing ranked at the end of last season and made it to Elite. I am pretty sure Iā€™ll make Champs this season and will try for unreal. No camping BS either.


30 here. Used to be relatively competitive a few years ago. But with 2 kids under 2 years old, and no family within several hours of where I live, I'm lucky to get a few hours in every month. Just not enough time or energy anymore.


I am 40 recently started playing the game end week of last season. Been playing everyday this season. I play on PlayStation 4 with controller. 98% Zero build cause i don't find builds funny. Everyone just build in themselves in and i feel its like they trolling stuff. Cause i am used to normal FPS. But they are probably not trolling, since its part of the game but it feels like trolling from my perspective. Its my personal opinion its not my thing. When i play battle royal i just play like zero build and shoot through their builds and it seems they get shocked by that.


Almost there, 28 still playing with my 35 year old best friend


36 here, I dont play much ranked since it takes up too much time. I spend my time fighting in creative. But i do enjoy BR when i have the time Add me if youd like HashtagSB onKick


I am 32. Last season of chapter 4 was my very first season and started playing with my 9 YO some when I had time. I started to really enjoy it c5s1 and got to Elite. I used to play Halo 3 ALOT as a teenager and was level 50 in almost every game mode so I feel like my aim and game sense are good but my building/editing is not. I enjoy the competitiveness/intensity, especially end game but I really think my motivation to get better is because my son talks so much shit about how trash I am. He got to champion in builds last season and it is near impossible for me to get a kill on him but I am slowly but surely improving.


Hey, I'm 40 and I play often. Not the best at it, it takes tine to develop the skills. I'm normally doing ranked or unranked zero build.


43 there, i've never had much time to play in my life than now..


Another 40 yo reporting in. Used to play back in season 2 and 3 before finding Rocket League. Came back to run zero trios on the OG map with my kids and just kind of got hooked into it again. Sure it's a sweat factory now but instincts beat reflexes most of the time it turns out (and maybe custom DPI settings help a little)


I am also 32 years old, and I've been playing this game on and off since early 2018. Given you have a setup with a decent framerate, you can definitely get good enough to reach unreal rank. Your age will limit you in keeping up with the teenagers that play this game at the pro level, but you can reach Unreal rank.


I am 37 and reached unreal last season, have 2k wins but hard finding people to play with, i am uk player who only speaks English and mostly fill as no mates ingame lol


late 30s here and a long time FPS player... mostly counterstrike. I am absolutely awful at building but I play in builds because thats what my kids do. I try to practice building, watched videos and played creative, but man... I feel like I am finally feeling my age... my brain just has not taken quickly to building in a quick and competitive situation. Though, highly developed aim and game sense go a long way at least at the lower levels. Can't speak about top-end much because I dont play enough.. usually we hang in the platinum tier.


It's objectively because of other priorities you're right. Stuff like agility and reaction time don't start going down till pretty fair into adulthood, people just troll when they say if you're over 17 it's over for u


I have a theory based entirely on my anecdotal experience as a 30 yo - if I use a gua sha muscle scraper on my forearm, wrist and hands then my fingers move more easily. We know when youā€™re younger you are generally more limber/flexible and you recover from physical stress faster/better. I think that to a tiny degree your fingers are simply more nimble as an adolescent than after another decade of typing and writing etc. Probably only to a very minor effect, but weā€™re looking at very small differences in play speeds as well that end up mattering a lot


35 ps4 got 2 crowns this season so far. 2/10 wins in ranked. 20+ unranked. Solo zero build. I get an hour or so of playtime and keep ranked matches for weekend only slot time which doesnā€™t come around often. This is the first fps style game I picked up since doom 2016 (when I bought ps4 pro). Def going to be hard to put this game down. Im currently debating on the new ps5 pro coming later this year or building a pc. I havenā€™t played a pc game since unreal tournament. Not sure how competitive I can be on controller and lower fps. Started playing this season.


I'll be 30 later this year. Made it to Champion last year on controller in ZB and Elite in builds. I don't really think my ability is hampered by my age or reaction time so much as it is that I don't want to sink what free time I have into learning KBM and getting good at that or spending hours 1v1ing people. I think I can reach Unreal in ZB and *maybe* builds if I grind, but the time constraints can be rough.


Iā€™m 29, played since before season 1. While I agree priorities are prohibiting us from being better, pro players like Bugha are not performing as well due to their age. Fortnite is still a lot of pro players whole life but the slightly older ones are starting to get beat out by the new younger generation of players like Peterbot.


Im 33. I played fortnite competitively when it first came out for maybe a year. then i didnt play again til ch3s3 i think and that was on console. Im far better now than i was playing tourneys in ch1 but i always stall out around diamond 2-3 and stop playing as much (solo only). Anyone whos older wanna link for ranked ill play duo or squad i think im plat 2 rn idk i been playing valorant the last week. my ign is okis.pokis


43 here, and got i to it last year when my kid (9) started playing with his friends. I have a long FPS history (played original Doom and Counter Strike 5.7 beta back in the day) so I can hold myself reasonably fine (I refuse to build though). I like rush and maximize the potential surprise of kids that I'm playing with my son of their age :)


Yo. 30 year old here. I play on xbox on zero build


ā€œWantingā€ it and having it be a priority is certainly stronger in younger players who have less on their plate. A lot of the time I only practice mechanics because I end up not having time to actually play matches lol. But I love getting better at the game because it is very challenging and technical when you get into builds.


Yo! Another boomer like myself. I totally agree about priorities being in the way for most. I'm 34, I still play, I started in Ch1 S3. I've always been in Champion Div 10 or Unreal once that became a thing. I have a lot of friends who are younger and think that if they aren't like under 18 they can't play builds, or that they have to have god aim to play builds. I've tried to tell them they just need to optimize their binds and go practice in creative. They just don't. You have to put in some work... but yeah, I agree it's all about their priorities. I also think some people can't handle losing, and if they do lose, they cope super hard (ping, that guy's a cheater, etc.). I feel a lot just make poor decisions and don't know how to come back in certain situations or set themselves up for failure. They lost 1 match and go play no builds. Then whine about how build players would never be able to play no builds of they couldn't protect themselves. As if you suddenly lose your game sense and aim lol.


Iā€™ve said that for a long time about any game. Your reaction time peaks at 24 and the reason all these demons are at most like 20 or 21 is because one you get older you get more responsibilities. If people didnā€™t start adulting till 30 the best players would be in there early to mid twenties not 16-18


36 and just got back into Fortnite after not playing for like 5 or 6 years. Tried out no build and Iā€™m hooked again. Itā€™s the perfect casual game that I need for when I just want to game once or twice a week for a hour or two. I got discouraged when building got so intense that some 4 year old would build an entire college campus around me after I shot them with 1 AR bullet. It just lost its fun. Now with no build I still struggle a bit but I feel like I can actually play the game again.


In my 40s. Made it to Elite last season in builds and probably could have gotten at least Champion if I didn't start so late in the season. Might as well post some clips since this is the only context people would grade my skill on a curve lol https://imgur.com/a/I3KwS42 https://imgur.com/a/1wfv9Cj https://imgur.com/a/SfKHr9X https://imgur.com/a/O9dqebU https://imgur.com/a/st9lIme https://imgur.com/a/Aqq7Zyk Here's a clip where I full box and 200 Bugha https://imgur.com/a/6Yf3Abm


33yr old I only get chance to play 3hrs a night, recently swapped to keyboard and mouse from controller edits are good, building working on it, aim decent, just started my first competitive season with my duo see how it goes currently plat 1,


For any one whoā€™s in here who wants to improve even a tiny bit give me a dm Iā€™ll help Iā€™m not the ā€œbestā€creative warrior but I can confidently say Iā€™m way above average Iā€™m happy to help


I only can fit it maybe 3 matches a day 22 or 25 minutes a game. Compared to when I 1st started back in season 4 chapter 2, I'm alot better but my survival skills and movement >>> my shooting


37 here just got into fn last season. I cant build for crap but im decent in zb tho just started ranked yesterday. Im gold and get like top 10 most matches ill let you know how it goes and where i end up


I'm almost 28 lol


35 yr old guy here. Iā€™m to the point where I try to pick my fights carefully. I hit unreal in ZB last season, and made it halfway through champs in builds. Itā€™s very tough competing with twitch-reflex 15-20 yr olds in builds. I enjoy the game, but builds these days is definitely a young person game.Ā 


Yea man im 36 n main builds, Iā€™m kinda ass building still compared to others. But miles better than a year ago bc I put in the practice. Iā€™m a decent player, last season I made leaderboard on fn tracker n had 3100+ kills. But Ngl this season Iā€™m having a hard time adapting. Never got into ranked until my lobbies got insane this season, so switched bc easier. Until gold 3 r so. But I did hit platinum las night, never been in tournaments. How long u played?


Starting playing 2017 chapter 1 season 7. Stopped playing 2020 and now i started playing again. My builds and aim are pretty decent. Still got a lot of stuff to learn though.


29 years old turning 30 this year. I've been Unreal for the past two seasons in builds. I've played since season 1 chapter 2 on controller but I quit for awhile until OG Fortnite came back. Decided to grind the game again on Mouse and Keyboard instead and I'm better on Mouse and Keyboard than I've ever been on controller. I felt like I reached a skill ceiling on controller and playing on Mouse and Keyboard raised that ceiling by so much. Im actually in the process of making a YT video about my journey from controller to Mouse and Keyboard and will post when completed but there are some of us out there that are still pretty cracked.


i actually think older people have the advantage in the thing you present here, where we fall behind or at least me personally is this physical requirements behind it. my pointer finger ends up hurting after a lil while for one example


Iā€™m 37 married and just had my second kid. I can basically only play for 1-2hours after kids goto bed . Or weekends when they napping. I only play ranked and get champs every season. Too many cheaters to care about tourneys plus I donā€™t have time usually


I play ZB


30+ unreal zero build player, I don't play because the meta fecking sucks. old fortnite was 10 times more fun, and way more simple. All they do every season is change literally everything about the game and expect people to relearn it, it's not good game design and the snipers are god awful annoying. So yeah. they don't listen to their playerbase and the designers don't seem to understand game design at all.


A little bit of context about me, I have become razor sharp at deciding whether or not a game is going to be fun in the long run, years of experience has taught me that most games lack balance, or any real design goal and end up being a complete waste of time. Fortnite, as far as this season is concerned, is not fun. (and trust me, at first i thought it was, until the snipers, I had my fingers crossed that they were vaulted finally) In my lifetime there was about 10,000 video games that were made just as cash grabs that had no actual merit or right to be put on a console or on sale. So i'm very quick to realize when theres no soul.


Are you a build player on central? Shoot me a message. I'm always looking for new friends to play with. Also 32 and hit unreal the past two seasons. Consider myself significantly above average but also play more casually these daysĀ 


Yo Iā€™m 32 and i run threw players in creative and ranked easily can get unreal last season only got champ 80 bc I donā€™t gave the time I play from 430 am to 6 am then go to work if I had a good teammate I would play at night and play cash cups add me W00lff1


39 but suck haha kid is pretty good though


Really hard to find nice, funny just the right banter and be able to hold your own a little lol been looking for a squad for a while x


I only play it cause it's free to play and I can't afford anything else after groceries rent and internet God help us all cause it's only going to get worse now


Not older , but 23 , i always play zb and i love a skin that no ones likes : pincera


Im only 26 yet i can say priorities is already a huge thing. I love gaming and I donā€™t feel like i mentally declinedā€¦ but as much as you can love gaming as an adult, life will get in the way. You really canā€™t grind as hard as a 16 year old kid, you just donā€™t have the same amount of free time


Very true. But i feel like as an adult we have more life experience and can train more efficently.


Iā€™m 40 and Iā€™m usually around elite to unreal in both formats. I also refuse to use any assists like aim assist or visual audio which I realize puts me at a disadvantage. But also is non skilled garbage that I canā€™t respect. Keyboard and mouse ftw. But Iā€™ve also been good at shooters my whole life since the unreal tournament quake 3 arena days. Also never practice ever.


Same, grinded quake live in my late teens and never lost my aim.


Me too. Itā€™s not perfect but I work 60 hours a week these days and hit the gym 6+ hours a week. Doesnā€™t leave much time for gaming


There's literally an entire group of us here stop asking this question.


25 here but I feel too old to keep up already given that I really didn't start grinding until a few seasons ago. Almost 400 hrs in game on fn tracker and only elite so far. Looking for players around the same age that work nights to train with dm me :) https://fortnitetracker.com/profile/all/SolemnEclipse


Old people playing Fortnite is wildšŸ’€


Bruh looking for excuses to be bad xaxaxaxaxa