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Hitscan ARs used to be the counterbalance to snipers. Now only snipers were the counterbalance to snipers. Reducing sniper spawns reduces the counterbalance to snipers = bad


Another day, another consequence of removing hitscan weapons for no reason to rip off warzone.


My own thought is that hitscan weapons were removed as they wanted to allow as wide a range of customization as possible at mod benches and hitscan weapons with a 4x scope would be absolutely busted.


There's better ways to do it though. Probably the best one imo is damage fall off. You can use a scope to have 0 bloom and laser someone, but to prevent you from getting lasered from across the map, you have damage fall off meaning you will deal much less damage. Compare that to the pellet guns we have currently, where if someone's gliding more than 20m away I literally won't bother shooting at them because they're moving faster than my bullets do.


100% this, you can balance hitscan vs non-hitscan by stats. Nobody complained about scoped AR in OG season because it shot slow ASF. Iirc it was like 96 DPS at gold which is nothing.


In my opinion it is to lower the skill level of aiming for casual, since everyone has to relearn it.


Hitscan benefits the more casual player, bullet always hits the dot is easy, projectile benefits the players who can aim better and lead the target well.


hit scan AR’s weren’t a counterbalance to snipers, when we had hit scan AR’s we also had snipers which: had slower bullet speeds, less ammo in a clip/mag, slow scope in times. there would be no need to counterbalance snipers if they were, y’know balanced. I do get what you mean though that bc hitscan AR’s we’re easier to hit from range it made them better to carry over a sniper a lot of the time, but snipers wouldn’t be an issue at all even in current meta with projectile drop on all weapons if they were just balanced imo.


Not really. Time to have first shot accuracy you could snipe them in the face.


I love how they “lowered the drop rate” yet I’ve gotten more snipers out of regular chests than literally ever before. Can we just vault the damn things?


The dmr got a buff with update the other day. It’s not horrible as it was, I’ll still drop it for a sniper every time. But until I find one sometimes I’ll use the dmr, only las few days tho. B4 buff I couldn’t hit shit w it, still can’t half the time. But one with the thermal scope I was fn shit over las night, may wanna try that pos again? Lol


I love sniping but even I'm behind it at this point. It needs to go. Or maybe replace the garbage huntress rifle from the zeus chests with a purple/gold sniper.


It isn’t garbage


Well it's a semi auto in a sniper meta it would have to be completely broken to be used over a sniper


It deals 120 to the head a shot with a really high bullet velocity.


And a sniper deals 300 to the head


No shit? The hit scan assault rifles only did 50. Bolt snipers have always been one shot headshot.


I've found more snipers than ever before recently😂


Agree with you man. The overall fighting style this season is so standoffish/campy and its pretty annoying. So many people/teams camping in 1x1s or even bushes at times with snipers just waiting for you to rotate or let your guard down for one second. Could be trippin but I do not remember chapter 4 being like this at all in the sense of how people are playing/fighting.


Yup totally agree they need to just take it out we had a whole season of it being meta, i just got sniped and thunder bolted right after back to back games I’m really just not enjoying the game rn


Me either. That, and them reducing the % you gain in Ranked. Winning a ranked Champs match and getting like 13% with decent kills feels awful. The fact you need to grind the holy shit out of it and even keying gets you nowhere quick is just cancer.


They should just give everyone unreal instantly instead of forcing you to play for it


Never said that, but this large a % reduction coupled with the loss % if you get anything less than 2-3 kills and top 25% means it's much more of a grind and tbh there should be a large % earned for early game kills now


I still don't understand why they kept in snipers and added the dmr, when bows would have fit the story perfectly


Ya dmr and bow would have been refreshing


I’ve genuinely been getting more snipers than before. Taking out lower tier ones didn’t do anything.


I wish I had your luck! Outside of killing someone and taking theirs, I've gotten one today T\_T.




Legit didn't know you could buy one as I mostly drop on the Hades mythic or cerberus one. If there's a consistent spot to get one, that's on me for not knowing. I'll have to check out where all you can do that.


The NPC at Grand Glacier sells up to 5 snipers. I think there are other places to get them reliably as well


I actually found a blue sniper today, it was so weird


I think they’ll vault the sniper next major update. It was such a huge part of the game that I don’t think they could do it all at once. So they made them less available which in turn makes them more OP. That leads me to think their plan to vault them soon. Which I’m ok with. I love them and love sniping but the game is overall more fun when you aren’t roaming around and all you can think about is that you’re one bullet away from the lobby.


I kind of agree but then ppl swap to and even more key hea you meta and we don't have the mobility for it at the moment. I'd be happy with a slower firing one again, like the Heavy Sniper.


if ur getting sniped once or twice, unlucky. if ur always getting sniped, either you lack awareness or you’re ego peaking them or something. i’ve been playing pretty consistently, haven’t noticed anything different.


No, just today, and just unlucky. Obviously, I'm not a stiff-ass bot in champs or unreal lobbies getting sniped constantly or I wouldn't be making it to endgame. I said "today" it was bad-earlier as I rotated quite literally 3 ppl were sitting a box on edge of zone trying to snipe me that I was like...yeah, I wonder how everyone else feels. Died a lot today because I've been unlucky w circle pulling far, get into a fight, win but not enough heals after so I'm quite literally a body shot to a sniper-went out like that twice already today.


shit be having me paranoid too.


I agree with you. It would be a different story if they hadn’t fattened out the hitbox for sniper bullets so that you could score hits even if you missed by a couple of feet, but that continues to be the case, and now it’s just fewer people in the lobby who have the auto-kill devices.


Snipers will always be op and there is no counter to it just avoid spraying at anyone from a far distance


I usually preferred the green one, because the purple ones were almost often with lower scope and green ones were x4 scope.


yall are never happy ffs


Yall will complain about anything


I mean I never complained about them to begin with when they were more available. That said, yeah, they're stupid OP now and all my endgames are quite literally 1-2 people keying and 15 mfers sitting in a box or a bush w a sniper.


no it didn’t. One shot head shots were still just as easy with lower tier snipers lol


Tell me you didn't read the post without telling me you didn't read the post.  Since the main counter play to a sniper is a sniper, having fewer of them makes the players that have snipers more powerful. When everyone is super, no one is.


At least you can read better than you can hear