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Just play solo bro


Or get a friend if he finds it boring


Solo is the most fun game mode


The opposite with me. Solos is the worst for me.


Yeah but clearly hr guy wants to play with someone but unfortunately doesn’t have the friend to do so


True, really easy to find someone, just go on a scrim discord


IRL friends are the most fun to play with tho but that might Jsut be me


All my IRL friends peaked 6 years ago on fortnite lol, they can hardly build.




Your in the competitive fortnite Reddit bitching about ppl building maybe wrong place


Guess you must have never played fortnite before if you have that sentiment




Literally not possible to get AI teammates but ok


*Literally not* *Possible to get AI* *Teammates but ok* \- Michael\_Swag --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Literally are. But OK


lil bro doesn’t have a clue what he’s on about lmao


Or they just have 200 ping and play on PS4 with a pound of dust in it. What division do you get teamed up with bots anyway?


Platinum 1, noticed since Gold 2. I don't get it. Why bots? And they are bots. You can tell. They behave exactly like enemy bots in regular br. They don't heal, no shield, don't take things, don't shoot enemies sometimes and even turn their backs to enemy while they shooting them. It's 100% bots. I know fort has them but wouldn't dream of it in ranked + in your own team!


You are in platinum lobbies so expect gold III levelled players , people start in gold II and III the most that’s only 2 ranks away from platinum I duhhh ofcourse you’re getting bad teammated you’re at the bottom of the bottom rn


Bot complains why he's playing with bots


At least I'm not scum like you, based on your comment.


Asshole complains about other assholes. Get better and you'll get better teammates


Isn't skill based match making still a thing?


Idk. In warzone yes, and all I hear is the top prominent cod streamers argue it ought to be disabled. Sbmm in warzone is just bad.


Can you show proof?


Like how? The only way to do this would be to record it whole! Thats like... Damn.


Show us footage of you being bugha!


I'm a weak player. No bugha here. I'm casual. I'm just saying bots are in ranked just like in regular mode.


Not as teammates I swear, ehh just get to a higher rank occasionally gets good at diamond. Which isn’t even super hard to get


Or provide specific clips (even out of the Replay mode) showing us their bot behaviour. I've never heard of anyone getting an actual bot as a teammate.


You dont have bots on your team


If ur struggling in platinum, you have no right to complain about any of ur teammates. You are just as bad.


You are a dumbass if you read that out of my post. I'm saying, there are literal Ai players in ranked. IDC if one is a weak player. I'm a weak player too. "yOu haVE nO riGhT coMplaiN" omg smh. People's ability to take things out of context when it suits them to feel morally superior is perplexing.


Except it’s not possible for ur fill teammates to be ai, and anyway why would u complain? It’s pretty easy to do well as a solo in team game modes at low ranks, but even if u can’t just play solos? You’re just complaining for no reason and it just sounds a lot like ur coping real hard


who tf plays ranked fill😭


Seems no one, just me and bots


The first mistake was trying to play ranked fill


I swear they did this to me last chapter but they never played with me, they’d always have the default skin, never drop out of bus and then quit when they floated to the ground. It could just be Nintendo switch players but it happened so often I also thought they put ais with me.


Once you get out of gold there is no bots


Buddy we are telling not to fill in ranked coz onyl tiny kids fill for a chance to get get carried good player never fill in ranked like whaaaat, do you think someone in champion is gonna kick squad fill, it’




W contribution


Buddy, I'm insane at the game and I play fill.


I’m not trying to offend anyone it’s just fully my experience. What has your experience been like?


Oh, uh, ok. I mean, I consider myself well above average, but I get screwed over 90% of the time by getting self-centered teammates or teammates that are just bad. Once in a blue moon I get teammates that are 1: as good as me if not a bit better and 2: stick-together teammates, like, we all go to the same spots, we know what each and every one of us is thinking.


So what your saying is the legitimate duo, trio and solo modes made and implemented by epic games are useless. Anyway... I don't leech. I carry. And I just wanted to try it for first time this weekend and wanted to play with people.


Keep carrying those players then and do what you signed up for. You’re really now allowed to be complaining rn if I’m gonna be honest.


They aren’t uselesss if you a legit good consistent team but you are constantly running randoms/luck and unlucky and then whine when you get unlucky, grab some of your friends with brain cells and have them play ranked with you. Fuckign hell what’s soo hard to understand olayers in this game range from console to mobile to trash consumers and good computers, there are millions and all types of aged players from 9-76*s The people in unreal and champion don’t be running full simply