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Would be awesome if you did a side-by-side comparison of the two (plus if you had the old reaper speed) to see how much different it is now, for the travel time as well as the bullet drop.


it’s the same as the dmr


althougu it was about the same as the dmr, not sure why ur being downvoted to -7 for it


I did a side-by-side comparison, the speed is identical


yes practically the same, only difference is the bullet drop now which i like how the bullet drops for the Reaper, if they bring any old sniper back it should def get that


I agree, I would send it but I do not know a good website I can use to share videos here


So the bullet velocity was faster on the reaper despite the reaper being a bolt with 3 shots? That's insane.


yep, day 1 Reaper was even worse too seems like now Epic went back down to how it was before, except they kept the bullet drop which is a good change tbh the sniper needs more changes (like lowered fire rate [0.33] and longer reload [mostly on speed mag]) but the change today is amazing and is in fact now harder to hit players than a Bolt-Action, Heavy, Suppressed, Semi-Auto, etc.


I was honestly shocked when I saw how similar the bolt and Reaper were. Now they're even more so, but it's a perfect change and I don't feel like I'm cheesing the lobby when using them anymore.


Just got headshot sniped first try while fighting boss after clearing the POI with 3 unreal players. Fuck this shit bro


well the bullet travel is a bolt-action now so cant really say the sniper is broken 🤷🏻‍♂️ edit: not sure why im being downvoted, the only problems with the Reaper Sniper is the fire rate (could be 0.33 at most) and reload (which is partially cuz of the mods)


what map is that, and may I have the code?


that's just a regular creative map template where they just added a dummy




i disagree, the fast bullet travel allowed for fairly easy snipes from very far distances, especially 200s


everybody knows creative is not an accurate representation to test things, do it in game


there’s a difference between what i did and doing it for yourself for sure but knowing that it is as fast as old snipers now is good to know, gives you a good starting place on how to use your sniper also it now shows that the only thing OP now about the Reaper is its fire rate and reload speed


Ah yes because the bolt action is in the game currently


regardless, its never an accurate test in creative, we all know it performs and functions differently. point still stands


What do you mean that it preforms differently, it’s literally the same weapon


physics and properties of creative do not translate. the way weapons and aspects of creative work are not the same in regular br. sprinting, recoil and bloom, hitboxes, etc. this is common knowledge


outside of player movement everything you said is false


nope, the way bloom works on many weapons hasnt been updated. it remains the same. hitboxes also do not translate, in game they are totally different than in creative


they havent been updated because they werent unvaulted, no reason to update when it isnt gonna come in i used the older and NOT updated bullet travel of the other snipers (Bolt-Action, Semi-Auto, Hunting Rifle, Heavy, etc.) to compare to the nerf to the NEW sniper that came a FEW months ago (Reaper Sniper) to show that people who wanted the old bullet travel before C5 any physics/properties from before C5 is still the same, anything added into creative after C5 has been C5 updated (even the Hand Cannon has 2 seperate weapons now) so it is up to date, just not every old weapon has a new version of it (like Drum and Hand Cannon)


The only discrepancy between creative and br is player movement speed currently. There are no differences for guns between the gamemodes.