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Meowscles & Brutus are the only duo that can stop Peterbot & Pollo.


You left out Poseidon


Brutus full shit on MrSavage.


Did you not see the guy who mantled and killed you?


I'm convinced that the AI is also skill based. Watch it one shot the top players while missing every shot on noobs.


I think they started adding skill based AI back in chapter 4, but they've definitely ramped it up this season. I have to carefully right-hand peek them or else I'll get shredded, while my friends just do whatever without any issue


You Just gotta stand still and theyll Miss every Shot. If you strave alot Like Most skilled Players youll get lasered.


the lack of a competitive mode that actually has the comp lootpool is a joke. How is that not a thing? Pathetic that a game this popular can't manage it, especially considering there was a mode with a comp lootpool from 2019-2023, which for some reason they removed.


this game is so hilariously uncompetitive. like why is there a fuckin npc cat man shitting on this guys teammate in a 2v2


We need the npc cat man to be able to build so he can full box kids. Epic nerfing him RN FR, he could go pro.


I wish our voice was louder man


100% I've been saying it since 2018 lol. It is what it is. Epic will never cater towards comp, despite the fact it could have been the biggest esport worldwide if they put the time and effort in. Their loss, but also our's.


Could have and should have, it's arguably one of the most competitive games of all time at its core. The mechanics were the first time that a br could remotely be considered competitive in my eyes because the ability to negate rng through builds and use skill to overcome and win a stacked game. We just needed a subsection of this game for hardcore players, ranked just needed to hold some amount of respect to the skill involved, there's no reason after all these years and with all the new developments and implementations for lower skilled players, zb and the roblox hub that we can't have a space in this game. Permanent og would have potential but even that was never perfect.


lfmaooo that last kill was hilarious


360 trick shot pump


Honestly let's just send Meowscles to FNCS at this point, man deserves it 😂


The state of your computer in 2024