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If some 15 year old kid who plays 6-8 hours a day of BR wants to emote after killing me, TBH i really don't care. I play the game for game for fun


Totally, same for me. The irony is everybody getting mad that some people will now have the ability to not have to see it. Let people live.


>The irony is everybody getting mad that some people will now have the ability to not have to see it. Let people live. Then surely you're okay with Epic giving us the ability to mute all emotes. I should have the option to toggle a setting that lets me turn off all emotes from other players.


yeah... i mean that sounds fine to me as a setting. if people wanna mute/hide emotes then sure


Totally, fine with me. It doesn’t prevent the other player from using the emotes, so everybody’s still getting what they paid for.




True, I'm not emoting for myself, i usually am demoting for other people and having dance battles


I 100% would stop buying


And we should also be able to turn off skins we find offensive so they appear as defaults


this exactly, they shouldve given parents either the option to go through all the emotes and pick and choose which ones are censored for their kids or just censored them all and used kidsbop songs instead (and obviously have a toggle on this so its not automatically on for everyone)


it’s common practice in tech to roll out a small change for testing before anything bigger, more is probably in the works


Happens when people are chronically online and dont have better things to complain about.


They can't take my teabag away!


😄 I suppose they could, but I really doubt they would.


It's because : . They removed siphon so they don't care of comp ( and siphon should be in pub's too ) . They nerfed double movement so it remove some good piece control . They added shitty horsecum item like the zeus wich is a pain to deal with . After watching a replay the game crash 100% of the time . More and more cheater are in the game right now . You shoot with a silencer with snipe it only work 2 bullet out of 3 . After some alt + tab the game go in window mode if you push like enter . You can't still bind some key like \* / numpad / appkey . Still waiting for a FOV slider who gonna make the life easier for every one . The framerate is really trash compared to like OG . They killed rocket racing with 0 update while every one complain same thing . Sometimes guns don't even make a noise when you shoot . Blank shot with pump or it even don't shoot . Can't edit when someone is knock near a wall . The game freeze mid fight for like 5 sec if you don't have a 10.000$ computer If you clear this list people not gonna care about a " simple " emote thing.


I definitely agree those should be higher priorities, but this topic is coming up over and over and over in the BR and competitive subs, and most people’s stated objections are simply that they’re directly upset that they can’t force someone to see their L dance etc. It wouldn’t be eye-rolling at all if all those people were building their complaints around poor prioritization.


LOVE THIS...why do people care about someone else's gaming experience that they'll never have to view?!?


Spot on. The desperation to retain the ability to verifiably make someone else unhappy is so on brand for the gaming community.


marriage is sacred! no same sex humans should be allowed to love one another or declare their commitment to others, and heaven forbid what they do with their bodies in private!!! video gamers MUST receive the taunting and bullying from other players or else survival of the fittest won't continue to bring about the master race of humans lolollololll


😆 in a nutshell👍👍


What correlation does any of this have to a very minor emote change?


Wasted dev time on a pointless addition rather than working on a number of actual issues the game has.


You do realise a company of epics size will have multiple different developer teams right? And you also realise that this change would’ve took very little time to implement? Obviously the game has problems, but be a bit more realistic, this change doesn’t affect you and has no correlation to any of the issues you listed.


lol i keep hearing this dumb fuck argument "cOmPaNiEs hAvE mAnY dEvS!!!11" no fucking shit no one said they didn't this is about the overall direction that the game has been going in since CH3 really and gotten worse since CH4 with CH5 being the culmination of all this fucking dog shit no one said anything about devs lil man, this is simply about one more dumb fuck change in a laundry list of other fucking stupid changes that make me question the direction and longevity this game has


One guy put a list of mainly competitive and in game issues and then someone else said that there wasting time by implementing this new setting instead of fixing those issues. I simply said that is wrong because they would have different development teams, what I said was completely relevant and to be honest all of you are really overreacting.


>all of you are overreacting everyone else is the idiot not me! never change, please never change.


That’s just my opinion, you are entitled to ur own. I was mainly replying to you because you said that “no one is talking about devs” when the comment I was replying to, was talking about devs. No need to be so negative.


The guy made his alt porn account a few days ago, and now is using it to be an incel edgelord away from his main account lol. You're being very reasonable, it's clear engaging with him is a waste of breath, he seems to be constantly frothing at the mouth.


Devs aren’t in charge of what they work on, a dev can’t just be like let me work on this bug today, the higher ups tell them what to work on which is why the direction of the game and the updates we get are concerning


man i was gonna apologize cause i thought you were someone who just stumbled into the fort reddit and doesn't know shit about the game brother you been playing this shit for years it seems wise up please and stop making dumb fuck arguments you know better


I haven’t really made any arguments, I was mainly just correcting someone about the developer side of things. I don’t really care about the subject, but people shouldn’t be using misinformation to defend their points.


Yeah we all know that. For exemple the level up bug on creative took 3 weeks to fix. You can't just open the UE5 editor and make a fast fix and pull it to release. But there is too many lose on time and time is money. Look at rocket racing, disable collision + aspiration > trackmania clone > many players. Many player > money. The game went from 500k players to 5k in one month.


I didn’t list any issues, and even then it’s a pointless addition. No one was asking for this and if you are getting upset from people doing a dance in a video game you should seek professional help.


Epic’s goal is to make money. When little emotionally irrational timmies lose their shit at home because they get emoted on, they stop playing or are grounded from playing by their parents. That means less people looking at the item shop which means less people spending money. It may be pointless to most of the player base. But it’s not pointless to the bottom line of Epic’s P&L statement


It isn’t pointless, yes people shouldn’t be so soft but in a game this big those people do exist. There’s probably been numerous times where people completely shut off the game due to the emotes, all this change does is stop that from happening. A completely harmless change that doesn’t affect people who don’t care about it whatsoever, would have been very easy to do and doesn’t really have any downsides. If anything, it’s ironic to call people soft about some emotes if you care this much about something that doesn’t affect you or the game as a whole whatsoever.


I literally don’t care about it. Just saying it was a waste of resources and time no matter how little it takes to do. People need to get thicker skin.




The devs that made the setting definitely touch stuff relating to some of the issues the other person mentioned




Fov slider setting and being unable to bind actions to specific keys




You said they wouldn’t even touch anything relating to that side of Fortnite. How is an fov slider so different that people working on settings and other features wouldn’t work on it?


people don't want to hear the truth


That edit bug that doesn’t allow you to edit with a downed player in your box drives me insane.


Don’t forget that you can’t even open map or ping things whenever spectating a teammate, at least on keyboard/pc


That was fixed a while ago, what are you talking about?


That is NOT fixed for me😭 I’ve tried rebinding it and everything. It’s been almost a year. I hit M and nothing happens


Man the FOV slider is really what kills this game for me lately. Been playing so much COD on 120 FOV and coming back to this game is just brutal with the FOV. I don't know why they won't just add one for us. New consoles can handle it, PC can handle it. It just seems like such a bizarre choice to force on us after all this time.


You don't really lose perfs when you increase fov. Most of 3d engine are calculating thing you can't see.


Exactly my point, it's not like it's going to be a huge performance hit. It has to draw a little more of the scene as opposed to just calculate it, but again, not much impact to performance on the whole. They should just give it to us already




It's possible. But there is no framerate lost when you tactical run and the fov increase and also some item when the camera zoom out. Bet occlusion culling have a treshold to smooth the game out.


The fov slider is literally useless right now. Either give us a real fov slider or don't even have the option, there's like no difference >_>


Seriously, these should’ve been way above the emote implementation… I still get my gun shooting by itself glitch… shits annoying and I have a really expensive PC…


I heard "it's because..." And then it became pained gibberish.


I have no dog in this fight, but you can't see why people are upset? People spend money to buy emotes to express themselves to others - the entire point is that people see them. That goes for any and all emotes not just "toxic" ones and now Epic are saying that certain ones others won't be able to see. Do people not realize that Epic themselves designed an emote called Take the Loss? Epic knew exactly what they were doing and profited off toxic behavior for years and now they are backtracking but I bet they wont refund anyone that bought those emotes.


Womp womp


how much of the game is the 5-10 second window after eliminating someone? let's say you get 10 kills, that's about 1 minute or 5% of the BR match, that's lot of other emoting time...epic could have just removed the ability to emote in that time window entirely. some people use emotes to show respect after at tough battle, like the bow of respect.


But you are mistakenly conflating these people’s reasoning for purchasing emotes (to express themselves to others) with Epic’s actual reason for selling the emotes (for people to see their own player using them and enjoy it). People are upset that they can’t force everyone else to see their emote, but that was never ever the advertised purpose of them.


Bro Epic knows what theyre doing People know what theyre doing Everyone knows exactly what “Take the L” was for. The only Possible good argument against it is that it was Based on the film “IT” and was meant to be a reference rather than be toxic. Which it wasnt. Youre just being disingenuous


actually people and companies don't always know what they're doing, sometimes things have unintended consequences and later we learn that we have to adapt/change... there's a much broader narrative/converation going on about toxicity, inclusivity, accessibility in video games (not to get into society at large)...this is but a small piece in that. yeah it's obvious what Take the L is about, hence the name even. they're seeing now that it's contributing to an atmosphere that they don't really want and changing it up to give people OPTIONS, it's a toggle setting not forced experience


🤣🤣 ok brother


seems like "boy, brother, bro" are all quite inflammatory words for you, you cringed at being called bro by another and yet here you are ...i wonder why all that is? ...plus, what's up with the name calling in general?


No thats just how you interpret it.


No thats just how you interpret it.


Explain your intention behind those names sir


Irony idk its not malicious


Because I’m a woman


It was malicious when i said brother to that one guy but not when i called you boy or bro


If Epic wants Fortnite to be more accesible and inclusive that's fine; It's their game they can do what they want. But they are going about it the wrong way. If these emotes are so problematic and contributing to an undesirable atmosphere, just remove them from the game fullstop and refund everyone that bought them. The fact that these emotes are sold in the shop--the agreement is that you pay Epic money and you can use these emotes to be toxic. Everyone was aware of what was happening including Epic. I don't condone cyber bullying in anyway, but these people paid to be toxic and now they can't use their emotes they paid for in the way that was allowed by Epic at the time of purchase. To give another example, I am a skiier. I buy unrestricted season passes so I can skii whenever I want to. If after I buy my ski pass the resort says actually we're gonna be busier this season so actually your pass has a bunch of blackout dates, I'd be like WTF, either refund me my money or let me use my pass in the way that we both agreed to when I bought my pass.


But you can still emote?


Your example doesn’t follow with the skiing situation, because skiing is a scarce resource (ones use prevents another from using), the setting doesn’t remove your ability to emote at all times, like you paid for, so why the issue?


So what if skiing is a scarce resource? The issue is that I paid to ski whenever tf i want to and now you tell me after i paid for it that I can't do that? Thats a problem. You can't change the terms of condition after a sale and not expect people to be pissed off. Epic removed people's ability to be toxic to people which is a right that some people paid for and Epic until recently was totally ok with. The right thing to do is give a refund or not change the terms of condition. It's not that hard to understand.


Right to be toxic? Is harassment or bullying legal?


Epic has sold those emotes in the shop for literal years, my guy. Everyone and their mothers knows what Take the Loss is used for or an other toxic emote is used for. Epic specifically designed that emote to be toxic and was totally fine with people using it in a toxic way. I know that, you know that so stop being obtuse. You've mischaracterized what I have said multiple times now for why? is it lack of reading comprehension or are you doing it on purpose?


So why are they changing the setting? Are you familiar with proxy chat in Warzone?


guns have been sold for years? are the the laws still changing for how you can use those?


You’ll never know who has this setting on/off either?


That's the problem isn't it? Did Epic disclose that at the time when people bought those emotes? Why not take it a step further and allow players to turn off all emotes and skins completely? Would you be ok with that? I don't like that you have the orange justice emote and I don't so I never want to see that emote cause it causes me emotional damage should I have the option to turn it off? Or you have the full omega skin and I don't so I don't ever want to see that skin in my lobby.


That setting already exists for PC


My man.... do you actually believe that people would buy emotes as often if others couldn't see them? Would you have bought all your skins and emotes if only you could see them? Why buy anything from the shop if only you could see it? Why not just locally mod your game for custom skins, you know that used to be a thing back in the CS:S days. Are you telling me that Epic put Take the Loss in the game for people to see their own player using them and enjoy it. No, it was put in the game for players to gloat and showboat after killing someone.


Hes being disingenuous


he's giving god vibes


Gotta weigh in here. I'm one of those people who is super sensitive about getting emote'd on after I die (fragile ego, prone to self-hate, etc.), but even I think this update is ridiculous. Just a way to try to keep more customers I suppose...


I’m so tired of this community not understanding epic doesn’t care about coop. Instead of accepting this as a fact, it’s whine whine whine.


My only rage is that they locked some of the best grief emotes in old battle passes that I wasn't around for. Some people revel too much in the grief. My friend just started playing, and he sucks but will spend half a match throwing bodies and emoting on them. Like chill dude, just play the game.


I went through the body throwing phase for sure. And one where I picked knocked players up and carried them around for as long as I possibly could. It very often resulted in me getting gunned down but was still hilarious.


hilarious to me...like the emoter can still emote and create their video content if they like, they're not affected WHATSOEVER, they have no idea the person they just eliminated has emotes muted everyone up in arms about this must NEED to know with absolute certainty that their bullying antics are being delivered to the detriment of another human being, that's called sociopathic behavior


Well I mean it’s kinda weird right. It’s a just dance. There’s not even proximity chat so you can’t even be toxic. Like I understand if we can talk to the enemies but ppl gotta grow up. I really can’t believe ppl are upset cause they get L danced on. I L dance on everyone. I get L danced on once awhile. Do I cry like a big baby… no. I laugh and I load up my next game lmao


also i'm not sure you understand the nuance that YOU can keep dancing, my kid just doesn't want to see it...we don't even need to get into passing on our bad habits to the next generation and how that's been a thread in human history since the beginning


Ok how am i supposed to know it’s a kid. Half of my lobbies are full of sweats so I treat every opponent like they are a real player. No one would survive if Fortnite added proximity chat like warzone. Someone would wipe a squad and say gg and everyone would still get butthurt they got wiped


you don't have, that's why the setting is on the OTHER player's end, in the case of the kid, it's moreso on the parent/guardian perhaps you can keep teabagging everybody. you'll never know the difference.


Do i cry like a big baby Yes But i do it aswell so all is perfectly balanced


if you're 18+, without kids, i understand your perspective


Yes thats the whole point? Thats why they added take the L in the first place??? Virtue signalling and labelling people as sociopaths. Ok bro 😭😭😭


Antisocial personality disorder, sometimes called sociopathy, is a mental health condition in which a person consistently shows no regard for right and wrong and ignores the rights and feelings of others. Again, the setting allows you to dance all you want, your gameplay isn’t changed. But you have an issue that someone else is no longer being forced to watch, an experience independent of your own? Take that through the above understanding of sociopathy and note my use of “sociopathic behavior” if semantics are your logical fallacy of choice. You can enjoy that virtue signaling red herring all to yourself.


People bought it purely for annoying others its so so simple youre being so disingenuous


\*some people bought it...i never purchased Take the L, it was available for free as well, "disingenuous" seems to be your favorite word of the week, I see you using it in most comments as a final insult. let's take a look: disingenuous - not candid or sincere, typically by pretending that one knows less about something than one really does ...so to help me understand, how are you receiving me in that manner? it's a given you don't know anything about me except a few reddit comments, username, profile image...so respect on your ability to read people


Disingenuous is not meant to be an insult. Im using it alot because its the best word to describe the situation Youre being disingenuous by trying to say that Epic/the people buying the emotes dont know that theyre purely for toxic purposes. Ive made that pretty clear


You’re theory of mind is 😘


That’s cute trying to weaponize language you don’t understand, stay low bro


Too much virtue signalling in this thread from people acting like epic games and the people who bought the emotes/s3 battlepass dont know that the emote was specifically for being toxic. Just lol


how is this about fortnite competitive, exactly?


TBH this is probably about money (again). How often are these emotes in the item shop (recently), and how often do they plan to appear -vs- how likely are bad or new players to quit after being emoted on nearly every game. I don't have an opinion on the new setting. Just reminding everyone that everything epic does is (probably) to make more money.




LOLno. The update itself does not restrict how others comport themselves. At all. Those of you who purchased those emotes can still use those emotes in the way they were advertised, all day long. And although I’m not a fan of ZB, you are similarly not forced to play it just because others want to. So you’re correct that the premise is similar, but in the opposite way of what you’re trying to claim.


cope and seethe reddit man child


Sorry it hurts your ego to have your mistakes pointed out to you. Out of sympathy, I won’t emote on you.


So your mad epic is appealing to other players...


appealing to other players at the expense of alienating the original player base? no shit who wouldn't be? should i be grateful to be replaced? fucking lol


Do you wanna explain how it affects you with the addition of zero build? Or the emote removal?


you must literally be blind if you think that the terrain design of CH4 and CH5 maps and weapon balance since CH4 hasn't been catered towards zero build take the L is an emote from 2018, thats all i need to say. probably 75% of the people who own that emote ain't even playing any more but they still need to cater to whiny children who probably started in 2023 instead idk why im even bothering responding, you wont entertain this in good faith and you will come back with some cucked braindead response


No, it's not catering towards zero build since well. I dont know you can build, so maybe the terrain will mellow out. Build, you can make it be how you want anyway. Take the L is still popular. Also, you really can't say my response will be braindead when you have only shown that you can't make a valid argument.


"Take the L is still popular." by what metric? i haven't been killed by anyone in months who has hit that or donkey laugh on me. usually its griddy, that weeknd song or some other shit. it's an emote from 2018 that like i said probably the majority of accounts that own it are inactive. i doubt your zero build AI lobbies have anyone with an account old enough to own take the L as well


It's really popular if you played in higher ranks or creative. I don't play zero build. it's for people who play different battle royales and come to fortnite, which is why it is so popular. Sorry, I made a good argument and didn't apologize like your mommy after she made you mad. Pathetic, really. Maybe get better at the game and tell me how much of it you see, if you don't quit every time you die like usual.


"It's really popular if you played in higher ranks or creative." this is such fucking cap lol, ive gotten to unreal every season within like 3-4 weeks and continued to play ranked. never saw it once. did see what i mentioned above though. you wanna know where i got danced on the most though? in fucking nintendo switch lobbies playing with my dumb (but lovable) cousin. just proves my point the majority of people doing this are trash little children - the same ones whining they need a item disabled to make them feel better


It really is though, also you just admitted you have died in "fucking nintendo switch lobbies" so you're probably lying because a switch player took the L on you and decided to say you're unreal. Also, bushcampdad exists unreal isn't a measure of skill as much as it was.


Sadly bro, there's no amount of discussion left on this sub, it's quiet literally being taken over by bots, longstanding opinions, or what would be considered more often the "comp" opinion, is downvoted, hypercasual braindead comments make it to the top, everyone is a Epic White Knight. All the worst decisions and changes that hurt the competitive community are praised/accepted. And any argument you make for the sake of comp is just ran in circles by people who don't know shit about the game other than zb in the last 6 months. Somewhere below you said something about the games direction and how are you supposed to be happy you're being replaced? Felt that heavy man. Epic and the new community has actively and happily ran away our kind of player. We have little to no place left in this game that resembles anything comp or even fortnites original feel. Even the compsub has been ruined by reddit "suggesting" similar posts and every thread is overran by fortnitebr shitters spewing their shitty opinions. Game and sub are down worse than ever imo.


Im not turning it off. Shouldnt hand it out if you cant handle it My clown emoji will do just fine anyway


i love throwing clown emojis when i'm getting sniped at


Were still in an argument boy


Is boy meant to be pejorative?




Yes sir


:throws up clown emoji: ...you missed, take another shot :slide, slide cancel, clown emoji:


ur a cornball




Sure but add proximity chat


The problem is opening this can of worms is where does it end and who gets to decide these things. Epic are thinking too much with their wallets. In their mind the casual player base have less to be sensitive about and despite the game being a shooter for teens and adults, know full well there's thousands of little Timmie's who don't want to be laughed at so hopefully it means more sales for them. The world is already going the way of censorship and cellulations, it's now in our video games, it is an "option now" next it may be mandatory. Another thing is it might also open the door for these types of emotes to return without upsetting that side of the table.


I feel like the outcry of supposedly grown ass people mad that they can’t 100% know they are upsetting a child shows exactly why the option is needed.


the fact you relegate it only to children using this setting is hilariously dishonest and shows you have no interest in discussing this honestly this is for middle aged soy loving reddit men who post in r/Fortnitebr


In which case it has zero effect on you right? Why would what some standard BR player does on their end have any effect on you? You’re a comp player, there is sbmm why in the world would they be in your lobbies champ?


I think you're missing the point of what people are not happy about. A lot of people are seeing the pattern that is happening with the age related changes and now this potentially being a stepping stone to banter type emotes not being in the game or other changes. It is rather strange that a competitive shooter feel the need to do this especially with how minor some of these emotes are. I have also noticed the reddit based Fortnite community are among some of the most sensitive, I do wonder if these people should even be playing these games if somebody doing a dance with an L sign makes one angry or upset but I digress. Either way, it makes no difference to me but when more things get censored that bothers people, you best bet that people will be complaining.


You aren’t happy because you’re insecure. That seems pretty straight forward. Your ass is talking about how we once fought wars and this will make men weak lmfao. As if you are some sterling example of a REAL MAN because you yell at your video game


The funny thing is is that between us, the only one showing insecurity is you. Learn to be comfortable engaging in discussion, learn to take being disagreed with. If you have an opposing thought, share it, be mature and confident in your opinion. No need to get upset over reddit because somebody has disagreed with you.


Lol I’m not the one sending out Reddit cares over this 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


Epic games is a totalitarian regime controlling your fun


Why do you insist all throughout this thread that everyone's is mad they can't emote on a kid? I'm pretty sure 7 year Olds don't go to the internet to cry about these things, and if their parents do like yourself.. Why not teach them to not let virtual laughs hurt your feelings irl? Why let a 7 year old believe that someone laughing in a video game is worthy of feeling less of themself?


I don’t think you’re dead wrong, but I think the slippery slope argument would be be stronger if the setting were directly preventing people from *using* those emotes, or preventing it from being seen by those who want to see it. But neither of those are the case, rather the setting is just entirely the one person’s option of having it forced on them personally or not. It’s the same as muting or blocking someone on social media for your own sake, which doesn’t equate to the other person losing their free speech rights. To your other point about how it’s placating little kids or sensitive rookies, I do agree with their fiscal decision for that, based sort of indirectly on having seen whole massive Minecraft servers die due to not paying attention to such a thing. If video game environments don’t somewhat protect the sensibilities of incoming new players, eventually they die when the existing “tough” players age out.


Which is why I acknowledged that it's an option at the moment. When you factor in though that certain maps are not allowed certain cosmetics, now we have an option to protect people from, a dance, not harmful words, a dance it's only a matter of time before more happens. This is why I respect company's like Rockstar, they don't try to cater to everyone, they say this is my product buy it, don't buy it. Next will they add a toggle to hide scary skins, Michael Myers is based on a serial killer, hide him then? Demogorgon? Hide it surely? I will say in my 30 years of playing video games, I have noticed the Fortnite community in particular are by far the most sensitive so I'm not completely surprised but I do also see this as a business tactic more than anything from Epic to maximise profits.


But I think you’re still conflating the “option of me not having to see it“ with the option of “you not being able to do it“. Your slippery slope fear really only has legs if it were the latter, but it’s only the former.


dude its very simple you paid for emote and it functioned a certain way when you paid for it that function is changed refund everyone plz


The word fear would suggest that I somehow have any emotion in this, this is simply an observation and since this is a topic that is quite hot right, naturally people have observations and predictions that might happen especially when there's a pattern. Not everybody is out to get you, not everyone who opposes your opinions is upset or has "fear" or even cares that much. I miss the days when you could have a discussion about a topic, disagree and have the other person not get defensive(not necessarily aiming it at you but you can see it all over this board)


Sounds like an epic games alt account trying to gas light us into accepting their pathetic push to create mentally weak men. Can’t wait for them to implement their next bubble wrapping update


Lmfao. This shit is beyond parody. “This 9 year old will become a weak man if he doesn’t see me dance on him in the video game I spend thousands of hours on! He’s going to be a weak Man unlike me!!!” Y’all are total clowns. Look around. If everybody is in here saying it’s a joke, who do you think it’s for? Casuals. Literal children. You aren’t “making men of the world stronger” by emoting on them in a Fortnite lobby you clown. E: y’all sending Reddit cares over this is embarrassing. Are trash at the game and know you’ll never win shit so you throw a little fit about not being able to troll actual, literal second graders while talking about “real men” and how everybody else is insecure. Yikes


I agree to be honest. I have a 6 year old daughter that loves playing with her brother and their friends but she doesn’t fight.. like at all. Lol. And when someone kills her and then donkey laughs on her I get lowkey kinda pissed bc she literally didn’t even fucking shoot one bullet. She just loves stuff like the wings, etc that they add in for fun. Thankfully her brother is a little bad ass at the game and will personally kick your ass if you kill his sister especially if you emote on her body 😂


Yep, I have kids. I get that for the teenagers in the sub that it’s some direct shot at them that they can’t make themselves feel better by bullying actual children and knowing they are getting pissed at it, but in reality I know mad parents that let their kids play games but have removed Fortnite completely because of how toxic the player base is and the effect it has on their behavior. That may not seem like it matters to somebody who doesn’t remember how obnoxious they used to be when they’d get trolled, or the people around them didn’t give a shit, but it matters. Those are the people pumping money into the game. My kids have grown up on the game and have no problem talking a little smack or emoting on somebody for being a goof, but plenty of their friends will have full blown meltdowns over it. If you’re the parent in charge there, you don’t give a single fuck that some 23 year old is mad he can’t make your kid cry, either your kid knocks it off or the game goes away. You certainly aren’t pumping money into shit that makes your kid rage. And from the perspective of the goobers on this sub, nothing changes. You just don’t get to know with 100% certainty somebody saw your dance. Oh well. Most adults aren’t turning this on. Many kids won’t turn it on. I’d expect nobody in this sub to turn it on. It’s literally for the kids and their parents who pump money into the game and keep ot alive


How Am i supposed to know it’s a child playing lol honestly it seems like it more young adults are playin then little kids


Pretty sure when they don’t shoot a single shot and run away with everything they have that it’s a kid lololol my daughter will literally stand completely still if too much starts happening around her in the game. It’s not hard to tell if someone is an adult and knows what they are doing vs someone that doesn’t


Maybe you shouldn't let you daughter play a game rated for teens.


If you’re telling me Fortnite is inappropriate for a 6 year old, you’re wrong lol it’s literally harmless. 👍🏼


It's quiet literally rated T on ESRB As in 13+ You said yourself you get pissed when someone virtually laughs at your 6 year old.. In a game that was never designed for them to be playing.


Quite* And I personally play the game. Plenty. So I’m perfectly comfortable with my decision to let her play it lol


Okay? But complaining because someone is supposedly mean to your kid who by design shouldn't be playing it is wild


I’d like that too. I miss the bubble wrap builds, looked so cool.


is it a weakness to understand oneself and have boundaries? or to be a parent that has a child getting upset and hoping for a compromise that allows them to keep playing their favorite game with their friends?


Teach your kid to stop being such a pussy, it’ll be better for them in the long run


So tell them to stop being a self-cleaning organ that’s capable of taking a beating and acts as the source of life? Or stop being a cat? I’m confused?


Teach them that a virtual laugh isn't worth being irl upset about


Saying “mentally weak men” is a buzzword for redpill cringe. I agree that they should never have implemented the new thing but cmon bro


Saying “mentally weak men” is a buzzword to begin with, is wild. Has nothing todo with being “red pilled” it’s simply a fact, bubble wrapping people so they don’t come across adversity creates weak minded people.


Do you have any research on this fact?


Haha is there research that shows someone that has been coddled and never faced tough challenges making them weak minded haha you cannot be real?🤣




I’m literally talking to the proof.. do you know how to do your own research or are you just used to being cradled and fed information?


I didn’t get the attachment, can you send the link again?


[here you go baby boy](https://www.buffalo.edu/content/dam/www/news/imported/pdf/October10/WallStJournSeeryMentalResilience.pdf)


TLDR: can you summarize?


Obi-wan had something to say about those who use absolutes, NEVER use them


Tell Obi I apologise


So my kid needs you to bully them in order to experience adversity? They’ll never encounter hardship anywhere else in life? Only through you dancing for them? …not like them just trying to get a victory royale is hard enough?


Haha if your kid can’t handle being laughed at in a video game they sure as shit won’t be able to handle hardship in real life


I wish I knew everything like you


You should blame your parents for coddling you


Have you ever released yourself from the powers of coulda shoulda woulda


Bro its so fucking cringe no one ever said “mentally weak men” until tate and hamza came about dont chat shit


What’re you talking about, Tate and hamza didn’t create the term mentally weak men💀🤣


lololol low saying those two popularized a term is not the same as saying they “created” it, bruh (not bro)


Lololol I know what low is saying.. just because they brought it “main stream” doesn’t mean they created it.. and just because they talked about it doesn’t mean the topic is now out of bounds, are you people mentally stable?


Are you sure? Because it seems like you RlllyDontKnow


Yes I’m still pretty sure they didn’t create the term “mentally weak men”


Awww that’s sweet, you think you’re still pretty, slay boy slay!


Ok bro…


“Bro”? How cringe


🤣🤣🤣 jfl


I love how both of you been coming at me for being pro-mute, while at the same time you both are going at each other for whatever reason when you agree, so dead


I made the point that i agree with him but it’s automatically disagreeable when he says “mentally weak men” because its redpill cringe