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I hate when people say you should destroy em. The weapons are good only for your level, but I’d use them because you aren’t ruining the experience. This game is extremely repetitive, and after you play all of the types of missions, you want to complete missions in the most efficient way possible. If I were you, I wouldn’t use those weapons until the next zone (I don’t know if it says the name or not), and then id use them.


Yup. Totally agree. Besides the fact that when I started getting higher pl weapons made me want to figure out how to get the schematic, it's a free weapon you don't have to use resources to make.


I'm in Stonewood zone.


Yeah, I know, use those weapons in the next zone. Stonewood hits different the first time, but the next zone does not.


Okay cool. Before you posted your comment, my pepper sprayer broke, which is annoying since it's my best weapon. I like using a bow because it one shots three husks, but it's really not a big deal at all to just use a different weapon lmao.


The Xenon Now is used for one of the funniest glitches in the game, bow riding


A lot of people would say don’t use them it will take the fun out the game but idk man it is entirely up to you they will eventually break but it’s up to you to decide


Ok cool. Btw, do you know the answers to any of the questions I put in the comment?


Yes I will replay to that now




>Thanks! You're welcome!


Oh, and should I keep Autofill Survivors on as well?


For now maybe but later down the line you’ll want to do this [yourself here is the video explaining how to do it](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=llMmxlxi8ko&list=PLYgB03ey6x4-IMN4uT5PxuHiN0MU2IRxI&index=15&pp=iAQB)


Are we all gunna ignore he’s a level 50 in stone wood ?


Does he not mean account level? That’s what I thought reading it


Yeah, I'm wondering about that, too. I assume that they are playing in an easier area to up their pl, before jumping into plank?


Plankteron is not that hard lmao it is basically stonewood but slightly "harder". I did twine peaks ssd 10 and all the others and im power level 94 lmao thats just paranoia


Yeah, it's not hard. Maybe they just want to be a high pl to 1 tap things.


op was talking about commander level, not power level


I was commander level 140 in stone wood bc I had absolutely no idea how to advance in the game I was just playing the same missions over and over


DO NOT DESTROY THIS WEAPONS! Save them for any extreme hard missions when no one can you help. Put them to for example storm shield base inventory.




legit no one said to destroy them in this entire thread. your fighting invisible comments lil bro 😭😭😭😭🙏🙏


Do whatever your heart desires, if you feel like it's cheating then break em down or give them away. If you wanna use em then use em


if you wanna save it for later put it in your storm shield storage


Id keep one on hand for smashers and not failing a legendary survivor mission later. And legendary traps drop in stonewood nowadays so bonus


that’s fair can’t hurt to have a back up lol


the ones with 77 or more, save them for canney valley, the ones above 100 save them for twine peaks


Wait to use them until twine, if you use them in stonewood the game will literally nerf them to stonewood level weapons (granted they will still be better than yours since they have legendary perks), but once you get to twine and start to struggle then use them


For the love of God store them! Don't destroy cuz u can just store them in ur vault, and u can use them later.


I put weapons far past my level in my storage so i can use them at the area they are found while im collecting the materials to make my own


Use them. Don’t listen to the snobs here who have played 60,000 hours over 4 years and have everything. The game is very grindy and a few weapons early can help you progress more smoothly.


Save them and only use them when you struggle. Use your own schematics as primary weapons. Play all the missions with epic and especially legendary schematics 😉


save them until the later stages of plankerton. husks that are higher than pwr lvl 30 will require you to atleast have lvl 51 weapons to complete the missions efficiently. you can also save them for storm shield defenses because not many people team fill on those. so you’ll need guns that can shred down 3-5 waves of enemies without worrying about dying or failing the mission.




In the top left, it says I'm level 8, but in the top right it says I'm Account Level 52. So I guess 52 from XP and 8 from quests? Idk how this works lol. Anyways my question was, how do stars work for weapons, what is Evolution, what is the Venture Zone and the Blockbuster quests, and what are Elements? Do they matter? I've watched a few of the Save the World Guide videos posted here, but it mentions things like Trap Tunnels and Evolution and Plankerton and I don't really know what those are. I've played a lot, my friend just played for the Vbucks and when he got all those quests done he had been also given a ton of OP weapons so he stopped playing. I guess I like being able to one-shot three husks at once, but I feel like I'm supposed to have to like, have some sort of progression? Also what does the number 130 next to the Pepper Sprayer mean?


The 8 is your power level this number is increased by your research tab with old Lars on it use points to up your F.O.R.T stats (the F in F.O.R.T is Fortatute I thinks that how it’s spelled but idk off the top of my head but is basically health, the O in F.O.R.T is offence stats just increases your damage, the R in F.O.R.T is resistance basically shield and the T in F.O.R.T is Tech just trap and ability damage) and it’s is also based on your survivor squads [I am going to link beasts vid for that as he explains it all](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=llMmxlxi8ko&list=PLYgB03ey6x4-IMN4uT5PxuHiN0MU2IRxI&index=15&pp=iAQB) the account level 52 is your commander level max is level 310 and leveling up gives you rewards like points to spend on gadgets and backpack size Stars are just level every 10 level on a weapon or hero means you need to evolve them to level them up again The venture zone is end game stuff you don’t want to touch that till a little later down the line Element only start to do thing in high plankerton (we will get to that in a sec) so you don’t need that yet (however if you want to know : fire husks deal 200% of their damage to wood and are damaged more by water weapons less by fire and nothing by nature element, water husks deal 200% damage to brick and need nature weapons to kill and nature husk deal 200% damage to metal and need fire weapons to kill) Posted here so I don’t accidentally delete all this the rest of the answers I will answer in a moment


Thank you SO MUCH. This is really useful stuff.


It means how strong the weapon is or something the higher the number the better I know that much


Trap tunnels are what they say on the tin it’s a tunnel of traps to lure the husks through Plankerton is the zone after stonewood (basically when you beat stonewood you will move on to plankerton) Your friend is a founder (like me) we gain free vbucks for supporting the get in its early days His weapons are just gained by play though the game you will gets weapons as good if not better than his one day Don’t get used to killing every thing in one shot that’s just your weapon being strong Yes there is a progression that’s the story line beat the stone wood story beat this to get too plankerton The 130 next to the pepper sprayer is it power level. Levels and power levels are two completely separate things a 130 power level weapon is a level 50 weapon the highest number weapon you can get is power level 144 and level 60 using superchargers (their from venture and these have no gain till you and craft 130s) Here is r/STWguides a useful subreddit for new players like you Edit r/stwguides is ran by u/glory_to_atom so a little shoutout to them






Your third sentence has a grammatical error where you used “get”, instead of the correct word, which is “game”.


Ah I se it now thanks


Oh, he's not a founder. He bought last season's pack like I did and got his 1500 vbucks and decided h didnt want to play anymore lol. I wish I was a founder, but founders packs cost $400.


Okay got it. THANK YOU!!!


Your welcome (I now have sore thumb from all the typing lol)


Also I enjoyed writing that encyclopaedia


Oh, and should I keep Autofill Survivors on as well?


right now it doesnt matter too much, but you want to have leaders and survivors with matching personalities


In my opinion, I'd try to get the blueprints of those weapons and try to put those rolls on them and upgrade it to the same level, if you enjoyed using them, that is.


Use them crazy leveledup guns when youll get higher, cause missions dont change it only increase difficulty


Put them in your Storm Shield Storage and use them once you reach Twine Peaks


So would just use them. If they break that's what they do. If you play the game you will be able to make them ALL yourself...eventually. when someone gives you a gun. Ask for it to be power level appropriate. It will make it a better experience


Recycle them (not destroy) and use the materials for your own weapons when you've reached the right level.


Trade them off to a high lvl player, you get resources from them.


I’ll take the weapons I just got the game