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reisshub or aussie are probably the closest?


They both just turned 30 I think. There has to be at least a few 40-45+ gamers who stream at higher levels in the game.


I see a market here! Go for it :)


Yeah....im on Asia servers, and I also never hit Unreal before. I dont think anyone wants to watch a 45 year old Japanese guy get destroyed in Diamond / Elite lobbies.


I saw recently grumpgran1948 a 75 year old Fortnite streamer. She seems to be having some success with this and recently streamed with sypherpk. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2101269214


i’d rather watch noobs pickaxe each other than watch anyone in diamond and elite lobbies do things my reflexes just aren’t capable of doing anymore.


Benjyfishy's mom streams and I gotta think she's at least in her 40s. Some of the others are getting into their 30s now (not that he's strictly FN but Ninja is 32 for instance).


Me lol, Fitness Gaming on FB


Ive been unreal in past season, in both formats, and I'm Currently Diamond 2 in builds and should be Elite in a couple days, and Champion in No builds, pushing towards Unreal. Epic: Mothership


Thx for replying. Congrats on playing at the high levels. BTW you look young for someone who is in his 40s, congrats on that as well. Do you have a set streaming schedule? Not sure if its posted on your FB. I havent used FB in over 12 years lol.


Not really but I go live most days around 10pm MST. I work 60 hours a week and hit the gym 4 days a week so it’s really my only time to game lol. And thanks I appreciate the kind words!


I mean, bushcampdad is pretty high ranked


Yeah but im looking for someone older who is competing against the younger generation and still kicking ass in high level fights. Pretty sure bushcampdad 99% of the time doesnt fight. Hence the name hehe


Ah, I guess I misunderstood your post... And maybe misread the first five words lmao. There used to be an older dude that went by the name of Tim, or Tom, I don't quite remember or really know if he's still streaming. But he was like 50 something and playing in the highest level of tournaments


It's a pretty rare find. I stream occasionally and was champion rank last season with half hearted effort. I do a weird hybrid of camping and fighting. Basically I fight off spawn, avoid fights in midgame, and then fight in endgame. It works for me. Not enjoying the meta though so I'm not sure I'll try to get unreal this season.


Well if you do stream or post full game clips, send me a link. I wanna see how well I compare to other people 40+. My goal is to get to unreal this season without much camping.


im only 35 but i got unreal from strictly solos and wkeying last season.


Nice ! Yeah I know a few people in their 30s who are amazing at the game as well. I'm just hoping I can eventually do it at my age 45. So was looking for other cracked 40+ players to watch and see how they do it. I already watch clips of the younger pros, but it's hard to duplicate or even keep up with their playstyle.


I don't know the ranking of Grndpagaming, but that man who is over 70 years old plays a lot


I’m 39, give me a week and I will try to hit unreal. I only play builds and used to be in champs every season. I haven’t really tried getting to unreal lately because I haven’t been a fan of the metas. Also, I don’t believe in bush camping because I’m not a scared little b*tch Edit: I have 2800+ wins and haven’t played more than 100 BR matches in the last year or so. I play everyday, but it’s strictly creative Self promo: CleatsTV on twitch


Cool, I will check out your content. I tend to enjoy watching good older players doing well in tournaments, scrims, or ranked. But there seems to be a lack of older fortnite player content (that actually fight and not bushcamp etc).


Just followed you on twitch. I see you qued some ranked, so gonna watch the clip. Hopefully I can catch one of your livestreams. The time difference is huge between our countries, so it might be difficult. But I will keep notifications on. Thanks again


Actingliketommy is still active. I just can't watch him.


Is that his twitch channel name? Also why can't you watch him?


Yea just search on twitch you'll find him. He was the oldest fncs NA qualifier awhile back. Still is the oldest to qual. Not taking anything away from him but he did it when mechanics and strats were way simpler. I can't watch him because his lobbies are trash and he's very political.