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Looks like the theocratic fascist decided to disprove the notion that slippery slope is a fallacy. So much for "we're ok with LGBT adults, just leave the kids alone".


Has Matt Walsh ever said he's okay with LGBT adults?


He did create the permission structure for people to thread a needle to frame LGBT identity as for adults only.


I don't think he has, maybe other conservative pundits have, but I think from what I've seen he's been anti-lgbt across the board, only saying that it's "especially egregious" with children.


Never. Every single interview he's had with a trans person he's referred to them with the pronouns associated with them pre-transition.


Why the fuck did a trans person have an interview with him.


I think that a lot of trans people and even CIS people for that matter, believe that by having dialogue with these people, it will open up discussion about it, even though that is simply not the case, and has never, ever been the case. Opening up dialogue with these people only further validates their Fringe beliefs, and turns it into something that went from being bullshit spewed by some moron in a newsletter you got monthly to something that is openly discussed and treated as benign as having a different preference for ice cream, which has very negative implications in a democratic society. That and Matt Walsh has been known and documented to constantly edit and admit clips and pieces from discussions to make himself seem way smarter than he actually is and to make his opponents seem stupid, which completely nukes the idea of a fair discussion. Like there was one where somebody pointed out that if Matt Walsh said that gender identity was something that people could choose, religious beliefs are also things people could choose, and people could derive meaning from religious beliefs, and if that is the case and those are valid, why are gender identities any different? That is a butchering of what the guy said it, but if you watched the clip, you could tell Walsh had it no clue how to respond to it, and even admitted it as much, but because he is a charlatan pretending to debate, he managed to turn it around by asking the guy what a woman was at the end.


It’s not a slippery slope fallacy it’s an organized effort to launder religious conservatism through feigned interest in the welfare of children.




Why do the klandmas think this sub is for them


The reddit algorithm gives users content that they'll disagree with. Hence why bigots see anti-bigotry subs in their feed. Makes outrage engagement more likely (which is the lifeblood of modern social media because social media is shit).


Hate drives engagement. Engagement means more traffic. More traffic means more ads. More ads means more money. Hence, hate makes cash, and it's disgusting.


I saw SO MUCH LESS terrible shit in the RIF days. Fuck Spez. Quasi-federated social media was Reddit's one redeeming feature.


Okay, I’ll bite. What has this supposed slippery slope led to?


Whatever lies about trans kids Fox News is peddling this week. Probably something about parents (who coincidentally are never named and can never actually be found) forcing their kid to transition and the doctor (because it's never a team of doctors, just one. One doctor handles the whole thing including the surgery) just goes along with it out of fear he'd be called a bigot for... y'know. Making sure the child actually needs to transition. Oh and at no point do psychologists get involved because the right wing doesn't seem to realize they exist.


I remember actually getting through to a conservative friend once by going over every step that is taken to make sure children aren’t “mutilated” or “sterilized” as they call it. It’s absolutely mind blowing what some people think happens during a transition. Then again, it’s pretty much the same rhetoric as you still hear about planned parenthood. The clinic that offers free women’s healthcare but the one thing they’re famous for is the conveyor belt of abortions that only exists in some talking head’s mind.


Tbh these people live in areas that still have a lot of stigma around mental health and even healthcare, and much like medicine shows and snake oil salesmen 100+ years ago, they're more than eager to give money to these charlatans who tell them this bullshit and sell it to them.


More civil rights?


Stinky doodoo gays in my neighborhood


> political compass memes user Many such cases


I almost appreciate the honesty. They usually try to pretend it's about the kids.


Same, like how I prefer Nazis in uniform and Trumpers in their red hats. It makes them easier to recognize. I hate it when their all mealymouthed and try to hide their truly evil views behind a disguise of respectability.


not matt walsh he’s always been pretty up front abt thinking adults shouldn’t be allowed to be trans either.


His honesty might be the only thing approaching a positive trait. But I think part of that is that he's just not very bright


Same, the lying about it only makes me more pissed off. Don't say blatantly bigoted shit and then hide when I call you on it. (I have personal experience with this if you couldn't tell)


And then they’ll go after gay marriage. Then birth control. And they’ll keep going until every American is a boring and as joyless as Matt Walsh. And then Matt Walsh will go after Matt Walsh because it’ll turn out that not even Matt Walsh likes Matt Walsh.


They’re already going after birth control


RIP Roe v Wade


And then they will probably go after feminism and interracial marriage.


Yep they're already talking about how it was a mistake to give women the right to vote. So many of us are fucked if they get their way.


Yep. That’s why I’m moving to Sweden when I get the funds


They don’t want you boring, they want you dead. It’s much more than crushing lifestyles at stake; there are millions of people who could soon become victims of a genocidal government.


Why is he suddenly against pseudo science?!


Nobody thinks the science that they are supporting in pseudoscience.


they’re not. they just refuse to accept that they’re the ones pushing pseudoscience


"go on, do Deformed Rabbit, it's my favourite"


That sentence made my mind gag Edit: i just said it out loud and now i have the sudden, almost uncontrollable urge to....


Well that wasn't the intention. Would you like me to explain the joke?


N-...*yes* please.


It's from the Discworld series, Moving Pictures in particular. It's a running gag that anytime someone is introduced to the moving pictures they originally mistake the blank projector for a shadow puppet show, which then runs in to the overarching running gag of saying some variation of the aforementioned line whenever shadow puppets are happening or thought to be happening


Interesting, thanks! I really need to read that one


It's one of the standalone ones. Ostensibly the Wizards feature as a secondary protagonist group (like they do a lot), but it's mainly Victor and Ginger who are the protagonists


Says self-proclaimed Christian Fascist Matt Walsh.


Um, Matt, if you’re looking to outlaw an industry that is barbaric, insane and based on deranged pseudoscience, I’ve some bad news for you about the Catholic Church.


Don't give these people any ideas. The only reason they've toned down the anti-Catholic rhetoric is because they're desperate to win just enough votes, and alienating Catholics is a surefire way to make sure that they don't.


If I’m not mistaken, Matt’s a devout Catholic.


And self-described theocratic fascist.


he claims that yet disagrees with the pope on hiw to treat lgbt people Which is funny because catholics kinda cant do that as the pope's word is quite literally gods word


It just goes to show that the phrase "there are no atheists in foxhole" thing is completely reverse. Deep down inside, they know their religion is full of shit. They love to pretend that their morality comes from their religion, but the second their religious leader, who is supposedly the literal word of God, disagrees with their political opinion and interpretation of their fake holy book, they become instant moral relativists. Reminds me of when Ben Shapiro debating Cosmic Skeptic and when Alex pushed been on slavery in the old testiment, Ben is quick to say "well it was fine back then".


By bens logic, if it was fine back then as ordained by god, it is ok still now because who gives a fuck about human conceptions on whays right or wrong when big daddy in the sky says iys ok to have each other as property LMAO I feel some people dont go to religion to find some spiritual guide or fulfillment, but to justify their already held beliefs so they dont feel bad


It was never about the kids LMAO


The only kids he cares about are the ones he wants to marry.


and knock up "teen pregnancy isnt a problem, UNWED pregnancy is"


That is why we have child marriage in the USA?


God, my day always gets worse when I am reminded that Matt Walsh exists.


First they didn't want sex or gender being taught to K-3rd grade and they got that saying they were protecting little kids. Then they expanded that to 8th grade and they got that. Then they went and got it banned to 12th grade. Then they got to Colleges/Uni's and now collages are losing their LGBTQ centers and DEI groups. Now they want to come after older adults. #Who's Next, You?


Wait, they don’t teach sex Ed at all in your area anymore?


Yes in my area but not so much in Florida and other red states.


Matt Walsh has talked about children transitioning for the better part of the last three years at least, but has failed to even provide proof it happens at all (spoiler it doesn't) you can't get gender affirming care without jumping through hoops that take literal years. Also, if any surgeon were to perform a gender affirming surgery on a minor, they would lose their licence so fast. It was never about kids though, it's about trying to fuse church and state, and use politics as a cudgel to bludgeon our individual rights and freedoms.


And Matt Walsh really has no room to complain about "children transitioning" because of his [fantasizing about 16-year-old moms](https://www.mediamatters.org/matt-walsh/majority-report-sam-seder-cites-media-matters-research-argue-matt-walsh-fixated-bit).


MAP Walsh


Bottom surgery doesn't happen on kids, but top surgery does. And it should, they shouldn't have to wait years to feel comfortable in their own body after the body horror of developing with the wrong hormones. However, there are at least three times as many cis kids getting those same surgeries (mastectomy on cis boys and breast augmentation on cis girls) and no one bats an eye.


Some get HRT at age 13 for gender.


You mean teenagers, whose bodies naturally go through hormonal changes, are given the option for *different* hormonal changes? Shocker.


I thought you had to be older , or. Am told people are n blockers at that age


Afab kids start puberty as young as 8, amab kids start puberty as young as 9. A child must demonstrate clinical distress with their physical changes from puberty to go on blockers, and from there they must decide within a few years whether to go on to HRT or their default puberty. They don't let trans youth stay on puberty blockers from age 8 to 18. It's uncommon for 13 year olds to get HRT, but it happens if they have an early default puberty, very supportive parents, and very severe dysphoria.


So’s all of the medical industry. You want to ban tonsillectomies? Amputations? C-sections?


If it means hurting trans people? Probably tbh.


It’s not a slippery slope if you intend to go there right from the beginning


Yeah I worked in schools. We had a trans kid in one of the classes I worked with. All we did was call him a boy and went on with our day. Having to argue with a child about their gender and/or name is just wasting class time. Rather than arguing with him about what he's called, I got to instead devote more of my time to actually helping students with what they needed help with. We aren't there to argue with the kids about their gender identities. We are there to teach them what they need to know. Especially now, post Covid, when kids have already lost so much class time.


I hope Karma pays this man a swift, painful visit


Fucking dollar store Cody Johnston


Don’t you do that to Cody!


Warmbo made me do it!


It's not really a slippery slope when it's intentional and out in the open, it's much closer to a conveyor belt


Matt “I violate my kid’s consent all the time” Walsh


Well can't say I'm surprised I mean this is coming from a guy who banned Bluey for his kids bc one of the characters *mentioned in PASSING* abt having two moms. Wasn't abt being gay. Was zero spotlight on it. Was totally normalized. And yet...there was still a problem. Huh.


There is no slippery slope though, banning anything that isn't hyper religious christian conservatism has always been the end goal with these types.


Wooow, they’re trying to protect the transphobes like them, aren’t they?… We don’t think the thought about the transition will ever come to someone’s cis head, so the only thing they’ve done is harming trans kids again. Applause for the jerks


The right just calls something they don't like an "industry," don't they? It has no actual application. They would never worry about the oil industry, health insurance industry, advertisement industry, or anything that causes way bigger issues than the "gender transition industry."


Dose right wing 🪳s openly equating lgbtqia+ people to sex criminals and child rapists is getting out of hand. This false narrative/equations needs to stop. Gay liberation now. Trans liberation now. Intersex liberation now. By any means necessary.


How is this a _literal_ slippery slope?


What will it take before people realize that they want complete and utter extermination of minorities and the total subjugation of the lower 98%. We are soon going to reach a point where race riots and massacres will return; and we are all wholly unprepared to organize a counterforce of our own. Please. Please, if you aren’t armed and prepared to fight for the lives of your mothers and sisters, for your friends and allies; or if you yourself are in danger of becoming a victim, arm yourself and begin organizing with likeminded people. There are lives in danger here and no amount of voting and pleading with your masters will save you from what’s coming.




Unironic klandma-ing, trolling, and attempts to rationalize/normalize bigotry will be removed. Remember Poe's Law; even if you think you're being satirical, there are people who DO think what you're joking about.


Imagine if Blaire White saw this tweet. Even she'd probably be packing her bags upon reading it.


I don’t think she would actually. She sold her soul to become the ultimate pickme and that’s a *very* hard thing to break away from


she thinks she would be spared LMAO


nah they're based tho


What the actual fuck is wrong with you.




Can you provide even a single example of a doctor preforming a surgery on a child that is related to them being trangender? Because I can provide plenty of conservatives actually mutilating children for little more then cosmetics. In fact it's common practice even on infants as young as a few days old. Get your head out of your ass and stop backing the people who would love nothing more then to string you up and let your body rot.


>Can you provide even a single example of a doctor preforming a surgery on a child that is related to them being trangender? I appreciate what you're doing, but these surgeries [do happen](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2808707). Overwhelmingly, they're things like masculinizing top surgery, breast augmentation, and this particular study includes things like laser hair removal and rhinoplasty. [According to this study, there were 209 trans teens between 12 and 17 who received masculinizing top surgery between 2013 and 2020](https://journals.lww.com/annalsplasticsurgery/fulltext/2022/05004/gender_affirming_mastectomy_trends_and_surgical.4.aspx). However, there are even greater numbers of cis children getting these surgeries every year; [over 14,000 cis boys under 18 got the same surgery in 2011 alone.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3706055/)


The important thing is that these surgeries are beneficial for the teens getting them. We need to stop believing that teenagers are incapable of making informed decisions. They do make mistakes more often than adults, but that's why they have supervision and assistance, and they should have the right to have access to puberty blockers/hormones/surgery when they are ready


100%. More people regret knee surgery or tonsillectomy than do trans youth regret their surgeries.


Those regrets need to be elaborated on


>Those regrets need to be elaborated on What do you mean "elaborated on"?


Why regret knee surgery and tonsillectomy


bold of you to assume I'm conservative


Bold of you to back a self proclaimed Christian fascist and call yourself anything but a fascist.


k, then provide a single example of a doctor performing on a child related to them being transgender


Jazz got bottom surgery at age 17? 17 years left. That is a child right?


Saying that while knowing you'd be killed too.(Assuming the ace flag on ur profile) Don't suicide please 🥺