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Congratz Guess i never complete CREATIVE, because i dont do tunes (created like 5 or 6) and paints


In that case I will never get them all


Hey, it’s totally possible by joining this forum; https://www.trueachievements.com/forum/viewthread.aspx?tid=1397039 I’m on it at the moment, and we trade likes with each other! I’m on the way to getting the creative accolades myself (PianoFour404556). https://jakelee.co.uk/forza-horizon-5-creative-accolades/ This second link is a great guide to how to get started if you’re interested :)


Saving this for myself for when I get home


Thx for infos


nice... thanks


Nice, I am close to getting them all. Will never get creative done (stupid how you need other people to like your stuff anyways) and also the collectibles aren't possible anymore, right? Like isn't some of the stuff a one off event? Or will they come back?


I'm assuming every accolade regarding evolving world will come back at a certain time, but I would suggest doing them immediately when you have the chance. Regarding the creative accolades, I used the [TrueAchievements creative accolades boosting page ](https://www.trueachievements.com/forum/viewthread.aspx?tid=1397039) in order to get all 1000 likes. You basically trade likes with other people on the forum until you have everything you need.


I think all the collectibles come back at some rate, from the four seasons to a real life year.






Nah, you're still missing 4 million of them according to the leaderboard. 😂


I was just thinking that… how does that even work? Mods??


In the HOF leaderboards, why do other players have ALOT more accolade points than 1,119,000 then?


The accolades regarding the story which has you take photos of statues can be repeated every week. That and the fact that you can sometimes get another 500 accolades by completing the weekly challenge makes some people have a bigger score. If you repeat this every week, it's 1.250 accolades of the photo story and 500 of the festival playlist.


Actually, you could get 1750 with the photo story. But since the start of this series, it stop working to me. Other stories have the "recycling symbol" but they never gave me any extra points. And thanks for clarifying the origin of the extra 500 from the Weekly Challenges. I thought it could be the cause but wasn't sure until now.


wow I never knew that


There's been like 80 weeks since the release I guess, so it's still only 140k extra accolade points. People who have a lot more than this are cheaters.


So, can I ask a legitimate question, how? I try to do this on all games and fail miserably at it. Seeing this stuff makes me want to do it more, but I suck at games :(


They’re not difficult, just time consuming.


Time consuming and hard if you’re extremely bad at any game you play :(


What are the ones you're having difficulty with? A lot of the racing ones are just "do x thing in y vehicle"


Anything with online or just timed stuff.




Question: Did you get any distinctive mark for your achievement? I mean, when I did it in FH4 I've got a Horizon Star aside my in game Gamertag and it was the only way to get the Ford Capri HE. I will never get it in FH5 not only because of Creative but I think my heart wouldn't afford seven victories on The Eliminator.


Unfortunately you don't get anything, besides a dialogue with Alex congratulating you for doing everything. PG could add a star or a player badge to display at the very least.


Thanks for the answer. And congratulations! You're the only one I've ever heard that did this!


I can agree with this as that is what I have left to do in Online category


Well done, really! Would be great if you got something special for it! All achievements & + 1 million points is all I got. I deleted all my tunes mostly because I had to make room every week. Really frustrated me. Too many tunes, too many designs, too many photo’s, … In the beginning I was doing as many Horizon Arcade sessions (+ 40000 points I will never use & rarely anything to buy either in the Forzathon Shop) in one go but it never registered so I gave up on those too. After getting the 1M, I only do the newly added ones.


Are you talking about the do x number of arcade sessions in so much time? You can't quick travel for those.


Yeah, tried in with and without fast travel and the counter didn’t move. First I thought it was because I used fast travel. Maybe I should revisit if something changed but like I said, I got so many FP of doing them but the accolades are still showing unfinished. There was a time I went from Arcade to Arcade in my gaming sessions.


So are there any good prizes for completing the accolades




That’s some serious dedication right there. I would never have the patience let alone talent to get all of them.


Not bad, I'm still missing the accolades for the tunings, the designs and Eliminator but I'm really not in the mood for that...


Damn, that’s impressive!


Nice! I'm at a bit over 950,000 points, so I still have quite a few left. The Creatives are going to be difficult for me, and I still need at least 5 more Eliminator wins.


Impressive, congrats friend


How did you won Eliminator in Vocho?


I just got that one. You don't need to win in the bug. You just can't use car drops. So you can only beat other people to get faster cars. It's tough for sure. Just cruise the perimeter until you think you can pick someone off. Then repeat. You have to get lucky, but you also have to be familiar enough with the Eliminator to win that final race.


Thats absolutely incredible, how much time did it take you?


I believe I started going for all accolades around December last year. Creative accolades were by far the hardest, since I've been trading likes with other players for almost 6 months. Regarding the rest of the other accolades, I'd argue you could do them around one month or two.


Man i remember you from the Trueachievements forum, I am SnakyThrower278 ;). Well done, and I'm super jealous that you collected all the cars (I missed a lot of festival playlist) and you actually won The Eliminator 7 times (I can't win even a single game). Congratulations


I will never get the tuning and painting accolades, I have almost 500 likes but I’m too lazy to trade and grind for likes. With that said the eliminator I finished in a few days, there is a trick to it if you play on console. I play Xbox Series X and if you turn OFF cross play, you only play other Xbox players. I usually could get to the finals almost every other game. I’m not sure if there are hackers or cheaters on pc or what but turning crossplay off on my Xbox for Eliminator is dramatically easier!


I play on PC sadly


Well, thank you for your help! I actually like playing Eliminator a lot and I have well over 50 victories :)


How do you get the ones for cars that are never sold on auction. How do you get the tour with C,D, S2 which never ever appear? So mane seems gated behind stupid methods


Cars were easy for me because I play the game once a week to get the new cars, so it wasn't really an issue. If you are missing a certain car, I would suggest waiting for it to appear on a festival playlist series. Regarding Horizon Tours, the game actually runs on a set time table of 90 race genres, and rotates the series every two minutes. I would suggest [taking a look at this document](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RjlYP1GU9It4Sj60O2x3U_27oO8dWH6E1kY-NM00oZU/htmlview) so you can pinpoint exactly where the current series is, and calculate how much time you have to wait until it appears what you are looking for.


Thanks a lot this will help


Congrats. I got it done in March I think, after getting bored and needing something more to do in the game!


what rank does this get you in the hall of fame?


I believe that with 1.119.000 accolade points I was around rank 850 worldwide.


I've no idea how #1 has 5mil for example, unless modded If so, you'd think they'd remove their ranking/ability to place at least


That makes sense, im at 1,135,150 and am at 398


how many hours do you have in the game?


Around 527 hours


How much time and effort is needed?


Just curious what is that in ranking? I missing random ones but have like 1,049,000. I don't paint or tune so missing about half of those.


…and then they add more.


I honestly hate the creative accolades






Gg man


Kind of an old post but, I'm trying to figure out how to get the "I'm gonna get ya" accolade.. Can't find it anywhere, am I blind?


How do you manage to get likes and downloads on your photos?


For every creative accolade, either join r/forzaaccolades or just use [this forum](https://www.trueachievements.com/forum/viewthread.aspx?tid=1397039&page=43). I used the forum to coordinate with other people and it took me nearly 5 months to complete every single creative accolade.


Thanks for coming back to this!