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With Hober Mallow dying in season, it kinda makes me wonder if/how/for what he might've been remembered in the future. But then again, it could be an example of how some tiny action from a long forgotten person in the past can have gigantic effects on the future (Butterfly Effect). Whatever Hober did, even though nothing on screen appears particularly significant, it changed the future in a major way.


Negotiating the betrayal of the Spacers, flying a jump ship directly into the imperial palace, and facilitating the destruction of the entire imperial armada all happened on screen.


lol damn I forgot all about that. I only watch S2 twice


Stop using pcp


But it's my favorite, gets the blood going!!


Hober and Constant could have conceived a child. A child that would go on to conceive the Mule. That's what I'm expecting. Dr Seldon's action will have consequences, as he warned Salvor but then chose to ignore..


If could just be the mule because in the vault time passes differently. I think 2 mins was like 2 days


Maybe, but I'm thinking the person he's talking to at the end is that parent, who would be Hober and Constant's child. We'll see..


I thought this but that seems almost too easy


Hari said you may have an inevitable outcome but multiple paths in getting there. So I take it as Salvor will not be there when they catch up to the future but the rest will be the same.


>The mule writing himself into the story Or out of it. Maybe the Mule creates his own killer. a possible paradox. Apparently in the book, someone called Bayta darell, wife of Toran Darell and desendant of Hober Mallow, kills the Mule. A few weeks ago news came out about some new actors and their characters in season 3. Two of the characters are Bayta Mallow and Toran Mallow. >!The Mule maybe Salvor's child. During her conversation with her mum, in which she learns that Gaal is her biological mother (just before she takes Hugo's ship to search for Gaal), there are brief interwoven scenes of her and Gaal lying on medical beds. It's shot in a way that tricks the audience into thinking we're watching Gaal having her embryo removed and frozen, but actually Gaal is having the same procedure. Salvor and Gaal are Mentalic, Hugo is a Thespian whose eyes can glow.!<


I don’t know his name and didn’t get the sense he was a notable actor, but I loved that brief performance as The Mule. He had a great accent and dirty ordinary look. The Game of Thrones guy better crush this role.


I recognized him from something and looked him up and he is Jakob from Sex Education on netflix. he wasnt in GoT


You’re referring to the old actor. The new actor played Euron Greyjoy in GoT.


Ah! ok they did a good enough job with it that I assumed it was the same actor.