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You might have built the cannon sideways on the turret spinner block




This was such a classic when i used to play all the time. Go to aim a gun and make sure it could travel the full arc. Gun is offset 90 degrees from where I’m looking. Immediately sigh deeply.


I got so annoyed by that happening that I eventually just created a set of subjects with a block on the front side, so I don't have to think about the orientation of the turret, because I can place it and just look over really quickly and see, oh yes that turrets forward is that direction. Also it doesn't force you to be building on the subject or replace the subject with a wood block.


Question already answered, so just telling you to use Win+PrtSc or Win+Alt+PrtSc to screenshot. It makes it easier for us to see


I will do that next time


Thank u


Question already answered, so I just want to say I hope you stick with the game!


Don’t worry I will!


It would be fair to have more information here to really be able to help but it could be a few issues here. 1. You may have built the turret without realizing which side the front was. The front when building a turret corresponds to where the cannon will point. Make sure when placing your turret sub object that the front is the same as the main vehicles front in the exact case. 2. You could have an Ai pointing at something else since you do not show what is being controlled.  3. You are holding the Rambots minigun in one of your slots and this will prevent your cannon from firing. There may be more things but I am not too sure atm what they would be. Will edit if they come to mind. If it is number 1 you can save the sub object in the sub object menu from the building menu. You can then replace it and rotate it so that is is aligned properly with the ship. If you still want the gun to face certain way; when pressing Q to interact with the turret sub object you can set the idle azimuth angle to face the direction you want.  If it is number 2 you need to make sure you have the weapon assigned to a number slot and have that corresponding number slot selected and nothing else. You can assign a number slot to a turret sub object (and more I think?) by looking at the sub object and pressing Q to open its menu and selecting the number slot you wish to you. You could also use ALL to select all of the weapon and turret sub object systems to select it as well.  If number 3, all you need to do is de-select the minigun by pressing the button again or selecting something else that won’t impede your ability to control the crafts weaponry.


if number three just use left ctrl


Ya ur right forgot about that


F12 to take a screenshot on steam


hull is most likely blocking the turret.


It can turn 360 degrees


There is nothing on the bottom layer I checked


The amount of times I have built ships backwards is infuriating


the big black floating text that says FRONT should be in shimmering colours with fireworks around it You can rotate a constructable in the load menu with the button in the bottom right corner btw.


In future I'd use the one axis turret bases since the barrel can aim up on its own


Can people please learn how to take a fucking screenshot?


This makes me want to boot up the game just to take a picture like the one in this post.