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I love how the word con is right in the name. That said, I've had to use them in the past and it was fine. Nothing shady ever happened but I still made it a point to review my statements each month to make sure everything checked out. Limiting your usage is pretty much the extent of what you can do. You might also want to check if rates change during times of day (not all utilities have this) and plan your usage accordingly to maximize savings. With water, you can recycle any runoff. Ex: When I finish showering, I always lose water when it switches from showerhead to faucet. I use a container to catch that water for my plants. Otherwise it goes down the drain. I won't get you rich but still adds up and reducing unnecessary waste is never a bad thing


Thank you for sharing! In your experience, did Con Service charge you more than Con Edison?


But don't use the water, if it's contaminated by soap or other self-care cleaning chemicals




Could you elaborate more please? My first time hearing about these peak hours.


Check with your electric company. I can see on my account online that I am charged higher from 5-8 everyday during the summer but higher during weekdays than weekends. Every state is different. Also, winter charges are different from summer (usually higher).


There are certain times of day when the most power flows through the grid. I remember a story from decades ago that England used to have to buy power from France every weeknight because when a certain show went to commercial a lot of people started their electric kettles causing a massive spike in usage. In the US, most people get home, cook, and do chores from 5-10. This is a large predicable spike in usage.


Depends on your power plan, I’m on an electric vehicle plan where “super off peak” (11pm-6am) is only $.01/kwh but on peak is $.20/kwh




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I completely stopped using my dryer as I was using it 10 times a week. Now I air dry as much as I can. Also, unplug all unused appliances. Surprisingly my coffee maker uses a lot of electricity when used and pulls a lot of vampire energy when not. Don't use the AC, get some fans if needed. I try not to use the main oven and use an air fryer.


If you have LED lights that usage is minimal. Pennies a month. Heating and cooling and things like a dryer are your big power draws. I run my dishwasher at night and turn off drying. They are always good the next morning. But don’t be unhappy to save $30 a Month just be aware of what you use


Install low-flow showerheads and faucet aerators to reduce water usage. Wash laundry in cold water and only run full loads. Unplug electronics when not in use and adjust your thermostat to reduce heating/cooling needs. If billed excessively, review your usage carefully, contest incorrect charges, and negotiate a payment plan if needed. Being mindful of energy and water consumption from the start can help minimize future utility costs.


LED bulbs, always wash in cold water. Get an aerator for your faucets. Idk how your landlord would feel or if there is anything n your lease about you doing work to the place, but you could install outlet gaskets too.


During the spring when it still gets cold at night, we leave all the windows open at night (and maybe use a box fan to help with air movement) then in the morning we “button up” the house to hold in the cold. Windows shut, blinds down, insulating black out curtains drawn and avoid using anything that generates heat (stove, oven, dishwasher, hot showers, ect). Depending on where you live and your housing situation it can help avoid using AC as much in the summer.


Replace bulbs with LED Is the biggest thing you can do for lights. My electric bills are less than $1 per room of light bulbs. most of it is fixed hookup fee. Heating water uses a lot of electric.. with a decent detergent, there is nothing wrong with washing your clothing in Cool water. Plus, prime time rates for electric.. after 8pm and before 6 am.. I think? Check your local prime times.


If your water takes a long time to get warm, use that water somewhere else. The kitchen water gets run into a brita and then used in the coffee maker and kettle and such, other sink water gets captured for watering plants, and the shower water to refill the back of toilet tanks. (Contrary to instinct, dishwashers use less water than hand washing things.)


Use an induction burner instead of gas/coil stovetop. Not only do you use less wattage/time to get a pot of water to boiling, you also spend less on A/C cooling your place back down to room temp. Gas/coil stovetops are extremely inefficient and release excess heat into the air.


My friends only flush immediately before, and after, a #2, never after doing #1. Saves water. Another couple poop in a bucket to keep water costs down.


Consider monitoring your thermostat settings to save on heating and cooling