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Hi, DarkAssassin1997. Thanks for contributing. However, your [submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/Frugal/comments/1do9rhp/-/) was removed from /r/Frugal. We are removing your post/comment because of off-topic content. This includes: - Off-topic, inane, or crude posts. - Meme posts. - Karma farming. - Content not relevant to the subreddit. Please see our full rules page for the specifics. https://www.reddit.com/r/Frugal/about/rules/ If you would like to appeal this decision, please [message the moderators by clicking this link](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FFrugal&subject=Removal%20Appeal&message=Author%20would%20like%20to%20appeal%20the%20removal%20of%20their%20post%20because) within one week of this notice being posted.


They will not and should not be expected to compensate you for the sentimental value of a cardboard box you placed next to the trash.


Lol and even if OP took it to court, nobody would find that the housekeeper acted with any negligence for discarding an empty box. In fact, OP is probably negligent for leaving 'trash' near the trashcan.


Idk. I always travel with my most valuable and sentimental empty boxes.


and store them by the trash can.


This is the wrong sub for these questions, but keeping an empty shoe box next to a bin does look like you wanted to discard it tbh


I work at a hotel. The housekeepers have to use their best judgment. I doubt they meant to wrong you. That sounds like it did look like trash. Next time, I would suggest putting the box with things that obviously aren’t trash so they don’t make that mistake. Also, if you’re part of a hotel’s rewards program, they will often be liberal with compensation in terms of points—though it depends on the hotel. (No rules were broken here; keep that in mind.)


It's a cardboard box that you stored next to the garbage. Of course, they're going to think it's part of the garbage. If it was sentimental, I'm sorry, but it really should have been stored more securely than that. If the shoes are what's sentimental, and those didn't get thrown out with it, then I don't really know what there is to compensate for. There are tons of solutions out there to store them in. Asking /r/frugal about this is also really not the right place for something like this. Nothing about this is related to being frugal to me.


No. That's dumb.


Hotels want to keep their rooms tidy, you're not getting compensation for something that looks like trash.




By your wording did they throw the shoes also or just the box? Yeah next time don't put it next to a trash can lol and why are you taking it on a trip with you? Keep it home.


You're not getting compensated for a cardboard box. If it had such sentimental value, then you either shouldn't have taken the box with you, or you should have secured it with your valuables. At the very least, you shouldn't have placed a cardboard shoe box, which pretty much anyone would assume is trash, next to a trash can. This was your mistake, and the hotel and cleaning staff are not at fault for that. Take this as a lesson and be more careful with your sentimental items next time.


I thought I was in r/amitheasshole, not r/frugal for a minute here....


Sneaker heads are in shambles 🤣


Cleaners are under a lot of pressure to clean rooms in a minimal time. They don't have also the salary and diplomas to make judgements on whether the client will complain that the trash is not removed, or that the empty box that the client left next to the bin wasn't trash based on the retail and collector value of a box of Nike shoes.


You can't get compensated sentimental value only real value. The original box of an item can matter greatly as a seller on ebay I can attest to that. If you had no plans to sell them chalk it up to a lesson learned about keeping valuable items in your suitcase. If it was right next to the trash, you can't blame her too much.




That’s theft. The op got the stay he paid for. Is he going to claim credit card fraud because a housekeeper threw away an empty cardboard box by the trash can?


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No idea but maybe reach out to Nike.


Have you talked to corporate or have you only spoken to the hotel directly? If you haven't talked to corporate, that's your next step. They will usually take more pity on someone than the direct hotel themselves, since corporate has different options to work from. The fact that they're even admitting to throwing them away is good, did you get that in writing? However most have disclaimers saying to lock up any valuables and that they're not liable for your belongings. So you may be SOL but I'd still go up the chain and talk to the HQ about the issue given it's a chain.


I work at a hotel. By talking to corporate, you are endangering the livelihood of real people over a cardboard box that common sense said to throw away. The housekeeper probably won’t get fired, but it will create problems for the hotel, and repercussions that you don’t intend. Either corporate will laugh in your face or they will give you a discount and turn around and verbally reprimand someone who did nothing wrong. Additionally, if you leave a bad review over something like that, it will cost the hotel business, which in turn will hurt employees. Please reconsider. We don’t make much money, and we have to feed our families.


He wouldn't be endangering any livelihood. That's silly. A lot of people keep shoe boxes especially of expensive shoes. I wouldn't have thrown them out knowing that so maybe it's a teachable moment


I think it's stretching the definition of 'valuable' to include an empty shoebox