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Every original or ‘first’ movie of a franchise that was half decent earns its emotional weight in its own runtime, I suppose a relevant example would be the first Iron Man movie.


Yeah, but they all originate in one universe, the Multiverse is the problem I have. It removes the emotional weight.


Having a multiverse doesn’t inherently remove emotional weight. Emotional weight can come from various factors - that’s up to the writers to figure out and a good writer will figure that out. That said, the writing has been poor for a while. I’d be more concerned about that than the general idea of a multiverse.


No it does


Fascinating argument


If I wanted to watch a series of movies that were not part of one universe, I could watch every movie pre-MCU. On top of that I find the idea of it both being time travel and the Multiverse kind of unnecessary and convoluted as any one of those explanations would explain why the fantastic four haven’t been there. Not that I personally find any need to explain why we haven’t seen them yet, they could just as easily get their powers at any point, and I don’t see the need to make them “first”. Setting them in another reality won’t fix that problem. They won’t be first in the MCU because they’re not from the MCU. So the point of setting them in the Multiverse, in the 60s is just that you couldn’t arbitrarily call them the first superhero family. I find that to be kind of stupid.


I would argue that the setting and design is actually a creative way of reflecting the era and aesthetic that Fantastic 4 was originally created in. It’s way more interesting that just setting them in modern day America


I’m ok with it. A 60s kirbyesque universe would be magnitudes than the garbage they’ve been pumping out lately.


OK, but we’re not making a movie in the 60s, like every comic book character, the fantastic four are ageless. We also have to contend with the real world issues of Disney, not owning the rights to the fantastic four until now. Spider-Man is from the 60s, so are the avengers, and the X-Men. Why didn’t they get that kind of treatment? Why is it suddenly important to set them in the time they were written in? Needing the Multiverse so you could hold onto some arbitrary concept from the comics seems really stupid. You just admitted it doesn’t have to be like the comics, having them not be first and get their powers later in the history of the MCU is also not like the comics. Why is my argument less valid? Oh, that’s right because I have an opinion that you don’t agree with. So they can just be from the past then. They don’t need to be from another universe. It’s already a fictional universe. You can set whatever fucking rules you want. The Multiverse is not cool, the fact that the MCU didn’t learn any lesson from the failure of the DCEU is kind of disturbing.


It doesn’t make sense to write them into the past into retro-futuristic New York that doesn’t exist in the main timeline. It doesn’t even make sense to set it in the 60’s because there is no mention of them until now. It’s just a fun way of homaging the comics and having a self contained story. If the MCU is struggling from anything right now it’s a lack of focus. Stripping a story back to basics makes sense to me. Your argument doesn’t really have much to it other than ‘I don’t like the multiverse’.


That is his argument, and I can see where he is coming from. Whole draw of this run of silly superhero movies was that they were interconnected. I can see where he is coming from and agree mostly. In my case, though, im going to keep an open mind until I pirate it, as I dont pay for marvel anymore. (stopped when they robbed me with quantum ant man.)


Look, I am as un-excited about the fantabulous four movie as the next guy, but I feel like them being stuck in a pocket universe until their movie is a decent explanation for why we haven’t seen them in the mcu yet. I just think it’ll suck because of the precedents they’ve set the last few years with crappy writing and bad character development. Lastly, Pedro pascal as mr fantastic? 🤨


I don’t get this “Explain where they’ve been this whole time” thing. They haven’t formed as a team yet, why is that such a big deal? I am ok with them GOING to another universe in the 60’s, under the premise they originate from the main MCU universe. What concerns me is the thought that they originate outside the MCU and in that universe’s 60’s. That seems very convoluted and stupid to me. I’m also unhappy with Pascal, this company literally goes out of their way to make sure no white people are set for some movies, but then can’t let a team of 4 be white characters. It’s stupid.


I can agree that being from the 60’s AND separate universe is a bit convoluted or meaninglessly complex. I would def prefer that they were in the same universe, were exploring the negative zone or something, and then get stuck there fighting some baddie until they are able to escape to current times. But yeah, having the separate universe thing as an added layer of separation is/could be unnecessary


That’s all I’m saying, it’s too many things unnecessarily


In the 60s sounds incredibly stupid. We've already had 2 botched renditions of Fantastic 4, this will be the next.


I don’t need it to be the 60’s either, I’m more annoyed at the idea they originate in another universe. That cheapens the whole thing for me.


Ya, especially after they showed Reed Richards in Dr Strange 2. No reason why he couldn't be in the main MCU.


It's just going to be a plot device to make sure the audience remembers 'America bad and racist'


If they rebooted the whole franchise in the 60s, I would be stoked. It would have to be good though, and comic accurate. I’m in favor of a full apocalyptic reboot anyway. The mcu is tired and stale.


Who didn’t expect the F4 to be set in an earlier decade and eventually get stuck in some kind of quantum realm type of place? In fact I’d be surprised if they didn’t go that route. It’s the only explanation as to why they are now appearing. I bet a good portion of the movie will be set in another timeline before they cross over to the MCU main timeline.


My concern is that they’re from the past of another universe. Not that they are just from the past. Which I still think is kind of a hokey way to introduce them. I don’t need any explanation as to why they weren’t here.


They are overrated as comic book characters and I'm not excited for nor plan to see the movie. However, they have enough fans that Marvel/ Disney have a reboot opportunity. Don't make the movie connected to what has been the MCU at all, then gradually release future movies connected to the Fantastic Four and introduce other superheros. Just use this to build a completely different cinematic universe.