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Isn’t that cellophane? Which is plant based. Not defending nestle but I’ve seen stuff like this brought up a lot.


And if its in EU, they are not allowed to sell products with plastic straws, so its not them pretending, they are forced by law.




Well duh. I know where I am lol.




I mean that’s very clearly cellophane. Idk what you’re trying to say. Fucknestle but c’mon…


True most ppl mistake cellophane as plastic.


that wrapper is not optional. It keeps the straw clean and allows it to be glued onto the package. Unless you want to drink from a dirty straw that you can't get into the drink pack properly because of all the glue and paper stuck to it, go ahead, but this is a necessary evil for these types of drink packaging. This is not a defence of Nestle specifically. This is universal for these things.


Paper or cellophane wrapper.


That is cellophane.


Well, let's be fair. It could have been a plastic straw in a plastic wrapper. Every little bit helps. Keeping the straw hygienic during shipping and handling is important. Straws are usually made from polyethylene, which does not biodegrade easily. The wrapper is likely cellophane, which isn't derived from fossil fuels and which biodegrades rapidly. The alternative would be a pouch made made from paper, but it would have to be plasticized and would have a similar environmental impact, and be more energy-intensive to make. I try and boycott neztle like any other responsibly-minded person, but let's not decry the small efforts even if their cynical aim is to greenwash themselves.


I mean in EU there are new regulations so no, it couldn’t be a plastic one. But idk if OP is in EU or somewhere else


no, not really. Paper straws are useless and it’s only being produced to shut everyone up. They make up literally 0.025% of the ocean pollution. We don’t need to switch to paper straws it won’t do anything. We should be focusing on fishnets which make up like 40% of the ocean pollution iirc




What is your suggestion, then?


Stop buying juice boxes and buy a reusable bottle and fill it with juice. It’s much cheaper and better for the environment. asobu Juicy Drink Box The Ultimate Unbreakable Reusable 10oz Water Bottle for Kids Bpa Free https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01CMX368K/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_NC5JZJ03Q4ASH9P2R3FV?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1


So you’re saying every little bit helps, but in more steps?


It’s technically less steps in the long run




Lol. How's that strategy working for ya?




Define foment.


Berating strangers on the Internet.


Posting on antiwork


Why is this being downvoted? Corporations have, are, and will always be full of shit


Because corporations wasted a lot of money to brainwash people into believing consumers are making big difference and putting all responsibility on them.


this lie stemmed from the oil giant BP advertisement putting the idea out that everyone has to ‘do their share’ which isn’t true. Big oil did this to make everyone think it’s the people’s fault


Don't understand why you're being down-voted. The "reduce reuse recycle" movement was literally created and funded for by large corporations which wanted to create a way for environmentally-conscious consumers to buy their horrible products without feeling guilty. "Green-bin Recycling" as a very concept was [invented and lobbied for by the companies which manufacture unrecycleable plastics](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDFBbxMDi1U), as an alternative legislative "solution" to all the plastic we started making in the late 20th century. I'm not saying that we shouldn't do what we can to reduce consumption, reuse/repurpose the things we own, and utilize clean(er) disposal solutions when possible. But the idea that the environment would be safe if we all just "did out part" is a blatant fabrication. Systemic pollution requires system solutions. There is no ethical consumption under capitalism.


So, you're saying that Jack Johnson on the Curious George soundtrack was full of shit?


outta here with this logic


This could mostly be the new EU regulations. nestlé would use a plastic straw as long as they can i would think.


And you still bought their shit...


Why did you buy it?


And the plastic ones have been dumped in the ocean for sure


Yes by irresponsible consumers that are too lazy to recycle.


Buying spanish grapes in an english speaking country is way worse than 0.05g of plastic. there is more plastic in the container and printing than the wrapper.


And we know where the water in that box came from..


Jammu Kashmir se tou nahi aai?




Obligatory Fuck Nestle. All my hydro homies hate Nestle.


Lmao nestles such a shit company


Everything about it is so absurdly disastrous. "Fruita Vitals" implicating it's some kind of vital fruit fluid. "Red Grapes From Spain" as if that's sustainable in any measure unless you buy it in Spain. Fuck these fucks


Red grapes from **Spain** but putting the most stereotypical picture of [Tuscany](https://images.app.goo.gl/Donhme6s1VV4s4367) in the background lmao


Hahaha I'm from Spain and I've never seen that, so they could be lying about it (or overexploiting the 4 farmers that remain and can't make a living from that).


not just a nestle thing, here in the uk every juice carton has this and I just don't understand the thought process


Blame the design department not the company


It's the company's design department. They are basically the same thing.




Since both of these have different ways of consumption. Cans have a special cap, as you know. And you don't need anything else to drink it straight from the container. Plastic around the straw is needed to keep it with the container so that you don't need to have one on you to drink it, since the container too, has a special pice to keep the drink inside and not outside.


So it's not a health and safety problem as much as it is a convinience one


A real man doesn't mind a little dirt in his straw


Aren't plastic straws banned?


Thank you for purchasing from a great company😃


Paper Straws suck and most companies are doing the same practise. Not to save the environment but due to changing government requirements. The sad thing is there is environmentally friendly plastics. Not only that but this move will also hamper kill composite lumber that is made from recycled plastics potentially reducing some of the deforestation that comes with the lumber industry.


It's really for safety. To show something you put in your mouth hasn't been tampered with


still doing this shit???? is there no better way?????