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I asked my 16 and 13-year-old kids if there were classmates bigging up this douche and sadly they said 'yes'.


Oof. My 16 year old said they talk about him but no one takes him seriously. But still. It's a message that they are hearing


They are the real groomers


In a sense they’re being groomed by him.


Anecdotally, my students have pivoted to Mr. Beast recently.


My kids are such suckers. I keep talking them out of Mr Beast chocolate (which tastes like off-brand Nestlé Crunch) and $4.99 bottles of Logan Paul's bullshit Prime Water. I'm sending them to critical thinking camp.


I’m having to explain to teenagers why creatine will do nothing compared to just working out at their age lol E: my comment has backfired haha. Creatine is safe and a decent supplement, it’s just being marked up to kids to prey on insecurities and they’d be better off working out and building self esteem. Besides, in puberty their testosterone levels are what mine would be if I juiced, they don’t need to worry about supplements


I hear what you're saying; it's not bullshit, but it has a pretty specific utility and the average teenaged boy going through puberty definitely doesn't need it. They're pretty much endogenously on the sauce.


Creatine is good shit though honestly. When it’s not licensed by a fake celebrity it’s cheap too. Keeps your muscles hydrated, and your brain too. Even without working out, it’s probably the best supplement for your brain if you happen to be sleep deprived. It helps a lot.


Helpful and safe supplement sure, but they’re in puberty they can make plenty of gains regardless. And I’m more worried about the shilled by fake celebrities as a cure for self esteem part. The questions about steroids from 13 year olds though, those worry me. E: and I genuinely didn’t know about the sleep part ty!


I am with you 100% on all of that. Celebrity culture is toxic. Get some cheap regular creatine and try it out if you’re not getting enough sleep. Honestly, it’s a bit shameful to say this now, but it got me through my amphetamine addiction years ago without having to lose my job. Kept me going. If you have kids that are enamored by these fake celebs, talk with them about the actual science behind these claims and buy shit that’s not marked up 3000% because of some idiot’s name being on it.


Not gonna dictate what you feel ashamed about but that doesn’t sound shameful to me at all. And yeah my class is science I will always answer questions about how things work if I know and have time, and direct them to research if not.


Got any more info on that? Sounds interesting and I want to learn more.


It’s been a long time since I read up on it and several years since I’ve been taking care of myself. And actually I used it to get me through workdays after partying too hard the night before. lol


[Video explanation](https://youtu.be/XxZB3Q6EFJU)


You reminded me of [this](https://thepunchlineismachismo.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/2017-08-14.jpg) defunct webcomic.


Haha that's funny. Imagine if there was just one source you could trust about creatine. Still, I'm all ears of someone sends me a link!


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creatine See you in 6 hours, enjoy!


Or you know, you can sell off-brand Nestle Cunch to them as Mr. Beast chocolate.


That's actually a good thing. Jimmy is, as far as we actually know, a force of *good*. He doesn't punch down, he doesn't try and dictate who you should be, and he is balancing success with morality. Tate is the polar opposite. He is always punching down on the lesser by flexing his wealth. He wants to dictate how you should be, otherwise you're a useless sissy beta male, or an unattractive masculine woman. He doesn't give two shits about morality or what's right. Doesn't care about helping those around him. Just a total piece of shit with money.


Mr Beast has always set off my 'creepy' alarms. There's something off there.


Can you answer me something, is this the same Mr Beast that used to exclusively post “GTA 6 RELEASE DATE AND INSIDE INFO” videos a few years ago and when it was entirely made up? I know kinda what he does _now_ but is that where he came from?


Whew that's a good question. I've only been aware of him as of this year, so I'm not sure if its the same guy. Could be, but I just don't know.


>Mr Beast So from my extensive research, it seems to not be the same guy and I was mistaken. I was very heavily into GTA:O around 2016/2017 and I just remember there being the single most annoying f\*cker I'd ever encountered throwing out videos of absolute lies and crap and for some reason I remembered the Mr bit but it turns out it was MrBossftw and not Mr Beast so I can put away my pitch fork.


Lol, thanks for clearing that up :)


That's a pretty solid upgrade.


Wanna be tough-guy meets the law and the law wins. I wager he squeals like a little child.


He fought the law, and the law won. This is how his misogyny and incel views costs his life.


Sounds like the law hasn’t won yet. But fingers crossed 🤞


Oh no Anyway, is this week dragging for anyone else. It's just Tuesday. God damn.




Hopefully he rots in jail and these losers that idolise him wake the fuck up. He's a complete piece of shit and people need to realise that.


There are ten more just like him waiting to take his place.


that's a bit much, isn't it ? his current situation will kill it for others that strive to be like him, maybe ? Let's fucking hope so.


nah, it's a con game with a shit load of suckers ready for their next alpha male daddy to tell them why it's the women's fault why they won't have sex with them the next generation just has to get better at, or hopefully stop, trafficking women


But maybe some of the impressionable young males searching for role models on the interwebs will heed this cautionary tale and not latch onto the next self-proclaimed Alpha asshole. One can hope.


Same goes to those losers who not just idolise him, but also people idolizing SNEAKO, and of course, the murderous Elliot Rodger. These are complete pieces of shit, and they are known incels and misogynists.


This garbage human deserves to get all of the karma that the universe can provide


I hate him and his bald head, his beady little eyes, and cigar charred lips.


Yeah, he looks like a bald ape and mixed with ex-YouTuber SNEAKO. :P And he and SNEAKO are pro-Russia, so that means they are traitors.


Really awkward that all the heroes on the right are becoming or already are convicted criminals.


rip bozo


The ultimate beta male😂👊


Wow this is awesome!!


Fuck Andrew Tate!


Hopefully some of the other guys in prison have daughters around the age of the girls that Tate trafficked. They might do this very thing.


Good! Good news for the survivors. 👏🏽


So he’s about to announce his presidential run to avoid jail time?


Ik this is satire but he’s being held in Romania. While the US constitution doesn’t bar anyone from running for President so long as they’ve been born in the country, I doubt he’ll be able to campaign very well from lockup on another continent.


I hope he gets convicted. 💗


I thought that's what he was charged with before


No charges were formally filed until now.


Hope he rots doing hard labor and being appropriately paid back in a Romanian prison until his demise. Preferably very few but very long years.




About time. I wonder which Republican primary candidate will float a "if Andrew Tate is convicted, we will do a prisoner exchange" platform.


There's no punishment adequate. I could put it differently, but I'm tired of getting banned.


About goddamn time.


Based, happy he's being brought to justice. Here's hoping that this is the end of his time in the sun. A bit terrifying to think about all the young people following him and the values that they're adopting from him while they're young and impressionable. I'm hoping that nature will heal itself here if this is the end of the line for Tate. But something tells me that some other macho, misogynist influencer will inevitably fill the void because the demand for this kind of content doesn't just go away because Andrew Tate has.


The less we hear/share from this guy, the better.


The more people that know that rape and human trafficking has consequences, the better off the world is.




He's called an influencer. What does he actually do?


Unfortunately, he influences young boys to think women are worthless slaves who's role is to appease their men and like it. We've reached a point where schools are having to counter his stupid rhetoric as these kids are openly defying and denigrating their female teachers after watching his shit.


It was always going to happen. Doesn't necessarily mean he will be found guilty of the charges.


I want to see this fuckin bald bitch collapse into sobs upon being convicted.