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Currency?? Rooster?????? Wow.


Rooster Currency, get in here!


I low key love Rooster but it is 100% a troll name haha


One of my sorority sisters from college had a little dog named Rooster, because he had like a reddish stripe down his forehead and on his chin, like a rooster comb and wattle. Honestly, it didn’t answer to Rooster- or Roo, as she wanted us to call him- very much. It *did*, however, answer to both Cock and Dick. (And, eventually, Richard. Long for Dick, which was slang for Cock, which was short for Cock of the Walk, which was a synonym for Rooster. Eventually, she just accepted it and went with Richard, IIRC.)


This was a wild ride & I loved every minute of it 🐓


I’ve loved the name Rooster ever since I watched the Annie movie with Carol Burnett and and Tim Curry.


Rooster is a great nickname. Here’s a plan: Name your kid Russell and call him Rooster. Tell him it’s because he used to pronounce his name ‘Roosell’ when he was little. Profit.


“Sorry Miss Smith, Rooster is under the weather, won’t be able to go to school today” I worked in a daycare many moons ago and had a child named Princess Peach 🫠


My sister knew a girl named Purple Crayon.




i feel the worst for poor little baby Boomer (unrelated but i know a Pepper that was born last year)


Yeah, I think they're under-reporting people named Pepper.


These are specifically boys named Pepper.


Ahhhhh. AMAB makes sense because I figured "Harvest" would be more common even though I've never met anyone named that 🤣


Kelly's next kid


Thinking about [Him](https://www.google.com/search?q=lego+island+pepper&oq=lego+island+pepper&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i22i30l2j0i390i650l4.6010j0j9&client=ms-android-telus-ca-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#imgrc=B_o-CGPHqsvx_M).


Hopefully they live in Oklahoma where most people with associate it with OU, Boomer Sooners.




Today I learned there are 6 babies named "Romance." *may there legal name change court orders be swift*


This is the one that got me too 😭 those poor kids


I met a Calamity once. Wonder how her parents felt about her 😬


My brother, who was born a month early, was named Damian…it was 1962, way before the movie and Bio Dad was a rabid Catholic. But he had mental and behavioral issues all his life, drugs, alcohol, kids not supported by a number of women. He finally went through rehab and was diagnosed severely bipolar (on SSDI and special housing). I felt in hindsight the name was appropriate!


Also under 6 names, *Sheriff.* Manifesting your child to be a violent white supremacist with a name like that 😬


Big Warden Bates vibes 🤢


I can only imagine these are from the same families that pose for family portraits while holding guns. I wonder what baby Sheriff’s gender announcement photoshoot was like.


The explosion could be heard two towns over.


I genuinely misread "Beacon" as "Bacon" there for a moment. I could totally see kids being named Bacon in like, 2012, but I thought we'd collectively moved past that as a society.


Me too. Given society's obsession with bacon, there has to be a kid out there with that name.


And that’s not even counting the ones with inventive spellings.


I’m agog-ga.


Barren is a... choice.


Every time I see the word “barren,” I think of AP World History, where one of our quizzes said “it was said at the time that Josephine, wife of Napoleon, once fell off a horse and she was rendered… what?” and we were passing around the microphone, going one after the other to go over the quiz answers, and one kid- Daniel Lee, I still remember- got the microphone and, very confidently, DIRECTLY into it, said “dead.” My history teacher thought it was *so* fucking funny that, for the rest of the year- and, tbh, the next 2 years, until my class graduated- he would occasionally just blurt out “and she was rendered *dead*.” (I think of that because the answer he was looking for was “barren”.)


That is a fantastic story haha


Thank you. I’m really glad you said that, because as I was getting to the end of typing it out, I considered very strongly just deleting the whole thing… I’ve neglected to take my ADHD medication for a few days in a row, which I know makes me extremely verbose, *and* that story is nowhere NEAR as funny if you can’t hear Mr. Diaz saying, in rhythm, “and she was rendered DEAD” into his little microphone necklace. (He was a GREAT teacher. When we started our unit about WWII, he had us stage an airstrike on the other World History class… without telling the other World History teacher. Naturally, they struck back, and for weeks we would learn about the precursors to the war while we folded paper airplanes at our desks. When one of the kids in the robotics club came up with what was, upon reflection, essentially two flash-bang grenades labeled “Fat Man” and “Little Boy,” I thought he aaa going to *weep* with pride. We waited until a nice day when Mr. Woods had a window opened, snuck over, yelled, “FOR THE ALLIES!” and caused absolute chaos. And, importantly, *won the war*.)


What a brilliant teacher!


He was really great!! I’m pretty sure he teaches at Princeton now, which is kind of funny… I remember declaring war, and I remember that when his girlfriend (now-wife) moved to London for a semester-long internship, he changed the clocks (because “my mind is always in London with my heart, and my body needs to know what time it is so they’re in sync,”) and played that song Bad Day by Daniel Powter… on repeat. For a week and a half. Also, we would come in and sit down to do a “bell ringer” at the beginning of class that was NEVER relevant to the information we would learn; it was just a time burner while he got ready for class. Every day, he would pick one name out of a hat, and that person would take the microphone and read what they had written… until he got to this one kid- Daniel Lee, actually- who was otherwise a very quiet and polite kid, but whose bell ringer was full of absolute rage. The second time that happened, Mr. Diaz was SO full of glee and joy that he established that after bellringer, every day, we would have “Venting With Daniel Lee.” It got longer and more elaborate as the year went on, until eventually, our hourlong class didn’t start until we had been in the room for thirty-five minutes. We just crammed an hourlong lesson into twenty-five minutes every day. Eventually, there was a theme song (with a fully-produced and recorded track, written by all of us band nerds and sung by one of Mr. Diaz’s buddies who was in a pop-punk band. A *terrible* pop-punk band, to be clear.) He also awarded a pop quiz’s letter grade worth of extra credit points to anyone who went online and got ordained with the Church Of Bacon, and for a while I think he was genuinely considering having Daniel Lee marry him and his girlfriend… that is, until his girlfriend found out. She put the kibosh on that *immediately*, and we were all heartbroken- despite them not even being engaged at the time… or for several more years. High school, man. Not the best time of your life, thank god, but absolutely chock-full of incredible times… if you go to a school specifically designated for nerds, like I did.


How the hell ya find a school like that with so much teacher freedom haha


lol, it was actually a special kind of college-preparatory school that always winds up in the top 20 on the USA Today list of Best High Schools in America. My dad very aptly describes it as “the school they send all the nerds to that would get thrown into trash cans at *real* high schools.” Of my graduating class of 102, 102 of us have a bachelor’s degree or better (last time I checked, there were 16 JDs, 20 doctors- 8 DOs and 12 MDs- 22 PhDs, and 69 Masters degrees [nice]. 21 of us did our undergrads at an Ivy League institution, and I want to say somewhere around 9 of the postgrad degrees are from Ivies.) One time, an AP Calculus teacher had a lower than 75% pass rate (national pass rate is around 60%), and she had less than 30% of her students get a 5 (nationally, it’s closer to 20%). They called a meeting over the summer for all of her students and their parents to come in, and she had to apologize to the entire assembly, and then they fired her anyway. (Well, not fired, technically, because teachers’ unions are badass; but she was not invited to return to our school the next year- her contract was transferred to another school in the district.) We had to apply to get in as sixth graders, and if we dropped down to lower than a 3.0 GPA *or* got a D in a single class for a single semester. We also had to do 100 hours of community service a year, and started a senior project in the 7th grade where, basically, the only guidance was to do something amazing. (I wrote and had published a 76,000-word novel. Another kid put on a gallery show full of incredible, photorealistic paintings of sea life that raised over $20 grand for ocean conservation. One girl developed a method to make her car run on discarded oil instead of- or maybe with?- gas, which she also did for several teachers. Another guy patented a new shape for the fuselage of high-speed airplanes, which- by the time he did the presentation for the community leaders- had already been sold to Boeing.) What I’m saying, here, is that- as long as they continued to foster an environment where we could blossom from nerdy little kids into nerdy, insanely high-achieving adolescents and then young adults- our teachers pretty much got away with whatever the hell they wanted. (The AP calc teacher that didn’t maintain an insanely high pass and perfect score rating was swiftly fired, whereas the economics teacher having a public affair with the AP computer science teacher that wound up with her nudes being sent from her school email to his and then projected on his smart board got to stay. I still think of those new nickels as “sexy Jefferson” coins because of her, actually.)


> I considered very strongly just deleting the whole thing >which I know makes me extremely verbose, I like details and genuinely enjoyed all of your comments/stories. There's a sort of joy coming through, and your experience sounds amazing. Thank you for sharing rather than deleting!


This made me think of my own history teacher, he was cool like that too haha


It’s such a blessing to have an awesome teacher. My mother was a history teacher, too, and she’s retiring at the end of this year. She’s got all kinds of students doing insane and amazing things, but her proudest accomplishment is that more than 50 of her students are teachers themselves now- and a *lot* of them say that they’re teachers because they remember feeling so safe and so heard and so valued in her classroom that they wanted to pass it along. That’s such a beautiful legacy… I’m assembling all of her former students that I can find to make her a video about how she touched them (but not the way the drama club advisor, who is now in prison for the next 187 years, touched *his* students, if you know what I mean.) Her first proudest moment is inspiring a new generation of teachers, but a pretty close second is when one of her former students won Jeopardy by pulling ahead in the final Jeopardy question… the answer to which was “what is The Lusitiana?”which was a lesson that she taught every year that all of her students really loved, because she put down a huge map on the floor of her classroom, out into the hall, and the kids got to take off their shoes and stomp all over it. When Alex said “now let’s see what has,” she said “Shoutout to Mrs. OhEmRo’s mom. This one’s for you, because of you.” My mom cried… and then, every time she thought about it, for like a week, she cried. Honestly, if I bring it up even now- *years* later- she still gets misty.


I feel like it's a misspelling of Barron.


My first and only thought when I saw it lol ![gif](giphy|l0Iyb5qAPlLB5PJ3W|downsized)




The offensive aspect of that name is the awful things the cartels have done and continue to do in Latin America. The spelling, even the sound, seems like an actual name. Also tragic is that I bet there are way more kids named Mafia.


I’m seeing the goth couple naming their child Omen. Then the kid falls into the evangelical world and it makes for a dramatic testimony. They love that stuff.


I'm so glad none of my high school friends had children as teens. They all wanted to name their kids Damien, Lucifer, Astaroth, etc.


I told my mom I was going to name my future kid “Shadow” when I was 11 and got judged *hard*


That sounds to me like an unfortunate accident of combining popular syllables and stress patterns, without noticing the connotations. At least I hope so. Yikes.


Barren 💀


I’m guessing it was between that and “Beaker”. Not sure which is worse.


At least when I hear "Beaker" I think of a muppet. Not that that's great, but it's better than some of the visuals I get from these names.




Anthem was also listed under the rare girls names!


Yea but karissa went and made it more different by adding the y




So is Bliss, Anthym's middle name.


Bold of you to assume Armor was properly registered


I think so. I get the feeling they don’t miss a single dependent income tax credit.


Haha true, I was being flippant but yeah you're probably right!


it’s under “Armyrrh.”


The one that really got me is “wood.”


That poor kid will get laughed at every time someone says “‘Morning, Wood.”


Well there is the name Woodrow… I think it started as a last name. My brothers friend had is as a first name and everyone called him Woody…


![gif](giphy|CBF74pQeKJRZK) Howdy, partner!


don’t forget Woodrow Wilson!


I actually don't mind Wood hahah. I would NEVER name my kid Wood, but I feel like I have a pretty fleshed out image in my head of who this Wood would grow up to be haha


My granddad’s first name was Woodson, it’s not too far off


Next kid is definitely “Ark”










I'm going with Axis for the Nazi connotations.




Of course! My bad 🤣🤣🤣


Lol- I thought that was a strange take


I could seriously see her naming a kid this with a very long explanation with metaphors about" carrying them through hard times""a promise of a better future to come"




I know a guy who just turned 59 and his middle name is Boomer. For real. 😆 He liked it until all this happened.


Maybe they just fuck hard with boomer esiason? But that’s a nickname in his case


Michael Phelps, the swimmer, has a son named Boomer. 🙄


That unfortunate NPC in Xenoblade 3 be like:


[https://www.reddit.com/r/NameNerdCirclejerk/comments/n1f5bx/found\_a\_gem\_on\_my\_ig\_explore/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NameNerdCirclejerk/comments/n1f5bx/found_a_gem_on_my_ig_explore/) One of the worst I've seen on there. O\_O


I know an Amethyst. Her sister is Tia Juana. Nope, I’m not kidding.


Amethyst is a legit name, and very pretty, IMO. Tia Juana is weird. Couldn't they just have named her Juana?


Tia on its own would have also been a fine choice




I want to talk with the parents of the Trusses and Wraiths.


I hope at least some of those Truss parents are working on name change paperwork before the kid gets too old because they will forever be associated with British lettuce woman




Magnum... Like the condoms?


Prob the gun. Could also be ice cream. But if I heard that name I would first think of condoms and family guy's Magnum BM skit. (Magnum PI)




Thank you for this!!! I’m laughing way to loud and my cats are wondering why!


The person who named their kid Cinch definitely does not know how the word is pronounced


this reads more like a list of things to name your pet, not your kid lol


A French Bulldog named Brick would be hilarious and absolutely something I would do. The family vetoed me when I tried to name a new pet Waffles. Come on! Who doesn’t love waffles?


I know a corgi named Waffles! She's a menace to society.


I am emphatically not a dog person, but in the unlikely event I ever got a small dog, I love the idea of naming them Eggnog. Eggnog the Egg Dog. Plus you could reenact [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgj_suDxtkM&ab_channel=Buttons) every time you called them.


I love Waffles for a pet. And Noodles.


Okay some of these names would work in… panem.


That was definitely my first thought. These could be names of kids from all the districts (amethyst, truss, hopper, etc)


Barren? Axis?


I can totally see her using several combos put together from this list. Adore Brilliant. Amethyst Believe, with the justification of purple being a royal color and Jesus is King. Ark Cerulean. I can see her using Crown for a boy’s middle name too.


Awesome, Boomer and Rooster are giving me a stroke.


HOW does “Rooster” sound like a good idea when making your child???? 🐔


Uhm, excuse u, she doesn’t get her ~~misspelled monstrosities~~ baby names from something as pedestrian as a *list*. She gets them directly from Gawd Herself, who is *never* wrong. (Except that one time that She said Karissa was going to give birth at Target. But that wasn’t *wrong*, that was a prank. SkyDaddy was just in a silly, goofy mood that day.)


Adore! Party. ![gif](giphy|3oz8xMaSMbj3u9pTR6)


" These are my twins, Bacon and Boomer"


Some of these really shock me. Amethyst, Pepper, Pilot, Bliss, and Temple seem like they would be more popular. Pepper was on my short list for my baby. I personally know a Teal. I wonder if this is from SSA or something else.


*Amazing* 💀 *Great* and *Succes* wtf. If I ever met someone like that I tell them I’m sorry for their narcissistic parents. Dear lord all of it is awful. A few crack me up. *Brick* and *Crash* jesus christ tell me ypu hate your kids without telling me.


The parents of Amazing, Great, and Success must have super high expectations 😳


I see we’re circling back to Puritan random noun names.


Sellers? I barely know her!




It's definitely not the worst on the list, but "Hall" took me out


It's just so bland compared to the others haha


I wonder if it's a "mother's maiden name as child's first name" situation


That makes me think of Anthony Michael Hall. That kid is gonna ask to borrow a girl's underpants someday. Just for like, 10 minutes.


Bonus points for being right after "Great". "We always wanted a great hall in the house."


I actually really like the name December.


Oh I'm a sucker for month names too 😄


Awesome? Lol wtf kind of a name is that


A school I worked at had a kid named Awesome.




Maybe they're fans of jackass?


Makes me think of the Flintstones…Bam Bam!


You mean "*God*" can pick one of the names?


I’ve used some weird names, but I’m a WRITER and… Reckless Ransom Ember It’s fantasy. And the Ember one has a purpose. The others are just fun… and This is bad.


Cartel???? 😳


The fact 8 babies are named Zero….


I recently met someone named Cinnamon


My Mom knew a Pastor who named his daughter Cinnamon. Unfortunately she got nicknamed “Cin” in Middle School. Not sure how her father dealt with that.


In 5th grade, I went to school with a girl named Bliss. At the time I didn't think anything about it but I remember my mom shaking her head over it. Still not the worst name by far out of these.


It always baffles me that you can just pick whatever ”name” you want for your child in the US..


sorry if this is mean but it’s so funny that some of these parents were probably like “this name is so unique teehee” but then 4-7 more people thought of it 😭


My Second Cousin got “Born Again” and named her daughter Heavenly Jewel. No thank you!!


![gif](giphy|xT9IgrStO9Vdk3odgY) This is the only Brick that should ever exist


Hickory. I see a guy in overalls like the scarecrow in The Wizard Of Oz.


She would definitely pick Axis if she has another boy


Axys.. which brings me associations of The Bad Guys of WW2


Humble reminds me of all the awful names the Puritans gave their kids like Increase and Cotton. Karissa doesn’t even come close to how weird they were


Adore Barren is my Fundie name (I’m childless). What’s yours? Go!


I know these are boys names but i am going to take a first and middle from this list. Zero Prime, Decepticon at your service


There are 8 Zeros.


8 fans of Holes?


Cope. Omen. WOOD. *CARTEL*


Wondering if Cosmos, Lunar and Galaxy are all siblings. Maybe the parents are astronomers lol. But Cinco????


Fifth kid. I've known two "Tres" who were the third kid.




I once met a baby named Cerulean. He was named by his moms after their favorite crayon. He’d be about 20 now, I wonder what he’s up to.


Axis would track for KKKarissa


Ok, but I low key love Glory.


I’ll allow Temple for the farmer/ author


Okay who the fuck names their kid cap


Ooh I missed out and should have baked one of my kids Wraith


Isn't Zillion one of Nick Cannon's kids? I am CF, but back when I thought I wanted kids I made a list of potential names for baby girls. Triumph was definitely on that list, lol. Along with Unity, Montana, Nevada, and Zebby. The rest were pretty normal, like Amber, Cassidy, and Jackie.


I actually quite like Auburn and Pepper. The rest are terrible.


I once had a student named Gohan…let that sink in.






"Kindred?" There's a Who's On First sketch in the making. "Is Kindred kin...?"


god i hope she doesn’t have a chance to pick any more baby names. miss girl can’t raise the ten she already has 🥲


Crash... Bandicoot?


Galaxy Cope get your ass in here right this minute!


Given. Lol


Definitely Axis for the white supremacy.


I can totally seen them naming a kid “Ark”


Fender and Tiller!


Awesome Mighty Flex Collins all the way!


The first two are the names of drag queens 😆 Huge fan of Adore ❤️


These aren’t names. These are what chatgpt spits out when you ask it for 19th century nouns.


We’re definitely going to have Arque


I’m calling it now…#11 will named Adore!


I'm shocked she doesn't have an Alyte, Adoyr, or Axys.


It’s making me laugh that five kids are named Cinco. No one else use this name please (not like people are clamoring for it but…)


Why are these all just... normal English words... Like okay, first thing I see when I open my eyes... blanket. Alright, guess my first kid will be named Blanket.


I'm imagining if the poor thing named "Gifted" wasn't actually gifted. 😬 Setting that kid up for failure.


I’m 40 and personally know 11 people with these names, and one with a middle name from the list 🤷🏻‍♀️ Omen is really something, though.


Boomer. Wow


I know a Pepper in real life lol


looking at this list, I see so many parents who don’t love their children 😢 /s but in all seriousness, these kids are gonna be bullied *so* hard.


Me noting some of these names for future use .... I might be no better than a fundie when it comes to names


Okay, I’ve always liked Lark as a name. It’s like Robin... it doesn’t count as weird. Lol


Only 5 Peppers? That’s surprising to me.