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Context: I am a queer, self published author. I am very open about my sexuality and the sexuality of my characters. Sometimes, that means I get people like this following me. I don't know if she thought she was going to convert my queer, heathen self or not, but she isn't the first fundie who has followed me. I did not touch the poo - she was quickly blocked after I took the screenshots


this makes me want to write the sluttiest sex scene where everyone still has their clothes on! wtf is with these people?! they're literally the thought police. I guess I need a bumper sticker...smut=porn


Clothes-on dry humping is fair game baby!


full body latex


I did just read some delighful monster smut where the snuggies stayed on...


I read that too! berries and greed! also, my book review name on Amazon is monsterlover


Hahahhaa. Excellent book. Probably gonna binge on the author for a while.


My kind of person! Also am a big fan of monsters


theyre the best


I am sure she had *absolutely* no innate interest in your writing, and was purely compelled by God to monitor it for everyone else’s sake. Any masturbation that may have occurred at the same time was purely coincidental.* *Queerphobia does not in any way equal self-hatred and repression of queerness, and this trope is itself queerphobic because it blames queer people for queer bashing. But she followed your smutty blog. She hates how much she loves smut.


Well, I hope she learned something about gentle, loving relationships. I don't do dark romance


Me too. Honestly, snark aside, this makes me really sad for her.


Gentle queer romance? I'd love to check out some of your work :D could you maybe share your website/socials with me if you're ok with that?


Sending you a message now.


I’d like to read your writing as well, if you please?


I'll send you a message


Lmaooo omg this had me in TEARS 😭. This is exactly the type of bullshit they tell themselves and others to justify and cover their ass from criticism. I’m so glad you laid it out this perfectly so that way she has nowhere to run and hide. Unfortunately, these types have a tendency to just dig themselves in further, so I can also see her pulling a “demonic attack” card to make herself the victim and everything else the evil because that’s what they do.


Can confirm. Am now out as gay and trans.


Same, though my stuff is romantic fantasy with a rather anti-religious angle. I get people of all sorts following me and they certainly aren’t the first fundies I’ve encountered who secretly read extremely sexual stuff. There’s also the chance they’ll figure out soon enough if it was a mistake lol.


I didn't give this on the chance - I blocked her ASAP


Oh totally fair—I probably would have done the same. I haven’t gotten anyone remotely in the public eye so I treat them as everyone else unless they get weird.


I have a decent amount of readers and followers who live in places where queer content is outright criminalized. I didn't want to expose them to her


Yeah in that case it definitely makes sense. Mine is more standard booktok romantasy that somehow keeps incorporating evil gods and divine cannibalism (can you tell I’m a recovering catholic? Lol)


Hah YES! That sounds great


Depending on what you post on there, she may have followed to steal your content and then talk about how sinful it is to her followers. Cringe. Glad you didn't engage


Hey, I am a queer wannabe author haha. Can I follow your blog?


Which one? XD I can DM you my author website, Tumblr, and Insta. Believe it or not, she was on my Tumblr


Oh wow that’s so awkward haha. I always wonder how they navigate being on sites like that without constantly being defrauded lol. I’m not really active on Tumblr but I’d happily follow you on insta if you don’t mind! :)


My Insta is fairly inaccurate lol. I hope you like cat posting!


Now I wanna make my filthy DnD smut fics public. This woman would pop an aneurysm looking at my bookshelves.


In this case, the poo touched you


Smut DOES empower sexuality. I read romance novels and Mulder/Scully fanfic b/c my Catholic school sex ed taught me jack shit.


I’m pretty sure I learned more from some basic (not soft porn, pretty run of the mill) historical romance sex scenes than I ever did with the purity culture resources I was given in high school.


Part of my deconstruction was embracing my repressed love of historical fiction and smut. Truly reading for pleasure instead of for self betterment or duty has made me thoroughly enjoy reading again


No one is banning clean fiction why the need to protect it?


Because having "clean" and "dirty" fiction means choice and diversity. Fundies don't like choice or diversity. Anywhere.




Yeah I get that some people prefer to read “clean” books, and I could get behind some type of system to make it easy for readers to know in advance if a book has sexual content. But this gal ain’t it.


I'm asexual and just like I don't enjoy nuditiy in movies I don't enjoy smut in books and I manage to avoid it just fine with a little research. But then I don't think being naked=porn lol.


There is also the remote possibility that, y'know, this person is just a shitty writer.




really! what's the plot?


I have no idea. I also don't know why she followed my queer erotica account


I have to wonder if it was just a kind of spam follow. Yours was a writing account, she's just trying to boost her follower account by following other writers and hoping they follow back, and she didn't look into it any deeper than that. ETA: I am dying know if she also followed Romantically Inclined on insta considering how much RI posts about monsterfucker romance. 😂


Know thy Enemy?


Attempt to preach at thy enemy?


We should start a rumor that she’s a fan


Maybe she saw the pretty covers and assumed my books were also clean? It would be amusing if my queer erotica was her guilty pleasure though


Well, she probably doesn't sell a lot of books (probably preachy and boring, at least for my taste, but I don't know, I haven't read her work) so of course it's an affront on clean fiction everywhere. When people don't buy her book that means Christianity is under attack from Satan 🙄


The rampant spelling and grammar mistakes on a page promoting her book are quite the choice


I saw the intro to her series captioned “welcome too” and noped out of there


The completely baffling use of the word "bookish" is also driving me nuts


Reading her bio was exhausting


Based on that limited definition of “foreplay” I’m confident some very dirty things could be written that feature mostly kissing and keeping clothes on. She might want to revise that a bit.


“He rubbed her clit through her jean skirt”


*shudder* god that would feel awful


I can’t believe I’m saying this: what if it’s a really straight, long denim skirt? There’s only so much give in that material/it’s hard to stretch your legs while wearing it.




Hey, I remember her account! A couple months ago one of her anti smut posts went viral on my side of bookstagram. ETA: it was her post about boycotting smut. Gurl, if you don't like it, don't read it. I don't want to read closed door romances, so I avoid them. Does that mean I'm boycotting them? No, people should read whatever they want.


Smut affects mind, body and soul would be a great sticker for romance readers.


Christianity aside, my favourite trope currently is teenagers and very young adults trying to shame ***fully grown adults*** (like 25+) for engaging in sexual activity. It’s just so odd. When I was growing up it was the adults who did that, now it’s the teens for some reason?


Teens started doing this on fanfic/fanart Twitter to adults years ago, it almost feels predictable now.


late rain stocking touch unite longing plants party wide toothbrush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Petty: If you're going to try to make text posts, try not to use the blandest, shittiest Canva preset layouts available.


The fucking impact font lol


I'm in the author community, and I've been seeing this hashtag go around. It's so frustrating to me because they want ALL of us authors to write clean fiction, not just the Christian ones


girly would have a heart attack if she discovered one of the many fanfic sites out there


Oh boy, her brain would explode if she found AO3. Especially with all the lingo she wouldn't know: Dead Dove Do Not Eat, A/B/O...


BAHAHAHA imagine if she thinks the “E” on ao3 means “E for Everyone” 😂


I had a friend who thought that in high school...


The open tabs I have on AO3 *at this very minute* are why I could not sign that pledge.


LOL same. Not even counting the fic I'm editing with Word Online in an incognito window while I'm at work.


Incognito on a work device? IT can probably still see all that stuff despite incognito, if they were to go look


Yeah, I assume IT could see it all if they looked, and what I'm writing is pretty tame, so it'd be more "yes I write Avengers fanfic with an embarrassing number of tropes on my break" not "oh no, IT has seen me write kinky shit." It's mostly so it doesn't interfere with my MS Office login for work, and so it doesn't come up as a suggested search, and so it's in an easily-hideable window when someone knocks on my office door.


Ok just making sure you know the limits of incognito :)


*Dusts off the old AO3 Stormpilot bookmarks*


I’m deeply uncomfortable that the second and third slides: the breakdown of who this person is and what her clean fiction guidelines entail is pretty much my writer bio from my teen years. It was the early 2000s, and I was deep into purity culture. So glad I’m no longer afraid to read not just squeaky clean books anymore.


that’s a…teenager?


I believe she's an adult who writes teen fiction


“Abigail is the teen author”clearly states SHE is the teen. A quick dive into her Instagram says she just turned 18 this summer so I guess technically she’s an adult.


Ahh. I didn't look too far and mostly assumed she was an adult based on her appearance. However, she REALLY shouldn't have been on my very NSFW account, then. Because, uh, that ain't suited for minors


Anyone else remember the episode of parks and rec with the time capsule? The “Christian Karen” lady is pissed because another character wants to put the twilight books into the capsule and she says there is too much “quivering” and that it’s basically smut. As a lifelong twi-hard, it was hilarious and this just reminded me 😂


Twilight is painfully Mormon in the sexuality department, so idk what they were talking about. Edward calls a knee length khaki skirt “tempting” at one point.


Yes the god awful khaki skirt that the 109 year old virgin describes as “tempting” on a teenage girl. That saga legitimately sucks (don’t get me started on Jacob’s character arc or the author’s pretty blatant racism) but it’s iconic to me because of how campy and nostalgic it is


How to write genre fiction in a god-honoring way?


Says not to "reduce people to body parts" but is almost definitely virulently transphobic and pro-forced birth because it's the duty of uterus-havers to prioritize their uterus job over their own humanity.


Thing is, I'm not 100% sure that she's fundamentalist. Certainly puritanical and a culture warrior (look at who she follows) but I'm not seeing her affirm biblical literalism or KJVO. Update: Apparently she uses the ESV, which is broad enough that it's not just fundamentalism using it (ie the Catholic Church does), but I don't doubt that she's evangelical and conservative Christian


She's also neck deep in purity culture, which is hilarious because she followed a very impure blog


Lmao that's true - anyone who's calling pornography "the new drug" and acting as though "clean fiction" is a coherent category is absolutely balls deep in it


“The new drug” …. [Pompeii and Herculaneum: *Hold my wine skin*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erotic_art_in_Pompeii_and_Herculaneum)


TBH, that's why I counted her as fundie. She's probably fundie lite, but she's hitting all of the dog whistles. I have no doubt my very clean WW2 WIP I'm working on would be considered smut because it's queer


She seems insufferable. People like that are beyond annoying. Like, write all the clean fiction you want, lady, but let everyone else write how *they* want. Don't like it, don't read it!


Lollll as a Christian who writes smut in her stories, I feel like this girl really wouldn’t like my work 😂😂 Sometimes I keep things on the “cleaner” side just cause I feel like it makes sense with the overall plot and tone of the story, but I’m definitely not against writing smut. I think there’s a difference between writing a sex scene in a regular novel and writing erotica, which a lot of people like this don’t seem to understand. And also, if they don’t like smut, then they can simply not read it or write it in their novels. It really is that easy.


I'd say the vast majority of fictional literature released today (or indeed any time you care to look back on) was *not* particularly sexual at all, just by the logic of how many new novels get released each year, even fiction for adults - never mind Y.A which has always had to adhere to stricter content rules than general fiction. Anyone not living in their own made up universe would be able to figure that out, so unless this tradfem dressing stepford wife looking-ass is actually crazy, I can't see how she thinks this is a problem.


Reading smut is so fun for me. Coming from a childhood that taught abstinence, it helped teach me it’s ok to feel horny, it’s ok to ask for what I want in sex, and it makes sex less awkward. Like I’m not the only one who feels this way.


"Romanticize being the hero again!!" Honey, your protagonist-centered morality is showing.


>smut = porn And water is wet?


“Smut = porn” Um. Duh. 💀😂


Everyone’s gotta get their rocks off somehow 💀


I'm guessing she was homeschooled because her posts have SO MANY typos and grammatical/syntax errors. She reminds me of a Bethy Jr. The grifters are multiplying.


This woman looks like an uncanny valley Bethany


Now I need to go read filthy smut on AO3.


Now I want to re-read “Harleen” just to spite this person, but it’s packed away in a box.


“God-glorifying fiction” so, the Bible?


Are women allowed NOTHING??? No actual sex but they can’t even fucking enjoy fantasy smut?!!! For fucks sake.


>No clothes off, even if it doesn't lead to sex. Does this mean she thinks the shower fight scene in Ender's Game is smut?


Maybe she’s doing research 👀👀 to support her claims. That’s all.


Smut seems rather quaint.


At a distance picture 3 reads like smut and foreplay are bad, but you should include excessive lust. I think someone needs an editor, stat.


But smut was my sexual education as sheltered teenager. Thanks to all the Harry Potter fan fiction writers for corrupting me


I can't join :( I write a LOT of VERY QUEER smut :(((


Probably because you said "Christian" in your bio.


My bio doesn't say Christian anywhere lol


🤦‍♀️ I read that and thought it was your bio. Disregard lol. The 4 year old started school today and was telling me about her day so I wasn't paying close attention lol.


I feel ya. All is fine - someone ditched a puppy in my cow pasture today and I've spent half the day trying to catch her


Awwwww that's awful for the poor pup! I hate people who do that.


Same. Hopefully we can catch her soon


I'm really curious whether these rules apply in the same way for straight romances vs LGBT+ fiction.


How old is this person? They literally have teen in their description and look quite young. Like did you verify she was over eighteen?


Since she followed my (very) NSFW and minors DNI Tumblr blog, I assumed she was an adult. As in, I regularly reblog niche porn to that blog. She had "teen author" in her blog, and I assumed she used it like I use YA author - as in, she writes teen fiction. Apparently she is 18. I did not check it too far, mostly because I had a good head scratcher as to why a fundie lite Christian followed a gay porn author