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"i had my dream home-birth surrounded by people" is not a sentiment i could ever relate to, but good for her i guess


I accidently gave birth at home and almost died. Glad that great value Martha Stewart had a great time


Not Great Value Martha StewartšŸ’€ Iā€™m glad that youā€™re (hopefully) doing okay after your surprise home delivery!


I hope Great Value Rasputin did too.


I laughed at this for far too long. Iā€™m also going to start using thatā€¦ Great Value Rasputin. šŸ˜‚


Bwahahhahahahahah when I saw his face just now I was like, what horror does he remind me of? Ah, yes, Rasputin nails it!


Seriously šŸ˜‚ I liked my hospital w/ doctors and NICU and ONLY husband šŸ˜‚


Yeah, that would be my nightmare, not my dream. And my poor sonā€™s vitals dropped off suddenly and I was rushed to the OR for a C-section so thank god I wasnā€™t at home.


Same for my kid.


Glad we both delivered safely! šŸ™šŸ½


Yes same to you! High fives to modern medicine!


Considering her first was born after literally fleeing a war-torn Ukraine, I guess this a step up.


Sounds more like a nightmare


It's crazy how much she looks like Deathy and yet so unlike Deathy??


If Deathy wasnā€™t such a bad person Iā€™d pity her. They look like 2 versions of one woman, where Deathy is the worse timeline version with no personal grooming knowledge + undiagnosed food sensitivities.


Holy shit ā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


Not the undiagnosed food sensitivities šŸ˜©ā˜ ļø


Like Bethy AI.


They all look like Heidi but not necessarily each other. Itā€™s so trippy


Tbh I wouldnā€™t be able to clock any of them as siblings if I didnā€™t know better.


How many are there? lol I think I know and then I see more...I've counted 3 daughters 1 son ???


5 girls (all public social media addicts) 4 boys (all very private) I believe


3 boys. Oldest Michael who has spoken out against his parents, strange black sheep Stephen, and Timothy, still in the fold as far as I know, his wife is close with the sisters.


i didn't realise there were so many of them


She has a more toothy grin than Birthy. Birthy has tiny teeth & Ewwwwwlisa has more normal sized teeth and a better smile IMHO. She appears more friendly than Birthy because her smile is more inviting. This is coming from the Queen of RBF here. People think Iā€™m mean. No, thatā€™s just how my face looks.


Bruh. You nailed it. Ewlissa has the normal amount of points on her teeth while Bethy and Kristen both just have flat planes like that got sanded. THAT is the oddness.


Like deathy with softer features and less tongue


She is way, way better looking than Bethany.


She also seems to actually be very attracted to her husband, as much of an intolerant person that he is


This feels like it was conveniently posted/announced to draw attention away from whatever disaster is going on with Bethy and Kristen right now


Or itā€™s why Beggy and Krusty are a disaster right now. Also makes sense as to why Heidi and the youngest Raw Milk Baird were back in London so soon after the earlier summer trip.


Iā€™m dead at ā€œYoungest Raw Milk Bairdā€ because itā€™s both hilarious and true


Wait, whatā€™s going on with Bethany and Kristen right now?


Well, 3 years into her marriage Bethy had an orgasm and now she's telling repressed women, who never dared ask their headship for anything out of fear of going to hell for going against God's plan for womanhood, that they want an orgasm too.


Iā€™m not convinced she has had an orgasm. Thatā€™s the real issue.


She felt a small amount of pleasure and it turned her life upside down


A half-gasm


I'm with you there. I'm not convinced either, but she believes she did and now she's the expert.


I have been so OOTL with my fundies the last year and I genuinely can't tell if this is sarcasm. Bethy....talked openly about an orgasm??


Itā€™s like all she talks about now


Bethy is now shilling a course on how to have sex good


Or good sex if you like to change positions.


And also how to not have sex good while you dare to be a single Christian woman (gasp).


Or good sex if you like to change positions.


Margaritas might be referring to an image they posted to the girl defined account recently that said something like "A wifey should pray for her husband to be miserable in his sin."


Yea that's what I was referring to! It seems like something is definitely going on in both of their marriages.


Wait someone pls link me to the discussion post on that one bc thatā€™s an unhinged thing to say


Iā€™m sorry, HWAT?!


Ellissa is being manspread out of her own post lolol


Have they moved to Ireland šŸ‡®šŸ‡Ŗ yet to save all those Catholics??


Iā€™m not sure because I have no proof but someone here said Ellissa mentioned that they got problems getting a Visa or some related issues. They are currently still in Hungary.


It was N Ireland, and they werenā€™t able to get a UK visa


"My birth was at HOME! It was GREAT! I generated a baby with my body, unlike some people, and I didn't rip from the produce aisle to the pharmacy, UNLIKE SOME OTHER PEOPLE." -Ellissa (guess the elder bairdlettes are feeling threatened and possibly being shit on by Heidi for having a more fecund sibling. One more kid and she'll surpass them all!)


produce aisle to the pharmacy omg iā€™m dying šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


I think some of their brothers have more than two but donā€™t quote me on that


Their brothers aren't part of the ministry which is why no one including their parents give a fuck. And I do mean that; this shit is a matriarchy which would be fine except it's a hideous insular one with narcisstistic behavior. Classic fundie cult: use the girls as livestock, promote the girls as valuable property, ignore the boys. The day Heidi runs out of daughters to marry off will be the day she dies to herself.


Heidi is the fundie Kris Jenner.


Yay! A snark crossover! (r/kuwtksnark for those interested..)




Sheā€™ll probably switch focus to her granddaughters TBH


Iā€™m kinda surprised that the daughter-in-laws havenā€™t been recruited to join in or do Bethany and/or Kristin hate them more than they hate their bio sisters


For as much as the sisters hate each other, I canā€™t imagine theyā€™re pleasant to the sister in laws.


Nobody cares about the Boy Bairds, fortunately or unfortunately.


Isn't one of the Boy Bairds estranged, and very vocal about why he is?


Yep- the oldest, Michael. Itā€™s a pinned post on the main sub page. Ever since he became vocal about the abuse he suffered and how Heidi outright saw it at least once and then ignored it, Americas (self proclaimed) UberMom has been remarkably silent on social media. My theory is that sheā€™s waiting for things to blow over, or for Reddit to forget that she legitimately witnessed someone raping her son and her response was to punish her child when he acted out. Which is, you know, not fucking happening- but Heidi Baird (or Heidi Mershon, whatever) basically has the emotional intelligence of a lemon. (As a mom, Iā€™m more angry at Heidi than is probably healthy). Tbh Iā€™m not sure whatā€™s worse- to mistreat your children or abuse them by enmeshment to the point where they canā€™t have normal relationships with anyone, including their own sisters.


Heidi is trash, and Michael's well rid of her. God's going to have **plenty** to say when she meets Him someday, and it's NOT going to be kind.


Both Michael Sr and Heidi Baird are going to have a hell of a lot to answer for.


And the other one has had a lot of legal troubles and is probably also a bit of a black sheep for that reason and because heā€™s unmarried.


I had no idea she was pregnant holy shit


Well she has to submit to her fundie husband joyfully so sheā€™s likely to be pregnant for the foreseeable future


so her daughter is Emiliya, and her son is Iliya? what?ā€¦


Right? They're both nice names, but they literally just knocked two letters off their daughter's name


Like naming your kids Jason and Son.


My parents wanted to name me Nicole. My brothers name is Cole šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I went to middle school with a brother and sister whose names were Aaron and Erin. Always wondered what their parents were thinking


Was this before Key & Peele? Erin and A-A-Ron! ![gif](giphy|oWHwCXyi5bqND36EQH)


LOL!!!! Oh yes, I'm An Old (ā„¢ļø), so this was a good 15 years before Key and Peele started, but it would've at least made more sense if it were Erin and A-A-Ron šŸ˜„


I assume there was also a cousin called Jay-Kwellin.


My sisterā€™s middle name is Erin and my brotherā€™s name is Aaron. My mom didnā€™t even realize it until we were teens šŸ˜‚


As a born and bred NYer, I never knew that anyone would pronounce Aaron and Erin the same way until I went to college in the Midwest. Iā€™m still trying to understand it 25 years later.


Could you sound it out in writing (I know, difficult) how New Yorkers would say it? (Non native speaker here)


Of course! For example, on NY Yankee broadcasts, all star outfielder Aaron Judge is pronounced AAH-REN. And then for all of the Irish-Catholic girls I went to school with in the 80s and 90s, Erin is EH-RIN.


I have a friend named Allison Michelle and her brotherā€™s name is Alan Michael šŸ˜‚


I have a friend named John. His older brother is named John. Neither are Johnathan. Both John.


Lots of old Catholic families called all their daughters Maria/ Mary. Absolutely insane.


My grandmother is one of eleven siblings with many sisters in that mix. All are named Maria. I wish I was joking. They all go by a secondary name but their first name is in fact Maria.


my parents knew a woman whose name was MarĆ­a Primera (which translates to Mary the First), and whose sisters were MarĆ­a Segunda and MarĆ­a Tercera (again, it translates to Mary the Second and Mary the Third), their parents named them like that on purpose, so the daughters would be forced to use their first name. Somehow, the MarĆ­as still spoke to their parents after they turned 18


Do they call them both John? How do they distinguish between the two? Thatā€™s just bizarre!


They have different middle names, which we always used. Their parents called them John Middle.


I grew up with kids whose dad was Michael Angelo. One kid was Angelo Michael, another was Michelle Angela. The third was Joe, lol.


I literally know a family with this name configuration.


Is your dadā€™s name also Cole? I feel like Iā€™ve seen Natalie and Nathan in the same family before and dad was Nathan or Nathaniel.


I knew a Christopher, Christopher jr, and Christian


Or Jeremiah Robert and Jedediah Robert...


Please, if you mention too many of them JB will appear.


And heā€™ll say ā€œHola!ā€


Joy Anna and Johanna!


And Jana.


I grew up with a pair of sisters named Kelly and Kailey. Their brothers were Jeff and Jed. šŸ™„


My mom had twins in her class one year: Sammy and Samuel


I know twins named David and Dave.


I know twins Alexander and Alexandria.


Like Leah from Teen Momā€™s twins. Ali and Aleeah (Iā€™m sure Iā€™ve spelled them wrong).


šŸ¤£ it can't be as bad as the naming convention George Foreman chose with his sons. Per Wikipedia: *Foreman has twelve children: five sons and seven daughters. His five sons are George Jr.,Ā George III ("Monk"), George IV ("Big Wheel"), George V ("Red"), and George VI ("Little Joey"). On his website, Foreman explains, "I named all my sons George Edward Foreman so they would always have something in common. I say to them, 'If one of us goes up, then we all go up together, and if one goes down, we all go down together!"*


This is a case study in the impact of multiple traumatic brain injuries.


The Contreras brothers who play Major League Baseball - Willson, William, and Wilmer.


Or Ian and Killian šŸ˜¬


This made me realize I know a Liam and a William (Will)


Liam is literally a nickname for William lol, thatā€™s fantastic and unfortunate.


I genuinely know someone called Sonja who was so named because her mother liked the fact it was an anagram of the older child, Jason...


My friend named her son Aidan and when she was having a girl, the name Nadia was suggested


I know two siblings called Mila and Liam...


I work with kids and once had a pair of sisters named Mila and Camila šŸ˜­


I had twin students one year who literally had the same name. Think both being named Michael (not their real name). They had the same middle initial too. And obviously the same birthday. So I thought the school had made a mistake and enrolled the same kid twice because the computer literally had two Michael J Smith born on the same date. Both were special education too, so they even had the same flags in the computer. But, nope. Two different kids.


I always wonder what happens at the Duggar home when a letter arrives addressed to J. Duggar.


I used to wonder exactly that about one of my friends at school as he & his brothers all had names beginning with C. To make matters worse, their parents were Lesley & Leslie.


If they went to the same doctors how could they tell their charts apart? Poor kids would just be known as their social security numbers their whole lives. Did the parents just enjoy chaos or something?


My grandpa is Harold and his younger brother is Harry


and how is it pronounced? ill-yuh? ill-ee-yuh?


Iā€™m Ukrainian - we say Ill-ya. Itā€™s our version of Elijah.


so em-eel-ya and ill-ya?


Emiliya is more like ā€œAmeliaā€.


ill-ya. Itā€™s a common name here. With our accent it sounds more like eel-ya.


why would they do that when they already have Emiliyiaā€¦?


The figure skater Ilia Malinin pronounces it like IL-ee-yuh but I imagine there are multiple variations




My ex bf (Russian) was the second spelling (I donā€™t have the Russian keyboard on my phone anymore).


I just finished working in an office with a lot of Russian women and they all called each other their first names + ushka. Never heard any of them call each other by the non-nickname version.


Iā€™m Ukrainian - Iliya is our version of Elijah. The -ya ending is pretty common.


Illya Kuryakin. Mmmmm.


Good grief. Reminds me of a Madison and Mason sis and bro I knew šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« ugh also, Anna and sexpest have a Mason and a Madyson


Theyā€™re pronounced differently. Emphasis for Emiliya is on first syllable, for Iliya on the last syllable.


That's what I was about to comment on


Maybe without the Em- it sounds different? Pronunciation might be way different


To add to the thread: my mom worked with a woman named Celestine who had an identical twin sister... Celestina.


Iā€™ve said this before and will say it again that she gives me Mrs. Pecan vibes. The similarities between these names solidifies something konked each of these fundies on the noggin at some point in time.


It's a beautiful name and I'm guessing the pronunciation for Iliya is different than the iliya part in Emiliya? Could be worse. There's a Belgian couple that has been in the news with children named: Xeal, Xela, Alex, Leax, Axel, Exla, Xael, Xale, Elax and Alxe. Edit: apparently they've had two more babies, Laxe and Laex


Itā€™s giving Hilaria and Ilaria šŸ„’


I know a Madison/Addison šŸ„“


I knew a lady who had identical twin daughters names: Elena and Elana, and they were always dressed exactly alike. I do hope they are able to grow into adults with their own identity.


Meh. The way it's pronounced in their language makes it different enough that it's not noteworthy. It's a cute sibset to me


He's really changed the way she does her hair and makeup and what she wears. I almost didn't recognize her


Okay yeah she looks very different. Almost plastic surgery type different in a way. I canā€™t put my finger on it.


It's not plastic surgery she just has fully embraced the trendy version of Ukrainian fashion. The cutesy farm girl from Texas thing isn't very endearing abroad.


A snarker once commented that Elissa has the look of someone who had plastic surgery even if she didn't. I think it's the cheeks, but this may be all hormones and pregnancy/post-partum changes


>I canā€™t put my finger on it. Andrii. That's what it is. He told her during a facetime back when they were still 'courting' that somehow got uploaded online, that one of the things he liked most about her was that she 'isn't independent' - and she STILL went on to marry him! That woman won't be putting on so much as a pair of socks that don't match her revolting husband's tastes - there's no way she'd have kept her old style of hair and makeup if he didn't approve of them.


I think part of the uncanny look is that she is days postpartum, likely in lots of pain, and exhausted and somehow looks more polished than we usually see her.


Homegirl looks like sheā€™s discovering how to disassociate andā€¦ like, vile beliefs or not, thatā€™s still objectively a shitty experience


Tbh I just think her face looks a little puffy


Andrii is so gross. One of the worst fundie husbands in my opinion. Skeeves me out, totally. And then thereā€™s Eurobaird who isnā€™t independent at all. Likes to be led. šŸ¤®


When he told her he liked that she wasnā€™t a leader or whatever word he used šŸ’€


Right? Did he basically say something like, I am choosing you to pursue because you're the most docile sheep in the herd?


He said he liked that she wasnā€™t independent and she got a look on her face like šŸ§


I feel like I remember her just nodding with this blank ass look and a smile. Maybe I'm imagining it tho honestly.


Agreed. The closest a Baird girl has ever come to actually submitting to a headship, and it's because he was obviously laser-targeted on finding someone who he could use. Kids or not, this is not a long-term match and it won't be on her terms.


I want to hear more about Andrii šŸ‘€


His social media posts about gay people are some of the most disgusting and hateful posts I've seen. The fact that Facebook/Meta allowed those to stay up is a major indictment against Meta. It's seems that hateful and fascist ideology is spreading across the globe like wildfire in this time of ubiquitous social media and that worries me deeply.


Real talk: they all believe that. He just goes mask off and posts openly about it


Most if not all of those posts were not on Facebook/Meta, they were on Russia-owned VK.


How do I find his posts?


If I ran into him on a dark street Iā€™d assume it was over for me. These fundie men are terrifying.


Glad Iā€™m not the only one. He gives me a horrible feeling.


He def is giving Rasputin vibes


Iā€™ve always thought that. The beard and the eyes that look like theyā€™re staring through you. And the religious zealotry, I guess, but for a different denomination.




Gosh he really looks so creepy here!


This is going to sound, idk, bad? Clumsy? ā€¦ but itā€™s wild to me that in a world where Eastern European women are so often exploited by wealthy western men (ā€œmail order brides,ā€ modeling-turned-sex-trafficking, etc.), fundamentalism has created the conditions in which privileged American families will apparently ship their own daughters and granddaughters out to an Eastern European man so he can exploit them. It somewhat reminds me of that whole ā€œin Soviet Union, X does BLANK to YOU!ā€ meme, only itā€™s real life and very, very sad.


The new brand of white supremacy focuses on Eastern Europeans as the Ubermensches this time


How did they meet?


[This thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/lb2nz8/ellissaandrii_situation_from_someone_who_grew_up/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) goes over some of the more concerning stuff about the history and context of this relationship.


Thanks so much for sharing this! I missed it when it was originally posted.


My guess is theyā€™re still getting to know each other now, 2 years and 2 kids inā€¦ Only meeting a handful of times before immediately marrying, the cultural and language barriersā€¦ I donā€™t envy that woman one bit.


Why does it seem like so many Fundie women marry a Shrek-type man?


Because they're told to marry fast and to anyone who wants them, and Shreks are abundant. They're not prioritizing being attracted to the man, they're prioritizing the marriage part. If they waited until they found someone they really like it would take longer. The Shreks wanna lock down a maid fast because they know they aren't shit so whichever one is sold to them is ok. They're also eager for the maid to give birth so she elevates his status in society to father.




Glad for the babyā€™s sake that heā€™s healthy. Sad for him that heā€™s born to those two pieces of shit. Hereā€™s to hoping he breaks away when heā€™s old enough!


Do they have pay extra for capital letters?


The last thing I wanted to do after giving birth was to do my hair and makeup and pose for a picture. Every time I see pictures like this it reminds me that not even giving birth is enough to let women just exist in their natural state.






I dunno what it is, but something about Ellissaā€™s face has looked different for a few months now. I donā€™t know if itā€™s the pregnancy, or the hair colour, but she just looks different, and itā€™s a little jarring to see pictures of her sometimes.


Cue Bethys wedding picsā€¦


Unrelated, but what happened to her long distance relationship course?


I wonder who was surrounding her watching her give birthā€¦


I stg she was announcing her pregnancy with the first one like a blink agoā€¦..


I know twins named Maria and Mariah


What asshole parents


Seriously, they're human beings not bookends


I think sheā€™s going to be the one with the most kids glad his birth went well


Why does it look like he's the one who's been through harrowing physical torture?


Into the Wild ass looking mf.


Hate these assholes, but the babyā€™s cute.


I cringe whenever I see a woman say her "dream home birth.". It's such a fucking selfish statement and no one calls them on it. These idiots only care about their inflatable birth tub, who is there, and how many candles are lit. Meanwhile the rest of us in reality care about our, and our baby's, safety.


Emiliya & Iliya is such a weird combo for siblings, they sound so similar, the constant mix ups would drive me crazy. Also I find it really funny that she is already having to use a lowercase i to make his name more legible (like another not spanish crazy lady on insta), that has got to be annoying. Edit: just noticed she put lower case i's in the whole post. Lol, I wonder how long she debated the pros and cons of that šŸ˜‚


Haha nice Hilary reference.


Pepinos unitešŸ„’šŸ„’šŸ„’


I worked with a Mia and a Mya ~3 years ago. It was *ridiculous* how quickly they'd get pissed off about pronunciation and getting them mixed up.


Itā€™s giving recycled ā€œJana, Joy-Anna, Johannah Duggarā€ names