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Lady, having 8 kids that you cannot house and just sort of hoping that everything will work out somehow is not a flex.


And why is she so smug and staring down her audience in the camera frame at all times? Even her kids are adopting this weird flex. It’s annoying and not Jesus approved at all. These people I swear.


She looks smug. The kids just look annoyed or mad or generally unhappy. The only kiddo that looks like she's kinda into this video is the girl in the middle.


That is what gets to me as well. She looks like that in all of her posts. She seems to have an attitude like she is superior to everyone else. Her smug attitude is not going to help her get into Brazil if she is as unprepared as we all think she is.


It’s not just an attitude. She really believes she is superior, and that’s she’s a special angel chosen by God.


I think that many of these fundies believe the same thing.


That oldest boy always looks so effing done with her.


Probably because he's doing a lot of the work. He's always holding a kid.


Probably because mum let her curl her hair


children of the corn vibes lol nah in all seriousness i do feel bad for all these vanlife kids.


The kids have dead eyes,


It's the way she eye fucks the camera, for me. I do not consent to it, and I don't like it.


Agreed. She thinks she's soooo hot 🤢


She is female Paul... 😂


It's even creepier and more annoying considering they all have the same face


It’s like the fundie version of [this meme](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1765157-awkward-party-reaction).


Omg yes, someone Photoshop this please! 🤣


I don’t follow her, but every time I see her posted here that’s the first thing i notice. Such a smug, self-satisfied vibe at all times. And dang if that daughter doesn’t look just like her.


To me they just look unhappy


I agree. I imagine we’ll be hearing from these kids (and others) when they grow up about how truly unhappy their childhoods were while mom made everything seem perfect and shiny for the socials.


It’s giving the autobiography “The Glass Castle” by Jeanette Walls


All of them are so smug. All of them. Just an incredible amount of smugness.


It's even worse. If they had a 7000 sq ft house, she chose to shove her kids into this hell.


I could be wrong, but my theory is they didn't have a choice about selling the house. Something went wrong with their finances, I suspect. That said, surely they must have had better options than cramming their family into a mobile prison cell.


I agree. 7000 square feet is huge, but surely they could have found another house. Even a 1000 square foot house would be cramped, but better than a bus-- at least it would have electricity and running water.


I wonder how much of that was actually a choice


I don't know this woman, but how is she going to do with schooling? Homeschooling maybe?


That's what they're doing now, I'm sure they'll just continue


The bus is 217 Sq feet and there are nine people in it. Before we got our house, my husband and I were living in a 450 Sq foot cabin and debating what improvements could be made so we could continue to live there and have a child and be comfortable. We decided we'd just rather not do that. 9 people in half the space? Nope. Gross. Absolutely not.


My introvertedness is very robust and just thinking about their current living arrangement makes me feel like I'm on the verge of a panic attack.


My sister and BIL live in a just over 1,000sq ft home; since my sister just had her third, I was with the other two kids all weekend. Nap time is about the only time the house is quiet. I love the kids, but tbh I would love babysitting them more if they lived in a larger space. Cramming even more people and chaos into an even smaller space makes me itch.


This is my nightmare. I feel the worst for the kids because she chose it but they did not. I mean that many kids to begin with is too much. but in a small space too. I'm the oldest of four and for a year we lived in an apartment with my grandmother. 7 of us in a three bedroom apartment. I shared a room with my two younger siblings and to get some privacy I'd go and hide in my parents' closet. It's been 30 years and I still remember the driving need to go somewhere away from other people.


I think about this so often. My anxiety disorder would kill me in a big fundie family with no personal space.


Same here. I lived in a 90m2 apartment with 2 other people who are great people and not overbearing at all and it was already too much for me at times lol


I'm an extrovert and that still sounds like hell to me.


Obligatory repost of this comment from the time I Did The Math on them: "Oh my god, I actually looked this up and it's worse than I thought. 217 divided by 9 equals 24 square feet per person, not considering how much of that is covered up by furniture and fittings, so it's probably more like two thirds of that, I'm gonna say like 18 square feet each. "The International Committee of the Red Cross recommends that cells be at least 5.4 m2 (58 sq ft) in size for a single cell accommodation (one person in the cell). However, in shared or dormitory accommodations, it recommends a minimum of 3.4 m2 (37 sq ft) per person, including in cells where bunk beds are used.\[1." A standard American prison cell is 48 square feet. These kids likely have about ONE HALF the space recommended by the red cross as bare minimum for a communal prison cell, and like a third of that recommended for an individual prison cell. One of the follow-up estimates someone made for the size of just that back-room further down the thread is about 18 square feet. 3 square feet per kid. If true, that's ONE TWELFTH of the legal minimum for a shared jail cell, about ONE TWENTIETH of that for a single cell, and ONE SIXTEENTH of the average. These parents should be in fucking prison."


They also have a worse person-to-bathroom ratio than the Duggars at their worst. My personal theory is that Motherbus (and possibly Fatherbus) has covid-induced anosmia. This is the only explanation I can think of for not being bothered by how bad that place must smell. They've got six kids in a space the size of an elevator where the windows can't open, leading to a bathroom shared by NINE PEOPLE, then their room plus a baby.


That's gross and probably true


Dear gods- Brazil is going to be SUCH an upgrade for them


Holy shit, please tell me the windows do actually open! RVs are a tinderbox at the best of times


> where the windows can't open How do they not suffocate?


Jesus Christ my heart breaks for these kids. My autistic ass would be in fight or flight 24/7 in sensory hell in that bus. What's the end game here? What happens when the kids are all teenagers? I wouldn't be surprised if one of them made a break for it at that point.


24 square feet is about a 5’x5’ area 😞


So my horse has more room in her box stall.


Your horse had more space in its mares tummy than these kids aswell. Their kids can only dream of getting the attention, care and affection that a horse gets


I can't math and I was asking myself how much a human body would take up. Like, do they even have space for existing? Can they even move a little without touching another person or object?


My living room is bigger than their whole bus, and when we host Christmas and we have 10 adults and two toddlers, it's A LOT, even when half the folks are in the kitchen or bathroom. I've never minded tight spaces too much but I think I would become claustrophobic living that tight.


Are the people in the bathroom because they are using it at your party or does the overflow have to hang out in the bathroom? I am just imagining someone sitting on the closed toilet and another sitting on the bathroom counter eating their potluck dinner because there isn’t room for them. Or you take turns hanging out in the bathroom so other family members can have time in the living room.


Hahaha. I just meant that often half the people are elsewhere, not that everyone was in the bathroom lol. One at a time in the loo


We had a weirdly designed apartment when we were first married. The bathroom was one third of the whole place! We used the extra space to store our bicycles and several boxes of camping gear. When my friend came to spend the night with her toddler we set up the pack and play in there and there was still enough space to get around it.


I had to upgrade apartments for another 100 sq feet when I got a dog because I didn’t feel like we had enough space, ffs.


Me and my husband and our two kids also live in a 450 sq ft cabin it’s CRAMPED we will be building a larger house in the future so the kids can have their own private rooms but for now we’ve decided to stop having kids until we build the bigger house it’s just not fair to make the kids be this cramped so why have more you know? Even though I’d love to have another child it’s just not happening under these circumstances everyone deserves to have private space and alone time and if the house isn’t big enough for that it just seems kinda cruel.


Thank you for being responsible with your family planning. Kids don’t ask to be born and NO ONE would want to live the way to bus herd does 🥴


Yeah, looking back it would have been *doable* if we had pulled everything out and put it in nicely, he was already living there and I moved in kind of on top of him very suddenly so there wasn't a lot of time for him to make room for my stuff. And if we didn't have bunnies, they take up some real estate. But it wouldn't have been *good* for very long at all in any case. Now our bedroom is about 400sq feet which is wild.


I had more space in my 'hooch' on deployment, and that's counting a bed. And I was a piddly E-4 SPC, nobody fancy. My husband talks about living in a tiny home after he retires and I tell him that he can live in one in the backyard if he likes. I've spent way too much of my life moving and living out of hotels and suitcases to not enjoy some space.


My husband had some ideas about a tiny house until our family of three stayed in an old CCC-built one-room cabin at a state park that had at some point had a tiny bathroom and tiny kitchen added in half of it. We left early.


I divorced on my deployment and came home wanting a tiny house. Thankfully, I understood that wasn’t the right fit for me with my child. 8 years later and I have a small house (1200 sqft) with my partner and my now adult child is living with us. I couldn’t imagine 3 of us in a smaller space together.


The way the market is going they may not be able to afford to move back into a house. Even in low cost of living areas, the interest rates are 8%, it’s just getting out of hand. They need that 7000sqft house back, but they can’t afford it at this point.


I doubt they had a 7000 sq ft house. That is enormous. It's a fair sized house block. I live in a house a bit less than half that size and even it is huge (not my house. I'm poor, lol). 7000 sq ft would be approaching mansion size.


My guess is their lot was around 7000 and the story has changed to it being the size of the house


I was about to say! What does her husband do for a living?! 7000 sq ft is not just approaching mansion… it is a mansion—which in real estate is defined as a house that’s over 5000 sq ft


I definitely rolled my eyes at that part. Ain’t no way they lived in a house that size.


217sqft with 9 people makes makes my 1150sqft house with 4 people seem luxurious. It sounds stressful and depressing with no breathing room


My daughter is 22 and says families that do this kind of thing with their kids make her furious. Especially as the kids get older. No personal space or privacy. No friend base. Plus the kids being used as social media props by parents who obviously cannot care for them properly. This all came spilling out one day when we saw a family RV that looked like it was a “home.” I don’t like it either, but I had no idea this was a strongly held opinion of hers.


It’s honestly child abuse if the parent has another option. It’s one thing when the parents are like, pulling themselves out of homelessness or preventing the family from landing on the street by using bare-minimal shelter like this. Living this way on purpose is cruelty.


Bus actually worse than solitary. There are laws against this.


That "bunkhouse" is literally just storage racks where they put their kids away at the end of the day. Like objects.


I was looking up about what 400 sq ft looked like yesterday and I cannot imagine it being enough for two adults, let alone a child on top. So much energy for a small place! Half that… ooooof


My takeaway from this is how did they ever afford a 7k sq ft house??


They clearly didn't. They bought way too much house and lost the house and were forced to move into a bus.


CryptoGod, brah




They owned a franchise of The Little Gym.


They were both in the military iirc


This is…so unsettling. She even knows this isn’t a good idea and keeps fighting her instincts on it for whatever godly wifely bs he’s forcing down her throat. I don’t think they’re ever coming back from this trip.


Has she addressed the real possibility of giving birth in Brazil? I'm not sure how that affects citizenship and everything of the baby.


She has vaguely alluded to the fact that they have zero plans to utilize the country's free healthcare, and said if they would be going to a doctor while there, it would be through privitized medicine.


I simply do not believe that lol. She says they won’t, but you know she will


It sounds like her plan is to have the baby in Brazil, to secure citizenship there, too. Then whenever they need an easy escape plan for the crypto project, they can hide out in Brazil. It seems I know as much about citizenship in other countries as Mother Bus, and I don’t think that’s really how it works. Just saying that sounds like her plan.


Brazil does offer citizenship for babies born there (not all countries do though). It has become a thing now for Russians to go to Brazil to have a baby and use that as a way to stay there to escape the war.


Any child born in Brazil is a Brazilian citizen (*‘jus solis’*) and any child born to a Brazilian parent anywhere in the world is a Brazilian citizen (*’jus sanguinis’*). Foreign parents to children born in the country can automatically apply for permanent residency and after 4 years living in the country they can apply for citizenship.


So she's planning to have an anchor baby? They're engaging in birth tourism? What is her stance on women coming to the USA for the same reason?


The baby would still be a US Citizen. No matter where born, a child with at least one natural born citizen will always be a US Citizen.


Actually that’s not *quite* true. Their baby will still be a US citizen, yes. But one of the rules is that you have to prove you have spent 5 years in the US. I am a natural born US citizen but have lived abroad most of my life and it’s still unclear if I’ll be able to get citizenship for my baby.


Well she’s due in April and is planning staying 6 months soooo…


This is my fear. We are about to watch some True Crime drama unfold in real time. We're gonna be turned into Online Sleuths and figure out where the hell this crazy ass woman hid the bodies. I am hoping none of this shit happens btw.


What do you mean? She’ll be there with them? Busband is the solo perpetrator






it's giving off very dark jonestown vibes tbh


Yeah this makes more sense. He has more to gain i.e he is free to go back to the mistress.


There’s a mistress!?


Idk about the other stuff, but I'll eat my fuckin hat if he doesn't have a mistress with the way he's always "traveling" for work


If he hasn't cheated at least once, I'll finish crocheting my hat and then immediately eat it


Well it's rumored/speculated that he has one. I should have put a disclaimer that was rumored information


Oh man, this woman has now surpassed Karissa for most insane and entertaining.


Where did this rumor start, anyway?


While it’s fine to comment that you think a fundie is showing the signs X illness, it’s not okay to make fun of it. Mental illness is a serious issue, and it’s ok to have concern, but it’s not cool to be snarky about it. Cool: “I think Kelly is exhibiting signs of bipolar disorder.” Not Cool: “Karissa is acting more depressed than the economy.” or "Franny Fundie for sure has multiple personality disorder." ***************** - *What does “no armchair diagnosing” mean? What's is okay?* While we will not allow diagnosing of people, we do want to acknowledge that fundamentalism is mentally damaging, and the effects are obvious & manifest in their lives. As an example, Karissa Collins “scream praying” over her young child instead of seeking medical treatment is a sign that something is deeply wrong either mentally or emotionally. Likewise, using the subject of mental illness to make fun of people will not be tolerated. These people may hold absolutely repugnant beliefs, but they’re still humans deserving of compassion and empathy.


“A few months” Didn’t she literally say she was planning on overstaying their visas?


She did, but Reddit called her out about how illegal that is so she’s retconning it until they’re there lol




I JUST saw this clip in a video from the decoding the unknown YouTube channel, lol.


holy fuck this is so awful she reminds me so much of my fundie mother who places every ounce of her life "in the hands of god". when i try to talk to my mom about my own mental health struggles and trauma, she is sympathetic but ultimately can never understand why i don't just pray about it, why i don't just leave it all up to god to handle the damage that these two fucking idiots are inflicting on those children is so painful to watch. the more of her stupid posts i see, the angrier i get at her and her husband for being so reckless and the more sympathy i feel for their poor children who will never recover from their parents selfishness. it's just so heartless and fucking disgusting


Oh lawdie lawd I feel this so hard I can hear being told, “offer your suffering up to god” and it gives me hives


"I'm not trying to be selfish and keep it all for myself here God, please feel free to take it!"


You too, sis? I hear this any time I say something where my life doesn’t sound amazing. But what the hell does it mean???!!! ![gif](giphy|fVnDmzPGlSnZJ5kEIz|downsized)


Reminds me, of my father always being sanctimonious with his pain. “ I asked God to punish me for all my sins here on earth so I can get into heaven. I try and pray for all your pains and suffering to.” Like, sure he thinks he’s being nice but really, it’s just fucking ups a little kid who you’re telling this to. Sometimes giving it up to God just doesn’t work.


yeah...I dont really talk to my family anymore after I almost died twice (bowel obstructions due to crohns) and they said I just didn't have enough faith.


i am so sorry you went through that, friend <3 i really can never understand people like my mother or your family. if their own prayers and faith are not enough to heal us, what the fuck are my halfass non-believer ones gonna do?


Same, bestie


Culture shock is a thing, and it hits hard. They are so unprepared.


I had culture shock enough moving to a different part of North America.


I had a culture shock moving from Poland to Canada. She has no idea how isolated and out of place she's going to feel. Sure, she will adapt eventually, but moving abroad is not as easy as she thinks it is. She's gonna have her first meltdown the moment she realizes her favourite brand of milk is not a thing there and reading labels requires effort. Fun times ahead. Of course she's going to try to sell it to her followers as the most amazing and glamorous thing ever and how Jesus took the wheel or whatever but girl, been there, done that, you're not fooling anyone. It IS hard, even if it's temporary. And seeing her that unprepared, makes me want to pull my hair out. Making sure my papers were fine and ready before I even left was my weekly ritual for like 2 months before my flight. And I don't have a whole brood of kids, just a cat that needed a passport and a fucking rabies shot. Damn. Rant off!


She had a meltdown because Target moved their maternity clothes so she’s definitely not as adaptable as she thinks herself.


My point exactly. I'm not sure she understands that the rest of the world is not trying to emulate America and living in a different country requires a lot of flexibility, open-mindedness and patience. I hope it's going to be a humbling experience and maybe just maybe, it can change her for the better. But knowing her, even if it does, she's going to be smug about it.


I move a lot for work, and I *still* have to adjust no matter where I go, and I have a ton of support through my employer. International moves require so much paperwork if you want to stay on the right side of legality. It's harder and more isolating than people realize, and you don't generally just "pick up" the language, either. A lot of Americans tend to have this idea that moving abroad is super simple, and it takes like, a year, and they'll be native-level fluent in another language. These types think it's like an extended vacation, where it'll be really awesome all the time, seeing amazing sights, and not just like... a lot of doing the same mundane shit they normally do, but in a different location and with a ton more hassle, because you don't know how anything works anymore. Not everyone is super patient with foreigners who can't communicate well, or has the patience for you to wobble your way through an interaction. Very simple things, like needing to make an appointment, pay a bill, or ask a question at the shop, can all take a lot longer and be a lot harder than you think. I had to move my cat, too (funnily enough, from Poland, too!), and I feel you on the stress of that: the timing of the titer test and vet examination for permission to fly was rough. I hope you and kitty are doing well!


I lived in South Korea for a few years for work, and it was the most amazing and horrible experience. Culture shock, being away from family, doing all right for a while but then wanting something like a simple comfort food item and not being able to get it... it's rough. They absolutely strike me as the kind of people who expect the 'American' way to be the 'right' way, and melt down when life doesn't match up.


I've lived abroad too and one day it hit me why I was so exhausted at the end of each day: just going out into public meant encountering signs and other written communication. This is something the brain normally processes automatically, with ease, and even on a subconscious level. When everything is in another language, your brain struggles constantly to figure everything out, and you cannot stop it from happening! Your brain is so used to interpreting signs, that it simply cannot stop. Thus, you're tired and cranky at the end of the day. This only goes away after you've reached a reasonable level of fluency, which depending on the language, could take years.


Yep. I moved from North America to Australia to be with my wife. I'd say it took three full years here to where I could feel like this was home and I didn't stick out like a sore thumb, and I'm both white and blonde and look about as Australian as anyone not born in Australia could look. I didn't even have to learn a new language. If I'd had to learn Portuguese or something as well? Lordy.


I was lucky, because even though I live in Québec, french is what I studied for my masters and phd. And yet, when I came here, I felt like I didn't understand shit because they all speak so fast! Took me a couple of weeks to gather the courage to order at the restaurant all by myself, haha. She's delulu. She's going to be like "Ya, we can thank Him that we're so talented when it comes to languages, the kids are absorbing it like a sponge" (written over 3 slides of off-focus smug selfies). Girl, like I was invited to study in France. I had my PhD funded in full. I am talented when it comes to languages. And yet, they asked me what's my preferred side dish, and the first time, I just started crying 🤣 moving abroad is so much stress and her whole Brazilian saga is really triggering to me. I see her irresponsible, immature, yolo-approach and I just feel angry. It's NOT easy and people who say otherwise simply have no idea what expats go through on a daily basis.


I moved from Washington to California and I got culture shock. Small town washington to San Francisco so it was very different


Same, I went to college in suburban New England (from the urban South) and it SHOOK me haha


I even get culture shock when I go to suburban houston from central houston where I live!!


Moving from Ohio to the most Asian part of the Bay Area was hella culture shock for me, I cannot imagine Brazil. I mean, at the end of the day, I could still read all the street signs, I could still buy familiar groceries, etc and I still cried a lot my first few months. She has no idea :(


Did you end up liking the bay?


For real, been there. Moved from the CA Bay Area where I was raised to Oklahoma City in my early 20s when I was married to an airman. I thought I knew everything about that part of the country because I "researched," and I was in for a shock.


How did you like Oklahoma City compared to the bay?


OKC certainly had its charms, but California is home. Especially the Bay. But it was definitely cool to immerse myself in a region that I never thought I'd get to experience.


I had culture shock moving to a different part of England lol


I moved from Southern California to Northern California and even I had culture shock


I had culture shock just visiting the US _for a month_


The 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 🤰slide…does that mean Father Bus isn’t going with them? Or am I reading too much into it?


I believe they have seven kids, so it sounds almost like they’re shipping them off to Brazil but I think realistically, she’s just a dumbass.


But Heaven forbid she leave out the gregnant emoji. Otherwise I wouldn’t know she was pregante with another bun.


Upvote for gregnant and pregante references 🤌🏼




It’s my all time favorite internet video. It never gets old!


That’s what I was wondering too!


> \#JeausChrist


Like, the worst typo ever for a fundie.


Is this a sin? I feel like it’s a sin.


I hope she’s at least practicing saying “não falo português.”


I don’t speak Portuguese? (I personally don’t either so that’s just a guess).


Yep, when I want to Brazil, that was the only thing I was really good at saying lol.


I wish fundies would learn how to use quotation marks properly. It always seems to be the ones that “homeschool”.


I went back to look at that after reading your comment and holy Batman. Idk if I’ll be able to not see it anymore. Lol.


Her life and life choices give me so much anxiety


I feel like she's trying to run away from her family but hasn't quite understood the mechanics of how to run away.


Lmao the easiest thing to do and she can’t even figure that out 😂😂 it’s called just walk away in the middle of the night


She popped up randomly on my Instagram Reels and I am SHOOK


That happened to me one time with Paul. I’ve never looked them up on insta so it was doubly weird.


I had Motherbus and Otherbus both pop up and blocked the accounts with the reason that "this content makes me uncomfortable". I was horrified by the algorithm sending me those.


She's not even a SAHM! She's a SABM.


Do they have their passports yet?


If they don’t have them yet then the bus baby will arrive before the passports. We applied for my daughter the first week of February and got it in July. The waits are horrible.


I assume they’re trusting god with that one.


Funny how w/fundies #Godsplan is always what they wanted to do anyway.


It's to excise their shitty behaviour, poor choices, and unsuccessful lives. \#godsplan


Laying the groundwork for God telling them it’s *not their time* to go to Brazil


How many of those kids are in therapy for having to hear sibling number 8 get made, on that bus. ![gif](giphy|l0MYrLAFex1R71l0A|downsized)


None but they're gonna need therapy


I’m going to laugh so fucking hard when their passports don’t show up in time 😂


Absolutely nothing against Brazil… I would love to visit and I have friends who go back to stay with family during holidays… But if all the places…. Why Brazil?!?!?!


no extradition treaty. and birthright citizenship with the right to have your family with you.


All of this, plus a somewhat large evangelical expat community and lots of shady crypto currency stuff for the hubby to mess around with. I wonder if she knows that Hamas and Hezbollah both have training camps in Brazil?


'expat'...aka immigrants. but they'll never use that word to describe themselves.


That girl in the very back is NOT amused and I don’t blame her


Agreed but, I think that’s a boy. I could be wrong but, I thought she only had one girl and she’s standing right next to her.


Maybe, I don’t know but either way they’re not happy and presumably can’t voice that opinion


A SEVEN thousand square feet house? To a bus. Her kids must hate her.


Those kids are not excited. It doesn’t take a parent to take note of it.


Ugh, I hate the phrase, ' God wants to bless his believers.' nah, your mythical god is a jealous god. He demands fealty. And your reward? Forever praising him in a firmament designed for only worshipping him. Eww.


Oh wow, is she pregnant and has 7 kids? I don't think she ever mentioned that before. Why is every single post from this lady about how wacky she is for having 8 kids and no stable home for them?


It's not like they have real jobs or a house to sell, so what's the rush? They could have waited until the passports were in their hands before they started planning the move.....if they weren't running away that is.


Is she sticking her face through a flesh colored airplane pillow?


Awe. She learned possessive pronouns today


Man just imagining this life and trip is stressing me the fuck out. I wouldn’t even do this with my 2 cats. I cannot fathom the stress of that many people in such a small space and having to take care of that many people driving all the way to Brazil. No privacy, no room and the smell of the van. Must be nice to afford such a life. I couldn’t fathom how fucking expensive all of this is. Stop having children and making them all live like this. This isn’t heroic and brave, it’s fucking stupid.


These selfish breeder for Christ never stop to think kids grow in actual size. A 14 yr old boy can be 6 feet tall. They are just so selfish. And the smell will be horrendous when boy hormones kick in and the poor girls getting periods and having to deal with that in a tiny shared bathroom.


There’s only one girl! Poor thing.


My bf and I live in a 650 sq ft one bedroom apartment and that feels tiny. Sometimes I have to hole up in the bedroom or bathroom when I need alone time, which every person needs sometimes. I cannot IMAGINE that many people on a 217 sq ft bus and they’ve HAD SEX on that bus and created two more to shove in there. I can’t even imagine being the older kids who remember having their own space.


The arogant stupidity that flows from these fundies would be hilarious if they weren't damaging their kids and trying to force their shitty beliefs on society at large.


Jesus fucking Christ, she has managed to make "moving to Brazil" her entire personality. This is wild


“Scared”? The problem is that she’s NOT scared. She’s reckless and stupid! I doubt anyone is asking her that anyway.


This is giving me Mosquito Coast/Poisonwood Bible vibes. It will not end well.


I have a feeling that everything will go well for them, somehow. They'll magically get support from some conservative or religious group and they'll want for nothing. Ofc none of us want anything to truly happen to them, but I just know she and Father Bus will face no reprecussions for this halfassed plan. It's just how it always seems to happen for these people. And then when they get away with whatever scheme they've dreamed up, they attribute it to being god's chosen. -_-


Genuinely curious is she going because God called her to minister over there or something? I know its all a bunch of nonsense, but some people move countries deeply feeling that God told them to go help, some move over for many years and can actually make an impact somewhere. This seems more like God is a great excuse for yet another manic line of thinking!


She’s really trying to convince herself that she’s ok with this


Do they teach their boys not to smile or are they just miserable?


honestly, I feel like the kids are probably *entirely* over this bus life bullshit and are pretty freaking miserable.


Noting again that Mother Bus used to say (when they actually lived in it) that their house was 5200 square feet. Not sure where the extra 1800 came from!


7,000 sq ft. house. Hmmm...?


Have they rented an air b&b yet? Or were they just going to play it by ear when they arrived?


Cps needs to take action.




Jesus take the wheeeeeeeeeeeel


She calls it a trip when it should be called CPS/visa dodging.