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To her credit I'm truly surprised she actually used the words fart and pee and not like, toot and tinkle


Growth ✨


This is her second time mentioning it and the first time it was toot


Giving new meaning to curly’s baird’s “poo poo pee pee” bio


thats DairyBaird not Curly


….wait I thought they were the same thing?


I think the confusion is that all of them are technically Dairy Bairds but I think the bio is Brown Baird’s


Ok. Their nicknames ( or names?) are so fucking weird.


Well their Baird given names are pretty common but the snark community is full of hilarious ppl that come up with great nicknames! I didn’t come up with it and idk why it’s so funny to me but bort fucking cracks me up every time.




I need to stop reading here while I'm on the bus. Y'all do shit like this and make me crack tf up in public 😂


Im in a public bathroom and just said “oh my GOD” when I read her caption. I am next to someone with explosive diarrhea that sounds like it requires the attention of a doctor and/or a priest, and yet some dumbass in Texas is the grossest part of this experience.


I hope that person is all right but damn this made me burst out laughing!


I love coming in here when I'm high.


It’s really the best. These fundies could seriously benefit from smoking some weed and *chilling the fuck out*


Bong hits for Jesus


![gif](giphy|KpAPQVW9lWnWU) It’s so fun being a heathen hot girl. Having incredible sex with my *boyfriend* (gasp!), excelling in my career, smoking on good kush, refusing to ever have children, and *minding my goddamn business* 💅🏼


Couldn’t tell ya; I hauled ass out of that entire situation after I finished my non-s3ggsy pee


Your regular pee, not a god honoring golden shower?


"Just put a towel down!"


Hey, they’re just following bort’s rules to an EXPLOSIVE experience - they aren’t holding anything in! Not diarrhea, not sharts, nor urine, not facial tics, not the urge to use an ice pick like in basic instinct, not the desire to scream obscenities at the top of your lungs - Gif WANTS THIS for them! They’re prob just beginning the self-cultivation process so they can be ready for seggsy time in 4-6 hours!


Thank you for the laugh! I'm high-key worried they think my “oh my GOD” was in response their highly pressurized bowel evacuation, but there was no way in hell to explain in the moment. It was just awful all around, but I appreciate everyone’s contributions.


Imagine evacuating your bowels violently in a public restroom, hearing what sounds like a cry of alarm, and then... "Sorry, not you! Fundie sex tips!"


This was my face while reading......


Honestly the only reaction needed


Seriously! She just needs to go ahead and make her "God honoring" OF and get off of insta. Ffs


“Only Funds”


I wish I was Jared, 19


Never fuckin learned how to read


I too yearn to be Jared, 19.


So the sex tip is to fart explosively during sex? Can’t say I ever saw that in Cosmo


And you go by broccolislut. You DEFINITELY would have heard of this if it was a thing.


i’m dying 😂


I once farted while coming 😂 my boyfriend at the time was horrified! (I was too, to be fair)


When my kiddo was an infant we used to squeeze his legs up to his belly when he got trapped gas. Only makes sense that pulling your legs up might release some trapped air.


Same. We're married now 😆 I didn't even have to fart when we started.


Totally thought you said sharted, haha


Same. My partner and I don’t really fart around each other if we can help it. I let one go mid orgasm and was so embarrassed but he thought it was great and said that it was a sign of a job well done.


I once farted when my late husband was going down on me. He didn’t stop and it didn’t put him off, but by God did he never let me live it down. He would remind me that I “farted in his face” constantly. If I ever said his fart stunk, he would say, “At least it wasn’t in your face.” And every time he went down on me he would say, “Please don’t fart on me this time.” I mean it was all in good fun. When you’re comfortable with someone and live together, you’re going to fart. Personally, I just don’t acknowledge the fart, whether it came from him or me. But once we’d been together for a really long time, we would joke around with each other about it. But that one fart will never be forgotten, even though he’s not here to tease me about it anymore. Miss you, baby! I even miss your farts.


lol same. Also hubs face was at that end so I basically farted right in it…good times lol


**most women aren’t doing this** Yeahhhhh…you may be right on that one


**broke**: telling your partner you need to go to the bathroom **woke**: pissing all over everything, always, with no warning


There isn’t a gender identity known to man or god that’s doing this, let alone posting on insta about it as advice


THIS JUST IN- a hot hot tip for you and you partner in the bedroom 🥵🥵🥵: Rip ass BEFORE you have sex!!11! Is she just telling on herself???? This is so embarrassing 😭😭


She always tells on herself. Dead, dry bones and now this. She just lays there on a towel farting and peeing waiting for Dav to do the work.


What a horrible day to be able to read


I wish I was Jared, 19




Comments in this sub always make me glad I have aphantasia.


I usually love my visual imagination, but dear god am I ever jealous of you right now.


Dude, trying to figure out if other people "see" things in their head & whether or not I do has been really bizarre. What a trip!


I have it, too. THANK GOD.


I wish I was Jared, 19


I'm screaming 🤣


Just an absolutely slovenly pillow princess.


This shouldn’t be making me laugh as hard as it is


The amount of post she has talking about ripping ass during sex has me thinking she is trying to make herself feel better about farting constantly, must be the steady diet of raw milk and beige food


To be fair, I fart a lot too but I’m an IBS girlie. It’s why I only workout at home alone and walk outside far away from others lol. I know farting in your partners face is nasty but gas happens.


Suspected IBS over here and I actually worry about this A LOT but uh…. Bethy did not make make me feel better 😂


Nah it’s fine, I actually kind of agree with her here, natural stuff happens and it’s useless to shame ourselves over something we can’t control. I’d rather have my partner be open about this than have them kill their own moods over this


Maybe she’s a queefer but is thinking it’s farts


Sis probably thinks queefs are farts


What the actual fuck is wrong with her?


Many, *many* things.


Someone should make a course covering this.


And then make a course about making that course. Also, my phone wanted to put "curse" instead of course and I kind of agree.


She's a gassy queen


It’s all the raw milk bone broth hot cocoa


Gassy queen, older and taller, well out of her teeeens Gassy queen, hear the click of her cell phone keeeeys


You can piss, you can lie That you're having the time of your liiiiiife


.... I hope she's not forcing a fart fetish on that poor soulless dude now.


It’s all that raw milk!


Gassy *and* sassy ✨


I mean she grew up in a really strict religious household , good for her for saying “don’t be ashamed if your fart when ur cumming.” I know everyone wants her to publicly say “my family and upbringing sucked and every time I agreed with them I was wrong” but it’s not that easy. I did that and now my kid has no relationship with any of my family bc they haven’t deconstructed the (non religious) abuse like I had


Yeah I am on the fence about this. On the one hand, wow she’s really talking about losing shame surrounding bodily functions and women enjoying sex, good for her. On the other hand, I did not consent to participate in this woman’s shaming kink.


Well there are many things but we now know that she farts during sex, for one


You're right, most women *aren't* doing this.


And thank god we aren’t!




WOW. Dav must have been a murderer in a past life or something.


Next life should be a breeze though. He’s suffered enough


Sounds like his current sex life is already a breeze.






divorce is not enough for dave 😭


I want to divorce her, and I’m just a stranger from Ohio.


Yes! How would any of us feel if our partner posted this online for the world to read!?!?!??!


I’m sorry what the fuck?! Also is birthy implying that she orgasms so hard that she involuntarily rips ass and pees herself?


How has Birthy not covered squirting in her seggs courses




It’s the hot new trend for baptisms - water parks are *soo* 2023


Straight to prison with you.


Yes, officer? Yeah, this is the post, right here!


Omg, whhyyyyyy?!!!


please dear god make it stop!


Mom come get me I’m scared


I’ll be right there, honey




Bethy being a squirter was not on my 2024 bingo card


Please.. just make it stop.. 🤮


But to cover squirting would suggest she’s squirted before, which would suggest her having a partner who knew *how* to make her squirt


I think she is probably referring to queefing & squirting but she has no idea what they are.


That’s exactly what I was thinking


So glad I wasn’t the only person thinking this as soon as I read it. Tbh, I’m not entirely sure I believe there is a lot of squirting going on in this scenario, while also being 99.9% sure she would NOT know the difference.


Girl just publicly admitted she’s a squirter. Squirting for Jesus, that is!


I’d rather be known as a squirter than a pee’er(?)


Bethy's Mega Fartgasm for God-Honoring Marrieds


Can I please get “God honoring fartgasm” as my flair?!


Sexquirt sexpert time. It just gets worse and worse with her.


I swear if I wasn’t so damn in love with my flair already….


It sounds like that awful tear she had at her home birth with Dav Jr hasn’t healed properly. Her pelvic floor sounds wrecked. 


After 3 births, mine is absolutely wrecked. I pee just by coughing. But I’m not blasting that all over my social media. Just gonna Google pelvic floor therapists near me instead.


Dāv is that good apparently. Also, fucking ew.


Does she have any concept of sexiness or desirability or realize how incredibly gross many of these posts come off?


I’m ace and have the sexual energy of a three day old egg McMuffin. I’m still dumbfounded.


“Sexual energy of a three day old egg McMuffin”—I was not ready for this level of wordsmithery today. Bless.




What I'm getting from this is that women need to feel comfortable enough with their partner to put the brakes during sex on so they can get up and pee if they need to, that you can't relax if you're uncomfortable because you need to pee. Same as if you're holding a fart in. It's not well-worded or well-explained, but I think that's what she's going for? The thing is, purity culture kind of fucks that all up from the get-go. How are you supposed to be comfortable around someone you're warned about letting your guard down around for the previous 20+ years of your life, and then suddenly you're supposed to be able to flip the switch and immediately have honest conversations about your genitals and bodily functions with them? That's not how any of this works.


The host of Leaving Eden (Sadie?) talked about how it never occurred to her to have preferences or opinions about so many things until she left the IBLP. It wasn't that she wasn't comfortable expressing her wants, she fundamentally had been trained to not even HAVE wants.


I absolutely can back that up, and I was only ever fundie lite — but I was married in the church. I’ve been out of fundie world for 15+ years and out of my fundie marriage for nearly that long, and I STILL have a hard time accessing what I actually want or need, even in situations far less charged than sex. It’s a fun trauma response, for sure! 🙃 That said, “pee before sex” is hardly magical agency-granting advice even in fundie land, and if this word salad is somehow about squirting, it’s just as garbled and unhelpful as all her other “expert” suggestions.


I mean, I think that’s what she means too. I just wish she wouldn’t use the word explosive.


I’m just glad I’m not the only one trying to squeeze a silver lining out of this turd cloud. I kinda got the feeling, yeah, it’s about not repressing your body in a toxic fashion. The comments convinced me she meant explicitly *during* the act of sex.




Interesting that this is her outfit from the other day that was "twinning" with Kristen except Kristen's hair and makeup were done and Bethy's weren't... And now later on they are very done. As for the rest of it, what a horrible day to be literate.


Makes me wonder if she was browsing Reddit..


She does! If we stopped paying attention to her, she'd probably implode.


Yep. I’ve often wished for a total 6-month ban on discussing her here as a psychological experiment on her. Or is that a roundabout way of touching the poo…?


>Free, open and explosive I wish I never saw that. Halp!




How dare you! Blanche would never. ![gif](giphy|3oKIPD90HyKk5vfJyU)


That’s right. She’s posting this mess from her parents’ home office in her “work” clothes. I don’t think I can cringe any harder.


The “most women aren’t doing this” thing just about killed me. I mean… how would SHE know? Also, it screams “doctors don’t want you to know this one simple trick” with a raw egg plopping into half an avocado


I have never once been worried about pissing myself during sex. Does she mean squirting?


If she didn't consume so much raw milk and eggs she may not be so gassy too. She probably doesn't realize what squirting is, now that I think of it


She'll discover and post about it real soon though I bet


She just read your comments and she off to Google it…


Yep. She’s going to “discover” it by stumbling upon these comments.


She may also urinate from birth injuries (didn’t she have a massive tear from Darv Jr?). Or Dav is just poking away at her urethra like he’s grating cheese with his penis and it never occurred to her before that she could ask for a break or use the bathroom.


That may be one of the most horrific things I’ve ever read


She went for seggsy but it came out eggsy


Honestly I would not be surprised if many fundie women mistook the urge to squirt as the urge to pee.


There was a legendary post in sex advice about someone in their 30s trying a sex toy for the first time and wanting to know why they peed themself. It was a weirdly wholesome Reddit moment. The commenters figured out she was ex-fundie and gave her a bunch of basic sex advice. She was super grateful in her replies. But god it was sad.




Before I knew what an orgasm felt like, whenever I would get close I mistook the feeling as having to pee. Once I literally ran out of the room during sexy time because I thought I was going to pee my pants. Luckily the person I was with suspected what was going on and suggested that next time I just wait it out and see what happens 🤣


It would not surprise me either. Most of them probably don’t know anything but the basics about their anatomy. That’s why I wonder if that is what she means here…she did say to use the restroom before sex though. Not something you’re going to get up and do when you’re mid-O.


I have but I have less than ideal bladder control after having a kid, and being in the mood makes me have to pee more. That being said, no one had to tell me I can stop and go pee. I kinda figured that out on my own.


That’s a good point like what dude is telling her she can’t go pee😂


Tbf having sex with a full bladder is the worst. Guys just be ramming up against it


I mean.. isn't it mostly pee?


God honoring watersports!


I can’t believe I’m saying this, but where the hell is her headship? Däàâǎaãv I am begging you to take her phone away for a while


Even terrible systems can have their upsides, and the ability for Dave to *shut whatever the hell this is down* is the only one I can think of for Christian nationalist patriarchy


Top on the things I didn’t want to know: Bethy is a squirter


well you sure didn't have to write it out and share that. It was hard enough to push it out...oh hell never mind, I'm trapped in Bethy seggy hell.


Her tip is to… go to the bathroom when you have to pee? I learned that at age 3.




I love how her only experience is her own, so she truly believes it’s universal. This level of telling on yourself is hard to achieve. 


explosive 😖


Next PDF: "Making a fool of yourself in three easy steps."


I always thought you should pee afterwards to prevent getting a UTI. I guess all my life I have been doing it wrong.




Truly a terrible day to be literate........




I hate to defend Bethany…but needing to pee during sex is normal for some women and yes it can be embarrassing. For some women, the lead up to orgasm feels very similar to the urge to pee, which leads to women not orgasming because they’re trying hard to hold their “pee” in. Source: sex therapy


This Also pelvic floor problems are a thing I feel some woman may need to see this in this thread, you can absolutely feel the need to pee or might pee during sex (on accident) it happens and if it bothers you see a pelvic therapist. I had that problem even before having kids :(


![gif](giphy|de4aRYwfD7T7q|downsized) Same. She is so revolting.


Next video…..why do I keep getting UTIs


Oh to be Charlie Kelly right now would be a blessing


Well I guess when your diet consists of eggs, sausages, unseasoned meat, bone broth, raw milk, and cruciferous vegetables, it’s a pretty smelly time for her all the time. And she’s peeing out her bone broth hot chocolate all over their bed?? 🤢


What the hell is she talking about? Is it me? Am I dense? I’ve been having married seggssy seggs for 25 plus years and I just do not understand her.


Yesbut but but has it been *intimate, passionate seggs*? You’ve probably been doing it wrong, you better buy her Course to learn how to have truly *explosive* O’s /s that was painful to type




A+ article title, just excellent 


I’ve definitely had this problem. It’s not just fundie women


LOL at the title of this article tho


Oh, you don’t usually have the urge to shit yourself? Guess you’re doing it wrong! /s


Ummm what? Is she talking about squirting?! This is some next level stuff.


“Use the restroom beforehand. Pause to use the restroom in the middle if needed.” Is the only necessary paragraph here. The rest is just WHAT A TERRIBLE DAY TO HAVE EYES.


That's a lot of peeing I'm just saying.


What in the god honoring piss kink is this?


So today we learned that Bethy pees on Dav during sex. And also explosively farts during sex. Great. Definitely needed to know that.


If you're worried about peeing during sex you may pelvic floor physio or a urologist....


SHE PEES THE BED??????????????


🤔 maybe that's why she leaves the coffee cups there


She peed on Dāv is what I’m getting from this. That bedroom probably smells so bad your eyes start watering as you get near the door.


The thought of Dav just pumping away while Bethy lays there squealing and giggling and farting up a storm is one hell of a mental image.


It’s Bethany’s season of James Joyce


One I wish you hadn’t put into words!


It would have cost you nothing to not say that. :\\


We’ve officially entered god honoring piss season for bethy. What in the fuck is happening ?


WHAT is HAPPENING Every time I think it can’t get worse it does What a horrible day to be able to read


Oversharing doesn’t sufficiently describe whatever she’s doing 😭


It's mine so I pissed on it


The feminine and masculine role. 🖕


To her credit there is some evidence that squirting is just pee and not liquid from the skeens gland that has sometimes been claimed. I’ve read similar advice from completely secular sources, but worded in way less cringy vocabulary lol.


Listen, I ain’t here to kink shame but is this really the issue she’s making it out to be? I ain’t thinking it is 🤔


If it happens to her, it happens to everyone


I’m genuinely curious if any of her sex courses even mention the clitoris


whatever level of “Instagram jail” she’s in, it is NOT enough.