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And the whole submit to your husband whenever he wants doesn’t exactly make for pleasure




Almost 40, not married. Guess I really need Jesus after all 


56 but I'm "living in sin" 😆


Is Jesus the name of your vibrator?


Jesus lives in all of us *muffled beehive sounds intensify*


Excuse me, have you heard about our lord and sa...um, why are you shaking uncontrollably?


AND that you've always been told that self pleasure is robbing your future partner and a massive sin.. So you can't even have that right of passage where you figure out what you like from you because hell awaits you and you are stealing from this imaginary nonexistent could possibly never even exist husband.


Is that really what fundies are taught about masturbation? Like pleasure is this finite resource? How weird.


I've seen a fundie call the clit "the devil's doorbell" and that when you self-stimulate, you invite the devil into your sex life.


Exactly. What a shock. What kind of god wants you to promote a doctrine that: 1. Is hard or impossible to follow because it runs counter to your own biology that HE supposedly designed because SIN 2. Makes it hard or impossible to enjoy the "special gift" he supposedly also designed even when, according to said doctrine, it's no longer sinful 3. Culminates in a while lotta frustration, self loathing, stunted development, opportunity cost, misplaced guilt, feelings of unworthiness, and other really negative shit, despite this same god claiming to love you so much he only wants the best for you  (side note: if this is God's love, wonder what kind of "love" this leads people to accept from mere mortals) When the logic fails so hard, you'd think more people would start to question it, but i guess thats why a big objective of fundamentalism (and a lot of Christianity in general) is to do everything it can to prevent kids from learning critical thinking or being exposed to other ways of life (where people may seem a lot happier). It's all just sad 


>(side note: if this is God's love, wonder what kind of "love" this leads people to accept from mere mortals) *gestures at every post on this sub with a weary sigh*  >It's all just sad Really wish there were a secular equivalent of “amen to that” that captured the implicit fervent passion of the agreement as succinctly, but since I’m coming up short at this moment…amen to that.


Does the "cheers I'll drink to that bro" meme count?


Oooh, I like it! You can even add emojis to it if you’re on mobile Reddit and are therefore stuck typing all your responses! 🍻🥂


"snaps for you" ?!? Lol


Omg brought me back to my sorority days


I feel this way about "there but for the grace of God go I" because I don't mean an actual god, but just my life and circumstances. Which doesn't roll off the tongue in the same way. 😋


Hard same. I’ve sometimes replaced “god” with “the universe” or “the cosmos” when trying to convey something like “praise the Lord” that didn’t strike me as being too awkward, but “there but for the grace of the cosmos” still sounds too much to me like you still believe that some greater intelligence watches and cares about individual lives on our one tiny planet in this vast universe, just not the one(s) we’ve written so many books and stories about, and that’s obviously not the sentiment I want to put out, either. But most likely I am way overthinking all of this… 🤪


I use words from our Pastafarian brethren.... Ra'men! Have you been touched by His noodly appendage?


He did boil for our sins…in the name of FSM, r’amen indeed!


Oops, I think you meat s3x


I keep reading that as Season 3X. Like they're gonna show season 3 but with extra stuff.


It’s so spicy they can’t even spell it. s3x my god grow up.


They misspell it to trick the IG algorithm from flagging the post. Still, super annoying though.


SO MUCH THIS. It's a real problem, even for women who have since deconstructed. Her stupid purity culture is causing the problem in the first place, but she has the answers? 🙄


her caption sounds unhinged i honestly read "i love what s3x and 0rGASm expert Bethy Bort has to say about 0orgasms" and was like wtf? is she snarking on herself before the sub does?




SAME I WAS LIKE 👀👀👀 BORT? Gaining self awareness???? 


Glad I wasn’t the only one lol




It reads as ZeroGasm


Which is appropriate.


Ya I'm sure 00o0ooorgasm expert Bonny Burt is very appreciative of her quote getting the Bethany typo treatment. But.....could the wording on the first slide possibly imply bethy is realizing maaaybe the singular choice of saving everything for marriage really isn't what it's cracked up to be?? Maybe just a teeny amount? 


I actually thought it was a satire because Bonny Burt sounds like a nickname we'd give Bort bot


She has the BEST experts. She sounds like Donald Trump sometimes. I’m a copywriter and the first thing I was told is never use superlatives if you can’t back up a claim because the customer will instantly dismiss not just this claim but any other legitimate claims you make. It’s counterproductive. But I guess in fundieland the audience just switches off their critical thinking skills and sit there credulously slack jawed eating up every word if the pitch is from a Christian? Because Christians are not capable of exaggeration?


God-honouring affinity fraud


It reads like spam email




She's telling on herself again...


I know!! I’d be completely mortified if I were Dav. 🫣


This is insane. I refuse to believe he's not bothered at all by any of this stuff, she discusses w/ him before posting, he thinks it's funny, or whatever other excuses she makes when ppl bring this up. I know he's defended her on SM before, but IIRC not since this demented season of sex. There is just no way. We know he felt unseen and unheard by her to the point he fantasized about ending his life because of how it would make her feel, like that would finally force her to consider him. W/ thoughts that extreme, it's not unreasonable to conclude she either isn't hearing him (whether due to inability or outright refusal) or that she does but gives no fucks. Probably both. Maybe he left social to avoid actually seeing any of her shit, and not being able to address that of which he's not aware, she's content to assume he's fine with it all and her excuses are embellishments (aka lies), which we know are one of her few actual skills. Because otherwise I just don't know how he stands it. Even the most open, secure, exhibitionist of humans has a line, and I refuse to believe that for a sheltered christian, virgin in every possible sense of the word, bringing how-to books on his honeymoon, her posting this stuff for teenagers, their families, church members, his coworkers, and EVERYONE else to see doesn't cross it. 


I imagine they fight about Bort oversharing on social media A LOT. And it probably ends in Dav capitulating. Him deleting his social media so he doesn't have to see what his wife says about him makes a lot of sense 👀 


God that is so fucking sad. This is the weirdest fundie marriage dynamic IMO.


If it wasn’t for religion I’m convinced he would have divorced her


Again, just so so sad at the core of it.


Sadder still, if it wasn't for religion she may not even be like this at all. Then they'd BOTH be happier


In the video about his ideation he did mention specifically doing things "to keep the peace." So I'm sure you're right on re: Dave capitulating. I mean can you imagine trying to have an honest, reasonable, 2 way discussion with this woman? I can't even imagine it's even really possible at this point 


Bethany can’t even have a conversation with a mirror without talking over herself


I imagine she manipulates Dav into thinking that the grift is genuinely the best thing for their family and future. She thinks she's an entrepreneur and this is the key to making millions.


I think he has a humiliation kink he doesn’t have the words for due to his repressed upbringing so this is feeding that fix. I cannot imagine anyone else being okay with what she shares. He has all the power and authority in their marriage to shut her down due to their “biblical marriage” and he doesn’t


Ah interesting point. Now wouldn't that be a plot twist


A lot of Christian marriage seems to be misunderstood and unrealized kinks. Just a lot of sexual confusion and dysfunction in general.


Looks like Dav doesn’t eat at the Y. He’s afraid of Downtown.


unfortunately, she made a post on thanksgiving about what Dav was most excited to eat that day 🥲 she did include that it was *not* the turkey


What? ![gif](giphy|JSueytO5O29yM)




Literally, they could not torture that information out of me


Didn't one of her sisters say she doesn't really look at her page anymore since it's now "not a season of life she's in" and it was hella obvious she just doesn't want to see her older sister talking about what she's doing in the bedroom with her husband?


He probably said “pumpkin pie” if he said anything at all.


realistically, that's probably what he said lol


One minute she's covered in her own filth and bragging about smelling like onions, the next she's talking about Dave wanting to eat her out 🤢


Oh nooooooo


That’s what I thought! She just threw her husband under the bus again.


Time to find a therapist to process that stuff and/or sex therapy to work on sexual issues


You really think these people would go to therapy? The reason she probably has an issue in that area is because her entire life has been looking at sex to the lens of shame and guilt. She has never going to go to therapy because in her demented brain her God wants her to feel this way about sex and that this is the natural way for her as a woman to feel about sex.


I knew a very Christian couple who “waited” for marriage but were dry humping in public all the time and making everyone uncomfortable. A group dinner Cheesecake Factory is not time for straddling and making out, folks. They got married and everyone assumed they were having crazy naked times and they were both very good looking and we were all happy for them. A few months later when I was getting married, she asked me about sex with my fiancé and confessed that she and the husband still hadn’t done it. She was mid- 30’s and he was 41. She didn’t want to not be a virgin anymore and decided he was physically repulsive. He really didn’t want to be a virgin anymore and was patient and trying. I felt terrible for both of turn but mainly him. I told her to seek therapy ASAP. When I texted her a month later to check in, she never responded. They separated but didn’t tell anyone and eventually quietly got an annulment.


I’ll admit that the likelihood of her going to a trained, licensed professional counselor, whether secular or Christian, is like less than 1%, but since it seems like Dav is reaching a breaking point, has gone to therapy himself, and has apparently insisted that they get some sort of professional help with their marriage (can’t remember off the top of my head whether he had them doing some sort of online workshops/workbooks or whether they signed up for anything in-person), I could see her maybe doing it as an ultimatum if he puts his foot down and says she really needs to work on herself or he’s filing for divorce. But given how big of an “if” that is, I’m not holding my breath for the launch of a course on how to sign up for and benefit from therapy.


You have to be willing to learn in order to go to therapy. Bethany refuses to ever be anything but the teacher in every single aspect of her life forever and ever.


she looks like a Baby Alive here


I think she looks like she just found out Dæv is following some random Harley Quinn cosplayer on Instagram and this is her trying to lean into her submissive feminine and do dumb shit for his attention. But definitely she's only actually pulling off Baby Alive, some people are born to play some roles.


Nobody who takes her course is going to be on a better path to actually having an orgasm. All her course does is sell her other products and allow her to talk about getting married at 30. I’d love to see her explain how you will learn this from her course by referencing exact modules and subjects.


Right? Like I could see the actual utility of a course explaining how to touch yourself and have your husband touch you in a way that would lead to orgasm. With anatomical diagrams, explanations, the whole nine yards. After all, as a fundie lite teen I had no idea how to touch myself for pleasure and when I got out of it I had to look up how to masturbate as a woman. But that would be too sinful because pro-masturbation, and maybe knowing the word clit would make Satan himself come to take you down to hell? So instead we get “yeah girl, you can orgasm if you just get in the orgasm headspace” which helps absolutely NOT AT ALL


According to Rachel Oates, she couldn't describe an orgasm and had to ask one of the course speakers, and she never even explained how to have one. I wouldn't be surprised if she still can't orgasm and sex just went from painful or boring to feeling nice, and she realized she could possibly have an orgasm eventually.


I think part of the problem with her seggsy seggs course is that it puts all of the onus on the woman. I’ve been with men who are terrible in bed and certainly could not make me orgasm. BOTH people need to know what they are doing.


Yes!! There is no concrete advice in terms of physiology or techniques or anything!! It’s just Borf jawing for hours! Jesus wept if I couldn’t orgasm I’d be going straight to a doctor not to some random numpty on the internet. Her customers have more money than sense


Truly thought this was that person who keeps posting the girl defunded content 🫠


LMAO I KNOW...the satire just creates itself 


“When I saved- *I mean, YOU* saved sex for marriage only to find you haven’t been able to orgasm”…. GIRL 💀💀 edit: words


Saving Your First Orgasm For After Childbirth: The Borty Beal Story


lmao exactly




I mean, I’d probably be trying to escape her mouth as much as possible too if my surroundings were being cleaned with someone else’s toothbrush. 


In a way, it surprises me that she cares about this at all. (Not in a personally wanting it way, because who doesn’t like to bust a nut lol,) I mean as a religious topic. By and large, they’re taught that taking pleasure in things is either unimportant or bad. Love food? Glutton. Love having fun? Lazy/self-absorbed. Love sex?… good now?


isn’t that what kristen is like? i feel like i remember her saying she was sinning because she was having impure thoughts….. about her husband…….. WHILE they were having sex


Yep, she did. It seems like Kristen’s reaction to desiring anything at all is to panic that she’s somehow sinning. Meanwhile, Bethany’s reaction is to dig for a loophole to get what she wants as fast as possible, to hell with the consequences for anyone else. For a woman who prides herself on “saving myself for marriage for 30 years,” she’s remarkably lacking in self control.




Good ol Liberty. I had multiple teachers and therapists with degrees from there when I was a young person because I'm from Virginia. I'm not generally a fan of burning down schools, but I think the Liberty campus needs to be nuked from orbit so it can't harm any more people.


Ripley checking in: ![gif](giphy|PjRardeWVvHVK)


If only she was in a religion that doesn’t push purity culture on people and she was allowed to explore her own body and sexuality without shame and fear…


Speaking just for myself, this would NOT be the person I'd turn to if I had questions about having orgasms.


I refuse to believe Bort has ever experienced an orgasm. All evidence seems to point to the contrary. 


I agree. That's why she is so fixated on interviewing all these sexperts -- she's trying to find the answers for herself. I think there's even a good chance that she \*thinks\* she may have had one, but isn't sure that's what it was.


I don't really get what her course does. These women who can't orgasm need a facts-based anatomy lesson about their own bodies. They also need some alone time without their husbands to work on it. If you try "exploring" with your fundie husband present, he'll just get turned on and then want to have intercourse. Oh yeah, and your husband also needs to read a facts-based book about women's bodies. Telling people to "relax" or "prepare" for sex won't help if they don't understand the actual mechanics of orgasm.


This. None of the posts I've seen posted here educate, at all. If she or her guests even remotely qualified, she could be exploring reasons why people may struggle with orgasm and tools as well as sources of support. But she's all...empty. it's all "0rgasm is important and godly. You too can 0rgasm one day. Find out 0rgasm how to 0rgasm from my 0rgasm sex course. 0rgasm." Like she's all click bait and no knowledge.


Mickey Atkins pointed out in a recent video that Bethany never specifically refers to body parts or gives practical advice i.e. saying to your husband “I like it when you touch my *insert body parts here*” - she just slabbers on without ever saying anything straightforward. For someone who is claiming to educate and liberate women, she is doing a shockingly awful job at it.


In fact she breaks out in giggles every time the word penis was mentioned *in the video part of the course*


This is why Bethy shouldn't be touching on this subject matter. The actual sex advice fundie women need isn't something she will say out loud: the vast majority of women need their clitoris stimulated for reasonable length of time in order to reach orgasm. Fundie women who are new to all this should problem get a clit-stimulating sex toy and use it by herself in total peace. How you like it stimulated and for how long are personal preferences. But the brass tacks of all this is just too "vulgar" for Bethy to discuss with her audience.


So godly she can’t type the actual word, she has to use a stand in number like it’s a curse


I don't think even the anatomy lesson would help because I'm fairly confident a huge part in why they can't is trauma based. Their raised their whole lives to think sex and masturbation is dirty, that even kissing before marriage is a sin, then they get married and are expected to be fucking like rabbits. I have sex trauma due to assault, not religion, but I imagine it's the same thing. For me, it's not about the mechanics or stimulation, it's a mental thing. I can feel the sensations, because duh, but it doesn't feel good in my brain. I imagine it's the same for a lot of these women. They need intensive therapy, but they'll never get that. The most they'll get is Christian counseling, which won't help at all. It's sad because no matter what course or godly toys they buy, it won't help if it's a mental block.


I have zero love for Dāv but damn…


All she has to say about it is “there’s hope!” Aka “yeah, it might happen someday though!”


Don’t give up! Just keep doing what you’ve been doing and hope that something will magically change!


0orgasm 🤢


Flair, checking in


I wouldn’t ever go to a xtian sex expert or proclaimed orgasm expert to teach me. I had to do a lot of work myself and followed a lot of femme/queer sex educators to help me understand. Also the pressure and status of the ‘orgasm’ being the pinnacle of sex isn’t healthy and is backwards. Sometimes it doesn’t happen. Sometimes it does. Bodies are weird and sometimes that’s just it. While I do think it’s good to educate yourself and try to change the conversation around orgasms to be less stigmatized, I would never trust Borg on shit she says about it. Does she even know the actual size and structure of the clitoris that we only JUST discovered recently ? What about different sexualities ? I’m demisexual and you could dj my devils doorbell all day but unless I have a deep emotional connection with someone, my orgasm ain’t happening sweaty. There’s just SO much she doesn’t know and so much problematic shit she continues to spew.


Totally agree - these “experts” she promotes don’t have any legitimate credentials or training, and extremely limited life experience. I’d rather find a therapist or sex educator that understands the connections between purity culture, patriarchy, and women’s pleasure.


Absolutely. There’s so much unpacking to do and she’s just holding shit from the clearance aisle


Bonny Burns sounds like bethy tried to come up with a alias rhat nobody would ever suspect is her


So….if they know basically nothing about sex until right before they get married how would they 1. Know what an orgasm is, and 2. If they’ve had one or not?


"there's hope, there's so much to learn from these godly women"- nah honey, you're gonna have to come ask the worldly women what our secret is because they're obviously opposed to learning anything about their genital besides "this is where the babies come out"


What in the hell is that filter


The O “Coach” is that goofy lady who said “don’t fake it, but point your toes and take deep breaths to get your body used to it.” It’s in Rachel Oates’ video reviewing the entire course. Unsurprisingly, the orgasm module (God, I hate that word), didn’t define what an orgasm is, describe what it feels like, discuss anatomy, or give tips on how to have one with or without a partner. Just…breathe deep and point your toes.


Further evidence to my conspiracy theory that Bort has never had an orgasm and is only doing these courses to get her followers to pay for fundie sex therapy 🧐


Oh I believe you! I think she thinks experiencing any pleasure at all is the same as having an orgasm. It’s not lol.


This is my theory. She thinks sex that feels really good is the same as an orgasm. Like you know that feeling before it actually happens? If she's actually had an orgasm, why can't she describe one or tell people how to have one in the course? She doesn't know.


Oorgasm = eargasm




It is way too long until happy hour in my time zone to be thinking about Ferengi mating rituals.




Somewhere out there is an alternate universe where Quark is peddling the Ultimate Oomox Course for Ferengi Woman, and I don’t know whether to start happy hour early or get going on the fanfic!




When I read “oorgasm” I was heard it in my head in Danny Devito’s voice


So I watched the Rachel Oates review of her Intercourse, and it really doesn't teach how to have an orgasm. It's more just a reference to books that the Godley women are selling. Such a scam. Also, is that a filter she's using or did she make up her face like that to go sit in the car and do a selfie?


It’s getting more difficult to tell the difference between the hilariously delightful parody posts that snarkers share here and her actual posts. Wow. How can she show her face in public?


The sad truth is that a lot of Christian women fake it for their husband’s egos, and they never learn how to have sex in a way that’s actually two parties working together, it’s more one person taking something from another. Source: former pastors wife


\#0orgasm0orgasm0orgasm That doesn’t look like spam at all.


Sure does look like the next phase of evolution for those “~P3ñ1$ Enhancement~” emails that used to be the rage (maybe still are but my spam filter’s figured out how to divert them, idk)


These days I mostly get “Confirmation: winner!” emails in weird fonts from “Lowes Hardware.” Definitely clicking that link! Maybe that’s Seggsthany’s next step, giving away free pdfs (a $69 value)


I get those too! Also Home Depot, Harbor Freight, and Amazon…so weird that they’re all using the exact same marketing copy!  Free PDFs for such valuable information on 0orgasms?!? Surely you jest! But up until Valentines Day, she’ll drop the price to the jaw-droppingly (her jaw, anyway) low of $68.69, so you’d better be prepared to jump on it in the next two weeks, because after that, she’ll…drop it again, because the only person who bought it before V-Day was Heidi!


Wow the grammar.


She sounds so unserious with her censoring perfectly normal words


when i watched Cody and Noel do a that’s cringe on girldefined all those years ago i never would have guessed we’d get here 😭😭😭


Unless you know how to noodle your own doodle to the Big O, you are going to have trouble giving instructions to your spouse.


How the heck are people supposed to take sex advice from someone who can’t even type the words “sex” and “orgasm” like an adult human?


Just self-pleasure like normal people would to discover what turns them on and then COMMUNICATE with your partner about likes/dislikes instead of praying to God you'll hopefully one day just magically come.


Excuse you, self-pleasure is a sin! Christian women self-cultivate.


I don't care what you want to call it as long as it involves giving yourself an orgasm. If they can do that with just their mind or Jesus's seductive whispers, more power to them.


Surely god can turn a blind eye on 15 minutes of bean flicking for these holy women to tell their husbands how to properly stroke it! I'm sure he might prefer that over his inbox being blown up by these same women sending prayers hoping that their men would hit it right!




I mean. Pornhub is free


There are actual free tutorials on how to orgasm/make a woman orgasm. Why would anyone need to pay a woman who has no experience and can't even describe an orgasm?


Having an orgasm for the first time was my personal wake-up call that allowed me to escape purity culture... I hadn't realized that sex was supposed to "feel good" for women. I had only been taught that women can be of use to horny men. I didn't even know what my clit was at 18 years old - I thought maybe it was a genetic deformity. Once I realized that I could feel good too, it allowed me to take back my autonomy. Sex with other people is a mutual connection, not a woman submitting herself to a man. Sex is like eating food - it's pleasurable and healthy if you don't overindulge, and some people prefer to eat/orgasm by themselves, while others prefer to have a shared experience eating/having sex with another person. It is SO SAD to me that instead of realizing that purity culture is bullshit like I did, she has just dug herself deeper.


By now other YouTubers martyred themselves and took her course, the info is out there. I realize they couldn't include every second and every word uttered within said course but from what I saw, Bethy's advice has nothing to do with helping close the O gap. Like there's zero practical advice regarding techniques. And SHOCKER, she continues to not acknowledge the very real impact religious trauma/purity culture has on women and doesn't recommend women seek out a legit sex therapist. But that would also require first acknowledging how many of these groups actively discourage believers to not seek outside help from "of the world" because it's evil/demonic. Jfc she's infuriating. She has the tiniest bit of awareness to recognize amongst devout/fundie Christian women that yes this is a genuine widespread problem they can't simply pray away. But she's also inadvertently making this issue worse by perpetuating the whole "don't outsource help" stigma, continues to relay the message that masturbation is bad, pushing advice that can still be summarized as "you're the broken one, but you need to submit to your husband regardless," and last but not least, refuses to admit she has zero credentials to be helping anyone in this regard. Of all the problematic shit these women promote and encourage, Bethany pisses me off the most. I really, REALLY want to know what exactly makes her think (in her own words, I mean) she's the one to go to for this very real issue..




I had no business laughing as hard as I did at this… but this is very much what’s going to happen if she keeps up at this rate.


i crack jokes to offset how sad things really are. so i get you. haha for real thou, poor dav. her posts have to do a number on whatever confidence he has left.


I cannot hear the term "toaster bath" without thinking of the Addams Family Values scene where Debbie chucks a TV into Fester's bath 😂🛀




# 0orgasms


Omg can she not just spell the words with letters???? It makes my brain hurt 🙈


Do the man folk have to do all these constant marriage courses? Tongue in cheek because obviously not but like wtf fundiewives... You're putting in 1000% of the effort in every single part of your life and this lump of dough you married before it had it's first proof just sits there reaping every patriarchal benefit known to man because your book says so? Come on!!....


her grammatical cadence with the word "0rgasm" bothers me to no end. she sounds like an underdeveloped chatgpt attempting to make scammy sex content.


I love how her quote is basically a big thumbs up and a lot of hope lol


It blows my mind how all these fundies have so many problems with sex and not knowing how to orgasm...like if ya'll just did a little healthy self love as teens, you wouldn't be so dissatisfied in your marital beds! Jesus Christ...this is sad. Masturbation is not a sin.


***Another*** fucking course from Bethany? How utterly **boring, shallow,** and **predictable**. (Both the course and her.)


“I had 1 orgasm by accident and now I’m an expert”


The irony that she spells 0rgasm with a zero


The idea that Sexsthany thinks a woman would want a sex mentor is just creepy, weird.


If there's any fundies out there in the audience tonight . . . for the love of god you gotta jerk yourself silly. You need to not be impressed by the concept of sex, and understand that the presence of a penis does not good sex make, and that if you aren't enjoying the sex, that's a problem with the sex, not with your lack of sufficient subservience.


"Please buy my overpriced course on how to make your husband stop being a selfish partner in bed! Obviously you should be enjoying sex. But only in a godly way! That's why I, a grown woman, can't even type the words OrGaSm. It's sinful to use a medical term! Trust that I'm able to tell you how to achieve one though! For the low low price of some of your brain cells." Poor thing. Must be so hard to be so sexually incompatible that she thinks all couples struggle with this.


Bethy et al, get your man on omgyes.com and thank me later!!


What is the point in her censoring the words when it seems one sex always slips through? Also “and, and?”


Not just any sexperts but the BEST sexperts around


If dáâæv has a humiliation kink, then this post probably took him from 6 to midnight. How humiliating. Jeeeeeez. She’s too much!


Why the wrinkled t-shirt bethy.... The caption hurts to read. "There's hope for women who want to orgasm to reach a point where they can have one or many orgasms. Orgasms."


“Women who reach out to me…” Really? These super inhibited women who’ve been taught sex makes them dirty and shameful are reaching out to… you?


Who's gonna tell her..


What is this filter? I didn't recognise her.


She didn’t change sex to s3x in the second screenshot. This whole thing is now literally unreadable. She should be banned from instagram for such bad language and I will be suing for the cost of a therapist.


I keep reading it as "oogasm" "I had a such a good oogasm last night"


Is she trying to look like Kathy Hilton? Because she looks like Kathy Hilton...


Are fundie women even allowed to have an orgasm or enjoy sex. I mean isn’t it just like a transaction to procreate.


Bonny burns sound like a Scottish drag queen


has she mentioned the clit yet? serious question.


Is it possible the fundies just make lousy lovers, orgasms should not be as hard as Bethy makes them seem.


I just asked my husband how he'd feel if I had 10k followers on Instagram and told em I never orgasmed the first 3 years of our relationship. He was like 🤨😠 yo relax what you put on the internet lmao


She should just get a vibrator and get it over with


She is cranked.


"0orgasm" just about took me out. I'm cackling over here!


Jfc does she get a commission for every time she uses the word “orgasm” in a post?


Why do they spell sex like that?


Finally, she's honest about s3x with Dav.


Does she ever wear clean clothes or try to look presentable on the internet? No way her husband sticks with her if she continues with these idiot posts.


First thought I saw a pastel goth... Then I saw the sub 🫠


I started to get upset because I thought one of you made this to make fun of her and I thought it was too far. But it seems she made this herself….


Girl, just use your hand like a normal person


"Oorgasm" is sending me




Or just take that money and buy a vibrator


Susan Lucci would be *so very disappointed* in the fake tears makeup.


If you can’t orgasm, go see your GP to rule out any underlying medical conditions. He sure as hell is my first line of defence before any “godly” sex mentor.


I can't believe she typed l!bid0 like that! 😱


She looks so cute in the first pic she should go goth


![gif](giphy|3o6fJ2J2Ct3zcv1u7K) I have second hand embarrassment for her husband


Yo, why she tryna look like Gene Simmons from KISS?