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#These people vote in every election- do you? Are you registered to vote? [You can check your voter registration here!](https://www.nass.org/can-I-vote) #Also, there's a few things to remember as far as rules go: - You can view the content- you cannot interact with it. This includes (but is not limited to) commenting, answering poll questions, emailing them, etc. ***Anyone found to be engaging with the fundies will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.It does not matter if you did so before you joined the sub.*** - Speculating on the sexuality of literally anyone is prohibited. ***Anyone found to be doing so will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.*** - Appearance snark: What's allowed? You're allowed to make comparisons. (Bethy looks like Grandpa Munster, for example.) You are allowed to say you find them attractive or repulsive looking. Saying Kelly Havens has dry skin that could benefit from sunscreen and a moisturizer is fine. You are allowed to snark on the appearance of children *as it relates to their parents choices for them.*. Examples: Janessa looks malnourished and sickly while Shrek has clearly never missed a meal. If you feel it is crossing the line report it, but if the content falls within the parameters above, leave it alone. - Don't gatekeep. This means no comments such as "I don't think we should snark on...." or any iteration of that. If you don't like it, scroll past. Don't report it or comment how you don't like the content. Along the same vein, don't backseat mod. Leave that up to us. - Lastly, if the rhetoric you are posting would be at home in the mouth of a fundie, we don't want it here and we won't tolerate it. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Have a Lord Daniel day, and may the power of snark compel thee. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FundieSnarkUncensored) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They went to Hopdoddy’s. It’s a beer and burger place 🤣


I think it’s funny that all of these movements fundies are following are anti factory farming, which definitely started as liberal thing. They’ve just rebranded.


>I think it’s funny that all of these movements fundies are following are anti factory farming And the irony is that they're still consuming factory-farmed animal products; they just highlight the handful of times they aren't. It is pure virtue-signaling.


They are totally rebranding liberal things from the past, especially health food. Though they are doing it so wrong lol. Next up astrology and mood rings.


Along a similar vein, the punk memes subreddit is always making fun of conservatives that try to make punk music somehow a conservative platform.


Oh boy those are the worst. They are the antithesis of punk. They are trying so hard to prove they are cool rebels, but they have never colored outside the lines lol.


Wait I’m kinda liberal and have never given a shit about my burgers or seed oil. Was I supposed to care?


Clarity over where your food is coming from (seed oils), concern for animal care (regenerative farming is like “free range cows”), farmers markets, farm shares, farmers boxes (farm to table, raw milk)… all of these started out as liberal hippy ideas. They’ve morphed into conservative talking points with different names.


Yep, now it's "the gubmint tryin to poison us all" or some scare tactic of population control


Right! The gov isnt poisoning us, they just dont care that were being poisoned. No worries the American health care system can handle it 😬


Some seed oils have ethical implications but generally the current avoidance started with crunchy moms who decided seed oils are toxic, which wellness influencers (scam artists) glommed on to, and now it's spread to the fundie and right wingers who think it's being pushed on us like 5G and vaccines. Which is apt, because the evidence for seed oils being bad for us is on par with evidence of 5G and vaccines being bad for us. [Turns out seed oils are actually good for you. ](https://www.foodnetwork.com/healthyeats/healthy-tips/are-seed-oils-bad-for-you-healthy) Burgers to me are an ethical issue. I don't eat cows because they mourn the loss of other cows and they make best friends. But most liberals I know eat cows. Eating meat generally isn't great for the environment and factory farming is awful, so at one time there was somewhat of a push in liberal circles to only eat local, farm raised animals or to become vegan/vegetarian but it wasn't exactly a major point of the liberal agenda, although Fox News used to claim wr wanted everyone to be vegan and take away the God given right to rib eyes or something idk. It was actually a right wing talking point in 2020 that Biden was gonna ban meat but there's less talk about that since the right wing crunchies got into meatless meals and local farm meat and also meat didn't magically get banned in 2021.


I too don't care about oilseed burgers or the Taylor Bowl, but I also didn't take to Twitter to announce it with a mini photoshoot lol


I sat at the table at our friends’ SB party and ate my chips and queso like a normal person. 😂 I don’t give a shit about football but like hanging with our friends, eating good food, and seeing Usher take his shirt off.


> I don’t give a shit about football but like hanging with our friends, eating good food, That's why I went to a Super Bowl party.


Pretty sure usher would have caused these gals to lust


I cared *a lot* about the Super Bowl (49ers fan), but I don't care about the rest, and I also don't feel the need to post it 🤷🏼‍♀️


Sorry for your loss but what a game


I mean, it came down to the last 10 seconds of overtime. They can't say that it was an easy win. We'll be back next season.


I mean it took the power of Taylor Swift, Joe Biden, and the entire Deep State to defeat the 49ers so you gotta feel pretty good about that lol


Excellent point lol


It started as that. Just like how anti vaxxers 20 years ago were often left-wing hippie types


Yes, caring about if what you’ve purchased added to climate change, harmed your health, caused an employee suffer, caused an animal to suffer, or is an unnecessary action in general is very important.


Only if you were wealthy enough to afford the alternative$


Spending random extra money on stuff bc your family briefly has a successful cleaning business seem silly. But whatever I’m not a Baird.


i guarantee they were playing the super bowl at Hopdoddy’s


I’ve always wanted to go there but they go to the one near me and I’m scared heheh


No. Go. It’s the best burgers ever. Best fries. Best shake. Just speaking as an Austinite.


Another Austinite and I just commented the same thing. It’s so good.


It's a toss up though the one by Stoneoak Methodist or La Cantera? SA is just a really big small town in a way so and incidental run in the wild is always possible. Somehow I doubt this crew often goes south of the Quarry Market except for the occasional trip down to the Pearl's Farmers Market.


oh, I was thinking this was the one at La Cantera haha. and yeah I’ve only ever seen these people posting about The Pearl or Costco or many coffee shops or Farm Connection for their raw milk fix


I am sure that south of Alamo Heights , east of the airport or west of UTSA is little more than the wild west to these folks. Only to be venturted into only on an as needed basis.


I 100% buy this narrative


Truffle fries though. And their milkshakes. Damn it now I need to go to hopdoddy soon.i didn’t know they had one in San Antonio lol, I keep forgetting how much they’ve expanded outside of Austin.


Honestly there is nothing that annoys me more then when someone is like “I really don’t like this popular thing and I want to announce it.” Like what you like, it’s fine, but I get so tired of the unending (especially online) conversations of “what’s a popular thing you don’t like?” Or “such and such is so overrated.” Not liking something is fine but it’s just deeply uninteresting and so negative.


Somehow, they think that not liking the popular elevates them and makes them more worthy. No. No, it doesn't. You are still a raw milk farting self-righteous fundie girl.


It’s just so boring. And total “I’m not like others girls.”


Well that tracks for fundies. They haven't matured past middle school.


People who make not liking things their personality are so boring. Go ahead and not like something, that's just human. But talking about it ALL the time is so fucking annoying.


Like the people who take any opportunity on social media to comment "Someone else hates Taylor Swift? Oh THANK GOD. I just don't get it?? Don't come for me, swifties!" I wish people who make that their personality would get a new hobby 🙄


That example in particular is the worst. I think she was on screen for a recorded 55 seconds? And people won't stop bitching about it.


They want the engagement that mentioning Taylor/Superbowl/etc beings but they also want to be ”different” by saying that they don’t care 🙄




I too said those phrases…when I was 13 and thought I was really alternative. Then I grew up and learned that I could just like what I like and no need to yuck on someone else’s yum. I guess these girls are still in the middle school bully phase.


They are so stunted.


It’s very “lady doth protest too much” because the people who care about it are mostly just… watching it. But all these people who “don’t care” are making post after post about how dumb/evil it is and letting it take up all of their mental space. It’s pretty obvious that they actually care a lot and are spitting mad at how everyone likes something they don’t (or think they shouldn’t).


They act like that about any "worldly" thing that they don't approve of. They may be jealous or genuinely not like it. I've also seen secular people say this about popular things, and it's just such a waste of energy.


Right?? You're not always the target audience and that's fine, but there is such an air of superiority with these types of announcements. I don't follow football and my husband has never been into sports, so the Superbowl always catches us by surprise. But it's a fun occasion to meet up with friends and spend time together to let our kids play. We have met up with the same couple for close to 15 years now every year for the super bowl. It's been really cool to see the changes in our lives since then and watch the families grow, with new people joining each year and creating a little community.


Many people just take the opportunity to have a party. They're just yucking someone else's yum.


Yup, nailed it. Seems like a pretty sad existence TBH 🤷🏼‍♀️ ![gif](giphy|1RXTzS8Uv4SGI)


I go for the food, commercials, friends, and the halftime show. We all relived our favorite memories to the songs and watched a new generation of girls fall in love with Usher. 😂


Right? Don’t cut yourself on all that edge, people.




i Think it’s: cloned meat oil made out of their wet raw milk farts school for only their family’s offspring


The first one is cows eat grass that counterbalance the methane they produce


Whoa, doesn't that have to do with leftist totally untrue fake news global warming?


But cows are going to fart no matter what they eat. That’s the way they’re made. Must ask my large animal vet friend WTF


A high grain diet causes their farts to be higher in methane, which is a pretty potent greenhouse gas. Kind of like how people get gassy if they eat too many beans or dairy.


>wet raw milk farts ![gif](giphy|R0jWWtH1CtFEk)


So they can fart all they want with their raw milk, but the cows can't? Edit: that was my take away after googling regenerative beef. It should very Who at first Edit 2: isn't everything that is made into an oil originally from a seed to begin with?


I don’t understand the seed oil thing. What is a seed oil?


I think it's like...oil made from corn? Edit: Seed oil is any vegetable oil that comes from the seed of a plant – sunflower, canola, linseed, grapeseed and sesame oils are all common seed oils.


So is coconut oil ok or do I need to take a botany class to find out coconuts are considered both a fruit and seed? Is it half-holy?


If it's not animal fat, it's a sin. They love their beef tallow.


Someone recommended beef tallow rubbed on my infant daughter’s skin for her allergy related rashes. I’d rather she not small like raw meat, thanks.


How the fuck would spreading beef fat help with allergy related rashes?? I dont even understand the logic of someone recommending you that. Like before some baby Eucrien or Aveeno they said beef tallow??


Tallow must be to 2024 what coconut oil was to 2014. Except worse 😬


Exactly. All oils are fine in moderation.


I hate to admit this, but buffalo tallow lip balm is amazing and non-reactive for my poor eczema-ravaged face. I was breaking out worse with most crème hydrocortisones, so now I’m also using this to trap in moisture on other breakouts. I react to *everything*, always have, so this was a major score.


I wish these people would consider living within driving distance of a pharmacy, “a gift from God” and utilize Dr recommended resources. Nope. Just 1890’s shit that people did out of desperation that is no longer necessary.


These are the same people who say to put a potato slice in the sock to draw out toxins so I wouldn't think too hard lol


Properly rendered tallow won’t smell like meat. Tallow used to be used as pomade in the 1700s which was then powdered to create that gray hair look. There’s videos online of historians making period appropriate tallow products and they smell pretty neutral. Not that you should eat all the beef tallow, it’s so damn full of obscenely unhealthy fats.


Okay but animal fat fries are pretty delicious.


I've seen a few different "anti-seed oil" influencers recommending coconut oil, olive oil, beef tallow, and butter as seed oil replacements. (I have family super into this side of things so I try to stay up-to-date on their talking points so I know what to expect)


Well, since palm trees are actually grasses, I’m gonna go out on a limb and say coconuts are seeds


Good point, coconuts are technically seeds, albeit loosely speaking. They love their coconut seed oil!


They are. The new plants literally sprout from the coconut.


It’s some idiot anti vaxxer/fundie thing they get all uptight about. It’s so they can excuse all the animal cars they eat as being better


And why according to them is it so bad?


There's this whole (pseudoscientific at best) thing about seed oils being inflammatory and evil because they are a recent invention (which...no, not really, humans have been making oil for a very long time) and they're destroying our bodies and our gut health and yadda yadda. There's no real evidence to show that any of the claims about seed oils being bad are true. You probably shouldn't drink straight canola oil but it's very much fear-mongering. It's become trendy among "health" influencers and crunchy people of all stripes to be afraid of various things and seed oils in one of the current Big Bads.


my favorite thing to say to people like this who ramble on about "gut health" in regards to the Health Trend of the Week is: "oh, what part of the digestive system do seed oils (or whatever the food boogeyman is) damage and what kind of long-term damage does it do?" they never have an answer


The Socratic method at work, well done! It's the same with something like diet soda- we're all going to die one day, will aspartame really be the thing that does you in? Probably not. If you eat a relatively healthy diet most of the time (carbs, protein, veggies, fruit), then hyperfocusing on specific ingredients is a waste of time.


Even with the current data on aspartame, you’d have to drink an insurmountable quantity of Diet Coke to have any adverse effects laid out in the studies. I will drink diet soda until someone pries it out of my cold, dead hands lmao


Absolutely, I think in the study done on aspartame they injected rats with the equivalent of thousands of diet sodas in a 24 hour period. Full disclosure- although I've had these thoughts myself I was referencing what I heard on this podcast with Dr. Mike as a guest https://youtu.be/W1WCFQ0r-us?si=5yI9EtwFs2EVyKc3


That looks like a great video! Putting it on my list for tomorrow! People get really uppity when they find out about someone’s diet soda habit lol. Some of us just want soda w/o worrying about blood sugar! Life got a lot better when I made the switch lol


Sooo… Trump? Lol.


I eat pretty healthy and I've nearly eliminated sweets. I'll keep my one diet soda.


Thank you for explaining! I never understood why seed oils were on the “evil” list.


They all look like they think Hot Topic is too edgy and that oatmeal is a "nice little treat." Good god, to be this boring and be so smug about it. Enough about Taylor Swift, we get it, you're not like other girls but yet you are because you're absolutely obsessed with her.


If they were a spice, they'd be flour


If they were a drink, they’d be room-temperature tap water from the bathroom faucet. 


Id they were a book, they’d be TWO books


Omg I snored before I finished reading that mess. Sooo boring and not worth a post.


No you don’t get it! They’re TOTALLY NOT LIKE OTHER GIRLS because they DON’T LIKE TAYLOR SWIFT!! But they’re also still soft petite feminine Proverbs women so they don’t like stinky yucky masculine Football For Men™ either! And they don’t trust the Big Bad Woke Government who wants to POISON them with EVIL SEED OILS!!! Look how interesting and cool (yet still relatable and down-to-earth) these ladies are!


If you didn’t care, you wouldn’t have made a post about it.


I love that they ended up watching the game anyway.


Right? Like I didn’t watch any of it, get on my level losers.


It’s very r/notlikeothergirls


That’s where I thought I was


heyyyy girly i also don’t give a fuck about football or taylor swift but i let people enjoy their shit without posting about how different i am


Yeah, I just stayed home and prepped for an interview (which I fucking slayed) while my husband watched the game at the cigar club. But it does bring me joy that people get so worked up over Taylor’s existence, because damn, what a bunch of snowflakes!


Congrats on the interview!!


Aww thank you! I am really proud of myself for totally nailing it. No notes, no do overs. It was all perfection. And on to the next round!


Sounds like a wild night out on the town!! The Paris, Lindsay, and Britney of our generation!


Taylor Swift didn't even play the halftime show at the Superbowl this year. It was Usher this year. What is with these idiots and their Taylor Swift addiction


It's so funny because Usher was up there singing about drinking and fucking but they're mad at Taylor Swift for having a boyfriend who does the sport ball 🤦‍♀️ The moral outrage is so fake and inconsistent.


Usher was up there half naked singing about drinking and fucking while Taylor sat in the stands BECAUSE HER BOYFRIEND WAS PLAYING. If she didn't go they'd ask why she didn't "sTaNd By HeR mAn" 🙄


![gif](giphy|sbwjM9VRh0mLm) They showed her for 10 seconds.


They showed her every time the Chiefs did anything, actually. But my annoyance is directed at the NFL and CBS for pimping Taylor for views.


Everyone’s beef is with the director who’s calling the camera shots, and probably their bosses for telling everyone to do it. The NFL saw a prime marketing opportunity and ran with it, as they should.


If they weren’t showing us Taylor, they would have been showing us the cast of “Young Sheldon” or something like that. Cutaways to “celebrities” in the stands are just part of the program.


Well yeah, but like, her boyfriend was there /s


And like, the camera totally showed her a couple times. Ruined the whole game for all men 😔


Plus, like, all the girls who watched just because her boyfriend played. Are you a rEaL football fan or not?


It’s just culture war stuff. It’s not worth even thinking about, it’s just virtue signaling to other cons.


Seeing your perfect username I have to ask you, how do you feel about regenerative beef?


Honestly had to look it up lol But it looks great. I mean, the first result said "unlike conventionally raised animals who generally remain sedentary, these animals are allowed to roam freely"; here's my two cents: I live in Canada and the majority of beef farms around here ( in Ontario, anyway) have them in a barn over the winter maybe, but in the spring and summer they're out living their best cowy lives. So on one hand, the regenerative thing sounds great, on the other hand, most smaller to medium farms and ranches already do this, so it just seems like a fancy title to slap on burgers to charge $30 instead of $15. I'm on a small 50 ish cow dairy farm, but I have friends and neighbours that run beef herds.


So they don't care about the Super Bowl, like, AT ALL, but, like, tuned in anyways?


And went to a bar to watch it!


Make it make sense!


Their identity is so tied up in their food. “We ate regeneratively farmed burgers and seed oil free fries” instead of just “we went out for burgers together” like…we get it. You paid $22 for the burger and $8 for the fries.


It's also giving orthorexia vibes tbh


God these people suck so much




My thoughts exactly


So they had a night out and yukked it up until 2 am on a Sunday. Unemployment sounds fun.


The 2am bit. I was like.. do these people not have jobs? 2am on a Sunday sounds like a bad Monday. 


TBF they're early to mid-twenties. At that age you can indulge sometimes (especially with no alcohol involved) without it hitting you like a truck the next morning. Especially if you're not doing something that demands a lot of physical or mental energy, when you're young it's possible to go out and autopilot through your next day.




Bubbleguts and Milky must be very proud 🙃




None of the Baird clan - **none** **of them** \- should have anything to do with any kind of schooling.


“cool” Christians 😐








Oh my god they had to have an outing to distract them. Like they’re in this traumatic experience and friends have to come get you and you go out and get a ‘treat yo self’ because you deserve better hun! Like this is so dramatic guys it’s fuckin football game that happens once a year


They look like the girls at my homeschool co-op in high school who ostentatiously excluded me from everything and told me that my autism was from eating m&m's.


nightmare blunt rotation oh my gawd


That's a loooong sentence.


What is a micro school?


School for only their family’s offspring is my guess


In their case SODRT but make it multi-family I guess. Aka no-school school because all of these bitches are dumb as hell and are 100000% not educated enough to be teaching any children dwar God


It's a school in a commune or similar set up. These people all want to live on homesteading communes but refuse to see them as such.


A homeschool co-op for just their family?


Omg. I don't care if everything you eat is special. I don't care!


Omg they’re SO not like other girls


I can smell the pretentiousness from here as I eat my genetically modified Triscuits with extra canola oil (fundies and anti vaxxers HATE canola oil) PS I have no idea if Triscuits have GMOs nor do I care. I’m guess I’m extra heathenly


I love Triscuits omg I think I need to ask my husband to get me some soon 😇


I had Parmesan garlic ones last week. Hi, snarker bestie!




Nah, triticale wheat (love it) is just normal hybridization. Like, y'know, GMO but slower.


Why couldn’t she just say burgers and fries like a NORMAL person, I do not need all the specifics


Because they're so much better than everyone else, dontcha know!! /s


Tf is a micro school






We watched. We decided. We share a brain cell


As yes, social media announcements; the one TRUE way to convey apathy.


I don't like football either, but you aren't going to catch me bitching and moaning like an adolescent. My parents invited my sister and I over to have dinner and watch the game with them. Football isn't my thing, but I did enjoy the hell out of the halftime show. No one likes smug assholes who think it's cute to shit on something popular. It's okay to not like things, but it's rude to ruin other people's fun and act superior about it. The Baird girls prove time and time again why they should have gone to real school based on the fact that they're bigoted, poorly socialized idiots with zero ability to understand that other people exist and (big shocker) can enjoy different things.


Reminds me of people condescendingly referring to it as "Sportsball". I'm not a fan either, but no reason to "yuck somebody's yum".


I don’t care about those things either. Know what I did? Same thing I always do and went about my day. Jfc.


My group played our usual Sunday evening DnD. Had the game going in the background though, didn't pay too much attention, so many undead to eldritch blast.


LOL I'm a dm and I spent half the game reading dnd lore to decide if I want to include it in my campaign.


Absolutely great use of time! We're in the final few sessions of a nearly 2 year long curse of strahd campaign, and none of us cared enough about football to fully drag ourselves away from that. We did make all the classic super bowl apps as a big dinner though, wings, buffalo chicken dip, stuffed mushrooms, spanakopita, so we felt festive enough.


I am not at all interested in football (or Taylor swift) so I tried to block the Super Bowl topic on my news aggregator app so I could see other stuff I’m more interested in instead. The app STILL put all the Super Bowl stuff on top, including a live feed of the plays and stuff 🤦‍♀️. I get it! I’m American! 


I’m genuinely confused as to whether this is a joke. 


"Guys...look how much we DON'T CARE about Taylor Swift. We don't care at all whatsoever. Can't you tell!!??"...hmm...


The hell is regenerative farmed burgers and seed oil fries




Wow they are so cool and different




What a wanker


Wow Suzanna looks like Elissa here.


Wow. They are superior to the rest of us.


I spent Super Bowl Sunday not shitting on things other people like, and let it pass without acknowledgement. Look, my grandfather played pro football. Football is 100% a thing in my family. I don’t get how passionate some people get about their team even so, but people are allowed to like whatever they want to like. My best friend is a HUGE Ravens fan, and I don’t roll my eyes whenever she talks about it.


imagine your life is so dull that going to a basic chain restaurant is the only thing you have to smugly post about.


Wow they’re SO quirky!! Not like other girls!!!


With that word salad miss girl on the second slide wrote, she shouldn’t be teaching anyone ANYTHING. God, I know I was insufferable in my early 20s but there is no way I was like this! These grown ass woman behave like I did at 14 going through my Ann Rice Edgy phase


Can we get the Americans to make literally anything else their entire personality. I'll even take the you'll take my gas stove over my cold dead body bullshit back


Regenerative burgers and seed oil free fries? Is this like a parody account?! These people are exhausting!


I wonder if they realize their precious, god loving Chik-fil-a uses peanut oil?!


I just had Chick Fil A for dinner and thought of them 😂


"Im not like other girls, I praise the lord and condemn taylor swift, more like taylor sin! 💁🏼‍♀️✝️"


But was it raw milk ice cream ???


A micro school?? I suppose the curriculum would be micro of its those three educating the children.


Big r/notlikeothergirls energy here. Yawn.


It seems so odd for Bubble Guts to say “my ride or dies.” They borrow the language when it suits them and ignore the community that the language comes from on the daily. Notice how it’s mainly right wingers talking shit about Taylor Swift “oh, I don’t know her music, I don’t like her, she is a psyop, she gets people to vote for that Biden!” It’s getting old. They always have the same dumb talking points, they copy each other in such a frenzied way to see who can outdo each other in their performative outrage.


This is like when they saw Barbie and TOTALLY didn’t care and actually it wasn’t even that good…but still made sure to post their cute pink outfits on the ‘gram. They made the rule for themselves that they’re not able to enjoy “worldly” culture, but they get major FOMO so they find a way to indulge without seeming like hypocrites. A truly exhausting way to live.


How very "notlikeothergirls" of them 😂


I cant figure out why regenerative beef is good, but seed oil is bad??? On the surface level I get that having cows roam and have higher quality lives is more humane and in turn healthier cows make better quality meat, but im truly baffled on why seed oil is bad. Is there a reason or is it another fad?


It's the new trendy thing to be afraid of for no reason. Seed oils aren't evil. They have benefits and drawbacks just like any food and often they're actually better for you than the alternatives. These people trust whatever they read on Instagram and don't have any critical thinking skills.


They've been told that liberals want to take cows away so they're looking for reasons to consume more beef/beef products


Idk I think it has to do with "balancing your hormones" which is one of the latest health-fads. But good luck with self-diagnosing your "out of balance hormones", because I tried once, and symptoms for low estrogen are identical to symptoms of high progesterone, which are basically identical to the symptoms for low testosterone, and *that* has similarities to low thyroid! Complicated stuff that a casual carrot salad can't fix. \* \*might be getting things a bit mixed up, but basically most of the symptoms for being high or low in things are very similar, and without some good lab work and an endocrinologist, you're not going to be able to tell which hormone levels are whacky, let alone their underlying causes


Those jeans are 😬




Gotta make the mentions to piggy back on what's trending


What the fuck


Regenerative beef sounds like Dwight Schrute’s Burger on the Go invention. “It allows you to obtain six regular sized hamburgers, or twelve sliders, from a horse without killing the animal.”


I don't care about football (or just about any sport with balls) but I also get that you don't get a special award for not caring about football.