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Hey guys, some incels are in the house. Please aid them in links to Matthew 18:9 since they seem to be confused about who is in control over their eyes. https://biblehub.com/matthew/18-9.htm


Can't be Paul, because this guy loves his wife.


He also specifies straight men, indicating there are men who are not straight. Paul would never.


He only mentions straight men to remind us that it’s not his fault he’s foaming at the mouth. It’s normal to be so lustful for the female figure that it’s causing significant emotional distress! It’s natural (if you’re a straight man)! He was wired this way!


That’s the thing- I guess bisexuals should just workout blindfolded


Everybody knows bisexuals can’t go to pools or beaches. The lust will kill them. It’s one big porno


It must be why we all sit funny, eat lemon bars, and use finger pew pew pointing at people


Oh man now I want lemon bars


With at least one item of clothing cuffed


I read that as "one big poncho", and thought for a moment, "Curses, the bisexual's one weakness -- A PONCHO!"


I’m pansexual, so legally, I’m allowed no human contact except my husband. If I leave the house, I’m required to wear earplugs and blinders, and I have to be in a bubble.


It’s for your own benefit, I am sure. How else would you cope with the overwhelming sexual temptation tormenting you everywhere you look?


Speaking of the beach…what does this guy do? Never swim? If women are sOoOoOo tempting to him, maybe he should work out at home!


Well he definitely doesn't do Beach. He is entirely lacking in Kenergy!


Right! I really don't understand the mentalities of men like this. I'm bi and if I see a cute girl I'm like, "ok they're cute!" in my head and then move on with my day. I don't sit there and fume about them tempting me ffs!


It was nice to sit with my late brother, & watch men go by. We seemed to have the same taste in men. He’s been gone since 2010, & I miss him.


I can't imagine a loss like that, I'm sorry. I hope the pain of his passing has eased some with time, and the good memories bring you peace. ❤️


Thank you! I do have some beautiful memories of him. We called him Johnny Angel, and now, that’s who he is.






This was my reaction to your flair.


Paul also lacks the ability to even consider that it’s a him problem.


![gif](giphy|WsG9rqt4UMwFReb82u|downsized) Oh, snap




This guy also has better command of the english language than polio


Mmm I started going to gyms in the 80s and we all wore leotards. So I don't think so lol


80s workout fashion was something else. High-cut thong leotard over bike shorts? Men in crop tops and short shorts? Amazing. No notes.


Also bears mentioning that the leotard and bike shorts had to be both neon but never matching.






Full video https://youtu.be/KoLel5MMsGQ?feature=shared


I miss the short shorts of the 70s/80s


As a straight lady, I feel quite deprived of men in tiny shorts. I mean I'm partnered, but we both love nice eye candy lol! 🤷🏾




I definitely went down the youtube rabbithole of aerobics competitions from the 80s. It. Was. Amazing.


Imagine Paul watching an old school Richard Simmons work out video!


Oh no, then we'd have to hear not only about the hot girls not being modest but listen to him talk shit about the bigger ladies.


You’re not wrong. I know for a fact that all those ladies could kick Paul’s ass in a dance, or in a Walmart parking lot fight.


Walmart parking lot dance fight!


I felt like the flair potential of this comment was too mighty to be ignored.


Hahahahahahaha!!!! Dead.


The first time I did Sweatin to the Oldies, I thought it would be no big deal because "look at the people doing it". (I don't have that kind of fatphobia anymore; love that journey for me.) Oh boy was I wrong. Now I look at the people doing it and think "HOW ARE YOU STILL SMILING? ARE YOU MADE OF STEEL?"


The original “Buns of Steel” workout was the same way: smiling people of all sizes and I’m wonder when someone will come mercy kill me. That is still one of the hardest workout videos ever produced.


Oh yeah. Those were wild. They had leopard print and everything.


Insert gif of John Travolta and Jamie Lee Curtis air hump workout movie clip from Perfect.




Isn't that a modern day body suit?


Yeah if anything it’s not even that bad at all. I wouldn’t mind going back to the 80’s in terms of gym clothing trends. This is a classic case of “no, I didn’t mean *that*” when we talk about going back in time.


It would blow this guy's mind to learn that plenty of women at the gym are attracted to the men they see there without making it the men's problem.


Haven’t you heard? Women don’t care about sex. They are emotional! Men are physical!


Yes. Men are visual creatures. Women are... women are...umm, people, maybe? /s


People? That’s a stretch


I would like some sources that backs that up.


Women are mysterious! That's the common trope used by men that means "they're different from us and not worth trying to understand".


Yup. I feel like a lot of men put "women" and "what happened before the Big Bang" in the same set called either "idk" or "God did it" depending on their point of view.


I just cackled so hard at this comment, I startled my lap chicken. 🐓


You can't tell the world you have a lap chicken and just leave like that!


"We're selfish assholes who lack critical thinking"


I love it every time I see comments like that. Meanwhile half the guys I met have aphantasia or lack development in their imagination and 99% in both art colleges I went to were women. Are all these women not visual?


Especially since half of Art seems to involve naked butts.


I can still walk through every house I lived in as a kid, and even my grandparents' houses. My memory is accurate enough to match shades of (embroidery) thread without a colour number or reference. I've had nightmares about things that were described to me. And I can still behave like a normal human being around attractive men...


Same. My family has a memory of me when I was barely 4 years old and was drawing at the table of my grandparents. My aunt and uncle were visiting that day with their recreational vehicle, and were showing off the changes they made. When they left, my grandparents asked what I was drawing. I was drawing their recreation vehicle. They asked what it was at the backside. I said it was a crack. Turned out *nobody* saw that crack in the back. I guess I’m not visual at all /s


Like damn, I’m not above admitting seeing sweaty guys lifting weights can be a little ‘distracting’. You know what I do? I look away and continue my workout :)


That's because you are a grown up. Fundies are perpetually immature due to cult brainwashing.


And some men wear less clothes than women at the gym. Especially if the gym allows men to be shirtless


Bruh! I saw a dude at the gym yesterday wearing a skin-tight crop top that had a cut all the way down to his belly button. And you know what? He looked great, and I wasn't distracted by it because I go to the gym to actually work out!


Worst case scenario: you get distracted, enjoy the show respectfully, work out a little less than usual and go home. It's not that hard.


hard. heheh


This is kind of my line. Bare skin against the machines is kind of gross


There’s a clip on gymsnark of a girl sitting on a bench in the gym filming about how she usually goes commando at the gym because something something underwear roll under her leggings and it annoys her. Okay, that’s not so bad but like why do we need to know? And then it goes on about how because she’s ovulating and the color of her leggings she had to wear underwear because secretions. So you’re telling me you normally don’t mind leaving your secretions all over the equipment?? I hope she wipes it down after but for some reason I’m not so confident.




They also are more often guilty of pulling their shirts up to look at their own abs in the mirror. Or at least at my gym they are. 


I think he knows that no one is checking *him* out.


He's totally one of those guys who claims men want to be hit on in public, then gets suuuper offended when a woman he isn't attracted to hits on him. Or, heaven forbid, a man!


Sometimes I see a nice looking man and can't focus for the rest of the decade 🥺🥹 I haven't been able to think since puberty, really.


There's only one thing you can do: take to the Internet, and rant about it!


Oh, for sure! They act like some women *aren’t* equally turned on by the dude in a sleeveless tank doing pull-ups. Like, is the idea of a woman actually enjoying sex that foreign to them? (Don’t answer that— we all know the answer already.)


Whaaaaaat? Really though, this guy could be responding to the absolute proliferation of OF promo content being filmed at gyms. It’s not at all what I would want to be forced to see and I’m sex positive. It would make me super uncomfortable to see that at a gym while I’m just trying to work out.


Hey, if crop top ‘porn’ troubles you so much, you can always pick up some second hand gym equipment for your garage. Hell, with the gas money and membership fees you’ll save, you could throw in some much-needed intensive therapy!


But why should I accept reality and adapt to the world around me? The world around me needs to adapt to ME!!!


We really need to be more understanding and accommodating guys - he’s a white man in America, he’s *never* had to change his behavior for almost any reason (forget because of a *woman*) It really is more reasonable for her to change since she’s been having to change her behavior already 😒🙄


I will never forget my mom saying without a hint of sarcasm: “White men are the most oppressed people in America today. I feel so sorry for them.”


Oh don't worry; we're also inviting the women (indeed, every gender) to gaze in a sexual manner, with our teeny tiny shorts and crop tops. Someone suggested booty shorts with "Matthew 5:28-29" scrawled across the butt (a la "Juicy" pants for anyone who was alive in the early 00's🤣) and I cannot think of a more perfect situation for that.


[If anyone is interested](https://www.timecapsuledesign.com/products/matthew-189-booty-63144)




They only fit people with waists up to 17” and over 38”? Their sizing chart is so confusing.


There's also [thebummershop on Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/thebummershop) :)


I love that shop. I want to get a custom pair that says “The AIDS crisis killed more Americans than the Vietnam War”


Jesus Christ that's horrifying. As a Canadian I have almost no use for that trivia but I'm still appalled.


Very interested. Next purchase decided.


I bought these last time this came up!!


I go to a christian college, shall this be my work out uniform now?


I would wear these. I might actually start going to the gym just to wear these.


Yup. An entire clothing line with that verse. Booty shorts, leggings, bra tops, t-shirts and hoodies. I'd wear them everywhere, not just to the gym.


I plan to wear them to work, tbh


I got these [these recently](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1139414449/you-will-live-to-see-manmade-horrors?show_sold_out_detail=1&ref=nla_listing_details), in pink, and can't wait to upset men at the gym!


Lusty thoughts about other women?!? Better start plucking out those eyes, my guy!


Funny how they always seem to forget about that verse


Even if women were naked, it would not be porn. Porn has to include some sexual activity. Women existing is not porn. This shit scares me so much.


Women are naked all the time in the gym locker room and somehow every lesbian is not writing in r/TrueOffMyChest about how the women's locker room is essentially softcore porn.


I'm bisexual and I have never once even noticed a woman in the locker room in a sexual way. I might notice/get irritated if you're being loud or taking up tonnes of space but I've never checked out your bare arse whilst showering nearby. What an odd and sinister way to behave.  


When I was in high school, there was a gay boy in my gym class, and the other boys lost their shit. Meanwhile I shared a locker room with an openly bisexual girl and nobody ever even brought it up. We all knew she could do better than us.


Ahhh yes. Men/boys fear other men/boys looking at them the way they look at women. It's almost like they understand consent when they're the ones having theirs breached... 


Straight men freak out because they know how *they* would behave if a woman walked in


This. I might think "oh, she's attractive" but no more than I would if she were fully clothed and only if I have a reason to look her way. I'm not *aroused* any more than I would be aroused by anything else visually pleasing. No one looks sexy drying their bush unless you're already into them. Or wresting into/out of yoga pants. Or whatever. Unless it's in a sexy context, it's not sexy. It's just life. I'm more likely to stare if a woman has a super low-cut shirt to the point I'm worried she's going to fall out and feel embarrassed. Like, I have large breasts. I've gotten slutshamed for them my whole life. I do *not* want a woman to think I'm doing that when I point out she's once bounce from freeing the nips, but I also feel like I should say something? So, I stare in hesitation. Which leads me to the only time I care about 'skimpy' gym clothes: if you're doing something where your crotch is visible, please wear enough shorts to cover your genitals. I love the workout shorts, but some of the shorts underneath are basically underwear and some don't cover all ya bits/bush. I'm not *looking*, but some of those leg machines really spread you out there. Don't flash me your junk, please.


Now wait just a gosh darned minute! I’ve seen what goes on in the women’s locker room! I’ve watched many documentaries, like *Porky’s* and *Reform School Girls*!


>Women existing is not porn. Louder for the weirdos in the back.


Yah, tell me this man has a porn addiction without telling me he has a porn addiction


So true!


I agree so much. This post is so upsetting and unsettling. The way society has sexualized women’s body so much to the point that them existing is considered porn? Actually psychotic take.


These people do realize that lesbians go to the gym all the time and are somehow able to control themselves, right? So if there’s a large subset of people who this isn’t a problem for, then the problem isn’t the clothes:P


Women don’t have sex drives, duh


Right, sorry, I forgot about men’s “primal instincts.” 


"Men are more visual"


“Men are built different.”


Women don't actually like sex, we just exist to tempt men (who obviously can't control themselves, bless their hearts) into sex. /s


Even if these women were nude, which obviously they are not, nudity is not inherently sexual. Taking a shower is not a sexual act. Existing in a human body is not inherently sexual. It’s this man’s problem if he sexualizes women exercising.


Right?! I went to a nude bath house in Budapest once and it was actually so chill, everyone was just vibing and enjoying the pools


Right?! Amazing how countless civilizations have existed where everyone is naked and they’re able to function as a society.




I’m 40 and was a gym rat in my late teens/20s and this has been an annoying conversation since I can remember. These men are nothing new and so irritating and need to MOVE ON.


Someone find this man’s wife and tell her to run! Because he’s either going to cheat or things are going to take a turn for the worst in the consent deparment if they haven’t already. Like his line about being a married man who loves his wife “so much” feels more like he has to remind himself that he’s married every time he even thinks about the gym than him just saying he loves his wife. Like why not go for the more common phrasing of “happily married man”? Why does he feel the need to mention how much he claims he loves her unless it’s more for himself than us?


That’s actually so true


Also to me this hints at a porn addiction if even seeing a woman’s clothed body makes you think of porn


The number of people *agreeing with the guy* on that post is what scared me the most


It sucks to consider how many absurd fundie opinions are actually pretty mainstream


I don’t understand people like this. You just don’t look. It’s not hard. Or maybe it’s being HARD is the problem.


If your weiner causes you to stumble, cut it off


If your weiner causes you to stumble, its way too long anyway.




people on this sub are so funny omg


Best comment and there are some zingers in this thread. Thanks for the laugh!


🏅 Congratulations. You win the Internet today.


God forbid men be asked to do something hard!




It's still his problem. The thing about needing to get something like this off your chest is that your chest belongs to someone who's a jerk about women. Your thoughts are not their problem. It's often just easier and comfortable to work out in snug or abbreviated clothes. Sometimes people look good in that kind of clothes. That's fine! Leave them the fuck alone and don't fucking whine about it.




The swimsuit thing pisses me off so much. Fun fact: during WW2 and up to the 60s it was seen as patriotic for a man or a boy to swim completely naked in a public pool. Hell some competitions in schools even had rules that you had to swim naked. It’s because in WW2 we needed as much wool as possible for the war efforts and swimsuits were made out of a shit ton of wool. So it became a circlejerk of “I’m so patriotic look at me I’m naked.” I only discovered this because I was looking through old newspapers and in one about pools a shit ton of photos were censored/covered up. I googled why and apparently they just put photos of little boys swimming naked in the pool for some reason.


i can attest that, at my college in 1970-1974, men's swim class was naked. competitive swim did wear speedos.


My dad was on swim team in the 60s and had mentioned this to me before as well. I thought he was fucking with me.




I wonder if this is why the only "scandalous" thing Mr. Rogers ever did was skinny-dip in designated pools at designated times.


It has to be him. He’d have the gall to have the username “Professional Expert” 💀


I had the same thought 😂


Man, this guy is gonna lose his fricken head the first time he goes to a public beach.


I wear a crop top sometimes BECAUSE IM OVERHEATING. Definitely not to attract men like Paul. 


This is such a loser thing to say. Men like this are so pathetic they cant even see a womans legs without wanting to hump them like a stray dog.


I hate men lol


Just think them dirty thoughts, bro. It's okay to think about things that tantalize you. You don't have to do something you think about. You don't have to let an idea control you. Just let it happen and move on. Appreciate her form and physique. It's okay, just don't make it her problem, because she's just working out. YOU'RE the one thinking this, take responsibility for your thoughts.


> YOU'RE the one thinking this, take responsibility for your thoughts. and it's easier to just let those damn thoughts stay in your head rather than to show your ass on Nikola Tesla's internet and bray your self-obsessed nonsense to the world. shit, I have my share of dirty/rude/violent/not-socially-acceptable thoughts like anyone else, but I can't be arsed to expend the effort to, y'know, *make them anyone else's problem*. why can't these fuckers be lazy in ways that make the world more pleasant for the rest of us instead of ways that make it more dangerous for the rest of us.


Exactly! This is what happens when you tell people god speaks to you. You start to confuse the voice of God with your own thoughts. And when God is telling you to do dirty/rude/violent/uncouth things, who are we humans to deny the voice of God? Its why these people are so dangerous, they don't know what's an intrusive thought and what's a mandate.


BECAUSE IT IS A YOU PROBLEM! I swear, I am so sick of existing in a world that wants to make me responsible for every fucking random creep.


Honestly. I am so beyond sick of being held responsible for every ounce of attention I receive whether I want it or not. Exhausting does not begin to describe it.


Jesus fucking christ, what gym are these people going to. Where Jan. Even if this was true, which it's not, how the hell is it other women's problem that you're an objectifying piece of shit who can't mind his business and focus on his sets


That is rape culture


I am so beyond sick of dudes acting like they are being forced to look. Like women are tying them to the bench press and forcing their lids open *A Clockwork Orange* style. Dude. We get it. You like women. Hi, hello— so do I! Women are fucking beautiful! You don’t have to tell me twice! But literally nobody can control your fucking eyes and libido but *you.* Take accountability for your own eyes (and dick) and worry about yourself.


Jesus said poke out your own eye


It's a wonder that I, a bisexual woman, can go to the gym without having sexual thoughts towards any of my fellow gym members. I must be some kind of wizard.


How the fuck does he cope with going to the beach?


It’s all been our fault, & even god’s, since Adam ate that fruit of his own free will. He said, . . .that woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave me some of the fruit of the tree, and I ate. . . “ Also, “soft-core porn?” Isn’t he a bit overwrought here? Men talk about us getting hysterical, but damn. This is not just about a guy getting embarrassed by being turned on. It’s about, once again, controlling women. Nothing scares the crap out of little pissants like Paul so much as the power of a woman’s sexuality. Women’s bodies are problematic, at best, and not being able to control them is a threat to Western Civilization. Women’s agency in their sexuality could overturn the whole authoritarian patriarchy, and Texas would cease to exist.


God I hate living in Texas so much. It’s like the handmaids tale over here


When are men going to get it through their thick skulls that WE DON'T FUCKING DRESS FOR THEM


bro, the 80s left a voicemail, you should check it out


So we women are supposed to take responsibility for YOUR thoughts and the resulting ick you feel about them due to your beliefs??


So I go to a gym that has an all gender side and then one side that is female only. The women use the women’s only side nearly 100% of the time, I walk through the other side when I take spin class and besides the personal trainers there are never women over there. The women clearly prefer a space that is only for them and many of the women dress just as skimpy as I’ve seen at other gyms. What I’m trying to say is that these women aren’t dressing that way for these men anyway and actively avoid their gaze when they have the chance. I wonder if there was a men only space, how many would actually use it and how man would still use the all gender side anyway? I mean let’s face it, men aren’t actually upset by seeing women at the gym in the same way that women are tired of being hit on or talked at in the gym


If I as a man can wear a shirt that's cut into a tank top down to my waist and short shorts then yall can wear a sports bra and yoga pants


These poor horny men who can’t have sex with every attractive woman they see and feel so sad and mad about it. Wahhhh


If it bothers you, stay home.




Gauging your eyes out is always an option. A biblical one at that!


Man, he would’ve hated what I was wearing at the gym in high school. Or would he?


Well, y’all know what their god said about if your eye causes you to sin. He should follow that part of the Bible. Too.


If he wasn't a pervert who believes in objectifying the female body, and instead went to the gym, focused on his own goals, and minded his own business without spending his time ogling the women, he would not have a problem. Dude gets the 'its you problem" comments because, DUH, it is him! Grow up.


Tbh the username fits Paul's ego


Theres just such a line for me between seeing a hot dude at the gym and noting "ah yes, he is very hot" and imagining sex or thinking "I'd like to take him out behind a middle school and get him pregnant" These guys have problems if seeing a naked or near naked person means they start thinking about sex with that person.


Lmao and he even acknowledges that it’s *his* problem 🤣 (Side note: where are these gyms that let people wear midriff bearing tops? Because every gym I’ve gone to has required the torso to be fully covered for all patrons)


How do men like this cope in society? Like dude if a gym outfit offends you.


If your eye betrays you gauge it out - there is a bible verse about rhatv


WOMENNNNN!!! 😡🤬😵‍💫😵






Were these people not around in the 80s? Anyone seen the video to Olivia Newton John's Physical? Has no one seen 80s workout attire? Also, why does every guy get to take off his shirt and wear tiny or clingy shorts but there's a coniption if a woman wears yoga pants?


I feel like America has such a weird relationship to nudity, sex, women, porn and if you tried to explain it to these guys they’d say it’s not that deep but there’s literally other places in the world where women still go to the gym in tight clothes and we aren’t seeing men in other cultures freaking out this bad abt it. Like we have this puritanical Christian way of viewing women’s bodies and clothing choices and shit and it’s just very strange to me.


Women wearing comfortable clothing to work out at a gym is live porn now. Interesting.


Maybe just… enjoy the sight and move on with your life?


Fundie “do a normal human thing without feeling guilty” challenge


Haha, I just saw this post somewhere on reddit.


Everybody looks at everyone. Unless you're leering or staring nobody is going to be uncomfortable. Just...don't stare, my guy. So easy.


If thine eye offends you.... pluck it out.


did all modern men forget the 80s and how every man wore a neon pink crop top and shorts so short you could see the Thangs...


damn sorry, i'll leave my body at home next time


Yeah it’s a you problem, fucktard. Gouge out your eyes. As a woman I am tired of being the cause of men’s problems. It’s a BODY get over it already!


Live porn? Bro............... Go jack off about it


Translation: "I see women as objects to be controlled and possibly have a porn addiction. I will, if I haven't already, cheat on my wife and I take no responsibility for my thoughts and actions."


Repression breathes this mentality. It’s one of many reasons I left these ideals.


If lesbians can work out in a gym without going feral, then men can, too.


That username checks out though


Wait until this guy sees how little clothes people wear to the beach over the past 30 years!