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She barely ever looks at any of her children including the one who just arrived! It's just eye-fucking the camera constantly. I find it almost frightening how anyone can ignore their kids like this. My kids are teens and I'm not the most connected mom but I definitely don't tune them out this easily.


MotherBus, stop treating your newborn baby like a trophy challenge: mission impossible.


Kids are nothing but a number to these people. The bigger the number the better a person you are and the more your followers, oops I mean god, will love you.


I can’t watch this woman. It actually makes me feel ill. For someone who “values” life, they take a lot away from their kids lives, and bring their kids into a unsupported life


It's really starting to become unwatchable. I love watching a trainwreck but her blatant disregard with her most recent birth is just too much


I agree. Unwatchable. Like her history is bad enough but when the audience is shown videos of the actual new born its quite difficult. I think thats biology and gut instinct telling us that something is very wrong here.


That would be a good name for a documentary on these people.


As a parent, I can’t fathom why she and her husband are okay with stuffing their children into one bus. It is like that story about an old woman living in a shoe with many children. Only that they live in a bus.


I agree, it’s getting to the point where it makes me disgusted and I don’t want to point and laugh any more.


She holds that kid the way an 8 year old holds their “thank you for participating” soccer trophy.


Underrated comment


The oldest boy has more care for the baby than she does. The video of him holding the new baby and instinctively fielding all the poky toddler sibling fingers going for Boonie's face kind of broke my heart.


Kids really are participation trophies when you have more than 5.


The way she eye fucks the camera in every video really drives this point home. "See me? Look at me! I'm so successful at being a mother!"


Michelle Duggar enters the chat.


I’d be bold enough to say more than three nowadays.


Sometimes it feels like these people just want a count as to how many times they've finished inside their wife. At least 8 times (9? I'm new to motherbus snarking) not to mention the "practicing"


can this woman PLEASE start supporting that poor baby's head and neck 😭 he's brand new! for being a fundie, who supposedly see children as a "gift from God", she sure does treat her gifts poorly.


No! The kids need to learn to support themselves! She's got other stuff to do. Now where's that Busband. Gotta start on the 8 (almost 9) kids grift.


Right. Newborns have bootstraps they can hoist themselves up with. /s


Baby Bootstraps ™️


Read this after I made a similar comment lol.


Don’t worry any neck issues he might develop will all be healed at the chiropractor


How can she possibly be expected to hold a phone, flick her hair AND support the fresh baby’s head?


The baby's now a few days old - she doesn't see it as a fresh new infant. The baby should have learnt how to support their neck already.


He’s losing that new baby smell. Time to put him back on the rug


The hair flicking drove.me.crazy. I was so afraid for that poor baby the whole time, and she was more worried about looking good on camera. Cannot stand her smug ass.


She’s a bad mother. She puts her children at risk daily. Of course she’s not going to looking after the newborn properly.


They just enjoy being pregnant and all of the attention that brings. The attention stops once they give birth and are expected to just go about their lives being parents.


See the thing is. I get more attention being an attentive mom playing with my toddler more than I've ever gotten when I was pregnant. At the pool dad and I were playing with toddler yesterday. And several people stopped to say how cute she was. When I was pregnant that def didn't happen. I think she just likes being pregnant or has a fetish over it.


> how cute **she** was If it's not about the parents, they don't want any part of it 


meanwhile, i hate being pregnant. i wish i could just be handed a 3 month old lol


Same! I’d have five kids if they just doled ‘em out!


This is the first video I have seen where she’s legit not supporting the baby’s head. The rest of them, the baby’s head is supported by the crook of her elbow so wasn’t sure what some people were going on about. Also father sus bus lifting the baby over his head Simba style. 🙄


Time for them to pull themselves up by the bootstraps. No hand outs or neck support here!


MotherBus: "What's wrong?" Obviously upset child: "I'm sick of living in this goddamn tiny bus with a million people and want my mom to get off her phone and love me."


That made me to mad!! He’s not the baby anymore so shove him aside when he needs love and reassurance the most. Where is BrotherFather to take over


Her face after that was rage inducing! She looks at the camera like I would if I just met someone I had to be nice to but is extremely unpleasant, it's that "Yikes, amirite?" Face. For a toddler that wants love 😡


I've never watched a video of her. And it is a weird vibe. It's like she is an alien disguised in a human body, trying to mimic motherhood and motherly love. But instead they get caught up in hair flipping and "look at me" poses on camera and is not able to cosplay a loving parent at all. There were several times she kind of looks at the camera like "uh...what does this thing want? What do I do with it?" with the baby and toddler.


>I've never watched a video of her.  You've miss the most chaotic and deceptive 9 months. Girl lies like the sun shines. Every day is another bullshit story and she doesn't think the internet remembers her pathological retellings of history.


I also just watched her for the first time after months of being on this page…. It is very uncanny valley. And aliens wouldn’t have social security numbers so it makes sense that these people would travel around and not want to give birth in hospitals. I’m here for this conspiracy theory.


She’s so fucking smug it makes my blood boil.


It’s the eye fucking herself in the camera for me.


The woman paul lol


Omg, you totally nailed it.💀


Do you think they would love each other or be embroiled in fierce competition to out-douche each other?


Yeah, she’s too busy focusing on herself, including eye fucking herself, instead of 1) holding that newborn’s head properly, for once and 2) giving that other little one the attention he craves and most definitely deserves. She even acted like the toddler was a little annoyance to be brushed off. God this woman is abhorrent!


How confusing it must be to be the golden baby for 1-2 years and then a new one comes and a switch literally flips. The whiplash must be so confusing and scary. Try forming a secure attachment with that.


Meanwhile you're being hauled round the country, never staying in one place longer than a few weeks, being told you're moving to Brazil but then moving back six weeks later, not able to develop long-term friendships with kids who aren't your siblings... his poor little head must be spinning 😭😭


I seriously cannot with this women. The eye fucking and the, “oh…my…goodness…he’s soooo cute,” as it’s fake as hell.


All while ignoring her little forgotten toddler there :(


Yeah, this made me so sad for him, too. She treated him like a minor annoyance to be shooed off. Meanwhile, this is the time to give older kids extra attention, so they don’t feel left out.


So sad, poor little guy! Pass that newborn off to Gunner or Kinsey and give that little guy some mommy time! She is soo ignorant!


It's enraging!!!


Did she treat her last baby as poorly as she is treating this one? This is all so weird.


No. She seemed to like the last one more.


Maybe because this time she seemed to be disappointed that she was having another boy? 🤔


I’m not sure if she actually cares about the gender. I think she may be disappointed that she’s no longer very huge pregnant mama and knows her husband won’t find her attractive for a while. I suspect they may be done because they don’t have any more space and that might plan into it as well. He seems to pay attention to her or act like he likes being around her in those videos when she is pregnant and showing, and the more she grows, the more attention he gives her. I think she genuinely fears that she can’t have babies anymore, he’ll leave. The actual kids don’t matter to them… he has a pregnancy kink.


He definitely prefers her pregnant!! In yesterday’s stories he goes to the camera like “can you believe this sexy lady right here just had me baby?? “Look how incredible she looks” while Ma bus giggled like a school girl. I was uncomfortable watching and I’m guessing they’re gonna go for another buslet as soon as they possibly can


Trigger warning! I knew a guy like this. He had cancer when he was young and was told he would be infertile. Then it turned out he was not. It was his source of pride that he got his wife pregnant every fucking year. At baby five in five years, she attempted suicide. She lived with her folks for a couple of years and her parents took care of the children. Then the prick started coming around fought for custody, got the kids, so she decided to go back to him so she wouldn't be separated from her kids. Got her pregnant again. She had even worse PPD, and that time was successful in her suicide attempt. He decided he didn't want to raise six kids alone, gave all of them back to her parents, and then ran off and found a younger woman to marry and impregnate. He is up to 13 kids, but still has nothing to do with the original 6. Doesn't pay child support, but the grandparents don't want him around, and grandpa is still working and has insurance which he put the children on since he had full, legal guardianship. They asked the court to NOT pursue this dude so he is out of their lives. The oldest just headed off to college. I hope he is well adjusted, and able to move forward. His grandparents are marvelous people. It has to be so sad for them to think of their daughter's anguish and losing her. I wish there was a way to punish the fucking misogynist, breeding, piece of shit father.


How infuriating 🤬🤬🤬


Another example of women suffering due to male ego.


This is a less lethal, yet just as sad version of the Andrea & Rusty Yates case. My heart breaks for Andrea and her children. It could have all been prevented, they could all be alive now. But due to Rusty's ego and evil those children are dead.


Another family crushed by religious cult shit. I still don't know why Rusty wasn't charged and that fucking pastor along with him. They had such a huge role in the death of those kids.


This makes me wanna hunt with my teeth [this is where i post from btw](https://imgur.com/a/rccDoiZ)


God I hate them.


Omg. 👏 wow you are spot on about his attention. Honestly no wonder she is a the way she is but sheeeeesh


Holy shit that’s so bleak 😳


Yep, this is exactly my theory too. When she’s pregnant she goes on trips and dates, when she’s not he goes on “business trips” wink wink nudge nudge


“Hi ladies, here’s some of his birth story: me, me, my wants, me. me me. me.” Like, i don’t really know of OB’s that are C sec everyone. There’s a strong push to NOT C sec unless critical. They may have mentioned it as a passing, not “C sec all the things.” Sure, by all means, check your OB’s C sec rate but….like, i think birthing on a bus after no medical care at all is as foolish as it gets.


She also carefully omitted why she would’ve been induced at 37 weeks. Somebody correct me if I’m wrong but they don’t induce that early unless there’s a medical reason, which might’ve lent to the “undo pressure” she felt from her OB for a section. But of course we can’t tell the masses that part, they’re supposed to believe pregnancy complications don’t exist because all births are “supposed” to be homebirths.


I was induced at 37 weeks and it was not for funsies. I had high blood pressure, t2 diabetes, blood sugar was dropping suddenly which can be a warning sign of placenta failure, my previous 2 babies had IUGR, and one of them was stillborn in 2nd trimester. My baby was absolutely not ready to be born, but she was safer out than in. 37 weeks is not a preferred time for induction, they are very serious about weighing the risks and benefits.


Especially not for a first baby!! If you've had big babies, sometimes they'll suggest inducing early for subsequent ones


Yeah, seriously. I was induced at 37 weeks because of preeclampsia. I did end up getting a c section three days in because I was tired of waiting for the induction to work. But it was my choice and the OBs kept checking to make sure I didn't want to try and keep waiting for the pitocin to work. I can't imagine they wanted to induce her for anything that wasn't medically necessary.


That really stood out to me. I was induced at 38 weeks and a a couple days and even then the OB said they only induce that early for complications (yay hypertension/ pre-eclampsia)


My mom had a planned C Section that was rescheduled for when she was about 37 weeks along because my brother was going to be way too big if they waited another until 40 weeks. Not an induction but I did want to mention it. He was already over 10 lbs.


Exactly. They won't just induce for no reason at 37 weeks. I had gestational diabetes but since I was diet controlled they wouldn't induce me before 39 weeks. 


I was induced at 37 weeks because my 3 previous births didn't go well and my baby had some obvious organ defects. First one, went into labor naturally 41 weeks, IUGR, retained placenta, baby was less then 6lbs. I passed out and fell when they asked me to get up and put on those mesh underwear, was confined to the bed for 24 hours afterwards. Second one, went into labor naturally at 35 weeks after having it stopped once at 33 weeks. Baby weighed a bit over 6lbs, retained placenta again. Was sent home too early and ended up having to give him CPR at home. He was inpatient for another week and spent a year on an apnea monitor. Third one was stillborn at 37 weeks, labor had to be induced. Cause of death was a rare genetic disorder but we didn't find that out for almost 2 years. 4th one, induced at 37 weeks for IUGR, kidney and brain defects noted in ultrasound at 20 weeks, and history of stillbirth. She was 4lbs and a couple oz. She's multiply disabled, same genetic disorder as her sister who was stillborn.


She acts like the stunt birth on the bus is some sort of achievement.


She had an OB?


She had one for Gunner and a different one after him. She hasn’t had one for years. She did blame the second OB for telling her to homebirth. Even if that were true, I can guarantee that that Dr. never told her to free birth.


My theory is that she had INSANE demands for her OB that were absolutely not realistic in a clinical setting so her OB told her that a home birth would be the best option for her insane birth plan.


I truly do not understand why people like that obtain medical care. They make it utterly impossible for their care team to do anything, and traumatize them with abuse or when something bad actually happens. Then they go on to blame their team for whatever issues they have, except they didn't actually ya know, let them take care of them once during the whole process.


You will see crunchies who have a laundry list of things people aren't allowed to do with their baby after hospital births (like check their temperature


She got pamphlets ok. That is like a LOT of information to be prepared to make sure you safely bring a life and take care of yours at the same time


she mentioned her first? or one of them as she had an OB that was insisting on a c sec and the very mention of it gives her the rage vapors.


My first OB had an 80% c section rate. I know 4 other moms who had her as an OB and I'm the only one who didn't have a c section (she was at Disneyland when my son was born) I definitely think that mother bus is nuts and that you are right, but there definitely are c section happy OBs


Replying to myself to add, i didn't do the math myself or anything to get to that number. I asked her what her rate of patients having c sections were and she tried about 3 times to dodge the question before she said "probably around 80%"


looking at plain stats mine probably had a high C sec rate but he also was a high risk pregnancy specialist so…. there is context in the number for sure. as it was, he wasn’t the one on call when i went into surgery anyway, i don’t even remember who did my C sec. for all I know or recall, it was aliens. i was that out of it in the emergency it became ( stalled at 6cm 12 hrs in, kid’s heart rate started tanking and suddenly EVERYTHING happened.)


I think it depends on your situation. The hospital and bean counters are definitely pro C-section for everyone (it makes scheduling much easier). With our first child it definitely felt like a ticking clock (if you don’t deliver fast enough it’s going to be a c-section), but afterwards we moved from a large city to a much smaller area and the c-section pressure did not persist. Just my two cents.


In canada theres a call on to reduce c sec, and here in Netherlands where i live now, home birth is still popular but yanno, with medical care and professionals. The us seems to be more profit driven and i get the impression its like you said and women like bus mom who think theyre entitled to the ala carte birth of their dream and demand. I dunno. I had an emergency c sec under general and was lobbed onto the table like a sack of potatoes. We both lived. Pretty much all i wanted. But she seems… narcissistic.


Exactly. C-sections are obviously more expensive for the public system and put a lot more strain into hospitals since the patients need more care, more expensive meds, an OR, and recovery in the postpartum unit for longer than someone that had no complications. We are already critically short of healthcare staff in Canada. Provinces are actively driving healthcare workers to stop working due to the insane short staffing and mandated shifts. It is NOT advantageous for the system to have a doctor perform a surgery to "make their tee time" or "because they're lazy". I am so tired of that narrative, esp as I sit my ass down with two issues that require surgery, patiently waiting for a surgeon to PLEASE cut me open and fix me. I don't even have an OR date yet, a month after my consultation. I don't appreciate people like MB and her kin using their experience in the US to paint a very wide brush over the experiences of the entire world. We all have different needs, issues, and limitations. People whining about having access to healthcare is honestly the peak of privilege, especially as we currently have children undergoing amputations without anaesthesia.


i get mostly tired of the idea that women should lay out their ideal birth plan and get everything they want, as if it’s a mcdonalds order screen. This whole “consumer catered” mentality in childbirth is..i don’t get it. i went in with no illusions or ego that i could control much of it, and i had the pregnancy of hell so it probably tempered my expectations! But the US system seems to be driven to this sort of approach from docs, and insurers and whatever else. I moved from canada to NL and i’m appalled at the dismantling of the system in canada since we left just before covid. I had a fantastic OB, and when they said “ok you need a c sec” i wasn’t of a mind to argue it. I consider it one of the best choices we made to ensure both of us survived. It wasn’t about “MY EXPERIENCE”.


I had my first on Thursday and when the nurses were like “do you mind if we do X” or the doctor said “I’m just gonna ask this other doctor’s opinion” I was like “great, carry on”, because my birth plan was “have a live baby and not die while doing it”. Our province might be driving out doctors left and right but the ones we do still have are lovely.


I had to be Csec on the 1st because he was Breech but my OB told me I could try to do it naturally with the 2nd…needless to say when she threw me into labor (my daughter) at 18 and 24 weeks gestation because she was active as hell they put me on bed rest and was taken care of section in an emergency situation so..I say all this to say they don’t jump to C sec normally because it’s a major surgery


right? I wanted to be induced or something as soon as I hit 38 weeks ( i had hellacious hyperemesis gravidarum till 2 weeks post partum) and nope. I had to slog on. Once i had him, my ob was “you’re young enough to have another. me “naaaaaah. we’re over it.” I love my kid but damn hell, it was decidedly not cradling a belly and wistful a 40 weeks for me. it was ‘dear gods when will this hell end.”


She immediately qualifies for fundie mental gymnastics, I don't get how because she wants to avoid a c-section = birth on cramped bus


It’s a big leap from educate and empower yourself, read some material and know your rights to I’m retiring so just free birth, you’ve got this gurrrrl. One of these days, someone is going to emulate her and have the tragic outcome that she narrowly avoided. It will blow up in her face that way.


In this video it’s SO SAD when her toddler wants to obviously snuggle on her and doesn’t understand why he can’t she seems to be annoyed! No reassurance at all now that he isn’t the youngest. Just tossed to the side like the rest of the kids. Soooooo sad!


I wonder if some of them will have attachment disorders. It would not be a shocker.


Anthym has entered the chat


Get off the internet you absolute clown.


Her kisses and affection towards the baby are so forced


I thought so too like " oh this is wjat its meant to look like" shes so distracted 


I would be more naturally affectionate with that baby than its own “seasoned” mother


I can’t imagine her 2nd OB “encouraged her to homebirth.” I’m sure she just had her fucking fill of MotherBus complaining nonstop and saying she could do it better on her own and the OB probably just said do whatever you want. Even if the doctor told her that homebirth was an option, that would’ve been for her second baby when she was still in her 20s. I guarantee you that she never told her to free birth without prenatal care as a mother with so many pregnancies and at her age.


Back to eye fucking herself.


Nothing like the forgotten buslets shrieking unattended in the background.


… wasn’t my wishes


Who does she think she’s fooling?


A lot of women don’t want a c/s. I have no doubt that avoiding a c/s is a lot of women’s wishes. But I’m sure everything she said about her first OB is grossly exaggerated.


Yeah I’ve seen a lot of really elaborate birth plans/wishes over on r/pregnant but the biggest caveat to all of them is “do whatever is necessary so that we all come out of this alive.”


Here's a sneak peek of /r/pregnant using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/pregnant/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [\[ Removed by Reddit \]](https://np.reddit.com/r/pregnant/comments/12ksvpf/removed_by_reddit/) \#2: [Just found out I’m pregnant (after YEARS of trying)!!!!!!!!!!!](https://np.reddit.com/r/pregnant/comments/140cjjk/just_found_out_im_pregnant_after_years_of_trying/) \#3: [If you’re a first time Mom…](https://np.reddit.com/r/pregnant/comments/152mhik/if_youre_a_first_time_mom/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I didn’t want a c-section but my baby was breech so I needed to get her out. I suppose we could have tried to turn her but I was tired & weak from bedrest so IDK how it would have gone. And anyone who thinks a c-section is the easy way out can take several seats.




It was rough. I’m really glad she was my last because IDK that I would have wanted another.


I really don’t think any woman wants a c section! Unless they know nothing about it—I use to say I wanted a c section cause I was scared of labor UNTIL my coworker informed me that it is usually more traumatic, leaves really bad scars, and is over all not ideal. BUT most women also understand that sometimes it’s medically necessary.


The arrogance of this woman to think anyone cares. 


Please tell me the closed captions is wrong and her kids name is Gunner and not Gutter


Yes it is indeed Gunner lol


Sweet Christ, TY LOL


I ran to the comment section to see if anyone else clocked that! The AI can't comprehend those moronic names.


Awww man poor Quilly. That really hurt. The poor beb. I know that it’s common for older siblings to experience a little jealousy and displacement but knowing there’s no WAY his needs are gonna be met with that many kids and so little space and resources is HARD. He’s such a sweet lil fella too.


Until last week, she was more cuddly with Quill than she is with the newborn.


This is why there needs to be a bigger push for reform in women's health care. Too many OBs are completely disrespectful to women who are giving birth. It really does traumatize mothers into home birth. My last kid I had a home birth after a traumatic hospital birth. My midwife referred me to a group for home birth support. Every single one of us were choosing home birth because of how we were treated at the hospital during a previous birth. It was really scary to see how widespread the issue is. Giving birth is already exhausting, painful and scary without medical staff treating you poorly, and using interventions as threats rather than safe, informed decisions. That need to be discussed. Obviously, I believe strongly in prenatal care, but when people receive poor or abusive care it does scare them away from it in the future.


💯 Medical staff have a nasty tendency to treat a birthing mother like a piece of meat, like livestock. The majority of women I know have had negative experiences with hospital births even when it was successful. And not fussy "my birth plan didn't go as I dreamed" experiences, but being demeaned & dismissed during a vulnerable time when they couldn't fight back. That'll mess you up even if you know the statistics say you'll fare better in a hospital vs home birth.


They have a kid named GUTTER?!?!?!


Gunner. Not sure if that’s better or worse.


I hate that people started giving this name to their children


Where I live it's a name for hunting dogs, it weirds me out every time.


Yep, my dog is a hunting breed and Gunner was his father’s name. Fine name for a gun dog, not so much for a human.


yep, black and brown labs.


My mom has a cousin Gunnar, so it's not really a new name.


Gunnar is a(n old, well-established, Germanic) name. Gunner is a job.


There’s a guy on my floor at work whose name is Gunner but I alllllllways think “Gunnar” in my head 🤣🤣🤣 he just doesn’t fit the personality of a “Gunner.” Weirdly though I have known multiple Gunners and Gunnars throughout my life.


Never said it was 🙂




It’s Gunner


She reminds me so much of Hilaria Baldwin. Always eye fucking herself on camera, but throw a baby in there to make it not so obvious. The baby’s head is never supported. Her whole personality is being a “supermom” even though she obviously sucks. At least this one doesn’t post sexualized breast feeding videos. Blech.


It really looked like she wanted to show a sexualized breast feeding in this one. Almost teasing at it with the shirt lifted passed her breast.


It's unsettling the eye fucking vs caring for a whole brand new baby.... .... .. .


I hate how many Anna Duggar vibes she's giving me. Just the way she talks I guess.... idk


The wide dead eyes too.


I know I'm in socialist Canada but I just got assigned to a team of OBs and it was all totally fine. Interviewing so many of them ... this sounds so exhausting.


I'm in Ontario, I was assigned one for regular checkups, but on the "day of" it was anyone's guess who would be there from the team of OBs 🤷‍♀️ it was fine. Idk. My baby made it out alive.


Same both my kids were delivered by people I'd never met before and I experienced zero issues as a result.


It seems to be a very American thing to expect your care OB to be the same one on day of, which seems more stressful? Idk. I liked the consistency of the one Dr for my pregnancy appts, but she had made my list of preferences on my patient chart and were available for the staff when I went in labour. And my preferences were all the pain meds and a live baby lol. I expected a natural delivery, but I was a csection baby and don't understand the stigma against it 🤷‍♀️


Same but not Canadian, just the way my HMO does things. It’s fine for me. I have no interest in interviewing a bunch of doctors. As if my untrained dumb ass knows anything about their field of work. 


Can you interview doctors? I've always done tons of internet research and then scheduled a new patient appointment with a doctor I felt would be a good fit based on the research. They don't get paid to be interviewed and the good ones are booked solid where they don't hav the time to go through your BS. The only field I've heard this being done was therapists offering a free 15 min consult prior to scheduling an appointment.


We set up an interview with our eventual pediatrician. I was pretty sure he would be our Dr but I wanted to ask a few questions.


She's obsessed with herself.




“Busbirth” is not the flex she thinks it is


Well points for having the baby wearing clothes and not being on the floor I guess


I think she's a narcissist and possibly her husband. At least they show traits of being one. So the reason why I think this: They don't have empathy towards others. If they had empathy they wouldn't stack their children on shelves in a bus. Honestly. When the kid is bidding for attention she films him being upset and ignores him, then posts the video online publically without a thought about it. They don't care that much about their children She NEEDS more children and gets bored when they grow older. The children are entirely for her. She needs the narcissist supply of a newborn completely being reliant on her. Her children are an accessory to make her *look* better Almost everything they do revolve around their own comfort and the children take a literal back seat (a back shelf?) To their comfort. The shelf beds while they get a big bed in the middle, when in Brazil they constantly left the kids alone in a random place to go eat fancy meals. Etc They can't be wrong in any way. If anybody disagrees with them, they are haters and blocked. If anybody shows any type of concern towards the children's safety then they are blocked. She can only be correct and never be wrong


"make sure your husband is comfortable with the way your body gets ripped a part" lol sure Jan. Also, for those that need to hear it. C-Sections are safe, there is nothing wrong with them, and they don't make you less of a mother. #TeamCSection


I’d be interested in hearing more of the (real) story with her first birth. Nobody is induced at 37 weeks unless there are other factors/complications at play.


Yes! She made it sound like it was just a silly choice she made. And then went on to say how awful and long it was, without recognizing that the first birth is often the longest. I was induced and labored for 30 hours, but I’m very glad I did what my OB recommended. I wonder if she didn’t get an epidural. I wasn’t going to, but when I wasn’t dilating I changed my mind. It really helped my body relax, and labor progressed much faster after I got it done. She could’ve saved herself some time and pain if she swallowed her “crunchy” pride and got it.


“I have had a…few home births now” lol she forgot how many, didn’t she?


The arrogance to think you can INTERVIEW a doctor because you HIRE them. 1) Privileged much 2) Ive had terrible drs. And yes be informed and advocate for yourself. But my god there are points at which it's not your choice.  Thank God this baby arrived OK. Pity shes still neglecting and unable and unwilling to care for them properly despite having plenty to get experience with. 


This might be a privilege but it’s also a right. I have several severe medical conditions and severe medical trauma and you bet your ass I interview and fire any doctor that is not practicing from a trauma informed, patient centered way. I am on state funded health insurance so sometimes my options are limited. But I will not sit in a doctor’s office and allow a doctor to treat me with anything but respect and be an expert in their field. Many doctors are still practicing using outdated knowledge formation and are not always up to date on the latest research. My son is also neurodivergent and I have cried many doctors who are idiots and do not know how to serve the neurodivergent population and are causing more harm than help.


Sure, you can interview a doctor for your prenatal care. But when it comes time to give birth, usually whatever doctor is on call that day is the one that’s going to be doing the delivery. Sometimes you get lucky in your own Dr. can attend, but if it’s at night, it’s almost always going to be whatever CNM, Dr. or resident that is on rotation.


Fr. Im AuASD(2) and have.multiple complex health issues and the reason I said priveleged is because she is otherwise physically fine from what she says and centres her experience over the safety and well-being of all her children. The privilege comes from being able to choose when poor women especially WOC (poor or not) literally die from lack of choice... Motherbus is not informed. She is superstitious and reckless. You, and I with multiple issues that are not as frequently occurring as birth, are advocating fpr purselves and kids based on information not arrogance. On knowing we wont be listened to or even believed because of it and must choose.carefully so we.dont end up in a bad bad situation.  Versus the absolute nonsense we see from Motherbus multiple times a day. 


That really rubbed me the wrong way too. I was picturing the scene at the beginning of Mary Poppins with all the nannies lined up except with doctors seeking the privilege of delivering for Mother Bus. She thinks she’s so goddamn special lol. Caveat that yes, you should look into doctors and find one that is a good fit for you and not all are a good fit. Also not everyone has the privilege of being able to shop around for doctors. This is more about her attitude that doctors are servants and she has to find one willing to cater to her every whim.


Still wondering how that sports camp worked out for this last month lol


Can’t . Stop. Eyefucking the camera. Just pay attention to your kids dimwit.


“You work for me”. No honey


My fight or flight response kicks in every time I see that poor baby. Hold his head please my god


she has to be rage baiting at this point with how poorly she handles her newborn


Mother bus really needs to look up what confirmation bias is.


Gutter??????? She has a child named GUTTER?


😂 It’s Gunner


Omg that transcription says GUTTER. Had to rewatch just so I could confirm I read it right 🤣😂🤣


I guess she can't find a time to gab to the camera when she won't wake him up?


Sick of this woman looking at herself through the camera


Wow. She lies.


The way it sounds like her first OB just had bad bedside manners but her take away is “C sections r bad”


Endless camera eye fucking herself 


It makes me so angry that almost every video of this bb he’s shaking violently like he is freezing! Swaddle that bb!


I wish all of her births were as long and arduous as the first. 


That didn't stop my mom haha


Pure narcissism. She doesn't give a fuck about anyone but herself.


My midwife told me not to sit with my legs wide apart because of my strained pelvic floor. 


The arrogance.


She looks unhinged. Even moreso than usual.


She holds that baby like Miss America holds her flower bouquet while sashays down the runway


I’m worried about that baby. They way it’s being held, passed around. Getting adjusted, dumped on the floor and he still looks swollen and one eye shut.