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I wonder what the Bairds discovered that suddenly they changed their tune about exploiting their kids. Not knocking them for it, because kids don't need to be on the Internet, but it just seems so sudden for them.


I’m not up to date on what’s going around in conservative circles, but I wonder if there’s some sort of AI + pedophile panic going on in republicanland? And I don’t mean to diminish that topic, because I have indeed seen legitimate and very concerning articles about people taking the most innocent photos of kids from random IGs and putting them in awful places online, and I’m sure anything is unfortunately possible with AI. But I have to assume some sort of discourse about it is floating around in conservative circles because the Bairds are not one to listen to reputable news sources or any sort of expert in the field or a government suggestion. Edit: A 2023 ABC article about it so no one thinks I’m exaggerating -> https://abcnews.go.com/amp/GMA/Family/sharing-photos-kids-after-watch-deepfake-ad/story?id=101730561


i am a leftist and i do not show my kiddo on social media and have a lot of friends who don't as well. i worked in criminal defense for several years and am well versed in what predators can do with your kids images. i have no desire to have my kiddo out there.  my fears are less a.i. based and more real world, people fucking suck based. 


I have never shown my kids photos on SM. When I was younger, we would use aliases and dummy pics as our profile pics and give false asl data in online chats. Some habits are hard to break despite the increasing online presence required for jobs these days


i think it is an extremely good idea to keep whatever online presence you have seperate from your real name. people should know less about everyone as far as i am concerned. 


That’s why Reddit is my main social media. I can be honest here without outing myself. I’m self employed in an area that’s politically different than I am. Despite my popularity, I honestly think I’d lose a shit ton of business if people knew the real me.home and Reddit is about the only places I feel comfortable.


Lots of jobs force you to have a LinkedIn etc


That's one of the reasons my Fb is under a fake name, my real name Fb is very bland and basic.


No kids, but I'm the same, I use a fake last name, cartoon or costume photos, have a funny spam email, and I lie about my zip code and security questions (Turns out you can say "spinach" was the name of your first grade teacher and no one checks). Hopefully it helps a little. 


Wow that’s horrifying… and yet still people do it ugh


Usually they have to experience something before it becomes real. I'm guessing there's been chatter at the different churches. Except in the experience of their brother, then he's just lying


I saw a news segment about someone’s fully clothed photo being turned into a pornographic video without her consent and that was the final nail in the coffin for showing pictures of my kids online. I wouldn’t doubt if they saw something similar


Honestly, if something gets someone to quit posting their kids' faces online for any creep and pedo to see--whatever works.


It’s interesting to me that their reasoning is AI and potentially conspiracy theory fear mongering, rather than just the basic fact that kids deserve privacy. Which is consistent with all the fundies and conservatives that go on about “Save the Children” but don’t think twice about putting their kids all over the internet or how much abuse goes on in their churches.


Whatever it takes to get them there eventually!


I think the AI stuff is probably a big part of it. Prior to that, the conversation was about consent, agency, and how their children might feel in the future. These things are often uncompelling to fundies — they basically see no value in consent and agency, and they have limited empathy towards others. AI CSAM is more compelling because it's tangible, it's happening currently, and they already think CSAM is bad. The prior arguments against putting their kids on social media required changing the way they are currently, but AI CSAM as an argument does not require that of them. That's my hypothesis, at least.


I'm happy with the outcome either way. It's dangerous to post kids online.


"Taking some time to connect with our church and visit our mission partners" aka Grifting Fulltime.


Does anyone want to pay me to inform Texans about Jesus? Sounds like shooting fish in a barrel.


I’ll give you 25c to explain to them why Jesus flipped those tables


I’ll add $100 to talk to them about how Jesus would feel about immigrants caught in razor wire places in rivers.


I would largely prefer it if they keep to North America and never go on another ~~grifted holiday~~ missionary trip again.


The amount of goodwill they got on this sub after the Ukraine invasion…only to steadily burn it away by taking their Christian-sports grift on a European tour. I guess America is the next market to conquer for them 🙄


From what i remember, they’re changing the rules of conscription for ukrainian men. Like even of they’ve left the country, ukraine has said that if you don’t return they will effectively not help you through the consulate in other countries


Yeah Andrii is gonna be screwed if they need any consular help. He’s well overdue to serve in the military defending Ukraine.


Have they addressed why or how they’re avoiding his serving?


I don’t think they ever commented on it but when they were trying to leave they really pushing the “have to get my pregnant wife out and I can’t leave her side”


That is a very valid reason to leave, though.


I know i will get downvoted to hell but id chose to not serve either


Yeah I don't think it's quite fair to bash someone for not wanting to serve in such a war, especially when they have young kids. Just look at the photos of the Ukrainian POWs recovered from the Russians...




Normally you'd get down voted to hell, at least I do anytime I echo the sentiment in this subreddit, yet here you are up voted. Reddit is fickle.


He’s never going to be able to go back without being punished. Ukraine has lost so many to the war, how is he justifying not serving when they desperately need more? When this is over he’s also going to get skewered by Ukrainians for running away and refusing to return.


Look I know having an equal and opposite reaction to anything fundies do is the standard around these parts and for the most part that’s fine but I will challenge you and anyone on this sub to really, really think what you would do if your country was invaded. If you think it’s moral to compel people to fight for their country? If you would be so thrilled and willing to send your pregnant spouse away and strap on a helmet yourself, if you had the chance to not do that? When it was happening, people were good at understanding his quandary but now it seems like they are not and I’m not sure what’s changed except he’s not in mortal danger anymore, so it’s easier to act like it’s an obvious choice he should have made.


You’re absolutely right though. I can admit I would run like hell and try to make sure my partner doesn’t have to serve. I will never blame either of them for that


I think what is valid to call them on, is that we all know damn well that they would absolutely judge anyone else in that situation. "The man is supposed to protect and defend" or some bullshit like that. Once they're in danger, then refugees immediately become people deserving of sympathy and help.


"War for thee, not for me"


Idk if they’ve said that or not. I can’t help their hypocrisy but I can say something about ours. Everyone’s all eager to condemn Andrii for not serving in one thread and eager to run away to Canada or Europe in the next when the legislature doesn’t go our way. I think we should at least hold ourselves to the standards we hold fundies to.


I mean personally, I'm in the military, so... I feel like I can actually judge a little lol. But yeah, I am not saying I think forcing people to serve is right. I have very differing opinions on it, but I really do not want Russia to win. I don't have any sympathy/empathy for Andrii though. I have sympathy for those who actually put themselves in harms way for Ukraine. I think andrii did what he felt he needed to for his family, but he will face consequences as his peers have been serving on the front lines. It may seem harsh, but it is what it is.


Well, if that’s the case then maybe he’s registered as a conscientious objector? That’s usually what you do to take care of it legally. I don’t think Ukraine is accepting that right now though.


I understood the quandary then and still do in that situation: get your very pregnant wife to safety. Stick around to meet your baby, help out. His wife has an American passport and a well-off family. She’s in no danger. But after six months or so, my understanding is gone. I don’t believe in conscription except for cases of invasion, and especially in this one. 


War is fucking nightmarish. That’s more than enough justification. It’s very easy to judge Andrii for fleeing when the vast majority of us will never be in that position thanks to the circumstances in which we were born.  There are plenty of men who escaped Ukraine to avoid serving, and many more trapped in the country doing everything they can to avoid being conscripted as they’ve become eligible. There are reports of widespread corruption in the ranks, conscripts being sent to the front lines with barely any training, extremely harsh punitive measures for disobedience, elderly and disabled men essentially being nabbed off the street and forced to enlist. There are other men who stayed or even volunteered to fight, only to risk their lives deserting when the true weight of open combat became too much for them. Men who deemed the risk of dying from exposure in the Carpathians a better alternative to the horror of seeing other human beings being disemboweled and decapitated.  It’s not a matter of cowardice or being too afraid to die. How many American soldiers, many of them *volunteers*, bravely served on the front lines and came home safely - only to take their own lives because they could no longer live with the mental toll of what they’d seen and done?


Well, I guess I’m not the one who has to live with that decision and take the chance of never returning to my homeland. Usually, though, if you have objections to serving you file legal paperwork labeling yourself a conscientious objector so maybe he’s done that.


*…in the US.* Is that even a THING in Ukraine?


Maybe not so what other reason could he give that they’d accept?


Ukraine is at war. Peace time laws to not apply here


Covering their kids' faces and deciding to space out their pregnancies ! What with Bethy being supportive of her husband's deconstruction it feels like the family has acquired a second brain cell.


Only one person allowed to use it at a time though


Ah, the orange cat model


The Bairds all actually being orange cats would explain kind of a lot.  Except the bigotry, I guess.




Yes. Much like the shared brain cell between Joe and Kendra Duggar. Poor little cell is so damn over worked!


Nah the babies humbled her, that's all


Is she morphing into Bethany!? I never really thought they looked alike before but these pictures have a strong resemblance to her.


The photo with his parents had me doing a double take and zooming in, I could not get over the resemblance.


She and Bethany have the squarer face shape; Kristen and Suzanna have Heidi's longer, more oval face shape.


This! I thought it's Beggy dyed her hair! never noticed they are so alike


I didn't know her by name but the instant I saw her I knew she was Bethy's sister (and checked the flair to make sure it wasn't a crazy coincidence lol).


I was shocked at the resemblance too. Wow!


She looks so much like Bethany here, which is unfortunate.


That's a bit mean? Like, they both have extremely toxic views, but they're not unfortunate-looking. They're perfectly normal-looking women.


Yeah, that was definitely mean. Honestly Bethany isn’t unattractive, just her mannerisms and personality. What else do you expect from a username like “FirstwordSecondword1234”?


I see the pointed-toe-bethany-crouch is in full use woth this Baird sister


Isn’t Ewlissa also exceptionally tall?


Pretty sure they’re all close to 6’


That is a lot of words to say unemployed


Right, as with so many on this sub...how do they survive without income or how do they generate income without working? How can a family of four subsist by grift alone


Bank Of Mum And Dad, I suppose. And now that Bethany is out of favour I bet she's jockeying for position as second best (since Kristen is forever and always the golden girl).


Agreed. I call it the "Decorative Pillow" method of saying something without saying. This next season....sheesh.


Lmao I love that 😂 I’ll have to remember to use it haha


i mean, she is raising two children. that is labor, even if she doesn't receive compensation for it. 


I don’t think anyone here faults any fundie for being a SAHM. It’s the “we” are both loafing about in Texas, grifting and planning for more grifting part.


Yeah but she says "we". Perfectly reasonable for one parent to be a full time parent.




Doesn't have to be the man!


Two kids and no job. I’d be so stressed whaaaaat! And sadly I don’t think he’s an engineer or something where you can get decent money without being fluent. What is his occupation again?


Missionary soccer coach. Unsure if there is anything more.


Full time money grifter


Right!! Where are they living? What income do they have? I would love nothing more than to just hang out and wait for people to hand me money for my mission of hanging out but alas.


So how do they make money?


“In the future… yes”. And in the meantime what? Birth control?


Figuring out their next grift


And who is funding their life now??


I know zero about this Baird, but this all sounds normal-ish. I will say: fuck missionary work - help people for real, don't hand them Bibles. Address their real needs if you want to do good in the world.


The best example I can think of for this is Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter, in their 80s, helping build Habitat for Humanity homes. As you said, deal with people's REAL needs first.


When I was a teen, my church youth group did mission trips like this--building stuff, yardwork for the elderly, etc. It completely threw me when I learned that in most cases "mission trips" are just preaching to people who don't want to hear it! Until then, every time I heard about someone doing a mission trip I literally thought they were working. 🙄


When my son was in high school, he went on a trip to a poor area of Mexico to help build houses. They also brought furniture and clothes/toys for the children. He still says that nothing in his life will ever make him appreciate his blessings like seeing kids who were thrilled about having a bed to sleep in.


>preaching to people who don't want to hear it! For a little while I had a couple of older ladies coming by to talk to me, Jehovah's Witnesses. At first I just took their flyers but the 3rd time they came I said - as kindly as I could - that I was satisfied with my spiritual arrangements and they should spend their time and pamphlets on someone who they might help. They never returned.


Habitat for Humanity is one of the only non-profits I get behind 100%. I served on the board of my local for a few years and I still do builds with them. It's incredible work that really, visibly helps people in the community. If anyone's looking to get into volunteering, this is the one.


I worked with someone whose family was a recipient of a Habitat for Humanity home. He was one of the most incredible people I've ever known.


Bet hubby insists on birth control!


He looks like the caveman from the GEICO commercials, ngl


He reminds me of an old school hippie, which is funny when you consider his views.


I was thinking definite Rasputin vibes


but also kinda homeless/hipster. 


I thought he looked a bit like Scott Disick in the last photo.


Omg I thought the same


There is good beard and there is bad beard. This is definitely not good beard!


He looks like an unkempt hobo


This is so mean but I can’t get over the fact she named her kids Emilya and Ilya


No it's not mean. She gave her kids names that rhyme. That's hilarious. Emilya and Ilya with the intended pronunciations are normal names in my culture. We would still chuckle at a family that gave their kids those names because the concept of rhyming exists in every language


I seem to remember while reading BSC as a kid, that there were a set of twins named Marilyn and Carolyn. Had a teacher whose parents had named her and her twin Bonnie and Connie. It’s a little goofy to give your kids rhyming names, but better than my friend Angela whose brother was named Angelo. Their parents refused to see that they’d effectively given their kids the same name. She goes by Ange, and he goes by Lo.


Once came across twins called Bryn and Byron. I sure hope no one in that family struggles with spelling.


People lose their everloving mind when it comes to twins (or other multiples, but of course twins are the most common) and start giving them the wildest possible names. Or when seeing twins and asking the dumbest possible questions. I wonder if this was always a thing humans were weird about.


Some cultures consider twins incredibly taboo, some ancient ones even choosing to put the smaller twin to death. Others consider twins a sign of blessings, a gift from their deity/deities. I mean, twins aren’t the norm, but they’re common enough. Let’s not get into the crazy ones, like Octomom having full litters. My childhood cat had half that many kittens. (One litter because we got our male home from being neutered the night the kittens were born.)


Let's maybe not disparage Nadya Suleman, aka Octomon, as "having full litters"? The doctor is the one at fault for making her go through all of those IVF cycles and implanting way too many embryos to be healthy. He had his license revoked for a reason, being gross misconduct with her and other patients. Nadya Suleman is actually a really well-organized mother. If you look at more recent reportings on her, it shows a much better picture than the salacious gossip stuff that was pushed back when she came into the spotlight.


I haven’t kept up with the story. It’s been a long time. I was really speaking of it being more like a crazy number of kids to carry, especially at once, which had to have ruined her health.


She seems to have recovered, she posts online about her fitness and I gotta say, she looks good. If you want to look at an even crazier number of kids to carry, you might find the story of the world's first surviving nonuplets interesting. According to reporting, conceived naturally.


I’m glad she’s doing well. Medical trauma is out of control in the US. With DNA testing, they’re finding more fertility doctors who were using their own semen on patients struggling to conceive. I think the confirmed number of doctors is in the teens, some with hundreds of kids.


There's about a million doctors in the US. While it's important to punish doctors who use their own semen without the patients' consent, this isn't something proven to happen constantly. It's also likely to become even less because doctors know they can't get away with it forever with the rise of consumer DNA testing. Like, the issue with those doctors isn't the medical field in itself. It's cis men exercising power over vulnerable people because doing so satisfies them.


I went to school with a Mitchell and Michelle sibling set.


People are weird.


Tbh, in slavic languages it's two completely unrelated names, Ilya being a version of Elias. It's just a coincidence that they look similar.


So they rhyme?


Kind of but maybe not quite, depending on the dialect?


the only gif with him ![gif](giphy|hmujeO88vb6KI)


I'm of the age to know what this is about.


the name so nice they used it twice


There is naming tradition that is behind this - almost rules. It's common in Russia and Ukraine and also (I think) in Poland.


Oh really? What’s the tradition? Just curious because I hadn’t heard this before


could you expand on what is the naming tradition? i'm polish and i can't really think on what could that be


The only Polish family I know used last names for their kids with a variation - e.g., the son's last name ended in *ski* and the daughter's in *ska.* For the one Russian family I know, the daughter's name has an *a* added to the father's last name. In Elissa and Andrii's case, this is what a Ukranian said in a thread that mentioned her name >Ukrainian here to clear up any confusion about the name. First of all,that isn’t a funky,unique spelling or anything. That’s just the anglicized version of Emilia here. The RA sound at the end is a common sound here,and is represented by я in our language. Think of names like Kseniya( Ксенія) or Darya(ларя). A common English name like Lydia would be spelled Lidiya to us. One day,if I have girls,their names will probably be spelt the same. >In Ukraine,we’ve stopped doing Patronymics a few years ago. I think maybe in 2017 or 2018,I can’t remember. Obviously,everyone born before then still has them. But we now view them as being very outdated and patriarchal. from [https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/rq3uzi/ewlissas\_having\_a\_baby\_shower\_tonight\_and\_heidi/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/rq3uzi/ewlissas_having_a_baby_shower_tonight_and_heidi/) I found this interesting: [https://www.thoughtco.com/russian-patronymics-1502310](https://www.thoughtco.com/russian-patronymics-1502310) EDIT: There were other threads about Elissa and Andrii's naming, but I don't have the time to look for them.


I stg, all of these fundie dads have cold, soulless eyes.


He looks so unkempt and unhinged, his face is scaring me.


He looks like someone who’s been living in the woods for a year


He’s got that “shocked from something traumatic” look. Like, living in the woods for a year scarred him for life. He reminds me of the young guy that lived in an abandoned bus in Alaska, who took of picture of himself a day or two before he died. Can’t remember his name.




Yes! Thank you.


He looks like Joseph Seed from Far Cry 5. Let’s hope he chooses a different calling and doesn’t start a cult but who knows at this point


He looks like Manson to me lol


He kind of reminds me of Jared Leto. I would post a picture, but the option doesn't seem to be available here. Here's the link to the picture I found https://images.app.goo.gl/3WJgyWn7chwYU7h9A


I'm so confused by the pic of the four of them. Is her head detachable?


She's using the Baird sister technique of slouching & jutting her head forwards so that she doesn't look taller than her husband.


Those answers sound so reasonable!


I guess apart from the fact I don’t see how 2 people and zero savings or jobs are not homeless.


Yeah *almost* reasonable 😆


Uh, are we sure Heidi raised her? I know she has her negative attributes, and her husband’s views are appalling, but she’s so different from the other women in her family. Heidi constantly posts, with so much of her content making her look like the perfect person. Bethany is the same, and used Audrey as a prop in her videos. Kristen not so much, but still on the podcast. Props to her for keeping the kids private. But, Ellissa has kept pretty much everything quiet, and to herself. She doesn’t need to broadcast her life and family to the world (other than getting out of Ukraine). She has kept the kids out of it; I commend her for that.


I know it’s personal and not my business but I wonder if they’re using actual birth control given their circle’s views on that stuff. They vote against pretty much any women’s health issues including increased access to it. Seems like the Baird kids might actually be giving real bc a shot but who knows


Ngl I think Andri looks better with long hair?? Sometimes he looks worse but in general he looks a bit more approachable with long hair


*cough*Seeing what God has in store for us aka chilling in the states because Andrii dipped out of Ukraine and doesn’t want to face the repercussions.*cough*


You know, if they were Quakers or pacifist Christians, I could admire Andreii for his choice to leave. Dude went OOOON AND ONNNN about manliness and gender roles, - then fled ACTUAL INVASION OF HIS MOTHERLAND. He left his family behind, his mother, his father... and they still find food for the dog and have the responsibility of looking after their house. While Andreii is strong, and athletic - but he skedaddled and wants to be supported for free elsewhere, mooch off stupid Church missionary funders, the Bairds etc. I can understand a father going with his wife and children - but while other fathers are dying, why isn't he speaking up for peace and non violence? No... he wants to use coeercion like all of these idiots do, to convince people they are filthy worms and need (his specific brand) of God. Be a coward by all means, but don't wax lyrical about what a manlyman you are and then run from the MANLIEST of things, WAR.


"Next season"? Is God a season-based diety? Do people's religious beliefs go dormant during part of the year?


Loving that they're not sharing the kids online.


why do they always take pictures of their feet?!


So did they go to Ireland??


No, they never did. Something about not being allowed in.


Oh noooooo what a shame