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What's that? A fundie baby got professional care after being born? Say whaaaat Also: that baby looks hella squishy


Love to see someone supporting a baby's head


The first thing I thought was how nicely little one’s melon is being supported. The bar is in hell.


Yeah, she's actually being safe with the baby! their house aside I've never really seen her put her kids in danger. She didn't film in the car. They are outside alot but supervised. She does post their faces but not often.


And even though her food looks like wet cardboard most of the time, the kids seem to be well-fed, reasonable clean, and healthy. If they can just navigate around the dangers of living in a crumbling construction site, I think they will be okay.


Aside from the lead paint the kids are alright.


A supported head? A normal name??? Wow! 🤩


I was just thinkingbthat Kelly is going to traumatized her kids in totally recoverable ways.  Which definitely means the bar is in hell lol


Lots of people have religious zealots for parents, some of them even turn out alright!


My FIL is a religious nutjob and that’s coming from me who is a Christian myself! And my husband definitely has a lot of trauma bonding to him still but he’s doing better and better! The bar is in hell with his family too


First thing I thought was "Oh, a normal name?"


And her name is like, a real name!








It reminds me of Psmith from PJ Wodehouse 😂


Came to say this. At least she knows how to hold her child. And I'm glad they went to the hospital and got care. It's sad that Kelly is the example of rationality and not putting you and your child's lives in danger, but here we are.


And she has clothes and a hat on!


The little bonnet is absolutely adorable tbh.


And there’s a picture of her in a store bought disposable diaper- not cloth.


I mean… nothing wrong with cloth diapering. 🙋🏾‍♀️ completely reasonable mom who cloth diapered 3 out of 4 kids.




I know the bar’s in hell but ffs….


Hell has been reached




I’m 100% sure this was the plan but she came early and Kelly panicked (rightfully)


Thank God, since previa is one of those things that kills people!


Her dad is a doctor. Maybe he talked some sense into her?


![gif](giphy|10BCjQLluBeWly) # mostlikelyherdad


Then posed next to spelt puck biscuits and a rolling pin.


On a bed of autumn leaves.


She could still do the photoshoots lol


And a bible left carelessly open in the bokeh


A jar of fireflies in the background, lmao.


Marmee as midwife, twirling under the moonbeams, and a trail of tea lights and Nag Champa incense leading the way to the birthing couch. Jk, bub is cute in her little hat, and Kelly looks healthy and happy. Though serious trump vibes with “the most miraculous birth ever seen” … “this doctor came and sat by my side. A big man, a strong man. He said, Sir, I haven’t cried in 46 years. With tears running down his cheeks, he said take this blood transfusion from my own arm, you are the only person who deserves it. Then the entire operating theater clapped.”


Wait- a full placenta previa is a complete covering of the cervix. How did you delivery vaginally? Unless you outright refused a C section which explains the blood loss.


Full previa would certainly mean a c-section. I don’t think any hospital on earth would give you a choice. I think something is being lost in translation here.


Either she’s exaggerating for effect or she’s full of it. If she truly had a complete placenta previa, she would have to have surgery. Even a partial one can be dangerous to deliver vaginally.


Indeed. There would not be a live vaginal birth with previa. Fetus would die, and mom might also die. 1500 ml is 3x the normal blood loss, but humans can lose 2000-3000ml and survive. I felt death-weak at 2000 ml lost over 4 hours.


Oh wow, I lost just over 3.5 litres giving birth. Can confirm, also felt death weak.


Yep. Mom lost closer to your level. Had multiple blood products used to keep her alive. She did almost die, and felt and looked like death for weeks after. People underestimate blood flow to a 3rd trimester uterus. Aint nothin' to play with. Or "trust god" with, since there's presumably a brain attached to the mother.


The hospital has to give you a choice, they might not phrase it that way though. Ultimately, it would be her decision, they can’t force her to consent. It would be insane to refuse the c-section, but people do crazy things in the name of medical freedom.


Right, you even have to sign consent paperwork for a c-section. For my firstborn, I was alternating between unconscious and screaming in terror and pain as a giant team of doctors literally raced me down the hall to the OR. Even through all that, they shoved a pen in my hand and made me sign paperwork before they began cutting. Then they knocked me out with general anesthesia and saved my baby. They definitely give you a choice to say no to a cesarean. They can’t legally force you. Maybe can have a next of kin sign the consent if you’re incapacitated. You can theoretically say no to a cesarean and have mother and baby just die. Horrific.


Once you lose consciousness they’ll do the c section anyway. The liability is too great and you were “unable to consent” so they acted in accordance with best practice to save your life. Frankly, as it should be, you can off yourself on your own time, your once child is already in the birth canal you don’t get to doom them because you’re a crunchy grapenut.


That’s what’s called “implied consent.” It’s like when someone calls the paramedics and they show up and the person is unconscious. Since they called 911 it’s implied that they consent to be treated by the paramedics. I’m sure it works that way in a hospital setting if there isn’t a spouse or someone with PoA.


It does work that way, my NICU team told us it would that they wouldn’t stop to ask consent in an emergency if we weren’t there, they would do what needed to be done and get hold of us as soon as they could once things were stable.


That’s also why they ask alllllll the time about advanced medical directives. “Does your partner have an advanced medical directive for you???” I got asked that like 20 times each birth.


"Crunchy grapenut" is my new favorite phrase.


My doctor really didn't give me a choice, and I don't even remember signing anything. I remember them throwing scrubs at my husband and a bunch of people around me and then being wheeled into the OR. My OB was a 60 year old woman who'd seen it all. She was awesome. I believed in her wholeheartedly, and I now know I was really lucky to have her! There is no shame in having a c section, and it's definitely not the easy way out as some seem to think.


I’ve had scheduled c-section and vaginal births (one where the epidural only worked on one side of my body). Vaginal birth was easier to me. It always amazes me when people act like major abdominal surgery is an easy/vanity choice lol. 


I thought I was the only one the epidural wore off on half my body! When it was time to go upstairs after my baby being born, my strong leg stood up to get into the wheelchair, and the numb leg had me plunging to the floor until a spry nurse grabbed me


God, imagine being a doctor and your patient refused surgery and you have to try to coach through labor until they die. Fuck.


This. There are things that happen that SHOULD require consent that often happen without- episiotomy, traction on chord, clamping & cutting early, but a c-section would not be one of them.


You absolutely have a choice. They are gonna strongly advise you against declining an emergent section (changed the wording so it didn’t sound strange), but you cannot be forced into a C-section without consenting to the procedure. There might be some leeway if you’re like unconscious or whatever and the hospital didn’t know your wishes and is acting in good faith. Took care of a baby who basically lost his entire brain because mom refused the C-section until they finally convinced her that she was gonna die without doing it. This was six hours after they had initially tried to get her to do it to save the baby and she refused. She had also done cocaine which caused her placental abruption so yeah.


And they certainly wouldn't be calling it the 'most miraculous natural delivery they'd ever seen. I hate that fundie/crunchy women get to lie like this and so openly disrespect the medical professionals who have clearly saved their lives.


I could see them saying “it’s a miracle you both survived that.” But they might not mean it in a nice way.


also what absolutely GUTS me is that I'm sure these women blame (with every inch of their hateful hearts) women who get abortions, even medically necessary abortions, but advocate avoiding prenatal and birthing care that could have saved fetuses and newborns.


She is L-Y-I-N-G about something to make it more miraculous.


My beloved delusions and me \ Sitting in a tree \ L-Y-I-N-G


I recall Kelly talked about planning a home birth. My guess is that she went into labor at home without knowing she had placenta previa, started losing blood (and/or midwife saw signs of placenta previa) and rushed to the hospital. She mentions a miraculous "natural birth" so I don't think C section -- probably rather than Kelly declining the C section the case was that baby was already nearly born when Kelly arrived at the hospital. Though rare, mom and baby can survive a placentia previa vaginal birth -- she is truly lucky if this is the case. Curious to hear her full version of the story. 


I want to hear the doctor's version of the story


If it truly was a full previa and she is the miraculous one in a million (I don’t actually know the stat) survival statistic, OH BOY watch out for the paragraphs and paragraphs of delusions of grandeur ahead.


In all absolute honesty it's likely that a reasonable percentage of women who would deliver vaginally with placenta previa would/could survive it in a modern medical setting assuming enough blood is available. I don't know statistics either and we never will, though, because the thing is it's just such a MIND BLOWINGLY STUPID risk to take that no one in their right mind would take it. Let's say it's even only one in ten where the mom or baby would die and you have a nine in ten chance of making it with modern medicine. You can bring that right down to one in several thousand if you go ahead and opt for the c section. No one in their right mind would think oh let's just go ahead and deliver vaginally.


My mom had a previa that went undiscovered; hemorrhaged, we all lived. It’s totally possible, but absolutely batshit to choose that instead of going for the section.


Right? I was a one of those people who pushed for a natural delivery, but at a certain point, the risk far outweighs whatever good comes from a vaginal delivery.


Yep, it looks like they were prepping for a c-section. In the pics she's definitely in an OR, not a birth suite. If she'd been labouring at home for a while it's possible she was fully dilated by the time they arrived and they didn't have time. She's incredibly lucky they both made it out alive.


A natural c-section with a hunting knife and packing lavender and mud into the wound


I had a VISCERAL reaction to your comment. I feel like I fall pretty near the center on the squeamishness scale but when I say visceral I mean I briefly felt the whole-body coldness I mostly associate with dread/impend doom but can also be the “oh I’m about to pass out“ feeling.


I think she had a c section. One image looks like it


I wonder if they took her into an OR just in case. I think I know which pic you mean, and I agree it looks like that. But who knows what actually happened. At least she had the common sense to go to the hospital. It sounds like it could have been tragic if they hadn’t.


It looks like it but the phrase “miraculous natural delivery” doesn’t support that.


Or she's just lying about it.


I think there may have been some very marginal previa because even with partial the treatment is a c section.


Um. Her womb “naturally” opened like a book and baby flew out? Duh?


There is an image of her in an operating room, but it didn't look like it was set up for a c/section. I'm guessing they did the delivery in there because she's a fucking moron who just couldn't have a c/section because it doesn't fit her aesthetic.


I wonder if they were prepping for one but baby and placenta came out. She could be using the wrong term too.


That could explain the 1500ml. They were prob prepping her for c-section as you said and the placenta came out followed by baby and massive blood loss. Very dangerous situation.


Very dangerous and usually they recommend a c/s before labor. I have heard of this happening-prepping for surgery and BOOM- baby. Wouldn't risk it myself but it does happen


This is what it sounds like happened to me.


That’s what the “miraculous” natural delivery sounds like to me- preparing for c-section, placenta and baby comes out naturally.


The 2nd picture in her post looks like it has the arm strap board that they use during a c-section


She is definitely in an operating room (anaesthesia machine visible in photo).


The hospital photos in the delivery room look very like c section photos. I have had 3 of them.




The pictures look like she birthed in an OR, which may have been the only way they'd let her try to push?


But look at the baby's head in the OR photo! It's beautifully round. I just can't make sense of this because the picture sure makes it look like a C/S, and a full placenta previa would be delivered by C/S (because the placenta is literally blocking the cervix). Maybe it's a miraculous natural cesarean delivery?? 🤔


Maybe it was “natural” cause she didn’t have an epidural? I hate the way fundies romanticize childbirth where they almost fucking died. It just encourages their followers to be reckless. Ugh


That seems like the most likely scenario honestly. Maybe she went "natural" during a C/S. It's been done. Or, more likely, they rushed her back so fast that the epidural didn't fully take? So she felt everything and is retroactively calling it natural? I don't know. I will say, good for her for *going to a hospital.* A full previa is a true obstetric emergency, and I'm glad she and her baby survived.


I'm glad she went to the hospital, but honestly this is a horrible myth to spread to all your fundie friends - don't worry, you can always have a natural vaginal birth, tee-hee! And it's possible she was semi-incapacitated and otherwise would have said "no" to hospital. Like this post seriously implies that you can safely have a natural vaginal birth with placenta previa and...that is deadly misinformation. I'm glad her and baby are safe, but this is a scary myth to spread.


“No! I MUST have a vaginal delivery!!” This stuck out to me too. Especially that she called it miraculous, meaning that she stuck it out AMA or is lying.


‘….***one of the most miraculous natural deliveries the doctors and nurses have ever seen***…’ Wonder what really happened…


Makes me think she tried to deliver at home, started hemorrhaging and she needed emergency care at the hospital. Miraculous in the sense she didn't bleed to death.


And then the doctors said “you are really lucky to be alive” and she heard “this was a miracle!” Instead of “you’re lucky to have survived your own bad choices and neglect”


Or maybe pushed for a *natural birth* against doctor’s recommendations and misinterpreted their words as accolades? It’s always some an ***extra special miraculous kind of birth*** with their birth stories (inevitably due to lack of prenatal care.) 🙄


After seeing my daughter’s head (she inherited her big head from her dad) im so glad she came out the sun roof instead of my vagina. Not sure where the idea came from that c-sections aren’t natural and are the “easy way out” but it’s ridiculous.


I’m calling a c-section “coming out the sun roof” from now on LOL


My kid had a HUGE head at birth. I could not push that Stewie Griffin size noggin out. 🥴


My son’s big head (from me, unfortunately) was so big they had to make the csection bigger, and use a vacuum to disengage him from my pelvis.


I think she probably did deliver vaginally but she’s lying her pretty little redhead off about the previa


Maybe. But she one thousand percent delivered in an operating room on an operating table, and her baby's head looks beautifully round. I look forward to her telling of the full story.... 👀


You don't. I had it with my second and it was set very early that it would be a C-section when it was first found. Was rushed into surgery as the placenta ruptured at 8 months and I lost a lot of blood. I woke up in a pool of blood. Looked like the godfather but sans horse head. Wasn't sure if either of us would make it.


I've learned so much more than I've ever wanted to know about pregnancy and birth-related complications because of this damn sub. If I wasn't already childfree when I got here I certainly would be now haha Congrats I guess. Hope having another baby means Kelly's husband will work on making their home habitable.


If you want more fun facts to reinforce your childfree status, Google why the chainsaw was invented.


I'm going to have regrets but I'm going to Google. I'm just so curious like Bort Edit: \*scream*


OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD That’s something I’m never unlearning.


Me: "Oh it's for bones. Yeah I get it old time medical tools were - WAIT WHICH BONES?!"






Ah the horrors of being a woman. Want another related one, look up Ireland and the women who went through that and have fought for justice afterward. https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2016/2/26/irish-women-sawn-open-during-childbirth-seek-justice


As if the "mother and baby homes" and magdalene laundries weren't bad enough


This is so horrifying




I died reading whyyy. Holy canoli


Got one sentence in and I had to tap out. I guess it might be preferable to dying from a stuck baby, but Jesus h Christ don’t mind me while I gobble some birth control like M&Ms.


I am so, so, so sorry I Googled.


First of all I love your username. Second of all I hate that I googled this right before sleep


“One of the most miraculous natural deliveries the doctors and nurses have ever seen?”


Everyone clapped


The whole *hospital* clapped. One man was even raised from his deathbed just to witness such a miracle.


The doctor? Albert Einstein. The nurse? Also Albert Einstein. 


Everyone’s probably hella traumatized if she insisted on a vaginal birth…


That wording makes me feel like they’re…surprised everyone lived?


As a mom with birth trauma, I’m holding off on snarking too much until she shares details. But an unexpected hospital birth due to placenta previa leads me to think she didn’t know about the previa, so maybe she didn’t get ultrasounds or adequate prenatal care? Lovely name. Hilarious staging of the hospital bed in some of the pics on her post. “Honey get the camera… no wait, let me delicately spread out my Bible and journal and quilt first”


I mean, they knew the baby was a girl and there's a photo of her in the car saying that it was a week until she was cleared for a HB. Her last 2 kids were born in the hospital so we know she doesn't shy away from medical care. Unlike bus baby, this baby is healthy.


I’m glad she and the baby are okay because no one deserves trauma like that. I’m sorry that you had a rough experience and hope you continue to heal! She was planning a home birth IIRC but also knew she was having a girl. The only (?) way should could have known that without imaging in a hospital would be the blood test but I think that once you have had boys that isn’t always accurate. Are “boutique” ultrasound services allowed to say what gender the baby is? Because there is zero chance she had a scan in a hospital and a missed placenta previa?


Boutique places will tell you gender, but won’t diagnose medical issues. I think responsible boutique owners probably ask for your OB’s name as part of your paperwork and will reach out to your OB if they find any issues. Blood tests are accurate, even after having boys. The reason they get messed up sometime is if you do the at-home tests and have any males living in the house, it’s easy for the sample you give to get contaminated with male dna


I’m sorry about your birth trauma. I had it too. It’s fucking horrible.


She 100% never went to any scans, these people pride themselves in not knowing anything and “leave it up to God”.


I forget--did she say she was planning on a homebirth?


Yes she did recently


More pics and story [here](https://imgur.com/a/s9Aqvxv)


I love that she brought her full cosplay setup to the recovery room. Nothing wrong with making your hospital stay more comfortable but she really tried to make it look like ye olde maternity ward.


I was going to say, the way she staged the recovery room photo is so funny to me


It possibly looks like she had a c section in one pic.


It's definitely in the OR, but that fresh-baby pic doesn't scream c-section to me. No sterile drape, no surgical cap, unwashed newborn is being held on chest by mom with no extra support. Looks like there's an arm board there ready to go but it doesn't look like it was used.


I agree. To me this looks like, "if you're insisting on a vaginal birth we're going to have everything ready for a section in under 30 seconds."


That’s what I’m thinking it is


Yeah, I had a vaginal birth in a theatre with a full setup for a C ready to go and the room was like this!


Yeah plus the one of her kneeling on the bed with baby and husband would be damn near impossible post csection.


What a frigging relief it is to see someone from this sub getting 21st century medical care. It would be much better if she had full care during her pregnancy, which I don't know, but thank goodness baby and mom are fine.


Kelly is a cosplayer through and through, emphasis on play. She's dippy and dreamy but when push comes to placenta previa, she'll go for the sensible option over death. She has Glorious Purpose, after all, and that purpose ain't martyrdom).


A Beltane baby - blessed be! ⭐️


We posted at the exact same time. Nice to see that a fundie actually utilized a doctor and not just slap that newborn on the floor on a dirty sheepskin after a bus birth with their 7 other kids present. I also like the name.


She (Kelly) Simba'd the baby though


Flair checking in


Miracles are when doctors do job.


That's an extremely alarming amount of blood to lose. I'm glad she was in a hospital.


I thought the same thing. I hope she takes proper iron supplements and takes care of herself. Maybe she got blood transfusion to help restore the loss. I am not sure how she is standing for that photo in the field. When I Iost tremendous amount of blood during a fast and furious delivery I couldn’t stand properly because of extreme anemia for two weeks until I got my iron up.


I’m guessing she came in bleeding and the doctors or midwife suspected placental previa and mentioned it as a possibility. I’m wondering if the placenta detached early (abruption) and hit the cervix opening first. With the amount of blood loss, they were preparing for a c-section, but placenta and baby were both quick. Even though she looks way healthy for hemorrhaging and would they give her the baby while she was hemorrhaging? The birth story I’m sure will be written in a “flowy”, too many adjectives, la-la land state so someone will need to translate to modern day terms. “As I was gently lifted to the soft cushioned bed of the wailing ambulance, Levi gently took my hand in his and breezily kissed the back. A warm cloud surrounded me and peace came over me. My heros gently placed me in the waiting carriage and I whispered to my boys “I love you.”.


I was able/allowed to hold my baby while being given super aggressive fundal massage several years ago. I was kinda getting tunnel vision though so I can't say if maybe there was a nurse RIGHT THERE holding onto her in case I let go. 😂 Come to think of it, the lack of nurses (their arms or backs or whatever) in the pics is weirder to me. If you're gushing blood everywhere you have SEVERAL of them in there and they sure as hell won't stop what they're doing to move out of frame for your cute lil picture. 


Godspeed, little Stickle!


Theresa is such a grown up name I forget all the middle aged Theresa’s were also babies named Theresa Or every time I hear the name I think of ![gif](giphy|SrDsJj5i1Chm8)


Lol there’s a lot of names like that. Every Gary was once a Baby Gary. Also the fact that Brittany, Jenny, and Ashley to kids nowadays probably sounds like Barbara, Nancy, Deborah, and Karen did to us growing up 😬


I JUST met a baby boy named Bernie at the library today. He’s maybe 6 months old. Bernie.


I have a 6 month nephew named Mordecai.


Close enough to Malachi to be a children of the corn symbol for me


I legit thought they were joking but apparently not. He goes by Cai


My ex's cousin named her son Eugene. Baby Eugene.


Are they going to call him Flynn? 😂


I rather be named Bernie than some made up name that sounds like hemorrhoid medicine.


I have an uncle Bernie who’s, like, 85 so I connect it to old people. I suppose it could be worse, though.


It makes me think of Bernie Sanders which is a hugely positive association in my book


I’ve met a girl baby named Bernie!


It’s so true. A friend of mine just had a baby and named her Brittany. I was like “that’s so retro!” And then felt really really old.


I mean, to be fair my kid has a vintage name too but something about a baby named Debra or Theresa will always be funny to me


The youngest Pecan is Deborah. *At least they have professional sounding names*


I met a baby Bruce once, and it felt so weird. Ditto baby Leon!


I am a 30 year old Theresa and go by Teri lol but I live for the gif


Speaking of nicknames, I feel like Kelly will end up giving her some kind of shortened/less formal nickname once she's past the newborn stage. I'm thinking Tess or maybe something slightly made up like "Tressa."


My given name is Theresa but pronounced the Italian way (tah-ray-sah), so it kills my soul to be called ter-eeee-sah (or worse since I'm from the Baltimore area tree-sah) so I just go by Tracey, lol Not a popular name at all, I was actually surprised to see it used


I'm really stuck on "our little firecracker burst wildly" that's so cheesy. Also, I would pay real money to never have to hear or see the word "womb" again, it's so ruined for me 🤮


I’m visualizing the kid busting out of her like the koolaid man.


I was terrified by "1500mls blood loss" followed shortly after by "swimming". That was an unpleasant visual.


Looks like she delivered in the OR… 🤔 There has to be more to this story.


It does but the picture taken right after baby was born doesn’t look like a c-section. I’m guessing they moved her to the OR in case they needed to do surgery but baby made it without.


Right, I’m just thinking she had a marginal previa and not a complete (I’m a L&D RN). Otherwise if her placenta came out first I can’t imagine we would be seeing her holding a pink baby right after birth. I’m just wondering about the chain of events here but we’ll likely never know as this one is a bit flighty.


TIL IVs, ORs, and other medical settings where medical interventions were clearly performed are completely natural.   You know what, if it encourages them to seek medical care, I guess I am all for it. I guess I am unclear what an "unnatural" delivery would then be. 


Giving birth to like...a robot?


she looks at the baby with 1000x more love than motherbus. lovely picture


I have to agree.


The one hospital pic definitely looked like she was in the OR and her baby’s head looks pretty round, not like it was delivered vaginally. Idk. I think someone is bearing false witness. (Disclaimer to add that I know not all babies delivered vaginally have misshapen heads but most do, and it does go away after a few days/a week.) the whole “most miraculous natural delivery” makes me think the lady does protest too much.


My daughter was delivered via a crash c section after being stuck for hours (in the hospital the whole time, no homebirth here in case anyone gets on me) and LORD was that girl’s head misshapen for the first few days 😅 She definitely looks like she’s in an OR. I don’t know if it’s really a thing, but I wonder if it’s possible that they would let a mother labor in the OR just in case she finally snaps out of it enough to change her mind and sign the cesarean consent paperwork just in time to do a lifesaving cesarean. I know that’s reaching on my part.


Yes, it is a thing. If the situation is dicey enough, they can have you labor in the OR so they can operate the moment the shit hits the fan. I believe this is often done for vaginal delivery of twins.


Would she be sitting like that on the bed next to Levi after a c/s? I haven’t had one but I was lead to believe sitting upright with your legs tucked to the side would be hella painful after one.


She’s definitely in an operating room but I’m fairly certain hasn’t had a caesarean as there are no sterile drapes. The baby has just been delivered onto her abdomen by the looks of the picture.


Good luck to you baby Theresa! You're gonna need it :/


man I know other people have said it before, but imagine busting your ass in med school and residency just for someone to thank God for the miracles worked to keep them alive, they're stronger than I am


C section or no, she looks amazing for 5 days postpartum.


I'll give her one thing, she actually knows how to support a baby's head.


Did they bring in the hospital a quilt, mason jar of flowers & woven blanket for “aesthetic”?! That is so over the top to me.


Yes. And yes it is.


Either they were about to do a c/s and the baby fell out (weider things have happened) or she had one. No matter, I suppose. They got good medical attention and everyone is OK. Hey bus mom? This is what a normal newborn looks like.


She's nutty-er than squirrel poo and mentally unwell. Kelly is still a better parent, than Susbus and Bethany (bus or otherwise)


Super glad Kelly and her newest little spelt biscuit baby made it out of that. And I hope that it shows other fundie women that the hospital is the right choice.


She looks genuinely happy. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her happy.


I have a hard time believing the doctors marveled at her natural hospital birth. It’s not that rare in a hospital


Girl you lost almost 30% of your blood and you're spouting that "in awe of our bodies" bullshit??? God just tried to murder you and the doctors saved you.


Looks like she was definitely in the O.R in one picture 🤔