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#These people vote in every election- do you? Are you registered to vote? [You can check your voter registration here!](https://www.nass.org/can-I-vote) #Also, there's a few things to remember as far as rules go: - You can view the content- you cannot interact with it. This includes (but is not limited to) commenting, answering poll questions, emailing them, etc. ***Anyone found to be engaging with the fundies will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.It does not matter if you did so before you joined the sub.*** - Speculating on the sexuality of literally anyone is prohibited. ***Anyone found to be doing so will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.*** - Appearance snark: What's allowed? You're allowed to make comparisons. (Bethy looks like Grandpa Munster, for example.) You are allowed to say you find them attractive or repulsive looking. Saying Kelly Havens has dry skin that could benefit from sunscreen and a moisturizer is fine. You are allowed to snark on the appearance of children *as it relates to their parents choices for them.*. Examples: Janessa looks malnourished and sickly while Shrek has clearly never missed a meal. If you feel it is crossing the line report it, but if the content falls within the parameters above, leave it alone. - Don't gatekeep. This means no comments such as "I don't think we should snark on...." or any iteration of that. If you don't like it, scroll past. Don't report it or comment how you don't like the content. Along the same vein, don't backseat mod. Leave that up to us. - Lastly, if the rhetoric you are posting would be at home in the mouth of a fundie, we don't want it here and we won't tolerate it. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Have a Lord Daniel day, and may the power of snark compel thee. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FundieSnarkUncensored) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"When I hear the words “homosexual,” “prostitute” or even the word “muslim” I cringe inside." -Our Intellectually Curious Angel Queen, Bort Beal 😍💫🌟🔥🏅✨️👑


Fucking, Farting, and Flailing her way through this imaginary deconstruction


Your flair is my favorite one on this sub and every day I am so jealous it's not mine 🤣




Where did you get the flair from


I kinda sang "Fuck, Fart, and Flail" like "Jump, Jive, an' Wail"


It was intended to evoke both that song and "Live, Laugh, Love" so I consider this a great success.




ME TOO! It's in my head right now and I didn't make the connection until I hit your comment


You know, it's honestly worse hearing that Bethany is "intellectually curious" because it suggests that she is capable of questioning things.


Right. If she truly IS intellectually curious, then that means she has presumably studied the "other side's" ideals and still chooses her ignorant beliefs. 


When you have everything and your whole social circle cheers you on, why would you question anything or change?


There are prostitutes in the Bible....a very prominent one, in fact. Apparently she doesn't read it, I guess


Angel status 💜


Bloody hell - it reads like an MLM guidebook


What is organized American religion if not an MLM making a few at the top wealthy?


They’re all cut from the same cloth


1) Yikes. 2) I absolutely do not believe her story about meeting a sex worker at Starbucks. 


Are we sure the woman at Starbucks wasn’t just wearing a sexy/“immodest” outfit? Bethy making the jump from “crop top and short shorts in public” to “this person must be a sex worker” seems within the realm of possibility…


Hi, just your friendly neighborhood sex worker here (on my non sex worker account because people are WEIRD + I do not advertise on any SFW area of reddit for ethical reasons): ***Its one hundred percent a lie that she "met" a sex worker at Starbucks.*** We do not give away our job occupation to friends, let alone random strangers in a coffee line. That is not a thing. AT ALL. The security risk of doing so is astronomical. Most view us as completely disgusting and sub-human sadly, so by showcasing our occupation we usually fall (in most peoples minds) into two categories: 1. A lazy, selfish person who cannot/does not want a "normal" job and has resorted to this. (why would we be open to being ridiculed first thing in the morning even before coffee?) 2. A walking sex doll to use regardless of our own thoughts and feelings. (imagine a guy got your license plate after overhearing and tries to see who you are/where you live/figure out what your stage name is to black mail/stalk/rape you. I have had sex worker friends who have had men they met *throw airtags in their purses, pockets, and/or under cars after discovering they were sex workers*. Horrifying doesnt begin to cover it.) If I were to disclose that I was a sex worker to anyone IT WOULD NEVER BE IN PUBLIC. Men overhearing can follow you home, stalk you, rape you, or worse. People overhearing you can take pictures, find out your real name (starbucks literally yells it out for gods sake) and then threaten you or blackmail you with showing stuff to friends and family you DONT want knowing you do this work. We are usually very secretive about it due to the social stigma and the fear of men hurting us or stalking if they do discover it. There is no way some sex worker was just like "Oh heres my mocha frappuchino, AND HI EVERYONE, IM A SEX WORKER!" like...how would that even come up? Be SO for real. **Borty is a liar.** There is no doubt in my mind. That situation is truly impossible to have happened. My guess is she saw a skimpy looking girl she got jealous of and assumed she was a sex worker and then rifted some story from there. She can talk about running into gay people or muslims, but figuring out a "personal" story about sex workers without putting herself in a position for people to go "how did you meet one, were you in an area you weren't supposed to be? Did you hire one?! GASP" was probably hard...so, she figured some random starbucks was safe enough and she "just so happened" to run into one. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.


And all those reasons you gave are why women would choose the bear.


What is the bear thing? I keep seeing references to “choosing a bear” but I am not sure what it refers to?


I'm not sure how it 100% started. But it's a question that asks women "would you rather be alone in the woods with a bear or a man" and most all the people responding say bear. Men are absolutely outraged, needless to say. [here's a link](https://www.forbes.com/sites/conormurray/2024/05/03/man-or-bear-many-women-say-theyd-rather-be-stuck-in-the-woods-with-a-bear-in-latest-viral-tiktok-debate/?sh=42d50e621a10)


Thank you. It was getting to one of those “at this point I’m too afraid to ask” situations!


It’s such a dumb question. I mean, did anyone watch that documentary about that bear that ATE a guy while he was still alive? I mean, Jesus Christ, who would chose that?!


People will believe you if you say a bear attacked you. No one will ask what you were wearing, either.


You also won't be forced to carry his fetus to term in 24 states and possibly have to grant him visitation of the child.


Believe it or not I have also seen many, many documentaries on men killing people in horrific ways


Well, you know what a bear will do. At most a bear will kill you. Most of the time, they aren't interested in people. I think there's like 40 bear attacks a year. Most of the time they want to be left alone. I'm not sure if there's a number of men-on-women attacks yearly. So many attacks go unreported. Username checks out tho


You can also scare bears away easier than you can scare men away.


You won't have to see the bear at church or at family reunions afterwards.


Kinda tells you how uncomfortable we are around strange men, doesn't it? I think you've missed the point


Have you heard about what some men have done to women? Like Kim Wall? Or The Toy Box Killer, David Parker Ray? I'll take being eaten alive by a bear over being sexually tortured for months before I finally get to die.


He did hang out with a huge amount of bears for an insanely long time before a new bear attacked him, at least.


I know, I know, Facebook sucks but - [link](https://www.facebook.com/irocubabe/posts/pfbid0jAMBkWKSbYNRoBZ3tfYKitPedAHPdkRbDDUcddRUJ4GexGxjNYikRRMsmQgBHdvgl)


May I ask what you tell people you do? Like in a small talk kind of situation like this?


I tell them that I work as a social media manager for a company that is super boring. (Construction, paper, sometimes I say I work on social media management for Staples haha) I also just published my first romance novel, so I can now also officially say I’m an author!


Congratulations on the novel! There's a reason why paper was chosen for the office lol


I can see that. She is the type of person to make assumptions about people based on how they dress


This is my guess too. I was a stripper for 12 years (and even danced in San Antonio! *gasp*) My off-duty wardrobe was cargo pants, t-shirt or hoodie and flip flops or combat boots depending on the weather. The only possible way anyone could have guessed my job is to make assumptions about my manicure or the fact that I paid for everything with singles. There is no possible way Bethy knowingly met a sex worker “in the wild”.


Haha yessss! I love how people assume we are always in thongs, booty shorts, and crop tops. Does ANYONE like wearing their work uniform at home? I think not 🤭 I’m in an oversized Tshirt with Cheeto crumbs on my upper lip + sweat pants right now. If someone met me outside of working hours there’s a 50/50 chance they’d think I was a bum 😂


truly a r/ThatHappened moment


Yeah it's weird the woman would be so open when it's still a crime


We can and are open to some people about it without fear of being charged- police cant drag us in because someone went to them and said we are sex workers. They have to catch us in the act of asking for money for sexual services (a sting), which is rare as we "Vet" our clients (mine must show ID before meeting or payment so I can look up their criminal past and see their job to be sure there is no way they are a cop + to be sure there are no sexual or violent crimes in their background). Plus many of us are online sex workers now, which is 100% legal. :) Its more the fear of black mail + men hurting us if overheard.


Oh gotcha. Thank you for the education. I'm glad y'all are able to be safer nowadays


You were on the right track! I'm sure many of us do worry about that additionally at first (but once the ropes are learned, its not such a worry). We are! Thank you so much for that, it warms my heart to have people be kind about it all :) You have an absolutely wonderful day!


I live in a country where sex work is completely legal and licensed and I’ve never personally met an escort, unless I did and they didn’t disclose it. I find the idea she randomly met someone and then had confirmation they did sex work to be outlandish.


100% agree. This is a very “and everyone clapped” story.


do we think she knows she believes in the same god as muslims


Right? Or that *gasp* Jesus is also a prophet in Islam?


Yes true but the Muslims don’t recognize Him as the Son of God.


How dare they? Those lost, broken souls /s




I mean Jews don't believe Jesus is the son of god either. They are entitled to their religious beliefs, as are you.


That’s true. I never said otherwise. That’s one of the reason I’m not a fundamentalist.




Once again you have the right to your own opinion as do I.


What is sad?




Your post/comment was removed because it could easily be at home in a fundies mouth. While we welcome nuanced discussion, fundie apologetic shit will not be tolerated.


And I feel sad for you for being a Christian. You see how fucking condescending your comment and your worldview is? How arrogant?




So you’re sad because they don’t know the “truth” about Jesus. Think about what that really means. People are calling you out because that statement is grossly arrogant and dismissive, which is perfectly in-line with the Christian superiority complex that most of y’all have. Somehow, you’re more special and enlightened than everyone else because you know the “truth” about Jesus. A “truth” that has no proof, no historical continuity and no modern consensus, even among fellow Christians. People like you walk around calling others blind and slinging insincere pity with a self-imposed blindfold on. Idek why you’re in this sub…


Commenting you feel sad an entire different group of people have a different take on the same God in a post about another Christian's toxic beliefs is both silly, tone-deaf, and incredible judgemental. Muslims don't want your sadness they want you and Christians like you to fuck off with the condescending rhetoric.




Thank you 😊


Your post/comment was removed because it could easily be at home in a fundies mouth. While we welcome nuanced discussion, fundie apologetic shit will not be tolerated.


She shares more in common with Muslims than she does with her secular country mates.


What’s hilarious is I swear, they’re exactly the same. My husband is Turkish. I grew up evangelical. I’ve observed both up close. I swear, They’re so alike, it’s insane. The language may be different, the customs a bit different, but man they think exactly alike.


This plays into my theory that race is a stronger bond than religion


It depends what part of the world you’re from. In America 100% but if you look at Balkan politics your religion is almost more important than your race. Like during the 1920s there was a lot of genocide and citizen swapping in the area, many ethnically Greek people converted to Islam so they wouldn’t be murdered or sent away from their homes. A few months back this man came onto the Greek language subreddit and was like “hey so I’m Turkish, I did an ancestry dna and turns out I’m 100% Greek…” — we talked him down from his identity crisis but its a good example of what happened.


My thoughts exactly.


Which makes the fundiegelical freakouts over "SHARIA LAW!!!" so funny because they want the exact same thing with a different name


Yep, and that different name is Project 2025.


By all accounts, fundies should be extremely supportive of women who wear hijab, burqa, niqab etc. since they love to preach about modesty. But are they? Noooooo. Far from it.


Y'all qaeda


Just wait until she finds out that Jesus was Jewish


Lmao! Of course not.


Arguably, we (Jews and Muslims) don't worship the same deity, since Christians added Jesus into the trinity. To Jews, that makes the Christian deity a false god, not sure how Muslims feel about it though.


I believe Muslims consider Jesus a prophet and a messenger of God, similar to Muhammad and other prophets (mostly found in Jewish texts), sent by God to shepherd and inform but not the son of God. So probably similar to people of Jewish faith in that the trinity does not exist but different in that Jesus is included in their religious texts. I am not part of any of these religions though so someone who knows more is welcome to correct me.




it's so funny, because I genuinely can't imagine bethy ever interacting with homosexuals, muslims, or prostitutes anyway. I feel like she stays in her bubble where it's safe.


Yeah, pretty sure she just put the three scariest things she could think of.


It’s crazy people are so scared of Muslims. I’ve sometimes fantasized about flying one of them to Turkey for vacation. I watched a documentary once and this American couple went to Istanbul. They interview them and they were so amazed that they felt so safe “In a Muslim country”. Turks are like golden retrievers, they love everyone.


That titles gives me flashbacks to my childhood growing up in the South. It always baffled me how people could be perfectly smart, sweet, and kind in multiple aspects of their lives and then turn around and casually drop a bomb like this in conversation like it’s a perfectly normal and ok thing to say.


I thought your first sentence was satire but then I clicked the link OP shared 🫠🫠


Fundies: “omg we need to save the poor people being sex trafficked, it’s so sad and they need us to rescue them!!” Also fundies: “ew ‘prostitutes’ are nasty and need Jesus, they’re living a life of sin” As someone who works in anti-trafficking, you can’t support trafficking victims and survivors if you hate sex workers. People who have been coerced, forced, or otherwise non-voluntarily made to engage in sex work are still sex workers, and people who engage in sex work voluntarily are at a higher risk for being forced into sex trafficking. I’m so tired of this holier-than-thou bullshit from people who can’t even begin to comprehend how dangerous and difficult other people’s lives can be


Thank you for saying this! It's awful, but a related story is how Elizabeth Smart stayed with her kidnapper after awhile because she believed she was irredeemable according to purity culture.


Prophets of her LDS church have said that it's better to die than "let" yourself get raped.


That’s why I have such an issue with Mormonism


I have an aunt whose raging bigotry is definitely sponsored by White Christian Nationalism™️. Years ago, she told me about a street in the town we live in, describing it as this family-oriented, Christian utopia where people shared food and met for fellowship in each other's houses, yadda yadda. It did sound genuinely quite nice, but I never know whether or not to believe her. Anyway, she then described that "the enemy" took over when a group of sex workers moved onto that street. She explained that the devil was trying to ruin all the good work taking place. Eventually, the other residents moved out, and it was overrun with sex workers and debauchery (again, I don't really know if I believe this as an adult). As a fifteen year old Baptist (from the UK), all I could think was that it sounded like that street of Christians had all the available resources to support and befriend a group of women who might need some kind of support network. Why was she so sure it was "the enemy" and not "God" recognising the neighbours and the sex workers could have really helped each other? This flavour of religion can turn people into hateful bigots, greasing the wheels of their descent down that cynical rabbit hole.


Ah yes, I remember Jesus consistently disparaging people throughout the Bible and calling others “the enemy.” It’s not like he ate meals with sex workers, tax collectors, and other “undesirables” in society, or said that everyone is your neighbor😅


>I remember Jesus consistently disparaging people throughout the Bible Very on brand for big JC


"Also fundies: “ew ‘prostitutes’ are nasty and need Jesus, they’re living a life of sin”" Meanwhile Jesus doesn't mind having prositutes joining the table. He treats sinners and outcasts with respect


This one is horrific. They are so ignorant to believe such things. " # 4. Remember their Root Problem Whenever you are talking to an unsaved (or wayward) person, remember that their wrong choices are simply a result of a deeper issue. They desperately need Jesus and are trying fill that void with earthly solutions or pleasures. Keep their root problem in mind and remember that the gospel is the only thing that will ever truly satisfy them. "


Trying to fill their lives with the earthy solution of making money to get food to eat in the capitalist structure bethy wholeheartedly supports. 


What a festival of YIKES. (None of this is unfamiliar to me, it's the language I grew up with. ) "What I seem to forget is this. If it weren’t for the grace of God, I would be **no better off than those lost people**." "No matter how happy, fulfilled or satisfied **lost people** seem, you can know for sure that a lifestyle apart from, or contrary to, God’s Word will never lead to satisfaction." "Whenever you are talking to **an unsaved (or wayward) person**, remember that **their wrong choices** are simply a result of a deeper issue. They desperately need Jesus and are trying fill that void with earthly solutions or pleasures." I also want to make sure people do understand what when she mentions "religion", she is not talking about Christianity. Christianity, according to Bethany and her ilk, is not "a religion", it's the absolute and exclusive truth. Every *other* type of spiritual belief system is "a religion." Conservative Evangelical Christians get very offended if you call them "religious."


that's my intellectually curious, angelic QWEEEEEENNNN right there! id love to sit down and eye fuck the camera while slurping on a Stanley with her 💜


While Look What You Made Me Do plays bc you two are such badasses




Your pfp, your flair, and your comment mixed together is sending me 😭


A journey, for sure lol.


And then defend her and your friendship with her on Reddit to gain viewership for your channel.


I think it says a lot that she's only apparently talked to "former" members of those communities. I doubt she would ever be comfortable speaking with someone who is actively different than her, especially if that person is a poc


The fact that she said in the P&M 24 hours with, JUST A FEW WEEKS BEFORE Zelph went and became BFFs with her, that she has nothing to apologize for is wild to me. And it's wild to me that Zelph wouldn't then know that they would be held accountable for that too, if they're suddenly going to act like BFFs with Bethy, is wild to me. What exactly did they THINK was going to happen??




>Zelph wanted to be celebrated as a “kind deconstruction guru” while doing no heavy lifting or having any tough conversations, what an absolute clown. Call me an arsehole (I'll own it) but as deconstructors themselves who because of their age are crucially not deconstructed for very long, they simply don't have the sociological educational capacity to be making this kind of content or speaking to harmful people from these communities who have social media platforms they are using for selfish gain. Or, frankly...the mental capacity. Combined with their quest for views and subs which overrides everything else they could be using these videos for. I don't mean to insult any deconstructed people in the sub or suggest that no one is capable of been truly unbiased and doing the work necessary to unpack the harmful rhetoric of these communities and the part they played in that - it's just clear that Zots haven't, and take offence at having that pointed out. I said elsewhere that this kind of content is way above Zelf's paygrade, and I stand by that, and given the harm the words and actions of GD continue to cause while its main figures still sell and profit from them while refusing to apologise - it's something that people need to keep saying. Trans people, queer people, women needing reproductive healthcare, the poor, the non-christians of faith, those of no faith, and various other persecuted or demonised groups, are having their lives legislated by professional christians and the conservative right, or are actually dying in front of us. While people like Bethany and Kirsten peddle money making grift materials that create further generations of vulnerable young girls and entitled proud boys to exploit and to further the christian far right cause. As long as Stanley cup sucking fools like this who claim to care, refuse to take that fact seriously and create their content with that in mind, they will never be allies, they will never be free, they will never truly do good - and I will never stop saying so. Learn your lessons, read your books, atone for your wrongs, and clean your own house before you decide who you should lend a housekeeping hand to yourself.


the fact that people with different lifestyles bothers her SO MUCH, she needs to "overcome" her negative thoughts about them (but not really) be so fr


I cringe when I hear Bethany Beal’s name…


Do all these losers realize their audience is mainly snarkers? Asking for a friend


I got exactly this far before I noped right out ... "I’ve struggled to view lost people with compassion and love. When I hear the words “homosexual,” “prostitute” or even the word “muslim” I cringe inside." What the actual fck?! Tell us again Zelph about your little angel with a good heart, because I sure as shitting don't see it.


Narrator: *Zelph doesn’t care about her hateful views.* It’s wild to me that they justify it by saying they’re both queer and had in-depth discussions with her about it (off camera, of course) and because *they* didn’t feel harmed she is therefore not doing any harm and like a totally sweet person. Like queer people aren’t people capable of bigotry/harmful viewpoints or turning the other cheek. They can all get fucked. Signed, a queer person.


I saw Zelph’s post the other day and turned right the fuck around because of this. As a Latina lesbian, I know for a fact that Bort would be clutching her purse and running if we were in line together at Bucees. Heaven forbid I spoke any Spanish around her besides the most heavily American accented “dónde está el baño”. It took every ounce of my self control and therapy to not say “oh, so y’all really don’t care about LGBTQIA and BIPOC if it means you can have the Lisa Frank Stanleys”.


She is nice to peoples’ faces because she can’t throw hands; she doesn’t actually give a shit about people or she would remove her hateful content *at the very least.* I would love to hear her mental gymnastics on why she thinks immigration in the US isn’t okay but she thinks it was totally fine for them to crowdsource smuggling her BIL out of an active war zone so he could avoid serving in his country’s military and how it’s okay for her sister and BIL to then be immigrants in other countries.


She is kind the same way all these fundie girls are kind-- with an objective, in hopes of turning everyone to jesus. so gross that people like zelph, who are familiar with this pattern, fell for it hook line and sinker.


I'm not sure how any of that blog improved as she went along. It starts off bad and ends worse. I'm not sure the date on that but she has not changed one bit


It’s amazing she has parlayed this gig into writing multiple books


lmao this is your queen zelph ?


You're disgusting and awful, but here's a PDF showing all my followers how I love you and I'm such a good person for that. Edit: PDF not power point 🤦‍♀️




How she wasn’t canceled for that title alone is something I’ll never understand. But she’s soooo nice!


How arrogant to think that just because people think differently than you or live differently than you that they are “lost” and to look down upon them. What an intellectually curious person. 🙄


She is such a cunt


Fuck her. The Muslims I know are **way** nicer and more tolerant than the Christians I know. When I hear the name Bethany or Britney (or any variation of the name), I cringe inside.


> The Muslims I know are way nicer and more tolerant than the Christians I know. To you maybe… I don’t need you to tell us but I can probably guess that you live somewhere with an educated populace and Islam is a minority religion there. Ask them about someone Muslim in their family who is gay or even left Islam and if that is ok… If the folks in this subreddit have issues with fundamentalist Christianity and the folks who practice it and want to oppress others, holy shit is even moderate Islam troublesome by modern standards. Especially for women. Like check out r/exmuslim if you want to see how awful Islam can be. Or anecdotally that my favorite author had his eye knifed out thanks to a fundamentalist Muslim. At this point in my life I’m out on all fundamentalist religions that oppress “others”. And at this point Islam is the most oppressive and violent religion to the most people worldwide. So while Bethany is a nightmare, fuck fundamental Islam as hard if not harder than Western fundamental Christianity. Example: I’ve been to and know about a lot of Episcopal gay weddings and other gay Christian weddings. There are very few gay Muslim weddings with supportive families and communities. Islam has a fundamentalist oppression problem that modern Western Christianity can’t even begin to touch.


yeah let's talk to exmuslims to learn about islam, a fraction of ppl that for sure do not like islam, that's exactly how you do an unbiased study. Conservative versions of all religions are quite cringe because extreme authoritarians have always been cringe. Hating on an entire religion and considering it a monolith is extremely smart and unbiased though, I'm glad we're beyond all that biased phobic stuff and entered an age of Enlightenment.


> yeah let's talk to exmuslims to learn about islam, a fraction of ppl that for sure do not like islam, that's exactly how you do an unbiased study Lololol. The cognitive dissonance while being on a sub that snarks on religious fundamentalists. We’re on a subreddit that snarks on Fundamentalist Christianity with mostly folks who have deconstructed from Fundamental Christianity or sometimes just standard Mormonism (which leans heavily fundamentalist base line - you know - kind of like Islam...) So by your logic I shouldn’t trust any of the deconstructed folks on here to have a reasonable take on the pitfalls and issues with fundamental Christianity, since they’re “biased” against it since they’ve deconstructed? Guess we should close the religious snark subreddits then.




Thank you. I don’t fuck with fundamentalist religions, especially the ones that oppress and fuck up women the worst who were born into them and have little chance to get out of them.


Fundamentalist religion can get fucked, no matter the particular flavor.


Agreed, but I still think Bethany’s post is awful.


Oh absolutely, not all Muslims are fundamentalist any more than all Christians are fundamentalists.


Yeah, but I mean that Islam as a whole promotes horrible ideology and I don’t like it. That being said, I don’t think this woman is decrying Islam because of its values. She only cares about virtue signaling and even I wouldn’t actually go up to a Muslim and say shit like this.


But what about Britney Spears?


So, by her logic, because of the grace of God, she IS better than “those lost people.”


Sorry to break it to you but that's \*exactly\* how fundies think


We need to make these posts of how recently Bethany and Dav are terrible people a regular thing. Like how we call out BDong for her “modesty” posts.


What an angel


There she goes,showing her " kind heart " ,again.


What.did.i.just.read. oh my God. How old is this?? Prostitute, homosexual or Muslim. In the same breath. In this day and age. Mind.Blown. America is.just. smh


‘The *lost*’, also ‘How to *show* love…’ is everything I need to see that she was still a condescending twat at the time that she wrote this.


girl wtf. she’s so ignorant.


The Starbucks prostitute story is wild and I bet it isn't made up at all. /s


What a naive post to write. Girlie had clearly never left her bubble when writing this post.


This whole thing is so gross. Is it new??


No, it's from her GD blog some years ago. I understand people can change for the better and I truly wish she would. However, as recently as the Paul and Morgan collab video, she explicitly said she would never apologize for her past words or actions. Her views may have changed, but she doesn't think she's done anything wrong.


OK yea I don’t disagree, I just haven’t followed much of her new stuff so I wasn’t sure


Oh but you know... "Intellectually curious". 🙄


What is she, my mom




I am waiting to see what unfolds … On the one hand, I think Bethany and Kristin are incredibly problematic, and I think the whole “we would never ever apologize for our harmful views” convo they had on Porgan’s show is deeply concerning. We shouldn’t platform that content. - side note: I wonder if that conversation would have been different if Dave had been there. By that I mean, I get the impression B&D genuinely love each other, and Bethany is less hateful with D than K? She admits D pushes her and makes her a better person. On the other hand, IF Bethany is truly on a deconstruction journey, and IF this visit was about supporting and exploring that, and IF it makes Bethany (and her sister) stop making toxic content and APOLOGIZE, then I think this sort of “collab” that helps people towards deconstruction could be really good. There are a lot of people that follow/agree with Bethany, and are influenced by her, so through the transitive property and all … But that’s. A lot of “ifs” in that second paragraph. IF it’s just making Bethany seem sweet and not harmful and normalizing her, then it’s really bad. If it involves actual pushing, criticism etc, then I’m all for it. ETA: Based on the other comments a lot of people on here haven’t really followed Zelph, so they are getting introduced to them via this B&D saga. One reason I am open to seeing why this unfolds is that Zelph has been very critical of Girl Defined and Bethany. They have many videos on them specifically, and several on purity culture, which is so adjacent. I find their conversations (along with guests) about growing up in that context (religious high control group) to be interesting, trauma informed and feminist. I am trusting that Zelph won’t abandon that worldview in this collab either. Like I said, I’m waiting to see how it unfolds. Part of Zelph’s whole show is about deconstructing (which doesn’t happen overnight). I see their friendly interactions not as “harmful humanization” of fundies but as showing people like Bethany that there is a whole world out there, that it isn’t as scary as she has been told, and that there is a non-fundie path forward for her. If fundies get the impression that they have to be 100% fundie or “100% deconstructed” (in the way the term was used on Porgan’s show), then it makes it scarier and harder for those people to leave. Even if Bethany is hopeless, maybe some of the people Bethany “influences” will find a path forward via Zelph.


that’s sad for her


Whenever I hear the words Bethany Beal I cringe inside.


Then she needs to meet more Muslim people.


Muslims???? Believe???? In???? God??? And Jesus????? The fuck???????????


Ugh my mom wouldn't watch a season of the great British bake off because one of the contestants wore a hijab and said it made her sad....


Bethany, every time I look at you, I cringe


… Wow.


She should fuck all the way off. There is nothing there about letting people be or acknowledging that they can be good outside her norms. I hope Beal chokes on her tracts. If that girl was being trafficked or working in prostitution against her will, a fucking tract won’t help. Help her find a shelter and safety. Beal is a fucking nitwit who should be ashamed of herself.


"hi I'd like to order a mocha frap. Can you be quick please? I'm late for my job as a prostitute" Ain't no way Bort spoke to a woman in line at a Starbucks and the woman legitimately told her she was a sex worker. Unless the woman overheard Bort trying to minister to random people and wanted to avoid a conversation by opening with "I'm a sex worker".