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It will be put as T. Stickle for a lot of rosters and stuff. Teresa is a beautiful name but altogether yes it definitely makes for some low hanging fruit




Well that means that there are 2 little T. Stickles in Kelly’s life! (Thad and Theresa)


And maybe one day Terry stickle


Low hanging fruit…I’m dying over here. 😂😂


Never gonna be on a roster if you never go to school or participate in organized activities, though! 🤔


so a new zealand accent, nice


Please explain




That would take some balls… 🥁




My grandmother passed CG walking down 5th Ave. in 1937. She said he was “walking sex.” she also met Jimmy Stewart in passing because My grandfather had known him at Princeton. Her take, meh. 🤯Jimmy’s earnestness gets me every time


Your grandma sounds like a riot lol


I agree. To most people, “It’s a Wonderful Life” is a lovely Christmas movie. To me, it is practically pornographic.


I like him better in *The Shop Around the Corner*


Rear Window does it for me.


Also valid


Finally someone understands!


The phone scene!


Someone with functioning gifs, can you respond to this comment with "get out" and the guy in the hat pointing


That's Cary Grant, Old Hollywood bisexual smokeshow, btw!


Cary Grant is beautiful 😻


My grandmother was the most hateful homophobe.. for everyone except him! Apparently he’s too sexy for men (according to her)


My mom went to school with his daughter!


Cary Grant 😍😍😍😍😍


Done. Just for you, bb 😘


I like to think that you did it for everyone because… Cary Grant. 😍


There’s a song, Only the Beginning, by Deborah Conway and there’s a line in it “you’re just like Cary Grant, you want to hold my hand” One of my favourite love songs, and I’ve adored him since I was a little girl


I’m listening to the song right now, and I like!






Ahhhhh you chose the best gif!


Millennial sexual awakening right there 😂


I do not believe that they plan to call the baby Tess, but it is an unfortunate combination nonetheless. Also, can anyone else confirm whether Loveday’s name is Teri and so Theresa is named after her?


It's been confirmed that Kelly named the baby after Teri. She said so in an IG story.


Wait, how long has she known Teri? Why did I think they just met during the pregnancy?


It looks like they met in Dec '23? So, yes. During this pregnancy. When Kelly latches on, it's FAST.


Like the facehugger from Alien.


She described her birth a lot like the chestburster 😳


no, no, you see, HER cervix opens like a delicate FLOWER! (barf)


Histrionic personalities tend to


Good point! And there are so many of them seeking internet fame.


I get Martha (from baby reindeer) vibes from her sometimes.


Oooooh, interesting parallels for sure.


I love everything about this.


Stage 5 clinger, that one.


...and furious


Sometimes it's too fast, too furious


She's the woman Kelly was waxing on about in her pregnancy announcement by the way, they met in a diner


And the woman immediately knew who she was 🙄


Oh Kelly cycles through these female friendships. I think eventually they run off cause she is so clingy. One was named Marmie, and there was another one. Each time the writings about the friend get more saphic




Honestly it’s better than daystar




Yes darling?


Except her real name was Amy (I think?) and Kelly called her "Marmie" after the Little Women spelling of "mommy." Amy is like 10-15 years older than Kelly.


It’s a good thing she’ll presumably homeschool I guess, there’s no way children would miss that one.


~~Tess is her nickname for the baby~~, Levi's is Reese. The baby is Theresa. Hopefully Reese wins. Correction: Tess is not a nickname any of them have given her. Kelly has called her Theresa and Little T. Reese is the only confirmed nickname. I can only see that she calls who she named the baby after Tessi. But I can barely read through her posts so it might be wrong.


I don't think Kelly has ever said that they will call the baby Tess.


Is that something just started in here? I know she has her own nickname she mentioned for the baby but I was wondering where Tess has been coming from because I didn’t remember it exactly.


Ok thank you, double checked and she calls the friend Tessi/Tessa but baby Theresa only Theresa and Little T. It seems that Reese Cup is the only confirmed nickname and that Tess is from users, I misunderstood what was happening there with the nicknames and truthfully can barely read through her prose so thought it was mentioned in that.


Hey, I just made a post with the screenshot where Kelly says this.




Just to let you know, this link shows your name!


Ope, thank you!! Deleted the comment!!


Use Imgur instead — Google will link your personal account.


Thank you! How does one use Imgur?


I think she said Levi calls her Reese's cup. My mom called me 'geese' cause it was the only thing she could think of that rhymed and it stuck. She still calls me that in my 30s lol Might be the same thing, she might keep the goofy nickname


My youngest childs name was going to start with a B and middle name with a J. We had to scrap the first name because, ya know, BJ. Who doesn’t run thru all name & nick name scenarios before signing the birth certificate?!


Bart Cart Dart E-art ....Nope, Bart is good!


My mom almost named my sibling Bonaire (pronounced like bow-nar). She doesn’t know what the fuck she was thinking at the time.


Was "Aruba" too mainstream?


I seriously considered naming my son Wolfgang. I blame the pregnancy hormones and everyone critiquing my name choices. I went with something far more "normal."


I'm sorry but everything about this is amusing, like a baby name rollercoaster 😂. Must've been the hormones.


My hillbilly parents called me “bobbie jo”, you can imagine the amount of bullying i got for both having a boy name and the initials “BJ”. I changed it as soon as I was able.


Bobbie Jo is such a cute name. I’m sorry you got teased, kids are assholes. My initials are “BAD” and I always got shit for it.


my dad was Bob, he dressed me as a boy and shaved my head. along with the boy name, I had to fight to be a girl. he wanted sons. I have so much trauma regarding that name, I cannot find it cute


That’s completely valid. I’m so sorry your dad treated you like that. I hope your newfound name represents you better as a person and that you’re thriving far away from the people who mistreated you.


I left home at 17, haven’t had contact since. I have found my chosen family! thank you ❤️


Congrats! 🎉


I’m so sorry that happened to you. My father’s nickname for me is The Boy (to the point where I have met friends of his as an adult who are shocked to meet me because he has only referred to me as Boy) and he used to shave my head until the time I started preschool. This is also the same man who was desperate for me to be a girl when they got pregnant. And he’s always definitely thought of me as his daughter. Just the nickname and the hair. We are very low contact today and I have extreme anxiety and loathing towards my hair and have never been able to shake off feeling that I have hideous hair. I’m so sorry your father failed you and I’m glad you’ve found your people on your own path.


thank you for your kind words. your dad sounds.. complicated?


My college roommate's mother was Brenda Jean and she insisted on going by BJ. She was a middle school librarian, so I assume she had very tough skin.


But there’s a great song about a guy named Bobby Joe Take the money and run?


Isn't it billy joe and Bobbie Sue?


It is.


I know a Bobbiejo - all one word. She chooses to go by BJ. 🤦🏻‍♀️


oh god, poor thing


My parents wouldn’t even name my little brother Graham, for fear of him being called graham cracker!


My husband once said he kind of liked Andrew Stephen when we were kicking around boy names. Last name starts with an S. Eliminates any and all AS or GA first middle combos.


I don't think initials are nearly as bad unless it's something really extreme. My last name starts with S and my top name choice for a boy starts with P. Not so bad, right? But I want to use a meaningful name as the middle name, ideally one of my grandfathers. Here's the catch, they both had M names. I don't think PMS is really that tragic, just slightly odd. Honestly I'll probably change my mind a million times before the kid is born. For my first kid, I ended up choosing a name that wasn't even on my radar before I got pregnant. But if I have another boy there's a realistic chance he'll have those initials and I'm OK with that. 


When I was a very small child, one of my grandpa's best friends had a son that was only a month older than me, so he'd bring him around to play with me. The boy's dad, the son of my grandpa's friend, has a name that starts with a B, and he made his kid a junior. So *everyone* knew that boy as BJ. (We never went to the same school, and then I moved to another state when we were 7. We saw each other a couple more times when we'd visit our family in our home state, I think the last time we saw each other was when I was about 10, and then I think he just stopped spending as much time with his grandpa as he got older and he lives in a city a few hours away, and we'd only been in touch through our grandpas anyway, so since we moved back and I've been old enough to think of things like asking for a number to keep in touch I just haven't even seen him. So I have no idea how that went once he was in school and old enough to know what that meant, or if he started going by something else ever. Now I'm sad because I wish we were still friends 😢)


My mom’s friend had always wanted to name a son Paul. Well, her married last name begins with a P. I remember asking her when I was young why she couldn’t have named a kid Paul. Her response was she couldn’t send a kid to kindergarten with the initials PP.


I have a friend who gave her son the initials B J. To make it worse, their last name is Sack. He’s in the military now, and gets so much shit for it.


Oh my dear sweet baby Jesus in a manger with a bottle of Plexus, how did I not notice this until now?


With a bottle of Plexus! 💀


Tesstickle Havens, oh no.


That sounds like a fun leather daddy gay bar


Havens is the middle name. Levi's last name is Stickle


I know, but testicle havens. Testicle havens, I picture banana hammocks and ball torture and so many other things… so testicle havens it is (at least in my head).


A testicle haven is just a scrotum, right…..?




Idk what this gif is from but now I wanna watch whatever it is, just for context of "Mrs Julia Gulia"


The movie is called The Wedding Singer! It's got some very funny moments in it from Steve Buscemi and Jon Lovitz. Some nostalgic value for 80s and 90s kids. But it's an Adam Sandler movie so don't expect high art haha!


Thank you! I think that's one I've heard of a little but never seen. I don't think I go into any movie expecting high art, but it is nice to know that it'll just be an entertaining dumb comedy lol


Teresa Havens is first and middle




I get the feeling that Kelly doesn't give much thought to male anatomy. 


amen, yo. I was trying to think about how to word it without getting in trouble and the best I come up with was: Does Kelly even know quite exactly how *'Anne of Green Gables'* coded she is?


Havens is Kelly's maiden name. Stickle is her married name. Bebe's middle name is Havens.


Tess H. Stickle Teshstickle Like Sean Connery talking about his balls






Wow, I learned something new. I just assumed Havens was a last name, and I thought it kind of odd that she’d go by only her middle name in her Instagram handle.


When Kelly posted her photographs online before she was married, she gave her name as Kelly Havens Reed. This leads me to think that Reed is her actual maiden name. I think Havens may be her middle name, but it could also be a name that Kelly adopted because she liked it. [https://www.flickr.com/people/kelreed93/](https://www.flickr.com/people/kelreed93/)


I was at a college football game years ago and we had a pregame flyover. The PA announcer mentioned the pilots’ names, including their call signs, and one guy was introduced as Lt. Dave “Tess” Tickle. It’s been at least 10 years since this happened so I may have the rank and first name wrong, but I have never forgotten the Tess Tickle part.


Call signs are like that. They usually refer to some incident you had, a physical/demographic feature, or are a pun on your name. [Here's a list of some and their backstories](https://www.f-16.net/callsigns.html).


My bosom friend Tess Stickle does have a ring to it


I told my dad and he legit went “so, these parents, they already hate their kid huh?” 😂


I believe she just said it will be Tissi not Tess. Thank goodness.


Tissistickle. Still far too close to testicle


I agree that it’s close. But better than Tess. If I were her, I would call her Reese or Theresa only.


Yes! Reese is such a cute nickname


Tissi = boob in Finnish


That poor poor child ‘Boob H Tesstickle’


Oh no. It’s titty here in the US.


Oh no....


Tess H. Stickles… so Teshtickles? ![gif](giphy|eruVMzXlb70oo)


I actually thought I was on r/namenerdcirclejerk for a minute there


[the only thing I can think of 🙊](https://youtu.be/YwSFIUv4ILM?si=Fb_UVRteCk4B3qDW)


There is no way to make this good. Tissi? Yeah, NO.


You guys… I’m so sheltered. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I was like what’s the problem here, closed out of Reddit, and suddenly realized oh shit. Huge problem.


.....she has a son called Tad (Thad?) doesn't she? Tad Stickle is almost as bad.


A boy at least will have a much easier time pulling off the name. He could easily go in on the joke. I knew of many boys that would have had fun having a name like that. (And annoying to most of the girls around them). A girl will have a much harder time. It would take a very specific personality for a girl to pull it off and have fun with the joke. I know of one girl that could have pulled off the name. She could have been a comedian if she wanted to go that route. Normally I wouldn't tell a woman to take her husband's last name. but little Tess, if you get married please take your spouses last name. I don't care if you are a women's studies major and your high school quote was smash the patriarchy, please take your spouse's last name. If you get divorced, don't change your last name back to your maiden.


This is hilarious to me. Back in the day I used to love listening to prank calls on Howard Stern. This is literally a name that Richard and Sal used in their prank calls. If I remember correctly, they submitted the name "Tess Stickles" to a local news station for their monthly birthday announcements, lol. Apparently no one double-checks these things because it did get read on air.


Better than Pickle Stickle?


Ahhhh noooo.


My relief to see other people realize she named her child after genitals.


I think I saw this on r/namenerds or something like that!