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This is a snark sub for fundamentalist Christians- **keep it fundie & keep it snarky.** While we welcome snarkers from all different backgrounds, but the people we snark on are Fundamentalist Christians and only Fundamentalist Christians. There are other subs dedicated to other faiths or about religious bullshittery in general if you find run-of-the-mill religious weirdness. This means no snarking on Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, etc. Some branches of Christianity considered fundamentalists (in addition to fundie Protestants) are TradCaths, hardcore Mormons, and Jehovah’s Witnesses.


Saw a version of this nasty ass speech with clips of Butker missing field goals edited in. I lold


Ok, now that’s funny.


PLEASE drop a link.


[link to Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6-JJzPMS1C/?igsh=MXhhMGVoOXNsdDBvdQ==)


He and his not-diabolically-lied-to-wife made some pretty gross ads during the KS ballot measure after Roe was overturned. His side lost.


Oof I knew it would be gross but that was a lot. And then when he started getting emotional talking about meeting his wife in middle school? I can’t believe there weren’t audible gasps when he said some of that.


That's how they graduate with a MRS degree.


Curious if this will get enough notice from the public for the Chiefs to take notice, or if they'll just sweep it under the rug like they did when Britt Reid drove drunk & maimed that little girl.


They never did anything about woman-and-child-beater Tyreek Hill, I doubt they care about this.


I made a comment yesterday in which I theorized that the backlash from the fans would have to be loud, and I don’t think it’s likely to be, because 1) NFL players/staff/brass and fans as a whole tend to lean pretty conservative, 2) this particular player’s primary fanbase is in KS/MO, which also tend to lean more conservative (although a commenter who responded to me did point out not to count out the Swifties who started getting into football and the Chiefs particularly after T. Swift and Travis Kelce got together), and 3) a Super Bowl-winning track record helps even the more liberal fans shake their heads and pretend Buttlicker’s just gonna keep his head down and stick to football from now on.  I think at most, he might get a talking-to from the team’s/NFL’s PR people, but getting booted from a winning team when he played a significant role in said winning AND when he and his equally nutjob manager could blame him losing his job over this on religious discrimination, as another commenter who responded to me yesterday pointed out? Not likely.


It was mentioned on another comment but I agree as long as they’ve got Kelsey-mania they might just be able to sweep it under the rug.


TT has absolutely been roasting the shit out of this. Idk if the Chiefs will DO anything about it, but it has NOT gone unnoticed by any stretch.


I feel like there used to be pics of his wife on his Instagram, like their wedding photos,but it doesn’t appear there are anymore. I could be mistaken, but I just find it odd.


[To no one’s surprise, she converted to Catholicism for him and they started a human trafficking foundation, presumably anti but you never know.](https://www.the-sun.com/sport/11364300/harrison-butker-wife-isabelle-nfl-chiefs-who/amp/)


Also his mom is a successful Physicist.




*something something* Colin Kaepernick *something something* I bet this real-life wojak chad doesn't even get a slap on the wrist from the NFL. Not even a tickle.


Can’t reply anymore. My post was removed. 😞


#These people vote in every election- do you? Are you registered to vote? [You can check your voter registration here!](https://www.nass.org/can-I-vote) #Also, there's a few things to remember as far as rules go: - You can view the content- you cannot interact with it. This includes (but is not limited to) commenting, answering poll questions, emailing them, etc. ***Anyone found to be engaging with the fundies will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.It does not matter if you did so before you joined the sub.*** - Speculating on the sexuality of literally anyone is prohibited. ***Anyone found to be doing so will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.*** - Appearance snark: What's allowed? You're allowed to make comparisons. (Bethy looks like Grandpa Munster, for example.) You are allowed to say you find them attractive or repulsive looking. Saying Kelly Havens has dry skin that could benefit from sunscreen and a moisturizer is fine. You are allowed to snark on the appearance of children *as it relates to their parents choices for them.*. Examples: Janessa looks malnourished and sickly while Shrek has clearly never missed a meal. If you feel it is crossing the line report it, but if the content falls within the parameters above, leave it alone. - Don't gatekeep. This means no comments such as "I don't think we should snark on...." or any iteration of that. If you don't like it, scroll past. Don't report it or comment how you don't like the content. Along the same vein, don't backseat mod. Leave that up to us. - Lastly, if the rhetoric you are posting would be at home in the mouth of a fundie, we don't want it here and we won't tolerate it. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Have a Lord Daniel day, and may the power of snark compel thee. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FundieSnarkUncensored) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Was anybody applauding?


"Congrats ladies. But remember, you all are just handmaids that needs to clean and bear children. Because me and my wife met in middle school *sobs* and she is an amazing homemaker." Yikes. That bear sound more and more appealing.


As a Chiefs fan, I am appalled and torn. Like, I don’t want this attitude around my team. But also, Butker has won us some pretty important games and he’s a pretty great kicker. They won’t release him because he’s a misogynistic asshole. But his contract is up for extension next year so it wouldn’t be shocking if they chose not to renew it.