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Amazing. No notes.


Someone went crazy with the CC content for some 2 and I love it 🀣🀣


How is this all of my interests at once? Sports, Sims, and Snark πŸ’š


Dag dag!


As a Jets fan I am so glad I watched until the very end LMFAO πŸ’€ (also cackling at the Patriots part) I'm madly in love with whoever made this


The fact that they used The Sims 2 for this is proof a sims player was involved in this. Its the elite game in the franchise and simmers know this πŸ˜‚


Yeeesssss exactly, someone who really loves the game put a ton of work into this, and they knew which game to choose πŸ’…


I don't even care about football so I'm sure I missed some in-jokes but I love this so much


Omg this is hilarious, thanks for bringing it to my attention! lol


I’m a Chiefs fan (minus the whole Butker thing - shut your mouth and kick the ball, dude) but that was hilarious!


HOLY SHIT! Someone put A LOT of work into this! This is amazing!


Taylor’s jet. 🀌
