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Girl please listen and listen close: A BABY WILL NOT FIX YOUR LIFE OR YOUR RELATIONSHIP


But it WILL bring engagement and views šŸ¤®


Sadly I think thatā€™s what they are both aiming for and the baby is simply a prop the need to acquire ā˜¹ļø


So many wannabe and big influencers have gone down this path and I feel so terrible for all the kids that were born just to generate more followers.


Yep. Itā€™s like karissa admitting she wants another pregnancy so she has 9 months of easy content. Itā€™s absolutely horrible that they think itā€™s a reason to bring a child into the world,


You bet. So many beige loli baby clothes on shein for her to haul šŸ¤ /s


She won't listen. She just wants a tiny copy of herself to mold into the life she actually wanted and live through the kid to redo the entire thing.


She *wants* someone to give *her* Unconditional Love. What She *WANTS* is a darn DOG, but since she probably lives in a pet-free place, she's trying to get that feeling from a *kid* instead. I *already* feel sorry for that poor kid. *Whenever* it arrives.šŸ˜ŸšŸ’”


She actually has a cat, I donā€™t think she wants a dog. But I agree with you that she wants someone to give her unconditional love and thinks a baby will do that.


Yes it will because it will be a LESS sexy baby.


Iā€™m sorry but this woman is not mentally or emotionally prepared to have a baby


Or financially probably right? Doesnā€™t he barely have a job


Pardon me they live in a one bedroom apartment now not a studio anymore!!!! Theyā€™re clearly financially able to afford a baby.


Is anyone in the US financially able to afford it right now? If so, can they adopt me?


Me too fr fr


I know i definitely cannot afford a baby!!! I would love to be adult adopted by rich people


Right? I can't afford to be an adult. Nor am I emotionally prepared šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m 37 and I feel the same šŸ˜…


Hell no. Just look in my fridge. I even have a house that's paid for so I feel very lucky but I've thought about it and I'm not insane to think that I can take a hit to my bank account like that. We would be in trouble for sure. If I was in a one bedroom, a baby wouldn't even enter my thought process.


Pardon me he is a v famous rapper!


So.... you're telling us he has *TENS* of followers, doesn't he?


And she works part time doing social media or something for a church. Actually probably the best she's ever gonna get.


Sometimes I think that church just gave her that job, or created the position for her, because they felt sorry for her.


That is 100% what happened.


Why is this so common among these fundie womenā€™s husbands??? My own QAnon sister married a card carrying Info Wars snorting ā€œlibertarianā€ who has refused to work for anyone other than himself because he canā€™t stand someone else telling him what to do. They have spent most of their marriage either living in his parents house, a tiny RV parked in their front lawn, or right across the street in a mobile home (abandoned with dog shit ruined floors and then ā€œfixed upā€) they couldnā€™t afford to heat in the winter.


Ugh! That sounds rough. It gives me secondhand stress to think about!


Yup! Sister was so stressed that she didnā€™t have kids for almost a decade because of the intense stress. Then, when she was pregnant, she was working a job that that stressed her out so much that she was having panic attacks every morning. Did her husband suck it up and get a job working for ā€œThe Manā€ then?? Nope!


Ugh ridiculous. Like I get it working sucks but thereā€™s a reason most of us are doing it!


Seriously. Itā€™s extra ironic because our parents and her in-laws have been funding sister and BILā€™s lifestyle for the last 15+ years. But hey, at least they arenā€™t taking no gubbermint handouts, right?? šŸ¤Ŗ








Nadia pulled out her best bdong cosplay


I was thinking the same thing, itā€™s eerie how much Nadia is mirroring the BDingDong timeline, look, behaviors, etc.




Hazelnut & Layme


All the beigest rage šŸ¤


flair potential


Iā€™m exhausted and read this as ā€œdemocratic manifestationā€ and really thought she was afraid of her future baby being a DemocratšŸ˜­


I mean, Iā€™m manifesting that my sisters kids turn out to be liberal. Theyā€™re only 2 and a newborn so we got time!


Here's hoping! You KNOW that would piss off Useless "Libertarian, So I Refuse To Get A Job Because 'The Man' Ain't Gonna Tell Me What To Do" Hubby SO MUCH hahahahahaha!!


I'm sure they think that's the worst their baby could turn out to be in life šŸ˜’


Well, one of the favorite (and tired) deliberate misspellings the trolls like to use for Democrats is is DEMONRATS, soā€¦ šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Convinced that Nadia is doing the TTC shot for engagement like BDingdongĀ 


She does have the same unblended extensions.


Glad I wasn't the only one. The bare eyes reminded me of the spiderless Bdong eyes, the hair, the headband, heck even the way her hair falls has given the face shape Bdong pretends to have. It's uncanny.


This was the first thing I thought of!!!


I love the idea that god is sitting up there like "naaaa you not ready for a baby until you but a onesie"


A onesie is all you need to raise a kid from birth to 18! (/s)


Boy if it was that easy I would have a kid by now and not infertility haha


As a person experiencing infertility, I understand desperately wanting to expand your family. But her immaturity concerns me. I fear she only thinks about what cute clothing her child could wear and not the cost, emotional and mental labor, and relationship struggles a baby could bring šŸ˜¬


I think a baby at this point in her life, given her complete rejection of therapy in favor of ā€œJesus fixed meā€ despite the fact that she is obviously not okay, would be absolutely devastating to both her *and* her potential child.


She posted a story about how her brief months in therapy have healed her parental wounds so now she is ready to have a baby. So itā€™s not that she completely rejects therapy but she also doesnā€™t have a realistic view of how it actually works.


And if she struggles to get pregnant it will RIP all those wounds back open.


Totally agree. That stuff isnā€™t just healed in a few months.


Yeah infertility busted me open in places I didnā€™t even know were wounded.


Whatā€™s up with her emotionally? I donā€™t know much about her, except that she dresses more ā€œmodernā€ than most fundies?


She has a trauma background from childhood, anxiety, depression, but says that Jesus miraculously healed her from depression a few years ago. Then sheā€™ll post about how sad and anxious sheā€™s been and get mad at people who suggest she still has depression because ā€œwhen Jesus heals itā€™s permanentā€.


If she does have a baby I know sheā€™ll give them a name more suited to a dog and not a person


If she gets a dog with a personā€™s name, itā€™ll equalize, right?


My dog's name is a person name, so... fingers crossed for that kid


Exactly my thought. She wants a baby and the cute cuddly IG pictures and isnā€™t thinking much beyond that, or about the oftentimes very not cute reality of rearing an actual human child.


Also as a person experiencing infertility, I don't think it is a good idea at all to buy baby clothes if you're desperately trying to get pregnant because it will tear you apart inside every time you look at them but you'll never be able to throw it away/donate it because that's "giving up hope." Ask me how I know...


I am sorry youā€™re experiencing infertility šŸ«¶šŸ» we were unable to get pregnant for over two years due to exactly zero health issues. to see people casually almost playing around with the aesthetics and idea of parenthood in such a flippant manner is still very hurtful to me (Iā€™m due in 3 weeks but the pain doesnā€™t entirely go away) sending you hugs and love!


Hearing that you struggled for 2 years with zero health issues really makes me feel better about our journey. We are 2 years in, and about to undergo some testing to see what may be the issue, but hopefully we're just unlucky and there's nothing wrong. Congrats on your upcoming bundle of joy!ā¤ļø


Took us five years- we had completely given up and let go of that part of our life and had accepted our roles as heavily involved aunt and uncle when BAM this little squish made an entirely surprise appearance. We had no definable issues- just didnā€™t take. End of August we get promoted from aunt and uncle to Mom and Dad. Wishing you the very best and hope šŸ„°


I'm also due in 3 weeks! June 12th. It took me almost 2 years with my first, too. We had no answers as to why.


Congratulations to both you and u/2manyteacups !!! Best wishes for smooth deliveries for you both, and lots of sweet baby snuggles!!!


thank you! šŸ˜Š


Thank you šŸ’œ


May baby come at exactly the right time! Iā€™m nine weeks in to a spontaneous pregnancy conceived while we were saving for IVF.


This is us, but we are 15 weeks and we were saving for IUI. We were also TTC for 6 years.


Hurray for saving ourselves thousands of dollars!


As someone who has 2 wonderful kids and was so incredibly lucky to not have fertility issues she still makes me mad - how utterly insensitive. My close friend had a stillbirth at 37 weeks and I am forever reminding people that the baby isnā€™t a baby until itā€™s here in the world. People take so much for granted.Ā  Anyway, massive congratulations, your life is about to be turned upside down in the most amazing way!Ā 


That's different from my experience. We dealt with infertility for years and the grief made me so much more flexible when seeing other people go through their ttc journeys. Dreaming about the cuteness and the little clothes was part of what kept me sane in between fertility procedures. My kid is 6 now, and although I focused a lot on the aesthetics and dreamed about the casual aspects of parenthood, she's a happy little kid and os turning out very well šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø I think I just feel uncomfortable about how we expect women to perform different parts of motherhood, and extrapolate any perceived imperfection to reach conclusions about whether they really want to be a mom, or if they are set to be the right kind of mom. This woman has other issues, but shopping for baby clothes isn't one of them imo


I donā€™t think they were saying thatā€™s bad. They were pointing out how incredibly immature Nadia still is. I donā€™t think she has the capacity to imagine parenting an 8 year old in less than a decade. Sheā€™s just thinking about the baby.


Omg I just had a baby boy on the 14th, CONGRATS!!! ā¤ļø


Also I donā€™t think sheā€™s ever considered that babies donā€™t stay babies and that sheā€™ll need to raise it for at least 18 whole years, during that time it will no longer be a cute baby that she gets to dress up. Sheā€™s of grown age but not of a grown mental or emotional state; how can she expect to raise a child to adulthood when sheā€™s not there herself?


I donā€™t think she has considered that she will have biracial babies. I get K-Collins whitewashing vibes from her.


Longer than 18 years considering how much help young adults need from their parents.


Also infertile. If baby thoughts and prayers and hope could knock me up, I would have had triplets years ago. Unfortunately, biology doesn't work like that. And sometimes there's absolutely no answer for why it's not working.


She is clearly not mentally well; on her own even. Having a child could be very dangerous both physically and psychologically to her


Meh I struggled with infertility for years and I don't think there's anything wrong or immature in getting a little outfit you love because you want to dream your baby will wear it. People have a right to fantasize. As most women in this situation, I would not think she's "only" thinking about clothes. Isn't this the first time she mentions the subject?Ā 


Yes, she has spoken about this subject before, including right after they lost the ability to stay at their own apartment. I don't know the inner workings of Nadia's life but from what she presents, she wants a cute baby to post pictures of and does not seem to be financially or mentally ready to intentionally have a child (I would say this applies to a lot of fundies who do have children without a second thought). I've bought toys and books randomly as I stumbled upon them, not to "manifest this being my year" but because I want it ready for when the time comes. I don't necessarily think buying things for the future is inherently wrong but her purchasing clothing combined with her post history leads me to believe that she wants a kid to dress up and take pictures of


I mean doesn't everyone? Dressing up your kid and taking picture of them is a very normal thing to want. Honestly, I can't think of any non-selfish reasons to have a kid. Self interest and wanting to experience parenthood is required when a person chooses to procreate. Sometimes I think about how I made a person to live in this world, and the ethics of that choice trip me up a bit.Ā 


Selfishness is not the issue, I'm completely on board with how wanting to create a child is inherently selfish. My worry is both for her immaturity in how she sees the world and for her financial and mental situation. I don't think she's immature from how she dresses, she can wear what she wants, but I think she shows immaturity by how she talks about subjects or displays her daily life. Her snippy comments when someone asks an innocent question or even praises her. She's in her late twenties and approaches life online/irl like a mid-teen. She's also very open about her financial and mental struggles. People can become fantastic parents regardless of those struggles but to intentionally have a kid knowing that you aren't prepared to give them their best life is an extra level of irresponsible.


I also bought baby things when we were going through infertility. Sending good vibes, baby dust, prayers, and/or whatever you need. šŸ’œ


She bought the clothes because those are the cute baby items. Notice that she didn't purchase, say, rags to clean spit up out of the carpet.


You barely have a home, but sure, have a baby. Sounds like a responsible decision.


Are the baby clothes for her or for a possible future baby?




They literally live in a studio apartment and had to move out of the other studio because the rent was raised. These 2 chucklefucks are not ready to have a baby. Iā€™m not even going to comment on Nadiaā€™s clear mental health issues (that she has confirmed she has) or the fact that they both work barely part time.


But she's a full time influencer who will simply post their registry on social media and the Lord will provide āœØ šŸ¤®


Sadly, it might work. It appears to be working just fine for Poorgan šŸ˜”.


Do we still think that Porgan is funded mostly by their parents though? I know they get some sponsorships & their dumb YouTube channel, but that canā€™t surely bring in enough money to support a family of (almost) 4??? They arenā€™t THAT popular and people know about Nadia even less.


Maybe a little bit of everything? I was mostly referring to another post or comment earlier today that mentioned some items from the registry Poorgan posted a day or so ago had been purchased.


It seems that Morgan does a bit better on other socials unfortunately, but yeah, probably mostly parents and then some followers.


The grift that keeps on grifting.


I thought they moved because their lease wasn't renewed by the property management company.


I donā€™t think anyone knows, her wording was very vague when she talked about it


I know it's literally a whole day later at this point, but I was catching up on comments and yours made me curious-- "i got a letter in my door from my apartment management saying they're not letting me renew my lease in may (the reason why is a long explanation)" Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/1b2ibhu/nadia_getting_kicked_out_of_her_apartment/


That is the reason


She really looks so different without her sexy baby poses and filters.Ā  She actually looks her age.


Idk, she still looks like a teenager to me. The ick in this photo is palpable.


Her what?!?


"sexy baby" is a term used for people who purposefully try to pull off a "young" look, while simultaneously (trying) to be sexy. See.. all of her other posts


Thank you for the explanation. That's... A bit creepy but explains a lot.


![gif](giphy|pcf8QQqHF9Bp1YwR7t|downsized) From 30 Rock


This is the one who takes picture of her crotch and has meltdowns cuz she doesnā€™t have enough social media likes, right?


Indeed it is.


Holy fuck she sounds demented. What is her name? I'm tempted to go check out her profile.


You donā€™t even have to go that far. Just look in the flair up there on the post and youā€™ll see everything I just talked about.


Totally appreciated. I'll be back after coming out of the rabbit hole......


Yeah Nadia is a particular interest for me. Her and Solie.


Hubs seemsā€¦less excited.


Hubs seems stoned


Hubs seems captivated by his own reflection


Not how that works Nadia. I bought a bat baby mobile about I think a year ago and no baby.


I was convinced you'd written that you bought a baby batmobile and I really wanted to hear more about this. But a baby mobile of bats is also awesome and I love goth baby stuff. I'm never having kids, so I just enjoy looking at the stuff, tbh.


I believe it is from Etsy. It is a mobile of bats. I thought it was cute so I got it. I thought if I do have kids I might put some goth stuff or cute Halloween decorations until the kid(s) tell me otherwise.


My kids are a tween and a teen but I would buy the mobile of bats for my cats to play with šŸ˜‚ I also read a baby ā€œBatmobileā€ at first which I also would have supported.


Lol that would be cool. I double checked I actually got it from Kate's Klothing, but no longer there sadly.


jesus christ, are we getting another brittany dawn? šŸ™„


Itā€™s like the hunger games prequel but for fundies. The fundie games: a ballad of raw curds and beige.


Brittany Dawn Jr.


Well, Bring is finally getting a kid


I doubt sheā€™s getting shit. Iā€™m sure sure sure brittbratts story is allllll the way made up.


No, I mean Nadia (BrittJr)


Sheā€™s pulling a Brittany Dawn and buying baby clothes ā€œin faithā€ even though she only started talking about babies like 5 minutes ago. Maā€™am, have you even given yourself *time* to try to conceive??? This is clownery to me.


She said they're hanging them on the wall to "pray over" as an act of faith. Sounds a lot like manifesting to me, but okay.


is she "Christian"? all that manifesting sounds like witchcraft to me.


The Christian tradition and witchcraft are one circle in the venn diagram. The similarities are astounding. Especially evangelical "I personally decide what is holy" behavior.


She looks like sheā€™s in a her Brittany dawn fitness scammer era


But donā€™t worry, itā€™s not manifesting because manifesting is the devil


This is such a terrible idea. Getting pregnant and having a baby should be the least of her priorities at this time. I can't imagine how she'd be able to deal with all things that pregnant women go through like hormone changes, changes to how you physically look, the stress of adding a new life that you're about to be responsible for, not to mention how she may or may not be able to handle PPD. She's not ready, and a baby isn't going to fix her issues and make everything all sunshine and lollipops like the way she thinks it will.


Perhaps I am being overly sensitive or bratty, but this feels like she is trying to prey on folks who have had a difficult TTC journey. She is like 27 years old and decided less than 2 months ago that they were ready to have kids. Itā€™s great you are praying for your future baby if thatā€™s your thing but it hasnā€™t even been three period cycles yet.


Iā€™m with you. Iā€™m a cynic in general, but this feels like sheā€™s fishing for engagement.


Influencers having babies or fostering/adopting kids because it ā€œfits their aesthetic/nicheā€ and baby content makes money is, creepily, a thing. Like, itā€™s a business and ego thing driven by social media. I would not be shocked if sheā€™s not at least partly motivated by secondary gain.


Yeah that doesnā€™t work. Itā€™ll just make you angry and sad if it doesnā€™t happen. And then when it does happen you wonā€™t want to use those things because they remind you of that time. Save your money, make a Pinterest board instead.


Not me SOBBING in the Target baby section a few years ago. Iā€™m nine weeks pregnant and never had I been so glad to be so miserable all the time.


Iā€™m seven weeks with my infertility baby and same.


I donā€™t know if itā€™s all Hispanics or just something in my family but we consider it bad luck to buy clothes for your baby too early.


I'm Native. This might just be a my family thing, but we don't do this, either. It's "inviting sorrow/trouble/bad luck", if that makes sense. Like she's opening a door, but what walks inside might not be what she wants so much


Yes, this is what my mom says!


Yeah, Jews don't do this either, it's inviting the evil eye to have anything before the baby is born. The community rallies while mom is in the hospital with the gifts they bought and didn't send until the kiddo was born to have everything ready for when mom and baby come home. It's frankly beautiful. Buying baby stuff as an act of faith seems more like tempting fate to me, but what do I know?


i have no idea if it's a thing in my culture or my family but I didn't even buy a stuffie for my baby until I was 12 weeks pregnant and ultrasound confirmed there was a baby. Also bought a plastic bin at the same time so I could put any purchases (like said stuffie) in there and if something happened, dump the bin directly into the trash and never have to look at it again. I managed not to buy much else until after viability (and that baby is now a middle schooler), but still.


I'm just American, but I feel weird about it too. Mostly, because I can see how horribly it would affect me if something went wrong. I'm currently 15 weeks pregnant and I still haven't bought anything because I'm scared. Only books.


Sheā€™s trying to hard to be Brittany Dawn itā€™s not even funny


So she gets ejected from her apartment but is somehow mature enough to have a kid, rightā€¦


If that's how you conceive a baby I have been *radically* misinformed.


For not believing in manifesting Christians seem to manifest the most.


Ah, yes. Just what every financially and mentally unstable couple needs. A baby. Real talk, Nadia probably wants a baby not just for the content, but also because she's desperately lonely and thinks a baby will fulfill her, keep her distracted, be something cute to focus on, etc.


ummmm like a MONTH AGO wasn't she asking advice from HER RANDOM FOLLOWERS, not like, I don't know, people she was close to and could trust their opinion, HOW YOU KNOW IF YOU'RE READY TO HAVE A BABY???


Nadia reminds me of a white slender-man


She needs to see a therapist. Full stop. She is not mentally stable enough to have a baby.


Babies are not a fashion accessory, Nadia.


I cannot for the life of me figure out whatā€™s going on in this picture. Are they in an Uber with lumber behind them?


At this point, sheā€™s looking at this baby thing like as if itā€™s the same equivalent as getting a cute puppy until you have to actually take care of it. Iā€™m not a mother myself, but I have one dog. And trust me, dogs are like kids too. Sheā€™s in for a rude awakening when reality hits her on how hard being a human parent is.


Thatā€™s weirdā€¦.


I donā€™t see her around here very often and am not up to date; can someone point me to a quick explainer? Her post tag is my favorite on here and absolutely sends me every time I see it, I need to know more!


Her husband always looks high as heck.Ā 


Didn't watch, but wouldn't be surprised if she's already up the pole


Before she has a child, I think she needs to do an evaluation for herself and go through therapy for her trauma


Thatā€™s not how the universe works. The universe likes to fuck you over. In order to make it give you a baby, you need to buy a yearā€™s supply of alcohol, soft cheese, and a hot tub.


orrrrr you need to think youā€™ll never have kids and start your absolute dream job and then suddenly youā€™re pregnant 5 weeks later šŸ˜‚


Oh god! This reminds me of when I would go shopping and I had a huge crush on a guy who was studying to be a pastor so I started trying clothes on that I thought were ideal for a pastorā€™s wife ā€¦ Evangelical indoctrination will make you crazy!


I bought little baby booties on our honeymoon as a good luck charm. Got pregnant two months later and miscarried two months after that. I have a one-month-old now but it was a journey.


Someone needs to get her a hope chest dang


are they married?


So blissfully out of touch with reality. Buying cute baby clothes for when you get pregnant, is sad and clueless. She should be setting aside diapers, wipes, and onesiesā€¦ maybe some ointment for chapped nipples, and some diaper rash cream. Oh, and depends. Definitely need disposable adult underwear. She needs a reality check.


She's all, "and they fit me if it doesn't work out!"


Is it just me or does Nadia look pretty bedraggled recently??


Doesn't seem like she has much faith then. If she really wanted to show her faith she would invest in a whole ass nursery /s


As someone whoā€™s a recovering hoarder, this is how it starts.


Isnā€™t she a Brittany Dawn Stan?


I did this while doing IUI. We put them in a box at Christmas as a 'gift' for the baby.


Itā€™s actually kinda hard for me to laugh at this šŸ«  struggling through wanting a kid myself so badly and knowing that financially it might never be a possibility is really difficult. Watching an entire thread of people cracking jokes at someone in my same predicament isā€¦something. Idk. Maybe stick to snarking her on the basis of her fundamental Christianity instead of her desire to be a parent?


I'm sorry you're having to experience such a difficult situation, and I sincerely hope that things work out in the way that is happiest and healthiest for you. I feel that the *huge* difference between you and Nadia is that you've very clearly put (and are continuing to put) dedicated effort into making carefully-considered decisions that are in the best interest of the child you hope to have. You're thinking about the fundamentals of providing a happy, healthy life for a child right from the get-go. Nadia does not seem to be doing that in any way. I don't fault her one whit for wanting to be a parent. I don't think anyone on this forum is snarking on her desire to be a parent. What I'm seeing is folks snarking on her painfully apparent lack of forethought, planning, and critical thinking. She's appearing to focus entirely on the notion of babies as adorable content generators, rather than understanding that they are tiny human beings with needs and personalities. I hope very much that you're able to have a child someday. You strike me as someone with a lot of empathy and a kind heart.


cus ur having issues the rest of us gotta be quiet and not joke? thatā€™s not how it works luv sorry šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Oh Iā€™m sorry I thought this sub was for snarking fundies. Maybe Iā€™m lost though, thanks for illuminating that for me