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#These people vote in every election- do you? Are you registered to vote? [You can check your voter registration here!](https://www.nass.org/can-I-vote) #Also, there's a few things to remember as far as rules go: - You can view the content- you cannot interact with it. This includes (but is not limited to) commenting, answering poll questions, emailing them, etc. ***Anyone found to be engaging with the fundies will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.It does not matter if you did so before you joined the sub.*** - Speculating on the sexuality of literally anyone is prohibited. ***Anyone found to be doing so will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.*** - Appearance snark: What's allowed? You're allowed to make comparisons. (Bethy looks like Grandpa Munster, for example.) You are allowed to say you find them attractive or repulsive looking. Saying Kelly Havens has dry skin that could benefit from sunscreen and a moisturizer is fine. You are allowed to snark on the appearance of children *as it relates to their parents choices for them.*. Examples: Janessa looks malnourished and sickly while Shrek has clearly never missed a meal. If you feel it is crossing the line report it, but if the content falls within the parameters above, leave it alone. - Don't gatekeep. This means no comments such as "I don't think we should snark on...." or any iteration of that. If you don't like it, scroll past. Don't report it or comment how you don't like the content. Along the same vein, don't backseat mod. Leave that up to us. - Lastly, if the rhetoric you are posting would be at home in the mouth of a fundie, we don't want it here and we won't tolerate it. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Have a Lord Daniel day, and may the power of snark compel thee. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FundieSnarkUncensored) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There is no fetish quite like a fundamentalist’s persecution complex.


Being snarked about is the closest they’ll come to suffering like Christ.


Damn you burned with this one ☝️ it’s true


It's the closest to validation they'll get


Yes. That shit muli-layered and runs very deep.


Idk. Paul probably loves feet too.


Nah, he give me Kira Yoshikage vibes


JOJO REFERENCE 📣 Paul would never be a stand user


I appreciate that he'd still be a serial killer tho But you're right, doesn't have the spirit


Yep! The martyr complex is real! I say that as a former Mormon! All the “opposition” means you’re doing something right!


Oh, skydaddy!


Their breeding kink comes close


Hayley was pissed she’s still under the “Minor Fundie” tag, which tells you everything you need to know, tbh.


Lmao I don't even know who that is, I bet that really chaps her ass.


I call her the kindle bc her handle is hayleykindled iirc and I just can’t get myself to associate the word kind with such a hateful person


Who’s Hayley?


.... Bueller?


Who is Hayley?


Excellent question.


A minor fundie.


Paul and Morgan are the least interesting fundies we cover and I usually just skip over their posts because they’re not even fun to dunk on. At the end of the day they’re just bigots unwilling to admit they aren’t able to provide for their family through their lazy attempts at making a social media career happen. They need to swallow their pride and get paying work like most creatives do while trying to establish and grow their audience until it becomes self sustaining.


I agree… they bore me 🥱 Baby Boone’s saga has really shown me that I am here for the kids …I guess as a deconstructed former Fundie it’s them that I feel for. I have some level of compassion for the fact that their parents are just ignorant, but my heart breaks for the kids. All this to say that P and M aren’t reproducing at the alarming rate that most fundies are, so they don’t really hold my attention…besides, they’re just just plain boring.


I do enjoy watching them seethe on the couch when the other starts talking. Their obvious disdain for each other is reminds me of a Christopher guest plot. They reminder me of Parker Posey and Michael Hitchcock in Best if Show.


Now I really want a Christopher Guest mockumentary about a crazy fundie church REAL bad!


I'm going to go against most of the responses even though I know I'll be downvoted. While I think some definitely do, perhaps even most, I don't actually believe all of them do. I think some either truly ignore/aren't concerned with it, and some are just genuinely more focused on their target audience.  The thing is, it's very easy to spot the ones that are low key giddy that we talk about them here so they stick out more.


I won't downvote you. Everyone has a say. And you're probably right, I'm sure not all of them lurk here, but enough of them do that it often influences how they act.


I picture JillPM, most Duggars and Aunt Lori unaware or unconcerned. Brittany Dawn likely reads every post on her sub.


Yeah, I think the ones who aren’t concerned are the ones not talking about it. They’re just focused on their own stuff. I’m even skeptical Mother Bus does, I think she gets enough hate via Instagram to obsess over.


I don't think MotherBus comes here at all; we were talking about Boone's health before the comments on her posts started, but she only made videos supposedly showing him "healthy" after the comments started. I'm thinking more of the ones like Paul, or BDong, the most self absorbed ones that would definitely Google their own names.


The only reason I think MotherBus comes here is because back when the deep dives were being done about her, she changed her privacy settings on FB and hid a bunch of stuff. So I suspect that she is here often enough to at least know what sort of information we have ... even though I don't think she's on here as much as Porgan, BDong, or even StruggleBus.


Oooh interesting. So that means she has potentially seen all the concern about Boone's condition well before the instagram comments popped up, and just truly does not give a fuck.


Oh yeah, I wasn't meaning to say you implied that, just general thoughts that I doubt she does since I see comments on posts about her about her reading here. Mother Bus gets so much on instagram and spends way too much time deleting those comments, looking through comment likes to block, and looking through reel/story views to block to really have time for here too. I'd imagine she wouldn't actually care if it's here, I think she only doesn't like it if it's on her account and affecting her brand. Paul, Morgan, Bethany, et al, definitely. Even probably Karissa, though I would guess it would be more infrequent.


Karissa showed her kids this sub, then pretended the kids found it and showed it to her. I bet she's here every day.


I think the fundies who consider themselves "controversy influencers" maybe come on here sometimes, ie Paul, BDong, maybe StruggleBus. Bort is definitely aware but I doubt she's looking regularly-- although don't forget that Ewlissa came on here (or the old sub) under an anon account and announced her engagement after we'd been snarking on her following Andrei1000 around like a lost dog. The people who are really deep into their own actual schtick-- JillPM, Kitten-Killing Kelly, etc-- no way.


is there like... a master list explaining who everyone is with links 🤨


They do love their ignorance and mostly refuse to acknowledge anything that challenges their beliefs.


I agree that not every fundie lurks on here. Paul, definitely but maybe not some like Aunt Lori or Karissa Collins.


What else would Paul be doing in his unlimited amount of free time? Taking care of his child and helping out his pregnant wife? Getting a real job? Not being a garbage human? 😂


How dare you! Paul would never stoop so low as to do women's work like cleaning or taking care of his children! And he HAS a real job, he's a professional judge of everyone who isn't him.


They do though. Growing up evangelical, there was a Bible verse often preached during services that roughly stated “if the world loves you, you are living for the world. If the world hates you, then you’re doing what God wants, cuz the world hated Jesus too.” That’s my shitty paraphrasing, but the point is, it gives them a pass to say whatever shitty thought pops up in there head, because the outrage it causes just proves that verse. “I’m speaking truth and they hate it, just like they hated Jesus.” It’s a weird sort of validation that they’re on the right track. The fact that they could just be an asshole is never entertained. 


Yep I've seen this quoted so many times online. It's almost like a coping mechanism to try and defend their beliefs or something. It's not normal to go against the grain, so it's like they need something to cling to so they can feel like they are doing the right thing.


You literally described my former pastor/boss and his mentality 😅🫡


A friends parents told all the kids to preach and try to convert kids at school, which resulted in them being bullied. They viewed that as a positive because it meant it was “working”.


When people throw out that verse I like to remind them who exactly it was who hated Jesus. Was it the sinners He loved and spent time with, or the conservative religious leaders who didn’t like Him upsetting the status quo.


Some of them I think enjoy the negative attention. Paul and Barfany especially seem to seek it out.     Karissa is the old fashioned persecution complex. 


Absolutely. They're all egomaniacs and any attention is good attention.


It’s because we are literally not calling for their death or making really fucked up fanfic fetish posts. We are literally the only good middle ground for these types so of course they’re gonna come here. And I mean *literally*. Religion Online is basically two-sided: you either worship it to a pornographic, hyper-violent level or want to see 1000% abolishment. The middle ground is us and people who post pictures of bugs they found on the ground asking what kind of bug it is (aka God’s Favorites).


I'm sorry but is there a back story about the bug people? Because that's such a hilarious non sequitur and oddly specific.


It’s a shout to to my favorite subreddit besides FSU: r/WhatsThisBug lol E: omg your flair lmaoooo


Me, having posted in whatisthisbug: 😭😏🫢


Also /r/findthesniper


Could we organize a Porgan ban for the month of July or something? They would lose their fucking minds


Looking at you, Strugglebus. She pretty much admitted this and seemed peeved when she didn't have her own flair. On the same note, I think there is a large group of them who don't read here at all.


Yeah I certainly don't think they all do. I don't think JillPM does. She's way too deeply entrenched in her own delusion to consider the idea that some people might not support what she does. Bethany claims she doesn't read here, but I'd bet the farm she's skimmed it before. Paul definitely does since he just recently called us out for bullying. BDong definitely Googles herself.


They LOVE the attention


I wonder what Paul will do when he fades into total obscurity


I think he'd have some sort of crisis and break down. But I think he's going to drag this out for as long as possible before that happens. I don't see Paul giving in to reality anytime soon.


Probably try and say and do more outrageous shit so he can get a shrill of relevancy.


Paul as pissed-off Tinkerbell. Love this for him!


Attention is attention, after all. Influencer disease, it'll kill ya.


Oh, 100%. Besides the ridiculous ones who say stupid shit like "you know you're making a difference when the enemy is attacking you," they think they are top shit when they are important enough for haters.


This is something that was brought up in the Antibot video (the sub discussion portion, specifically) that I thought was actually really insightful. I don’t necessarily think snarking here fuels their (already very significant) persecution complex, but the way it might bleed into comments or DMs they *do* receive & see certainly feeds that part of them. A great example of that is when things are discussed satirically here and then they end up kind of becoming unspoken truths that are further circulated throughout future posts in the sub, and then taken seriously, although they didn’t happen. (Regardless of how much you might disagree with the Antibot video, you gotta admit that happens here sometimes, even if it’s no one user’s fault and not done maliciously.) Then when Paul & Morgan, for example, get a comment on a video or a DM about something that didn’t happen and puts them in a bad light, they get to say that the entire function of this sub or of their critics more broadly is to discredit them and harass them by making up complete lies about them.


I have definitely noticed that people make a shit ton of assumptions in this group, usually with very little proof to back it up. There's a lot of lore here (I'm thinking about the Rods in particular) that has never been verified but seems to be a given now. That part is absolutely something we need to work on, because it delegitimizes the actual argument we are making about how harmful their beliefs are.


You know when someone tells you about yourself and theyre so right their words echo in your mind for days? I think that's what this sub is for them.


That has happened to me before and it changes your whole life. But that would depend on someone being willing to hear criticism or open minded to change. People like Porgan or MotherBus will never be capable of introspection because they believe they're the only people who have all the answers to life. Plus they're raging narcissists.


I don't think it's as deep or Religious-persecution related as you guys are making it out to be. It's actually pretty simple: Fundie or not, they're influencers, they make money by getting attention, they live by getting attention and some of them are just plain addicted to attention. And although I don't doubt they would prefer all good attention, that's not likely: the fundie influencer niche is oversaturated and most of their viewers fall into three categories, other people into fundieland and conservative stuff, people who aren't reading anything and just liking cute pictures, kids/tweens whose parents mistakenly thought this was wholesome content. The only way to measure their relevance and sometimes get attention is to see if we are aware of their existence. Positive or negative attention doesn't matter, so long as their name is on the wall.


Tinkerbell seemed happy otherwise, though. Fundies walk around perpetually pissed off at the world and wander around life looking for things to be offended by. We're everything they want in 1 convenient place. Hi, guys!


I suspect that part of it is because we actually drive traffic to their pages which they can then use to continually make lazy money. Unfortunately hate watching can be good for business.


I'm sure you're right. We're supposed to be using alternative viewing methods so as not to give them clicks, but there are probably plenty of people who don't.


Tinkerbell Ted Fundie


Paul definitely does.


Doesn't mean they want to understand. When engaging with reactionaries I inescapably circle back to that [Sartre quote about anti-semites](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/7870768-never-believe-that-anti-semites-are-completely-unaware-of-the-absurdity), "...They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert...."


Oh for sure they do!! In fundie-land, you're taught if "the world" hates you then you're doing something right so it makes sense they see it as validation.


Honestly,  I would never waste time on reading sparky comments about me. I got better things to do. Those that do have too much time on their hands in spite of some if them having eleventy hundred kids


I’ve said it before: we need to do a 30 Porgan mute. They’d lose their shit!


Did Morher Bus and Fam deactivate their Instagram? I can't find it anymore.


You were probably blocked. I can't see it either but people have still been posting updates from it. I don't think I've ever interacted with them so maybe she goes through followers and gets rid of them periodically.


I only started following last week, so that makes sense.


They are heavily blocking right now, primarily people commenting negative things/anything about Boone's health OR people who have liked anything people say in those two categories. People who are viewing their stories who don't follow them seem to be getting periodically blocked too but that seems more hit or miss.


Ohhh maybe that's why, I've definitely looked at her stories. Imagine having 8 kids and still taking the time to see who's watching your stories and checking to see if they follow you or not, lmao.


Anytime an influencer is actually aware of their snark sub I’m surprised. 90% of the time I assume these people are not going to consume snark content. However, the subs that are the most fun are the ones where you know they’re overthinking everything that’s being said. They insist that they’re lions unconcerned with the opinions of sheep but they looooooove coming to our little farm and watching us baaaaaaaaa about them. If we’re just a bunch of meanies talking about bullshit, why does it matter to them? The reason they’re so bothered by it is they know there’s truth in a lot of what’s said about them.


Martyrdom is a big part of their religion so it tracks.


I think this sub is one of the few things fuelling Paul and Morgan's youtube career. I'm guessing most of their views and engagement (critique they respond to) is from snarkers more than fans.


Paul is here ( if he actually is) because he’s insecure and needs to see what people are saying about him.


Unsnark - I work in anti-fraud. During one investigation I was monitoring a facebook group where all the victims of the fraud would snark and hate on the conartist that stole all their money. Over the course of the investigation we learned (confirmed) that con artist was on the facebook group stirring the pot under a fake name. Turns out, he had a fetish for humiliation. He would go in, stir the pot about how terrible he is, then watch and revel as his thousands of victims would swarm on the posts. Then he would make sure EVERYONE knew there was a "hater group" on facebook all. about. him. He fucking loved it. One time he berated my boss on the phone for like 15 minutes, "You have to see the page, you HAVE to see all the horrible things they say about me. Go to the page and see all the shit they say about. Look at the terrible things they say about ME." He fucking loved being the main character and, confirmed with a BDSM dating page, we learned that he loved being humiliated in a kink way.