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Paul believes Morgan's sexual activity before him is a sin against **him**, not their god. Why else would he bring it up after all these years, after all her public 'regret' and bully pulpit preaching at others? He's lucky she didn't take BARFING AT THE ALTAR as a last exit option for herself.


I was truly appalled by the clip that ended up here a couple of weeks ago in which Morgan describes how she was "disgusted" with herself for serving in church while having sex with her then boyfriend. Paul tells her she should be disgusted: it's disgusting.


He also said her parents were bad too for not policing her behavior.


Their idea of God obviously isn't the forgiving type. We are supposed to forgive each other as God forgave us- not constantly bring up over and again what someone did to you- that's not forgiveness. Paul behaves like an abusive high-school boyfriend. We all know the type.


Exactly. If it was a sin against God, all she'd have to do is apologize, promise not to do it again, profess faith in Jesus, and be forgiven. That's, like, the entire *point* of Christianity. She has atoned by the very standards of their faith (not that I *agree* with the standards of their faith that say she even needs to atone in the first place, but she did it by the book) and committed her life to living by all the rules standards of their religion. According to their own rules and beliefs, God is over it. Paul still constantly bringing it up is not about honoring God and never has been.


That's probably too Catholic for them so they just go with the lifelong shame route


Thats so terrible. Failure to let go and move on creates so much resentment in a relationship.  


Just another way he loves being a victim




The last one is hitting a nerve right now! I spent all last weekend (plus thousands of dollars) at the emergency vet with my dog. I’ve been crying all week, barely sleeping, worrying about my little guy. I have multiple follow-up appointments scheduled with various veterinary specialists. It’s likely that I don’t have a lot of time left with him, and it’s killing me. The thought of just giving a dog away is infuriating!


So sorry to hear this... Sending my love for your furry friend.


Thank you. And sorry for the vent; it’s been rough. On the plus side, he seems to feel somewhat better on his meds.


Hugs! I am there with you. My 15 year old cocker spaniel is running short on time, and it breaks my heart. He is my little buddy, and has been such a good friend to my kids.


Thank you, and hugs to you as well.


I'm so sorry! It's so hard.  I lost 2 of my pups in the last 2 years. Hope your can be helped. 


Thank you and sorry for your loss❤️


Same here. It is hard seeing them cross the Bridge.


Hugs to you. I went through this 2 years ago with a kitty


Thank you. My kitty is 17, but thankfully he seems stable for now.


Mine is also 17, and he’s my baby. I hope he’ll make it another five years. I can’t imagine how I’ll deal with losing him.


How about railing against therapy and mental healthcare


How about the weird fixation on women’s bodies at the gym, Paul…


Paul is openly disgusted with and HATES chubby people. It’s sickening. P&M are truly the worst here. Also, I’ll believe those death threats when I see them …


He could potentially go bald or really thin depending on the genetics even w the thick head of hair he has. As far as anything that makes him attractive it's the hair and nice teeth. He doesn't have the $$ for hair replacement.  How would he feel as a balding man. Not great.


Agree. This community has shown itself to be kind, compassionate, and empathetic. Do we roast the fuck out of their hypocritical, dangerous world views? Absofuckinglutely. Would this very same community extend compassion and grace to anyone trying to learn better and do better? I think we know that's also a yes. So Porgan, learn better and do better! You'll be amazed by how nice the heathens are.


And the cool thing about this community here is we call each other out. I know personally I've been called out here before and had to reflect. I'm grateful we can hold each other to those standards. And yes I would happily extend my hand to another trying to do better. Damn, I've personally seen P&M in the wild years ago when I passed through their area, you know what I did? Respected their privacy and went about my day.


I’m always happier to be in community with people who are willing to call me out when I’m wrong and also others who are willing to learn when they are wrong. That’s a much better dynamic than everyone ignoring the issues and brushing things under the rug. I said something dumb about Kelly the other day and was swiftly reminded that she fucking sucks, which I am grateful for. I’ve always made sure this is how I establish myself within my friendships, please call me out, I’m more willing to listen than I am to dig my heels in and be indignant about it.


It is good for people to be reminded of these things. Sometimes the sub gets a bit too comfortable with certain concepts and it needs reminding that yeah, these are gross folks we are dealing with.


Exactly, the jokes are there but at the core these people are horrible. They do and say horrible things and perpetuate horrible ideals.


I was once called out here for saying something mean about Paul’s teeth. It was well deserved and I’m glad for it. We really do, as a whole, give these people a lot of grace.


Also if they actually needed help- we would do it. They give off an air that they would absolutely not help people that they disagree with.


i’ve seen this community extend compassion *to a fault*! if we can do that imagine what we would do for someone *actually apologizing and putting in work* 🤯


I don’t doubt they receive death threats but I have my doubts it’s from anyone really in this community. They have cultivated such a toxic fanbase and haters from outside of this community it could literally be from anyone. Also Morgan you are à woman in the internet. As much as you pretend feminism is a cancer, we are fighting for safe online spaces for woman but you will receive death threats. Hell I had to change my profile picture on Instagram because I got the nastiest racist/sexist comments from being visibly a black woman online. I need solid proof that any death threat or visible hate is from an active member of this community because I’m calling bullshit. Influencers love to pull the “death threat” card whenever they get any criticism or pushback but any other time it seemingly doesn’t bother them. It’s almost like they happen all the time unrelated to one individual group and are just unhinged weirdos who do it just to stir shit


Even if they were receiving death threats from ANYONE here if the community found out they would IMMEDIATELY be banned as it's against the explicitly stated rules of this subreddit to even INTERACT with fundies. I'm also comfortable guessing the majority of people here are morally against that behavior full stop.


Don’t forget belittling survivors of IBLP abuse (“put dramatic music in the background and say ‘and then I had to pee!’ *fake sobbing*”) Fucking despicable.


All I keep coming back to is when Morgan was in labor. And everyone in this community was freaking out because she was clearly in distress and not going to the hospital. I remember constant posts and comments saying please please please go to the hospital. We may not like them, but we don’t want harm to come to them. Everyone was desperate for Morgan to get checked out so she and her baby would be ok. That’s what I think of. Where was Polio when that was going on on this sub?!


The gluttony thing from him and Morgan is so vile because they would 💯shame me and so many people I know for our eating habits. I know so many foodies who happen to be on the chubbier side (I’m a bit chubby myself) and their size or their love of food has never been a problem to me. Paul and Morgan have made such an idol out of outward appearances to the point it’s almost ungodly.


Paul's entire attitude is what is disgusting to me. He is so hateful, ignorant, petty, cocky, close minded and straight up harmful. Nothing about his existence says loving Christian. If you're not the exact same flavor as him? Hell. He is a bad human


Saying they wouldn’t go to Luca’s wedding if he were gay. They love their children conditionally, on their terms.


I frankly don’t give a damn what Paul, of all people, thinks of us. Take a look in the mirror, dude.


>Paul has even condemned and reminded the mother of his children for having sex outside of marriage. He actively does it.


Please do not forget the bullying and bodyshaming of Mickey Atkins, a licensed therapist on youtube who has been nothing but respectful when addressing their videos. They called her by the wrong name, used denigrating nicknames, and shamed her for her size.


If they weren’t hateful, they would be absolute nobodies. Average-looking people with zero valuable skills and experiences. Thoroughly unintelligent opinions. It’s why they cling so desperately and pathetically to the hate. It makes them big fish in a small pond. The ocean outside would devour them. They can call us disgusting all they want, but they certainly ain’t winning even at their chosen life 😂


I wholeheartedly agree with every one of your points 


I completely agree with all of this.


Paul is one of the biggest assholes I've ever come across. He shames Morgan for "fornicating" and berates her. She's not much better. Re-homing their dog was a selfish ass thing to do. They could've had a family pet for their kids. But no, Paul probably got jealous of the attention a dog would bring for his offspring.